# Useful links #github_username: "" #facebook_username: "" #twitter_username: "" #linkedin_id: "" # Theme theme: jekyll-theme-potato-hacker # Uncomment this # remote_theme: luxedo/jekyll-theme-potato-hacker # Or this theme_repository: "https://github.com/luxedo/jekyll-theme-potato-hacker" theme_base: "dark" # Theme palette (light | dark) #theme_switch: on # Show color switch (on | off) # Extra settings blog: on # Show blog tag and post list (on | off) avatar: off # Show avatar (on | off) #avatar_image: "assets/img/avatar.jpg" #avatar_description: "My name is Popotato and I'm a HACKER." highlighter_theme: monokai # Theme of the syntax_highlighter [base16 | # colorful | github | gruvbox | molokai | # monokai | pastie | thankful_eyes | tulip ] toolbar_priority: # Order of the items in the toolbar (except for blog and home) # Collections collections: dropdown: output: true items: output: true