# **[Anonymousland](https://anonymousland.org)** v1.09
> Anonymity, Privacy, Security

## Mirrors
Here are the place where you can view and contribute to our repositories:
- [Main (Self-hosted Gitea)](https://git.anonymousland.org/anonymousland/anonymousland)
- [GitHub mirror](https://github.com/anonyland/anonymousland)
- [Codeberg mirror](https://codeberg.org/anonymousland/anonymousland)
*All of the mirrors are both read and write and you can contribute on either place.*
## Contributing
**Thank you very much for reading this.** Contributions are very welcome, to contribute, just fork the repository, do the changes and open a pull request.
You can contribute either on our own [Git](https://git.anonymousland.org/anonymousland/anonymousland) or on any other mirror listed above.
If you do not know where to start, take a look at the [issues](https://git.anonymousland.org/anonymousland/anonymousland/issues) for this repository, you can also take a look at our *site-wide* [issues list](https://git.anonymousland.org/anonymousland/anonymousland-suggestions-issues).
## Donations
Running these services and properly maintaining them takes time and money. *We would be extremely grateful to get donations*, we only ask for 5$, that's all.
To donate, you can visit our [donation page](https://anonymousland.org/donate) or contribute directly to our Monero wallet.
## License

All content produced by us is licensed under *public domain* using the [CC0 license](https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/public-domain/cc0/).
## Contact
Click [here](https://matrix.to/#/#lounge:anonymousland.org) to join our Matrix *chatroom* and [here](https://matrix.to/#/#anonymousland:anonymousland.org) to join our Matrix *space.*