diff --git a/recipes/ffpyplayer/__init__.py b/recipes/ffpyplayer/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03960b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes/ffpyplayer/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1516 @@
+from os.path import join
+from os.path import basename, dirname, exists, isdir, isfile, join, realpath, split
+import glob
+import hashlib
+from re import match
+import sh
+import shutil
+import fnmatch
+import zipfile
+import urllib.request
+from urllib.request import urlretrieve
+from os import listdir, unlink, environ, curdir, walk
+from sys import stdout
+from wheel.wheelfile import WheelFile
+from wheel.cli.tags import tags as wheel_tags
+import time
+    from urlparse import urlparse
+except ImportError:
+    from urllib.parse import urlparse
+import packaging.version
+from pythonforandroid.logger import (
+    logger, info, warning, debug, shprint, info_main, error)
+from pythonforandroid.util import (
+    current_directory, ensure_dir, BuildInterruptingException, rmdir, move,
+    touch)
+from pythonforandroid.util import load_source as import_recipe
+url_opener = urllib.request.build_opener()
+url_orig_headers = url_opener.addheaders
+class RecipeMeta(type):
+    def __new__(cls, name, bases, dct):
+        if name != 'Recipe':
+            if 'url' in dct:
+                dct['_url'] = dct.pop('url')
+            if 'version' in dct:
+                dct['_version'] = dct.pop('version')
+        return super().__new__(cls, name, bases, dct)
+class Recipe(metaclass=RecipeMeta):
+    _url = None
+    '''The address from which the recipe may be downloaded. This is not
+    essential, it may be omitted if the source is available some other
+    way, such as via the :class:`IncludedFilesBehaviour` mixin.
+    If the url includes the version, you may (and probably should)
+    replace this with ``{version}``, which will automatically be
+    replaced by the :attr:`version` string during download.
+    .. note:: Methods marked (internal) are used internally and you
+              probably don't need to call them, but they are available
+              if you want.
+    '''
+    _version = None
+    '''A string giving the version of the software the recipe describes,
+    e.g. ``2.0.3`` or ``master``.'''
+    md5sum = None
+    '''The md5sum of the source from the :attr:`url`. Non-essential, but
+    you should try to include this, it is used to check that the download
+    finished correctly.
+    '''
+    sha512sum = None
+    '''The sha512sum of the source from the :attr:`url`. Non-essential, but
+    you should try to include this, it is used to check that the download
+    finished correctly.
+    '''
+    blake2bsum = None
+    '''The blake2bsum of the source from the :attr:`url`. Non-essential, but
+    you should try to include this, it is used to check that the download
+    finished correctly.
+    '''
+    depends = []
+    '''A list containing the names of any recipes that this recipe depends on.
+    '''
+    conflicts = []
+    '''A list containing the names of any recipes that are known to be
+    incompatible with this one.'''
+    opt_depends = []
+    '''A list of optional dependencies, that must be built before this
+    recipe if they are built at all, but whose presence is not essential.'''
+    patches = []
+    '''A list of patches to apply to the source. Values can be either a string
+    referring to the patch file relative to the recipe dir, or a tuple of the
+    string patch file and a callable, which will receive the kwargs `arch` and
+    `recipe`, which should return True if the patch should be applied.'''
+    python_depends = []
+    '''A list of pure-Python packages that this package requires. These
+    packages will NOT be available at build time, but will be added to the
+    list of pure-Python packages to install via pip. If you need these packages
+    at build time, you must create a recipe.'''
+    archs = ['armeabi']  # Not currently implemented properly
+    built_libraries = {}
+    """Each recipe that builds a system library (e.g.:libffi, openssl, etc...)
+    should contain a dict holding the relevant information of the library. The
+    keys should be the generated libraries and the values the relative path of
+    the library inside his build folder. This dict will be used to perform
+    different operations:
+        - copy the library into the right location, depending on if it's shared
+          or static)
+        - check if we have to rebuild the library
+    Here an example of how it would look like for `libffi` recipe:
+        - `built_libraries = {'libffi.so': '.libs'}`
+    .. note:: in case that the built library resides in recipe's build
+              directory, you can set the following values for the relative
+              path: `'.', None or ''`
+    """
+    need_stl_shared = False
+    '''Some libraries or python packages may need the c++_shared in APK.
