mirror of
synced 2025-01-21 12:01:01 -05:00
This is a snapshot only. It does not work and serves as a prototype only. Now, we can see how to add a menu item and how to call our executable on the flash.
1019 lines
26 KiB
1019 lines
26 KiB
'use strict';
'require view';
'require fs';
'require ui';
'require rpc';
var css = ' \
.controls { \
display: flex; \
margin: .5em 0 1em 0; \
flex-wrap: wrap; \
justify-content: space-around; \
} \
.controls > * { \
padding: .25em; \
white-space: nowrap; \
flex: 1 1 33%; \
box-sizing: border-box; \
display: flex; \
flex-wrap: wrap; \
} \
.controls > *:first-child, \
.controls > * > label { \
flex-basis: 100%; \
min-width: 250px; \
} \
.controls > *:nth-child(2), \
.controls > *:nth-child(3) { \
flex-basis: 20%; \
} \
.controls > * > .btn { \
flex-basis: 20px; \
text-align: center; \
} \
.controls > * > * { \
flex-grow: 1; \
align-self: center; \
} \
.controls > div > input { \
width: auto; \
} \
.td.version, \
.td.size { \
white-space: nowrap; \
} \
ul.deps, ul.deps ul, ul.errors { \
margin-left: 1em; \
} \
ul.deps li, ul.errors li { \
list-style: none; \
} \
ul.deps li:before { \
content: "↳"; \
display: inline-block; \
width: 1em; \
margin-left: -1em; \
} \
ul.deps li > span { \
white-space: nowrap; \
} \
ul.errors li { \
color: #c44; \
font-size: 90%; \
font-weight: bold; \
padding-left: 1.5em; \
} \
ul.errors li:before { \
content: "⚠"; \
display: inline-block; \
width: 1.5em; \
margin-left: -1.5em; \
} \
var isReadonlyView = !L.hasViewPermission() || null;
var callMountPoints = rpc.declare({
object: 'luci',
method: 'getMountPoints',
expect: { result: [] }
var packages = {
available: { providers: {}, pkgs: {} },
installed: { providers: {}, pkgs: {} }
var languages = ['en'];
var currentDisplayMode = 'available', currentDisplayRows = [];
function handlePage(ev)
var filter = document.querySelector('input[name="filter"]'),
offset = +ev.target.parentNode.getAttribute('data-offset'),
next = ev.target.classList.contains('next'),
pagers = document.querySelectorAll('.controls > .pager');
if ((next && (offset + 100) >= currentDisplayRows.length) ||
(!next && (offset < 100)))
offset += next ? 100 : -100;
for (var i = 0; i < pagers.length; i++) {
pagers[i].setAttribute('data-offset', offset);
pagers[i].querySelector('.text').firstChild.data = currentDisplayRows.length
? _('Displaying %d-%d of %d').format(1 + offset, Math.min(offset + 100, currentDisplayRows.length), currentDisplayRows.length)
: _('No packages');
if (offset < 100)
pagers[i].querySelector('.prev').setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
if ((offset + 100) >= currentDisplayRows.length)
pagers[i].querySelector('.next').setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
var placeholder = _('No information available');
if (filter.value)
placeholder = [
E('span', {}, _('No packages matching "<strong>%h</strong>".').format(filter.value)), ' (',
E('a', { href: '#', click: handleReset }, _('Reset')), ')'
cbi_update_table('#packages', currentDisplayRows.slice(offset, offset + 100),
function handleMode(ev)
var tab = findParent(ev.target, 'li');
if (tab.getAttribute('data-mode') === currentDisplayMode)
tab.parentNode.querySelectorAll('li').forEach(function(li) {
currentDisplayMode = tab.getAttribute('data-mode');
function handleI18nFilter(ev)
function orderOf(c)
if (c === '~')
return -1;
else if (c === '' || c >= '0' && c <= '9')
return 0;
else if ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z'))
return c.charCodeAt(0);
return c.charCodeAt(0) + 256;
function compareVersion(val, ref)
var vi = 0, ri = 0,
isdigit = { 0:1, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 4:1, 5:1, 6:1, 7:1, 8:1, 9:1 };
val = val || '';
ref = ref || '';
if (val === ref)
return 0;
while (vi < val.length || ri < ref.length) {
var first_diff = 0;
while ((vi < val.length && !isdigit[val.charAt(vi)]) ||
