layout: default1
description: List of services
title: Services
permalink: /services
### __Services__
These services are publicly available and free to use.
Services are hosted in __Sweden__ and / or __Iceland__.
The hosting providers [1984](https://1984.is) and [Njalla](https://njal.la) are in use.
You can check the status of our Matrix Homeserver and all off our other services on our [status page](https://status.anonymousland.org/status/services).
### __Terms of Service (ToS)__
These services are not intended to spread spam or malicious content, or sharing / distributing / hosting of malicious content.
Your account *can* be suspended if you take part in any sort of malicious activity or questionable content including but limited to targeted harassment, raids, phishing, DOXxing or violating laws of __Sweden__ and __Iceland__.
### __Privacy & Security policy__
As nature of this website, privacy and security must be our main priority, the following is currently in effect:
- nginx logging is disabled on all servers.
#### Matrix
- Registration is open, if abuse takes place, registration will turn to an invite-only system.
- Registered users are automatically joined into the lounges, this is to help prevent abuse!
- Guest access is currently enabled, and will be disabled if abuse takes place.
- Moderation is done via ``mjolnir``, let us keep this ban list to a minimum.
- Ratelimiting actions is currently set as default on Matrix, and can be easily re-enabled if needed, do not ruin this for others.
- We are currently not using a CAPTCHA for registration or requiring an Email, CAPTCHA will be enabled if abuse happens!
- Metrics are disabled.
- Federation is enabled.
- URL previews are allowed.
- Synapse is hosted with [1984](https://1984.hosting/GDPR/)
- `user_ips_max_age` is currently set to `7d`
- `bcrypt_rounds` is set to `15`
- `MSC2285` is enabled
### __Policies__
Your data and information will **NEVER** be sold or shared to another party.
Matrix federation may cause some information to be sent to third party servers as this is how federation functions.
Your data and information will **NEVER** be handed away to *anyone*.
We try to collect as little information as possible, to protect *everyone*.
Additional services are hosted with [Njalla](https://njal.la/about/).
#### __Matrix__
The Matrix homeserver is located at
We also have our self-hosted Element instance located at
Incidents: ``1``
Password Policy:
- 15 characters
- Require at least 1 digit
- Require at least 1 symbol
- At least 1 lowercase character
- At least 1 uppercase character