+    We can automatically do this for any recipe if we set this property to
+    `True`'''
+    stl_lib_name = 'c++_shared'
+    '''
+    The default STL shared lib to use: `c++_shared`.
+    .. note:: Android NDK version > 17 only supports 'c++_shared', because
+        starting from NDK r18 the `gnustl_shared` lib has been deprecated.
+    '''
+    def get_stl_library(self, arch):
+        return join(
+            arch.ndk_lib_dir,
+            'lib{name}.so'.format(name=self.stl_lib_name),
+        )
+    def install_stl_lib(self, arch):
+        if not self.ctx.has_lib(
+            arch.arch, 'lib{name}.so'.format(name=self.stl_lib_name)
+        ):
+            self.install_libs(arch, self.get_stl_library(arch))
+    @property
+    def version(self):
+        key = 'VERSION_' + self.name
+        return environ.get(key, self._version)
+    @property
+    def url(self):
+        key = 'URL_' + self.name
+        return environ.get(key, self._url)
+    @property
+    def versioned_url(self):
+        '''A property returning the url of the recipe with ``{version}``
+        replaced by the :attr:`url`. If accessing the url, you should use this
+        property, *not* access the url directly.'''
+        if self.url is None:
+            return None
+        return self.url.format(version=self.version)
+    def download_file(self, url, target, cwd=None):
+        """
+        (internal) Download an ``url`` to a ``target``.
+        """
+        if not url:
+            return
+        info('Downloading {} from {}'.format(self.name, url))
+        if cwd:
+            target = join(cwd, target)
+        parsed_url = urlparse(url)
+        if parsed_url.scheme in ('http', 'https'):
+            def report_hook(index, blksize, size):
+                if size <= 0:
+                    progression = '{0} bytes'.format(index * blksize)
+                else:
+                    progression = '{0:.2f}%'.format(
+                        index * blksize * 100. / float(size))
+                if "CI" not in environ:
+                    stdout.write('- Download {}\r'.format(progression))
+                    stdout.flush()
+            if exists(target):
+                unlink(target)
+            # Download item with multiple attempts (for bad connections):
+            attempts = 0
+            seconds = 1
+            while True:
+                try:
+                    # jqueryui.com returns a 403 w/ the default user agent
+                    # Mozilla/5.0 doesnt handle redirection for liblzma
+                    url_opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'Wget/1.0')]
+                    urlretrieve(url, target, report_hook)
+                except OSError as e:
+                    attempts += 1
+                    if attempts >= 5:
+                        raise
+                    stdout.write('Download failed: {}; retrying in {} second(s)...'.format(e, seconds))
+                    time.sleep(seconds)
+                    seconds *= 2
+                    continue
+                finally:
+                    url_opener.addheaders = url_orig_headers
+                break
+            return target
+        elif parsed_url.scheme in ('git', 'git+file', 'git+ssh', 'git+http', 'git+https'):
+            if not isdir(target):
+                if url.startswith('git+'):
+                    url = url[4:]
+                # if 'version' is specified, do a shallow clone
+                if self.version:
+                    ensure_dir(target)
+                    with current_directory(target):
+                        shprint(sh.git, 'init')
+                        shprint(sh.git, 'remote', 'add', 'origin', url)
+                else:
+                    shprint(sh.git, 'clone', '--recursive', url, target)
+            with current_directory(target):
+                if self.version:
+                    shprint(sh.git, 'fetch', '--tags', '--depth', '1')
+                    shprint(sh.git, 'checkout', self.version)
+                branch = sh.git('branch', '--show-current')
+                if branch:
+                    shprint(sh.git, 'pull')
+                    shprint(sh.git, 'pull', '--recurse-submodules')
+                shprint(sh.git, 'submodule', 'update', '--recursive', '--init', '--depth', '1')
+            return target
+    def apply_patch(self, filename, arch, build_dir=None):
+        """
+        Apply a patch from the current recipe directory into the current
+        build directory.
