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2022-05-01 01:17:18 +00:00
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description: Just... a guide...
<div style="text-align:center;">
<h1>Another Guide</h1>
2022-05-01 03:42:16 +00:00
<p><i>“You never appriciate your anonymity until you don't have it anymore"</i></p>
2022-05-01 01:17:18 +00:00
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The Guide
2022-05-01 03:42:16 +00:00
*Note: This is a work in progress!*
2022-05-01 01:17:18 +00:00
Well... I never thought i'd be making a guide so, here we go.... I guess....
Let's define a few important things here:
`Adversary: Your threat.`
`Privacy: The act of your personal activities being hidden from public.`
`Security: The act of protecting yourself and online content such as files from either known and / or unknown adversary.`
`Anonymity: The act of hiding yourself to become indistinguishable from everyone else. (blending in)`
### Getting Started
_Disclaimer: This is for education / research._
##### Table of contents:
\>> [Important Concepts](#important-concepts)
\>> [Proper Mindset](#proper-mindset)
\>> [Knowing Your Adversary](#knowing-your-adversary)
\>> [Setting Goals](#setting-goals)
\>> [Acquiring Resources](#acquiring-resources)
#Note to self: Have more sections in here before >> [Getting Ready to "clean up"](#getting-ready-to-clean)
#### Important Conceptsc
This guide requires you to understand various important concepts in order to truly be anonymous - The following below is to be ASSUMED.
* Understanding of TOR and Its threats<!--(put link here)
* Understanding benefits and downfalls of a VPN <!--(PUT LINK HERE)
* Understanding important privacy concepts <!--(PUT LINK HERE)
* Understanding important secuirty concepts <!--(PUT LINK HERE or make a section)
* Understanding the principles of threadmodeling <!--(PUT LINK HERE)
* Understanding how the internet functions
#### Proper Mindset
Having the proper mindset when starting a proccess like this, is critical for success. You must be both willing and determined.
Here is a general thought process...
* Always always always know what you are doing. You don't want to compromise yourself because you _thought_ you knew what you were doing. Make sure 100%. Do research **before**.
* Have a strong mind. Most flaws are user error, meaning YOU. Having a strong mind is critical. You must be in a clear state of mind, and almost be "talking to yourself" mentally. Ask yourself before you do something "is this right". A good memory is CRITICAL. You are going to need to remember almost **EVERYTHING** you do on the internet if you want to do this _"properly"._ Don't be compromised because you forgot something. Let's eliminate user error. More on this subject will be later in this _guide._
* Take over-procedures. Don't "skimp" out on encryption because you don't feel like entering in a password. Don't be lazy.
* Do not compromise your security for a friend. If they are your friend, they will respect your new-founded love for being secure.
* Do not reveal more than you need to. MMJ doesn't need to know what you had for lunch.
(things to keep in mind)* Reveal as little about yourself and origin as possible.
* Remember - you can be identified by more ways than you can imagine.
* Do not trust anyone.
* Your life will change drastically.
* Do not be lazy
#### Setting Goals
We need to understand what we are trying to accomplish.
Think - what are you trying to do?
You need to properly identify a *threat model*, an *adversary* along with performing a self-analysis. You need to understand your own flaws.
#### Acquiring Resources
Along your journey, you'll need to have the proper resources at hand to deal with any sort of situation you will be facing. Get yourself accustomed to these resources to better understand various conceptions and prepare yourself.
##### Guides
- [PrivacyGuides](
- [PrivacyTools](
##### Organizations
- [EFF](
#### Getting Ready to "clean up"
What is _"cleaning up"?_
Simply put, cleaning up is the process of deleting your various traces on the internet. For the average person, this will be a long and arduous process.