(ri < ref.length && !isdigit[ref.charAt(ri)])) {
var vc = orderOf(val.charAt(vi)), rc = orderOf(ref.charAt(ri));
if (vc !== rc)
return vc - rc;
vi++; ri++;
while (val.charAt(vi) === '0')
while (ref.charAt(ri) === '0')
while (isdigit[val.charAt(vi)] && isdigit[ref.charAt(ri)]) {
first_diff = first_diff || (val.charCodeAt(vi) - ref.charCodeAt(ri));
vi++; ri++;
if (isdigit[val.charAt(vi)])
return 1;
else if (isdigit[ref.charAt(ri)])
return -1;
else if (first_diff)
return first_diff;
return 0;
function versionSatisfied(ver, ref, vop)
var r = compareVersion(ver, ref);
switch (vop) {
case '<':
case '<=':
return r <= 0;
case '>':
case '>=':
return r >= 0;
case '<<':
return r < 0;
case '>>':
return r > 0;
case '=':
return r == 0;
return false;
function pkgStatus(pkg, vop, ver, info)
info.errors = info.errors || [];
info.install = info.install || [];
if (pkg.installed) {
if (vop && !versionSatisfied(pkg.version, ver, vop)) {
var repl = null;
(packages.available.providers[pkg.name] || []).forEach(function(p) {
if (!repl && versionSatisfied(p.version, ver, vop))
repl = p;
if (repl) {
return E('span', {
'class': 'label',
'data-tooltip': _('Requires update to %h %h')
.format(repl.name, repl.version)
}, _('Needs upgrade'));
info.errors.push(_('The installed version of package <em>%h</em> is not compatible, require %s while %s is installed.').format(pkg.name, truncateVersion(ver, vop), truncateVersion(pkg.version)));
return E('span', {
'class': 'label warning',
'data-tooltip': _('Require version %h %h,\ninstalled %h')
.format(vop, ver, pkg.version)
}, _('Version incompatible'));
return E('span', { 'class': 'label notice' }, _('Installed'));
else if (!pkg.missing) {
if (!vop || versionSatisfied(pkg.version, ver, vop)) {
return E('span', { 'class': 'label' }, _('Not installed'));
info.errors.push(_('The repository version of package <em>%h</em> is not compatible, require %s but only %s is available.')
.format(pkg.name, truncateVersion(ver, vop), truncateVersion(pkg.version)));
return E('span', {
'class': 'label warning',
'data-tooltip': _('Require version %h %h,\ninstalled %h')
.format(vop, ver, pkg.version)
}, _('Version incompatible'));
else {
info.errors.push(_('Required dependency package <em>%h</em> is not available in any repository.').format(pkg.name));
return E('span', { 'class': 'label warning' }, _('Not available'));
function renderDependencyItem(dep, info, flat)
var li = E('li'),
vop = dep.version ? dep.version[0] : null,
ver = dep.version ? dep.version[1] : null,
depends = [];
for (var i = 0; dep.pkgs && i < dep.pkgs.length; i++) {
var pkg = packages.installed.pkgs[dep.pkgs[i]] ||
packages.available.pkgs[dep.pkgs[i]] ||
{ name: dep.name };
if (i > 0)
li.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' | '));
var text = pkg.name;
if (pkg.installsize)
text += ' (%1024mB)'.format(pkg.installsize);
else if (pkg.size)
text += ' (~%1024mB)'.format(pkg.size);
li.appendChild(E('span', { 'data-tooltip': pkg.description },
[ text, ' ', pkgStatus(pkg, vop, ver, info) ]));
(pkg.depends || []).forEach(function(d) {
if (depends.indexOf(d) === -1)
if (!li.firstChild)
li.appendChild(E('span', {},
[ dep.name, ' ',
pkgStatus({ name: dep.name, missing: true }, vop, ver, info) ]));
if (!flat) {
var subdeps = renderDependencies(depends, info);
if (subdeps)
return li;
function renderDependencies(depends, info, flat)
var deps = depends || [],
items = [];
info.seen = info.seen || [];
for (var i = 0; i < deps.length; i++) {
var dep, vop, ver;
if (deps[i] === 'libc')
if (deps[i].match(/^(.+?)\s+\((<=|>=|<<|>>|<|>|=)(.+?)\)/)) {
dep = RegExp.$1.trim();
vop = RegExp.$2.trim();
ver = RegExp.$3.trim();
else {
dep = deps[i].trim();
vop = ver = null;
if (info.seen[dep])
var pkgs = [];
(packages.installed.providers[dep] || []).forEach(function(p) {
if (pkgs.indexOf(p.name) === -1) pkgs.push(p.name);