+        .. versionchanged:: 0.6.0
+            Add ability to apply patch from any dir via kwarg `build_dir`'''
+        """
+        info("Applying patch {}".format(filename))
+        build_dir = build_dir if build_dir else self.get_build_dir(arch)
+        filename = join(self.get_recipe_dir(), filename)
+        shprint(sh.patch, "-t", "-d", build_dir, "-p1",
+                "-i", filename, _tail=10)
+    def copy_file(self, filename, dest):
+        info("Copy {} to {}".format(filename, dest))
+        filename = join(self.get_recipe_dir(), filename)
+        dest = join(self.build_dir, dest)
+        shutil.copy(filename, dest)
+    def append_file(self, filename, dest):
+        info("Append {} to {}".format(filename, dest))
+        filename = join(self.get_recipe_dir(), filename)
+        dest = join(self.build_dir, dest)
+        with open(filename, "rb") as fd:
+            data = fd.read()
+        with open(dest, "ab") as fd:
+            fd.write(data)
+    @property
+    def name(self):
+        '''The name of the recipe, the same as the folder containing it.'''
+        modname = self.__class__.__module__
+        return modname.split(".", 2)[-1]
+    @property
+    def filtered_archs(self):
+        '''Return archs of self.ctx that are valid build archs
+        for the Recipe.'''
+        result = []
+        for arch in self.ctx.archs:
+            if not self.archs or (arch.arch in self.archs):
+                result.append(arch)
+        return result
+    def check_recipe_choices(self):
+        '''Checks what recipes are being built to see which of the alternative
+        and optional dependencies are being used,
+        and returns a list of these.'''
+        recipes = []
+        built_recipes = self.ctx.recipe_build_order
+        for recipe in self.depends:
+            if isinstance(recipe, (tuple, list)):
+                for alternative in recipe:
+                    if alternative in built_recipes:
+                        recipes.append(alternative)
+                        break
+        for recipe in self.opt_depends:
+            if recipe in built_recipes:
+                recipes.append(recipe)
+        return sorted(recipes)
+    def get_opt_depends_in_list(self, recipes):
+        '''Given a list of recipe names, returns those that are also in
+        self.opt_depends.
+        '''
+        return [recipe for recipe in recipes if recipe in self.opt_depends]
+    def get_build_container_dir(self, arch):
+        '''Given the arch name, returns the directory where it will be
+        built.
+        This returns a different directory depending on what
+        alternative or optional dependencies are being built.
+        '''
+        dir_name = self.get_dir_name()
+        return join(self.ctx.build_dir, 'other_builds',
+                    dir_name, '{}__ndk_target_{}'.format(arch, self.ctx.ndk_api))
+    def get_dir_name(self):
+        choices = self.check_recipe_choices()
+        dir_name = '-'.join([self.name] + choices)
+        return dir_name
+    def get_build_dir(self, arch):
+        '''Given the arch name, returns the directory where the
+        downloaded/copied package will be built.'''
+        return join(self.get_build_container_dir(arch), self.name)
+    def get_recipe_dir(self):
+        """
+        Returns the local recipe directory or defaults to the core recipe
+        directory.
+        """
+        if self.ctx.local_recipes is not None:
+            local_recipe_dir = join(self.ctx.local_recipes, self.name)
+            if exists(local_recipe_dir):
+                return local_recipe_dir
+        return join(self.ctx.root_dir, 'recipes', self.name)
+    # Public Recipe API to be subclassed if needed
+    def download_if_necessary(self):
+        info_main('Downloading {}'.format(self.name))
+        user_dir = environ.get('P4A_{}_DIR'.format(self.name.lower()))
+        if user_dir is not None:
+            info('P4A_{}_DIR is set, skipping download for {}'.format(
+                self.name, self.name))
+            return
+        self.download()
+    def download(self):
+        if self.url is None:
+            info('Skipping {} download as no URL is set'.format(self.name))
+            return
+        url = self.versioned_url
+        expected_digests = {}
+        for alg in set(hashlib.algorithms_guaranteed) | set(('md5', 'sha512', 'blake2b')):
+            expected_digest = getattr(self, alg + 'sum') if hasattr(self, alg + 'sum') else None
+            ma = match(u'^(.+)#' + alg + u'=([0-9a-f]{32,})$', url)
+            if ma:                # fragmented URL?
