--- layout: default1 title: Anonymous Land description: A fun happy place. ---

The happiest place on earth!

(We’re all anonymous here)

“You can keep as quiet as you like, but one of these days somebody is going to find you.”

Please Contribute!

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  • About - Contact - Donate ### What is this about? Honestly, I don't know either. I just want to... feel in place. I always enjoyed the idea of setting up some sort of tool / service that could be used to benefit others, so I guess this is our purpose here. Let's just be happy Let's... all just be... together maybe? ##### Monero: ```4B4kUhGXkMhic8W9NXVMTsi8cLidFAuyW3p5cWd9jG3tTT9ADCPHcrYZ8hkvA8s8TNTmSDohb9CeqJZFGqKddR8qDF1okZp```