(packages.available.providers[dep] || []).forEach(function(p) {
if (pkgs.indexOf(p.name) === -1) pkgs.push(p.name);
info.seen[dep] = {
name: dep,
pkgs: pkgs,
version: [vop, ver]
items.push(renderDependencyItem(info.seen[dep], info, flat));
if (items.length)
return E('ul', { 'class': 'deps' }, items);
return null;
function truncateVersion(v, op)
v = v.replace(/\b(([a-f0-9]{8})[a-f0-9]{24,32})\b/,
'<span data-tooltip="$1">$2…</span>');
if (!op || op === '=')
return v;
return '%h %h'.format(op, v);
function handleReset(ev)
var filter = document.querySelector('input[name="filter"]');
filter.value = '';
function handleInstall(ev)
var name = ev.target.getAttribute('data-package'),
pkg = packages.available.pkgs[name],
depcache = {},
if (pkg.installsize)
size = _('~%1024mB installed').format(pkg.installsize);
else if (pkg.size)
size = _('~%1024mB compressed').format(pkg.size);
size = _('unknown');
var deps = renderDependencies(pkg.depends, depcache),
tree = null, errs = null, inst = null, desc = null;
if (depcache.errors && depcache.errors.length) {
errs = E('ul', { 'class': 'errors' });
depcache.errors.forEach(function(err) {
errs.appendChild(E('li', {}, err));
var totalsize = pkg.installsize || pkg.size || 0,
totalpkgs = 1,
suggestsize = 0;
if (depcache.install && depcache.install.length)
depcache.install.forEach(function(ipkg) {
totalsize += ipkg.installsize || ipkg.size || 0;
var luci_basename = pkg.name.match(/^luci-([^-]+)-(.+)$/),
i18n_packages = [],
if (luci_basename && (luci_basename[1] != 'i18n' || luci_basename[2].indexOf('base-') === 0)) {
var i18n_filter;
if (luci_basename[1] == 'i18n') {
var basenames = [];
for (var pkgname in packages.installed.pkgs) {
var m = pkgname.match(/^luci-([^-]+)-(.+)$/);
if (m && m[1] != 'i18n')
if (basenames.length)
i18n_filter = new RegExp('^luci-i18n-(' + basenames.join('|') + ')-' + pkg.name.replace(/^luci-i18n-base-/, '') + '$');
else {
i18n_filter = new RegExp('^luci-i18n-' + luci_basename[2] + '-(' + languages.join('|') + ')$');
if (i18n_filter) {
for (var pkgname in packages.available.pkgs)
if (pkgname != pkg.name && pkgname.match(i18n_filter))
var i18ncache = {};
i18n_tree = renderDependencies(i18n_packages, i18ncache, true);
if (i18ncache.install && i18ncache.install.length) {
i18ncache.install.forEach(function(ipkg) {
suggestsize += ipkg.installsize || ipkg.size || 0;
inst = E('p', [
_('Require approx. %1024mB size for %d package(s) to install.')
.format(totalsize, totalpkgs),
' ',
suggestsize ? _('Suggested translations require approx. %1024mB additional space.').format(suggestsize) : ''
if (deps) {
tree = E('li', '<strong>%s:</strong>'.format(_('Dependencies')));
if (pkg.description) {
desc = E('div', {}, [
E('h5', {}, _('Description')),
E('p', {}, pkg.description)
ui.showModal(_('Details for package <em>%h</em>').format(pkg.name), [
E('ul', {}, [
E('li', '<strong>%s:</strong> %h'.format(_('Version'), pkg.version)),
E('li', '<strong>%s:</strong> %h'.format(_('Size'), size)),
tree || '',
i18n_packages.length ? E('li', [
E('strong', [_('Suggested translations'), ':']),
]) : ''
desc || '',
errs || inst || '',
E('div', [
i18n_packages.length ? E('p', [
E('label', { 'class': 'cbi-checkbox' }, [
E('input', {
'id': 'i18ninstall-cb',
'type': 'checkbox',
'name': 'i18ninstall',
'data-packages': i18n_packages.join(' '),
'disabled': isReadonlyView,
'checked': true
}), ' ',
E('label', { 'for': 'i18ninstall-cb' }), ' ',
_('Install suggested translation packages as well')
]) : '',
E('p', [
E('label', { 'class': 'cbi-checkbox' }, [
E('input', {
'id': 'overwrite-cb',
'type': 'checkbox',
'name': 'overwrite',
'disabled': isReadonlyView
}), ' ',
E('label', { 'for': 'overwrite-cb' }), ' ',
_('Allow overwriting conflicting package files')
E('div', { 'class': 'right' }, [
E('div', {
'class': 'btn',
'click': ui.hideModal