+                if expected_digest:
+                    raise ValueError(
+                        ('Received {}sum from both the {} recipe '
+                         'and its url').format(alg, self.name))
+                url = ma.group(1)
+                expected_digest = ma.group(2)
+            if expected_digest:
+                expected_digests[alg] = expected_digest
+        ensure_dir(join(self.ctx.packages_path, self.name))
+        with current_directory(join(self.ctx.packages_path, self.name)):
+            filename = shprint(sh.basename, url).stdout[:-1].decode('utf-8')
+            do_download = True
+            marker_filename = '.mark-{}'.format(filename)
+            if exists(filename) and isfile(filename):
+                if not exists(marker_filename):
+                    shprint(sh.rm, filename)
+                else:
+                    for alg, expected_digest in expected_digests.items():
+                        current_digest = algsum(alg, filename)
+                        if current_digest != expected_digest:
+                            debug('* Generated {}sum: {}'.format(alg,
+                                                                 current_digest))
+                            debug('* Expected {}sum: {}'.format(alg,
+                                                                expected_digest))
+                            raise ValueError(
+                                ('Generated {0}sum does not match expected {0}sum '
+                                 'for {1} recipe').format(alg, self.name))
+                    do_download = False
+            # If we got this far, we will download
+            if do_download:
+                debug('Downloading {} from {}'.format(self.name, url))
+                shprint(sh.rm, '-f', marker_filename)
+                self.download_file(self.versioned_url, filename)
+                touch(marker_filename)
+                if exists(filename) and isfile(filename):
+                    for alg, expected_digest in expected_digests.items():
+                        current_digest = algsum(alg, filename)
+                        if current_digest != expected_digest:
+                            debug('* Generated {}sum: {}'.format(alg,
+                                                                 current_digest))
+                            debug('* Expected {}sum: {}'.format(alg,
+                                                                expected_digest))
+                            raise ValueError(
+                                ('Generated {0}sum does not match expected {0}sum '
+                                 'for {1} recipe').format(alg, self.name))
+            else:
+                info('{} download already cached, skipping'.format(self.name))
+    def unpack(self, arch):
+        info_main('Unpacking {} for {}'.format(self.name, arch))
+        build_dir = self.get_build_container_dir(arch)
+        user_dir = environ.get('P4A_{}_DIR'.format(self.name.lower()))
+        if user_dir is not None:
+            info('P4A_{}_DIR exists, symlinking instead'.format(
+                self.name.lower()))
+            if exists(self.get_build_dir(arch)):
+                return
+            rmdir(build_dir)
+            ensure_dir(build_dir)
+            shprint(sh.cp, '-a', user_dir, self.get_build_dir(arch))
+            return
+        if self.url is None:
+            info('Skipping {} unpack as no URL is set'.format(self.name))
+            return
+        filename = shprint(
+            sh.basename, self.versioned_url).stdout[:-1].decode('utf-8')
+        ma = match(u'^(.+)#[a-z0-9_]{3,}=([0-9a-f]{32,})$', filename)
+        if ma:                  # fragmented URL?
+            filename = ma.group(1)
+        with current_directory(build_dir):
+            directory_name = self.get_build_dir(arch)
+            if not exists(directory_name) or not isdir(directory_name):
+                extraction_filename = join(
+                    self.ctx.packages_path, self.name, filename)
+                if isfile(extraction_filename):
+                    if extraction_filename.endswith(('.zip', '.whl')):
+                        try:
+                            sh.unzip(extraction_filename)
+                        except (sh.ErrorReturnCode_1, sh.ErrorReturnCode_2):
+                            # return code 1 means unzipping had
+                            # warnings but did complete,
+                            # apparently happens sometimes with
+                            # github zips
+                            pass
+                        fileh = zipfile.ZipFile(extraction_filename, 'r')
+                        root_directory = fileh.filelist[0].filename.split('/')[0]
+                        if root_directory != basename(directory_name):
+                            move(root_directory, directory_name)
+                    elif extraction_filename.endswith(
+                            ('.tar.gz', '.tgz', '.tar.bz2', '.tbz2', '.tar.xz', '.txz')):
+                        sh.tar('xf', extraction_filename)
+                        root_directory = sh.tar('tf', extraction_filename).stdout.decode(
+                                'utf-8').split('\n')[0].split('/')[0]
+                        if root_directory != basename(directory_name):
+                            move(root_directory, directory_name)
+                    else:
+                        raise Exception(
+                            'Could not extract {} download, it must be .zip, '
+                            '.tar.gz or .tar.bz2 or .tar.xz'.format(extraction_filename))
+                elif isdir(extraction_filename):
+                    ensure_dir(directory_name)
+                    for entry in listdir(extraction_filename):
+                        # Previously we filtered out the .git folder, but during the build process for some recipes
+                        # (e.g. when version is parsed by `setuptools_scm`) that may be needed.
