import time from threading import Lock import aprs import os import json import requests import commands import config # Global dictionary to track unacknowledged messages unacknowledged_messages = {} unack_lock = Lock() # Message numbering for ACKS message_counter = 1 from datetime import datetime JSON_URL = "" def fetch_device_data(): local_file = "tocalls_cache.json" if os.path.exists(local_file): try: if time.time() - os.path.getmtime(local_file) > 7 * 24 * 60 * 60: # Check if the JSON is older than 7 days print("Cache is outdated. Refreshing...") raise Exception("Cache expired") with open(local_file, "r") as file: print("Loading device data from cache...") return json.load(file) except Exception as e: print(f"Error with cache: {e}") print("Fetching device data online...") try: response = requests.get(JSON_URL) response.raise_for_status() data = response.json() with open(local_file, "w") as file: json.dump(data, file, indent=4) return data except Exception as e: print(f"Error fetching device data: {e}") return {} def get_device_info(destination, device_data): tocalls = device_data.get("tocalls", {}) for pattern, info in tocalls.items(): if pattern.replace("?", "") in destination: model = info.get("model", "Unknown Model") vendor = info.get("vendor", "Unknown Vendor") device_class = info.get("class", "Unknown Class") return f"{vendor} {model}, {device_class.capitalize()}" return "Unknown Device Type" def send_ack(ki, aprs_frame): try: source_callsign = aprs_frame.source.callsign.decode('utf-8') if isinstance(aprs_frame.source.callsign, bytes) else aprs_frame.source.callsign source_ssid = aprs_frame.source.ssid source = f"{source_callsign}-{source_ssid}" if source_ssid else source_callsign message_number ='utf-8') if isinstance(, bytes) else str( ack_info = f":{source:<9}:ack{message_number}".encode('utf-8') frame = aprs.APRSFrame.ui( destination=source, source=config.MYCALL, path=config.APRS_PATH, info=ack_info, ) ki.write(frame) except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to send ACK: {e}") def send_bulletin(bulletin_id, bulletin_text): """Send an APRS bulletin in BLN format.""" try: frame_info = f":{bulletin_id:<9}:{bulletin_text}".encode('utf-8') frame = aprs.APRSFrame.ui( destination="BLN", source=config.MYCALL, path=config.APRS_PATH, info=frame_info ) ki = aprs.TCPKISS(host=config.KISS_HOST, port=config.KISS_PORT) ki.start() ki.write(frame) print(f"Urgent bulletin transmitted: {bulletin_text}") ki.stop() except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to send urgent bulletin: {e}") def start(): ki = aprs.TCPKISS(host=config.KISS_HOST, port=config.KISS_PORT) ki.start() device_data = fetch_device_data() print("Listening for APRS frames...\n") COLOR_SEPARATOR = "\033[96m" # Cyan COLOR_TIMESTAMP = "\033[92m" # Green COLOR_MESSAGE = "\033[94m" # Blue COLOR_DEVICE = "\033[93m" # Yellow COLOR_RAW = "\033[91m" # Bright Red COLOR_RESET = "\033[0m" # Reset to Default separator_line = f"{COLOR_SEPARATOR}{'=' * 110}{COLOR_RESET}" sub_separator_line = f"{COLOR_SEPARATOR}{'-' * 110}{COLOR_RESET}" def normalize_callsign(callsign): return callsign.split('-')[0].upper() if callsign else "" my_callsign = normalize_callsign(config.MYCALL) print(f"BBS Callsign: {my_callsign}") while True: for frame in try: if config.RAW_PACKET_DISPLAY: print(f"{COLOR_RAW}RAW PACKET:{COLOR_RESET} {frame}") aprs_frame = aprs.APRSFrame.from_bytes(bytes(frame)) if isinstance(, aprs.Message): message_text ='utf-8') if isinstance(, bytes) else if message_text.startswith("ack"): ack_number = message_text[3:].strip() # Extract the message number after "ack" # Ensure ACK is intended for this BBS recipient ='utf-8').strip() if isinstance(, bytes) else if