}, _('Cancel')),
' ',
E('div', {
'data-command': 'install',
'data-package': name,
'class': 'btn cbi-button-action',
'click': handleOpkg,
'disabled': isReadonlyView
}, _('Install'))
function handleManualInstall(ev)
var name_or_url = document.querySelector('input[name="install"]').value,
install = E('div', {
'class': 'btn cbi-button-action',
'data-command': 'install',
'data-package': name_or_url,
'click': function(ev) {
document.querySelector('input[name="install"]').value = '';
}, _('Install')), warning;
if (!name_or_url.length) {
else if (name_or_url.indexOf('/') !== -1) {
warning = E('p', {}, _('Installing packages from untrusted sources is a potential security risk! Really attempt to install <em>%h</em>?').format(name_or_url));
else if (!packages.available.providers[name_or_url]) {
warning = E('p', {}, _('The package <em>%h</em> is not available in any configured repository.').format(name_or_url));
install = '';
else {
warning = E('p', {}, _('Really attempt to install <em>%h</em>?').format(name_or_url));
ui.showModal(_('Manually install package'), [
E('div', { 'class': 'right' }, [
E('div', {
'click': ui.hideModal,
'class': 'btn cbi-button-neutral'
}, _('Cancel')),
' ', install
function callBlueMerle(arg) {
const cmd = "/usr/libexec/blue-merle";
var prom = fs.exec(cmd, [arg]);
return prom.then(
function(res) {
console.log("Blue Merle arg", arg, "res", res);
if (res.code != 0) {
throw new Error("Return code " + res.code);
} else {
return res.stdout;
function(err) {
console.log("Error calling Blue Merle", arg, err);
throw err;
function readIMEI() {
return callBlueMerle("read-imei");
function randomIMEI() {
console.log("new IMEI", imei)
console.log("Error", err);
function readIMSI() {
return callBlueMerle("read-imsi");
function handleConfig(ev)
var conf = {};
const cmd = "/usr/libexec/blue-merle";
var dlg = ui.showModal(_('Executing blue merle'), [
E('p', { 'class': 'spinning' },
_('Waiting for the <em>%h</em> command to complete…').format(cmd))
var argv = ["shred"];
console.log("Calling ", cmd, argv);
// FIXME: Investigate whether we should be using fs.exec()
fs.exec_direct(cmd, argv, 'text').then(function(res) {
console.log("Res:", res, "stdout", res.stdout, "stderr", res.stderr, "code", res.code);
if (res.stdout)
dlg.appendChild(E('pre', [ res.stdout ]));
if (res.stderr) {
dlg.appendChild(E('h5', _('Errors')));
dlg.appendChild(E('pre', { 'class': 'errors' }, [ res.stderr ]));
console.log("Res.code: ", res.code);
if (res.code !== 0)
dlg.appendChild(E('p', _('The <em>%h %h</em> command failed with code <code>%d</code>.').format(cmd, argv, (res.code & 0xff) || -1)));
dlg.appendChild(E('div', { 'class': 'right' },
E('div', {
'class': 'btn',
'click': L.bind(function(res) {
if (ui.menu && ui.menu.flushCache)
if (res.code !== 0)
rejectFn(new Error(res.stderr || 'opkg error %d'.format(res.code)));
}, this, res)
}, _('Dismiss'))));
}).catch(function(err) {
ui.addNotification(null, E('p', _('Unable to execute <em>opkg %s</em> command: %s').format(cmd, err)));
fs.list('/etc/opkg').then(function(partials) {
var files = [ '/etc/opkg.conf' ];
for (var i = 0; i < partials.length; i++)
if (partials[i].type == 'file' && partials[i].name.match(/\.conf$/))
files.push('/etc/opkg/' + partials[i].name);
return Promise.all(files.map(function(file) {
return fs.read(file)
.then(L.bind(function(conf, file, res) { conf[file] = res }, this, conf, file))
.catch(function(err) {
ui.addNotification(null, E('p', {}, [ _('Unable to read %s: %s').format(file, err) ]));
throw err;
}).then(function() {
var body = [
E('p', {}, _('Below is a listing of the various configuration files used by <em>opkg</em>. Use <em>opkg.conf</em> for global settings and <em>customfeeds.conf</em> for custom repository entries. The configuration in the other files may be changed but is usually not preserved by <em>sysupgrade</em>.'))