+                        shprint(sh.cp, '-Rv',
+                                join(extraction_filename, entry),
+                                directory_name)
+                else:
+                    raise Exception(
+                        'Given path is neither a file nor a directory: {}'
+                        .format(extraction_filename))
+            else:
+                info('{} is already unpacked, skipping'.format(self.name))
+    def get_recipe_env(self, arch=None, with_flags_in_cc=True):
+        """Return the env specialized for the recipe
+        """
+        if arch is None:
+            arch = self.filtered_archs[0]
+        env = arch.get_env(with_flags_in_cc=with_flags_in_cc)
+        return env
+    def prebuild_arch(self, arch):
+        '''Run any pre-build tasks for the Recipe. By default, this checks if
+        any prebuild_archname methods exist for the archname of the current
+        architecture, and runs them if so.'''
+        prebuild = "prebuild_{}".format(arch.arch.replace('-', '_'))
+        if hasattr(self, prebuild):
+            getattr(self, prebuild)()
+        else:
+            info('{} has no {}, skipping'.format(self.name, prebuild))
+    def is_patched(self, arch):
+        build_dir = self.get_build_dir(arch.arch)
+        return exists(join(build_dir, '.patched'))
+    def apply_patches(self, arch, build_dir=None):
+        '''Apply any patches for the Recipe.
+        .. versionchanged:: 0.6.0
+            Add ability to apply patches from any dir via kwarg `build_dir`'''
+        if self.patches:
+            info_main('Applying patches for {}[{}]'
+                      .format(self.name, arch.arch))
+            if self.is_patched(arch):
+                info_main('{} already patched, skipping'.format(self.name))
+                return
+            build_dir = build_dir if build_dir else self.get_build_dir(arch.arch)
+            for patch in self.patches:
+                if isinstance(patch, (tuple, list)):
+                    patch, patch_check = patch
+                    if not patch_check(arch=arch, recipe=self):
+                        continue
+                self.apply_patch(
+                        patch.format(version=self.version, arch=arch.arch),
+                        arch.arch, build_dir=build_dir)
+            touch(join(build_dir, '.patched'))
+    def should_build(self, arch):
+        '''Should perform any necessary test and return True only if it needs
+        building again. Per default we implement a library test, in case that
+        we detect so.
+        '''
+        if self.built_libraries:
+            return not all(
+                exists(lib) for lib in self.get_libraries(arch.arch)
+            )
+        return True
+    def build_arch(self, arch):
+        '''Run any build tasks for the Recipe. By default, this checks if
+        any build_archname methods exist for the archname of the current
+        architecture, and runs them if so.'''
+        build = "build_{}".format(arch.arch)
+        if hasattr(self, build):
+            getattr(self, build)()
+    def install_libraries(self, arch):
+        '''This method is always called after `build_arch`. In case that we
+        detect a library recipe, defined by the class attribute
+        `built_libraries`, we will copy all defined libraries into the
+         right location.
+        '''
+        if not self.built_libraries:
+            return
+        shared_libs = [
+            lib for lib in self.get_libraries(arch) if lib.endswith(".so")
+        ]
+        self.install_libs(arch, *shared_libs)
+    def postbuild_arch(self, arch):
+        '''Run any post-build tasks for the Recipe. By default, this checks if
+        any postbuild_archname methods exist for the archname of the
+        current architecture, and runs them if so.
+        '''
+        postbuild = "postbuild_{}".format(arch.arch)
+        if hasattr(self, postbuild):
+            getattr(self, postbuild)()
+        if self.need_stl_shared:
+            self.install_stl_lib(arch)
+    def prepare_build_dir(self, arch):
+        '''Copies the recipe data into a build dir for the given arch. By
+        default, this unpacks a downloaded recipe. You should override
+        it (or use a Recipe subclass with different behaviour) if you
+        want to do something else.
+        '''
+        self.unpack(arch)
+    def clean_build(self, arch=None):
+        '''Deletes all the build information of the recipe.
+        If arch is not None, only this arch dir is deleted. Otherwise
+        (the default) all builds for all archs are deleted.
