#!/bin/sh . /lib/blue-merle/functions.sh . /lib/functions/gl_util.sh if [ ! -f "/tmp/sim_change_start" ]; then echo 0 > /tmp/sim_change_start fi if [ ! -f "/tmp/sim_change_switch" ]; then sim_switch off fi now=$(date +%s) sim_change_last=`cat /tmp/sim_change_start` sim_change_diff=$((now-sim_change_last)) if [[ "$sim_change_diff" -lt 60 ]]; then mcu_send_message "Please wait >1min between two SIM swaps. ($sim_change_diff s)" exit 1 fi echo "$now" > /tmp/sim_change_start mcu_send_message "Starting SIM swap." sleep 3 ## We're disabling this abort functionality for the moment because the switch keeps being blocked and we cannot notice the pulled switch. We could abort by default and require another toggle to continue. #i=5 #until [[ $i -lt 0 ]] #do # mcu_send_message "Pull switch to abort ($i). " # i=$((i-1)) # sleep 1 # # CHECK_ABORT #done # #mcu_send_message "Continuing ..." #sleep 1 mcu_send_message "Disabling the ME from transmitting and receiving RF signals." sleep 3 old_imei=$(READ_IMEI) old_imsi=$(READ_IMSI) #CHECK_ABORT answer=1 while [[ "$answer" -eq 1 ]]; do gl_modem AT AT+CFUN=4 | grep -q OK if [[ $? -eq 1 ]]; then mcu_send_message "Disabling failed. Trying again." CHECK_ABORT else answer=0 mcu_send_message "Disabled." sleep 2 fi done mcu_send_message "Replace the SIM card. Then pull the switch." echo done > /tmp/blue-merle-stage1 logger -p notice -t blue-merle-toggle "Finished with Stage 1"