Object.keys(conf).sort().forEach(function(file) {
body.push(E('h5', {}, '%h'.format(file)));
body.push(E('textarea', {
'name': file,
'rows': Math.max(Math.min(L.toArray(conf[file].match(/\n/g)).length, 10), 3)
}, '%h'.format(conf[file])));
body.push(E('div', { 'class': 'right' }, [
E('div', {
'class': 'btn cbi-button-neutral',
'click': ui.hideModal
}, _('Cancel')),
' ',
E('div', {
'class': 'btn cbi-button-positive',
'click': function(ev) {
var data = {};
findParent(ev.target, '.modal').querySelectorAll('textarea[name]')
.forEach(function(textarea) {
data[textarea.getAttribute('name')] = textarea.value
ui.showModal(_('OPKG Configuration'), [
E('p', { 'class': 'spinning' }, _('Saving configuration data…'))
Promise.all(Object.keys(data).map(function(file) {
return fs.write(file, data[file]).catch(function(err) {
ui.addNotification(null, E('p', {}, [ _('Unable to save %s: %s').format(file, err) ]));
'disabled': isReadonlyView
}, _('Save')),
//ui.showModal(_('OPKG Configuration'), body);
function handleRemove(ev)
var name = ev.target.getAttribute('data-package'),
pkg = packages.installed.pkgs[name],
avail = packages.available.pkgs[name] || {},
size, desc;
if (avail.installsize)
size = _('~%1024mB installed').format(avail.installsize);
else if (avail.size)
size = _('~%1024mB compressed').format(avail.size);
size = _('unknown');
if (avail.description) {
desc = E('div', {}, [
E('h5', {}, _('Description')),
E('p', {}, avail.description)
ui.showModal(_('Remove package <em>%h</em>').format(pkg.name), [
E('ul', {}, [
E('li', '<strong>%s:</strong> %h'.format(_('Version'), pkg.version)),
E('li', '<strong>%s:</strong> %h'.format(_('Size'), size))
desc || '',
E('div', { 'style': 'display:flex; justify-content:space-between; flex-wrap:wrap' }, [
E('label', { 'class': 'cbi-checkbox', 'style': 'float:left' }, [
E('input', { 'id': 'autoremove-cb', 'type': 'checkbox', 'checked': 'checked', 'name': 'autoremove', 'disabled': isReadonlyView }), ' ',
E('label', { 'for': 'autoremove-cb' }), ' ',
_('Automatically remove unused dependencies')
E('div', { 'style': 'flex-grow:1', 'class': 'right' }, [
E('div', {
'class': 'btn',
'click': ui.hideModal
}, _('Cancel')),
' ',
E('div', {
'data-command': 'remove',
'data-package': name,
'class': 'btn cbi-button-negative',
'click': handleOpkg,
'disabled': isReadonlyView
}, _('Remove'))
function handleSimSwap(ev) {
var dlg = ui.showModal(_('Starting SIM swap...'), [
E('p', { 'class': 'spinning' },
_('Shutting down modem…')
function handleOpkg(ev)
return new Promise(function(resolveFn, rejectFn) {
var cmd = ev.target.getAttribute('data-command'),
pkg = ev.target.getAttribute('data-package'),
rem = document.querySelector('input[name="autoremove"]'),
owr = document.querySelector('input[name="overwrite"]'),
i18n = document.querySelector('input[name="i18ninstall"]');
var dlg = ui.showModal(_('Executing package manager'), [
E('p', { 'class': 'spinning' },
_('Waiting for the <em>opkg %h</em> command to complete…').format(cmd))
var argv = [ cmd, '--force-removal-of-dependent-packages' ];
if (rem && rem.checked)
if (owr && owr.checked)
if (i18n && i18n.checked)
argv.push.apply(argv, i18n.getAttribute('data-packages').split(' '));
if (pkg != null)
fs.exec_direct('/usr/libexec/opkg-call', argv, 'json').then(function(res) {
if (res.stdout)
dlg.appendChild(E('pre', [ res.stdout ]));
if (res.stderr) {
dlg.appendChild(E('h5', _('Errors')));
dlg.appendChild(E('pre', { 'class': 'errors' }, [ res.stderr ]));
if (res.code !== 0)