+        By default, this just deletes the main build dir. If the
+        recipe has e.g. object files biglinked, or .so files stored
+        elsewhere, you should override this method.
+        This method is intended for testing purposes, it may have
+        strange results. Rebuild everything if this seems to happen.
+        '''
+        if arch is None:
+            base_dir = join(self.ctx.build_dir, 'other_builds', self.name)
+        else:
+            base_dir = self.get_build_container_dir(arch)
+        dirs = glob.glob(base_dir + '-*')
+        if exists(base_dir):
+            dirs.append(base_dir)
+        if not dirs:
+            warning('Attempted to clean build for {} but found no existing '
+                    'build dirs'.format(self.name))
+        for directory in dirs:
+            rmdir(directory)
+        # Delete any Python distributions to ensure the recipe build
+        # doesn't persist in site-packages
+        rmdir(self.ctx.python_installs_dir)
+    def install_libs(self, arch, *libs):
+        libs_dir = self.ctx.get_libs_dir(arch.arch)
+        if not libs:
+            warning('install_libs called with no libraries to install!')
+            return
+        args = libs + (libs_dir,)
+        shprint(sh.cp, *args)
+    def has_libs(self, arch, *libs):
+        return all(map(lambda lib: self.ctx.has_lib(arch.arch, lib), libs))
+    def get_libraries(self, arch_name, in_context=False):
+        """Return the full path of the library depending on the architecture.
+        Per default, the build library path it will be returned, unless
+        `get_libraries` has been called with kwarg `in_context` set to
+        True.
+        .. note:: this method should be used for library recipes only
+        """
+        recipe_libs = set()
+        if not self.built_libraries:
+            return recipe_libs
+        for lib, rel_path in self.built_libraries.items():
+            if not in_context:
+                abs_path = join(self.get_build_dir(arch_name), rel_path, lib)
+                if rel_path in {".", "", None}:
+                    abs_path = join(self.get_build_dir(arch_name), lib)
+            else:
+                abs_path = join(self.ctx.get_libs_dir(arch_name), lib)
+            recipe_libs.add(abs_path)
+        return recipe_libs
+    @classmethod
+    def recipe_dirs(cls, ctx):
+        recipe_dirs = []
+        if ctx.local_recipes is not None:
+            recipe_dirs.append(realpath(ctx.local_recipes))
+        if ctx.storage_dir:
+            recipe_dirs.append(join(ctx.storage_dir, 'recipes'))
+        recipe_dirs.append(join(ctx.root_dir, "recipes"))
+        return recipe_dirs
+    @classmethod
+    def list_recipes(cls, ctx):
+        forbidden_dirs = ('__pycache__', )
+        for recipes_dir in cls.recipe_dirs(ctx):
+            if recipes_dir and exists(recipes_dir):
+                for name in listdir(recipes_dir):
+                    if name in forbidden_dirs:
+                        continue
+                    fn = join(recipes_dir, name)
+                    if isdir(fn):
+                        yield name
+    @classmethod
+    def get_recipe(cls, name, ctx):
+        '''Returns the Recipe with the given name, if it exists.'''
+        name = name.lower()
+        if not hasattr(cls, "recipes"):
+            cls.recipes = {}
+        if name in cls.recipes:
+            return cls.recipes[name]
+        recipe_file = None
+        for recipes_dir in cls.recipe_dirs(ctx):
+            if not exists(recipes_dir):
+                continue
+            # Find matching folder (may differ in case):
+            for subfolder in listdir(recipes_dir):
+                if subfolder.lower() == name:
+                    recipe_file = join(recipes_dir, subfolder, '__init__.py')
+                    if exists(recipe_file):
+                        name = subfolder  # adapt to actual spelling
+                        break
+                    recipe_file = None
+            if recipe_file is not None:
+                break
+        else:
+            raise ValueError('Recipe does not exist: {}'.format(name))
+        mod = import_recipe('pythonforandroid.recipes.{}'.format(name), recipe_file)
+        if len(logger.handlers) > 1:
+            logger.removeHandler(logger.handlers[1])
+        recipe = mod.recipe
+        recipe.ctx = ctx
+        cls.recipes[name.lower()] = recipe
+        return recipe
+class IncludedFilesBehaviour(object):
+    '''Recipe mixin class that will automatically unpack files included in
+    the recipe directory.'''
