'''UniqueID facade.

Returns the following depending on the platform:

* **Android**: Android ID
* **OS X**: Serial number of the device
* **Linux**: Serial number using lshw
* **Windows**: MachineGUID from regkey
* **iOS**: UUID

Simple Example

To get the unique ID::

    >>> from plyer import uniqueid
    >>> uniqueid.id

.. versionadded:: 1.2.0

.. versionchanged:: 1.2.4
    On Android returns Android ID instead of IMEI.

Supported Platforms
Android, iOS, Windows, OS X, Linux


class UniqueID:
    UniqueID facade.

    def id(self):
        Property that returns the unique id of the platform.
        return self.get_uid()

    def get_uid(self):
        Public method for receiving unique ID via platform-specific
        API in plyer.platforms.
        return self._get_uid()

    # private

    def _get_uid(self):
        raise NotImplementedError()