--- layout: default description: Just... a guide... ---

Another Guide

“"You never appriciate your anonymity until you don't have it anymore"

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    The Guide --------- Well... I never thought i'd be making a guide so, here we go.... I guess.... Let's define a few important things here: `Adversary: Your threat.` `Privacy: The act of your personal activities being hidden from public.` `Security: The act of protecting yourself and online content such as files from either known and / or unknown adversary.` `Anonymity: The act of hiding yourself to become indistinguishable from everyone else. (blending in)` ### Getting Started _Disclaimer: This is for education / research._ ##### Table of contents: \>> [Important Concepts](#important-concepts) \>> [Proper Mindset](#proper-mindset) \>> [Knowing Your Adversary](#knowing-your-adversary) \>> [Setting Goals](#setting-goals) \>> [Acquiring Resources](#acquiring-resources) #### Important Conceptsc This guide requires you to understand various important concepts in order to truly be anonymous - The following below is to be ASSUMED. * Understanding of TOR and Its threats