+    src_filename = None
+    def prepare_build_dir(self, arch):
+        if self.src_filename is None:
+            raise BuildInterruptingException(
+                'IncludedFilesBehaviour failed: no src_filename specified')
+        rmdir(self.get_build_dir(arch))
+        shprint(sh.cp, '-a', join(self.get_recipe_dir(), self.src_filename),
+                self.get_build_dir(arch))
+class BootstrapNDKRecipe(Recipe):
+    '''A recipe class for recipes built in an Android project jni dir with
+    an Android.mk. These are not cached separatly, but built in the
+    bootstrap's own building directory.
+    To build an NDK project which is not part of the bootstrap, see
+    :class:`~pythonforandroid.recipe.NDKRecipe`.
+    To link with python, call the method :meth:`get_recipe_env`
+    with the kwarg *with_python=True*.
+    '''
+    dir_name = None  # The name of the recipe build folder in the jni dir
+    def get_build_container_dir(self, arch):
+        return self.get_jni_dir()
+    def get_build_dir(self, arch):
+        if self.dir_name is None:
+            raise ValueError('{} recipe doesn\'t define a dir_name, but '
+                             'this is necessary'.format(self.name))
+        return join(self.get_build_container_dir(arch), self.dir_name)
+    def get_jni_dir(self):
+        return join(self.ctx.bootstrap.build_dir, 'jni')
+    def get_recipe_env(self, arch=None, with_flags_in_cc=True, with_python=False):
+        env = super().get_recipe_env(arch, with_flags_in_cc)
+        if not with_python:
+            return env
+        env['PYTHON_INCLUDE_ROOT'] = self.ctx.python_recipe.include_root(arch.arch)
+        env['PYTHON_LINK_ROOT'] = self.ctx.python_recipe.link_root(arch.arch)
+        env['EXTRA_LDLIBS'] = ' -lpython{}'.format(
+            self.ctx.python_recipe.link_version)
+        return env
+class NDKRecipe(Recipe):
+    '''A recipe class for any NDK project not included in the bootstrap.'''
+    generated_libraries = []
+    def should_build(self, arch):
+        lib_dir = self.get_lib_dir(arch)
+        for lib in self.generated_libraries:
+            if not exists(join(lib_dir, lib)):
+                return True
+        return False
+    def get_lib_dir(self, arch):
+        return join(self.get_build_dir(arch.arch), 'obj', 'local', arch.arch)
+    def get_jni_dir(self, arch):
+        return join(self.get_build_dir(arch.arch), 'jni')
+    def build_arch(self, arch, *extra_args):
+        super().build_arch(arch)
+        env = self.get_recipe_env(arch)
+        with current_directory(self.get_build_dir(arch.arch)):
+            shprint(
+                sh.Command(join(self.ctx.ndk_dir, "ndk-build")),
+                'V=1',
+                'NDK_DEBUG=' + ("1" if self.ctx.build_as_debuggable else "0"),
+                'APP_PLATFORM=android-' + str(self.ctx.ndk_api),
+                'APP_ABI=' + arch.arch,
+                *extra_args, _env=env
+            )
+class PythonRecipe(Recipe):
+    site_packages_name = None
+    '''The name of the module's folder when installed in the Python
+    site-packages (e.g. for pyjnius it is 'jnius')'''
+    call_hostpython_via_targetpython = True
+    '''If True, tries to install the module using the hostpython binary
+    copied to the target (normally arm) python build dir. However, this
+    will fail if the module tries to import e.g. _io.so. Set this to False
+    to call hostpython from its own build dir, installing the module in
+    the right place via arguments to setup.py. However, this may not set
+    the environment correctly and so False is not the default.'''
+    install_in_hostpython = False
+    '''If True, additionally installs the module in the hostpython build
+    dir. This will make it available to other recipes if
+    call_hostpython_via_targetpython is False.
+    '''
+    install_in_targetpython = True
+    '''If True, installs the module in the targetpython installation dir.
+    This is almost always what you want to do.'''
