The Adversarial ML Threat Matrix is a first-cut attempt at collating a knowledge base of how ML systems can be attacked. We need your help to make it holistic and fill in the missing gaps!
- For immediate corrections, please submit a Pull Request with suggested changes! We are excited to make this system better with you!
- For a more hands on feedback session, we are partnering with Defcon's AI Village to open up the framework to all community members to get feedback and make it better. Current thinking is to have this event circa
Jan/Feb 2021.Please register here for the workshop for more hands on feedback session
**Join our Adversarial ML Threat Matrix Google Group**
- For discussions around Adversarial ML Threat Matrix, we invite everyone to join our Google Group [here](!forum/advmlthreatmatrix/join)
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- Open your browser in Incognito mode.
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