normalize_callsign(recipient) != my_callsign: continue with unack_lock: for tracked_recipient, (msg, msg_num) in unacknowledged_messages.items(): if str(msg_num) == ack_number: print( f"ACK received for {tracked_recipient}'s message #{msg_num}. Removing from tracking.") del unacknowledged_messages[tracked_recipient] continue if isinstance(, aprs.Message): recipient ='utf-8') if isinstance(, bytes) else recipient = recipient.strip() # print(f"DEBUG: Extracted recipient from addressee: {recipient}") normalized_recipient = normalize_callsign(recipient) # print(f"DEBUG: Normalized recipient: {normalized_recipient}, My callsign: {my_callsign}") if normalized_recipient != my_callsign: continue source_callsign = aprs_frame.source.callsign.decode('utf-8') if isinstance(aprs_frame.source.callsign, bytes) else aprs_frame.source.callsign source_ssid = aprs_frame.source.ssid source = normalize_callsign(f"{source_callsign}-{source_ssid}") message ='utf-8') if isinstance(, bytes) else send_ack(ki, aprs_frame) destination = aprs_frame.destination.callsign.decode('utf-8') if isinstance(aprs_frame.destination.callsign, bytes) else str(aprs_frame.destination.callsign) device_info = get_device_info(destination, device_data) iso_timestamp ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") print(separator_line) print(f"{COLOR_TIMESTAMP}{iso_timestamp}{COLOR_RESET} {COLOR_MESSAGE}Message from {source}: {message}{COLOR_RESET}") print(f"{COLOR_DEVICE}({device_info}){COLOR_RESET}") print(sub_separator_line) responses = commands.handle_command(source, message) if isinstance(responses, str): responses = [responses] for response in responses: dec_timestamp ="%b%d %H:%M") response_info = f":{source:<9}:{response}".encode('utf-8') response_frame = aprs.APRSFrame.ui( destination=source, source=config.MYCALL, path=config.APRS_PATH, info=response_info, ) ki.write(response_frame) print(f"{COLOR_TIMESTAMP}{iso_timestamp}{COLOR_RESET} Response to {source}: {response}") print(separator_line, "\n") except Exception as e: print(f"Error processing frame: {e}") def send_direct_message(recipient, message): """Send a direct APRS message to a recipient with ACK request and monitor for retries.""" global message_counter try: message_number = message_counter message_counter += 1 ack_info = f":{recipient:<9}:{message}{{{message_number}".encode('utf-8') frame = aprs.APRSFrame.ui( destination=recipient.upper(), source=config.MYCALL, path=config.APRS_PATH, info=ack_info ) ki = aprs.TCPKISS(host=config.KISS_HOST, port=config.KISS_PORT) ki.start() ki.write(frame) print(f"Direct message sent to {recipient} with ACK request (msg #{message_number}): {message}") if not wait_for_ack(ki, recipient, message_number, timeout=5): print(f"No ACK received from {recipient} for message #{message_number}. Monitoring for activity...") with unack_lock: unacknowledged_messages[recipient.upper()] = (message, message_number) ki.stop() except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to send direct message to {recipient}: {e}") def wait_for_ack(ki, recipient, message_number, timeout=5): """Wait for an acknowledgment from the recipient.""" try: start_time = time.time() while time.time() - start_time < timeout: for frame in aprs_frame = aprs.APRSFrame.from_bytes(bytes(frame)) if isinstance(, aprs.Message): message_text ='utf-8') if isinstance(, bytes) else if message_text.startswith("ack"): ack_number = message_text[3:].strip() if ack_number == str(message_number): print(f"ACK received from {recipient} for message #{message_number}.") return True print(f"Timeout reached: No ACK received from {recipient} for message #{message_number}.") return False except Exception as e: print(f"Error while waiting for ACK: {e}") return False