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#!/usr/bin/expect -f
# Timeout for expect commands
set timeout 30
# List of target device names
set device_names {"VR-N76" "UV-PRO" "GA-5WB" "TH-D75" "TH-D74" "VR-N7500"}
set group_one {"VR-N76" "UV-PRO" "GA-5WB" "VR-N7500"}
set group_two {"TH-D75" "TH-D74"}
set device ""
set device_group ""
# Function to scan for devices with bluetoothctl
proc scan_for_device {device_names group_one group_two} {
spawn bluetoothctl
expect "Agent registered"
send -- "scan on\r"
puts "Scanning for devices. This may take up to 30 seconds..."
set found_device ""
set found_group ""
set timeout 30
while {1} {
expect {
timeout { puts "No matching devices found."; send -- "scan off\r"; exit 1 }
eof { puts "Unexpected end of bluetoothctl"; exit 1 }
-re {Device ([A-F0-9:]{17}) (.+)} {
set mac $expect_out(1,string)
set name $expect_out(2,string)
foreach device_name $device_names {
if {[string match "*$device_name*" $name]} {
puts "Found device: $name with MAC $mac"
set found_device $mac
foreach group_device $group_one {
if {[string match "*$group_device*" $name]} {
set found_group "GROUP_ONE"
foreach group_device $group_two {
if {[string match "*$group_device*" $name]} {
set found_group "GROUP_TWO"
if {$found_device ne "" && $found_group ne ""} {
send -- "scan off\r"
expect "Discovery stopped"
return [list $found_device $found_group]
# Scan for target devices and set the MAC address
set scan_result [scan_for_device $device_names $group_one $group_two]
set device [lindex $scan_result 0]
set device_group [lindex $scan_result 1]
# Verify the captured MAC address and group
puts "Using device MAC: $device"
puts "Device group: $device_group"
# Validate the MAC address
if {[regexp {^([A-F0-9:]{17})$} $device]} {
puts "Using device MAC: $device"
} else {
puts "Error: Invalid MAC address detected: $device"
exit 1
# Start bluetoothctl
spawn bluetoothctl
expect "Agent registered"
# Pair the radio
send -- "pair $device\r"
if {$device_group eq "GROUP_TWO"} {
expect {
"Confirm passkey" {
puts "Passkey confirmation requested for GROUP_TWO."
send -- "yes\r"
expect {
"Pairing successful" { puts "Pairing successful." }
timeout { puts "Pairing failed."; exit 1 }
# Trust the radio
send -- "trust $device\r"
expect {
"trust succeeded" { puts "Device trusted." }
timeout { puts "Failed to trust the device."; exit 1 }
# Exit bluetoothctl
send -- "exit\r"
expect eof
# Save the MAC address and group info
set script_dir [file dirname [info script]]
set output_file [file join $script_dir "bt_device_info.txt"]
set file [open $output_file "w"]
puts $file "$device $device_group"
close $file
puts "MAC address and group information saved to $output_file."