dlg.appendChild(E('p', _('The <em>opkg %h</em> command failed with code <code>%d</code>.').format(cmd, (res.code & 0xff) || -1)));
dlg.appendChild(E('div', { 'class': 'right' },
E('div', {
'class': 'btn',
'click': L.bind(function(res) {
if (ui.menu && ui.menu.flushCache)
if (res.code !== 0)
rejectFn(new Error(res.stderr || 'opkg error %d'.format(res.code)));
}, this, res)
}, _('Dismiss'))));
}).catch(function(err) {
ui.addNotification(null, E('p', _('Unable to execute <em>opkg %s</em> command: %s').format(cmd, err)));
function handleUpload(ev)
var path = '/tmp/upload.ipk';
return ui.uploadFile(path).then(L.bind(function(btn, res) {
ui.showModal(_('Manually install package'), [
E('p', {}, _('Installing packages from untrusted sources is a potential security risk! Really attempt to install <em>%h</em>?').format(res.name)),
E('ul', {}, [
res.size ? E('li', {}, '%s: %1024.2mB'.format(_('Size'), res.size)) : '',
res.checksum ? E('li', {}, '%s: %s'.format(_('MD5'), res.checksum)) : '',
res.sha256sum ? E('li', {}, '%s: %s'.format(_('SHA256'), res.sha256sum)) : ''
E('div', { 'class': 'right' }, [
E('div', {
'click': function(ev) {
'class': 'btn cbi-button-neutral'
}, _('Cancel')), ' ',
E('div', {
'class': 'btn cbi-button-action',
'data-command': 'install',
'data-package': path,
'click': function(ev) {
handleOpkg(ev).finally(function() {
}, _('Install'))
}, this, ev.target));
var inputTimeout = null;
function handleInput(ev) {
if (inputTimeout !== null)
inputTimeout = window.setTimeout(function() {
}, 250);
return view.extend({
load: function() {
render: function(listData) {
var query = decodeURIComponent(L.toArray(location.search.match(/\bquery=([^=]+)\b/))[1] || '');
const imeiInputID = 'imei-input';
const imsiInputID = 'imsi-input';
var view = E([], [
E('style', { 'type': 'text/css' }, [ css ]),
E('h2', {}, _('Blue Merle')),
E('div', { 'class': 'controls' }, [
E('div', {}, [
E('label', {}, _('IMEI') + ':'),
E('span', { 'class': 'control-group' }, [
E('input', { 'id':imeiInputID, 'type': 'text', 'name': 'filter', 'placeholder': _('e.g. 31428392718429'), 'minlength':14, 'maxlenght':14, 'required':true, 'value': query, 'input': handleInput }),
E('button', { 'class': 'btn cbi-button', 'click': handleReset }, [ _('Clear') ]),
E('button', { 'class': 'btn cbi-button', 'click': randomIMEI }, [ _('Set Random') ])
E('div', {}, [
E('label', {}, _('IMSI') + ':'),
E('span', { 'class': 'control-group' }, [
E('input', { 'id':imsiInputID, 'type': 'text', 'name': 'filter', 'placeholder': _('e.g. 31428392718429'), 'minlength':14, 'maxlenght':14, 'required':true, 'value': query, 'input': handleInput }),
E('button', { 'class': 'btn cbi-button', 'click': handleReset }, [ _('Clear') ])
E('div', {}, [
E('label', {}, _('Actions') + ':'), ' ',
E('span', { 'class': 'control-group' }, [
E('button', { 'class': 'btn cbi-button-positive', 'data-command': 'update', 'click': handleSimSwap, 'disabled': isReadonlyView }, [ _('SIM swap…') ]), ' ',
E('button', { 'class': 'btn cbi-button-action', 'click': handleUpload, 'disabled': isReadonlyView }, [ _('IMEI change…') ]), ' ',
E('button', { 'class': 'btn cbi-button-neutral', 'click': handleConfig }, [ _('Shred config…') ])
function(imei) {
console.log("My controllolol", imei);
const e = document.getElementById(imeiInputID);
console.log("Input: ", e, e.placeholder, e.value);
e.value = imei;
console.log("Errrrrr", err)
function(imsi) {
const e = document.getElementById(imsiInputID);
e.value = imsi;
const e = document.getElementById(imsiInputID);
e.value = "No IMSI found";
return view;
handleSave: null,
handleSaveApply: null,
handleReset: null