+    setup_extra_args = []
+    '''List of extra arguments to pass to setup.py'''
+    depends = ['python3']
+    '''
+    .. note:: it's important to keep this depends as a class attribute outside
+              `__init__` because sometimes we only initialize the class, so the
+              `__init__` call won't be called and the deps would be missing
+              (which breaks the dependency graph computation)
+    .. warning:: don't forget to call `super().__init__()` in any recipe's
+                 `__init__`, or otherwise it may not be ensured that it depends
+                 on python2 or python3 which can break the dependency graph
+    '''
+    hostpython_prerequisites = []
+    '''List of hostpython packages required to build a recipe'''
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+        if 'python3' not in self.depends:
+            # We ensure here that the recipe depends on python even it overrode
+            # `depends`. We only do this if it doesn't already depend on any
+            # python, since some recipes intentionally don't depend on/work
+            # with all python variants
+            depends = self.depends
+            depends.append('python3')
+            depends = list(set(depends))
+            self.depends = depends
+    def clean_build(self, arch=None):
+        super().clean_build(arch=arch)
+        name = self.folder_name
+        python_install_dirs = glob.glob(join(self.ctx.python_installs_dir, '*'))
+        for python_install in python_install_dirs:
+            site_packages_dir = glob.glob(join(python_install, 'lib', 'python*',
+                                               'site-packages'))
+            if site_packages_dir:
+                build_dir = join(site_packages_dir[0], name)
+                if exists(build_dir):
+                    info('Deleted {}'.format(build_dir))
+                    rmdir(build_dir)
+    @property
+    def real_hostpython_location(self):
+        host_name = 'host{}'.format(self.ctx.python_recipe.name)
+        if host_name == 'hostpython3':
+            python_recipe = Recipe.get_recipe(host_name, self.ctx)
+            return python_recipe.python_exe
+        else:
+            python_recipe = self.ctx.python_recipe
+            return 'python{}'.format(python_recipe.version)
+    @property
+    def hostpython_location(self):
+        if not self.call_hostpython_via_targetpython:
+            return self.real_hostpython_location
+        return self.ctx.hostpython
+    @property
+    def folder_name(self):
+        '''The name of the build folders containing this recipe.'''
+        name = self.site_packages_name
+        if name is None:
+            name = self.name
+        return name
+    def get_recipe_env(self, arch=None, with_flags_in_cc=True):
+        env = super().get_recipe_env(arch, with_flags_in_cc)
+        env['PYTHONNOUSERSITE'] = '1'
+        # Set the LANG, this isn't usually important but is a better default
+        # as it occasionally matters how Python e.g. reads files
+        env['LANG'] = "en_GB.UTF-8"
+        # Binaries made by packages installed by pip
+        env["PATH"] = join(self.hostpython_site_dir, "bin") + ":" + env["PATH"]
+        if not self.call_hostpython_via_targetpython:
+            env['CFLAGS'] += ' -I{}'.format(
+                self.ctx.python_recipe.include_root(arch.arch)
+            )
+            env['LDFLAGS'] += ' -L{} -lpython{}'.format(
+                self.ctx.python_recipe.link_root(arch.arch),
+                self.ctx.python_recipe.link_version,
+            )
+            hppath = []
+            hppath.append(join(dirname(self.hostpython_location), 'Lib'))
+            hppath.append(join(hppath[0], 'site-packages'))
+            builddir = join(dirname(self.hostpython_location), 'build')
+            if exists(builddir):
+                hppath += [join(builddir, d) for d in listdir(builddir)
+                           if isdir(join(builddir, d))]
+            if len(hppath) > 0:
+                if 'PYTHONPATH' in env:
+                    env['PYTHONPATH'] = ':'.join(hppath + [env['PYTHONPATH']])
+                else:
+                    env['PYTHONPATH'] = ':'.join(hppath)
+        return env
+    def should_build(self, arch):
+        name = self.folder_name
+        if self.ctx.has_package(name, arch):
+            info('Python package already exists in site-packages')
+            return False
+        info('{} apparently isn\'t already in site-packages'.format(name))
+        return True
+    def build_arch(self, arch):
+        '''Install the Python module by calling setup.py install with
+        the target Python dir.'''
+        self.install_hostpython_prerequisites()
+        super().build_arch(arch)
+        self.install_python_package(arch)
+    def install_python_package(self, arch, name=None, env=None, is_dir=True):
+        '''Automate the installation of a Python package (or a cython
+        package where the cython components are pre-built).'''
+        # arch = self.filtered_archs[0]  # old kivy-ios way
+        if name is None:
+            name = self.name
+        if env is None:
+            env = self.get_recipe_env(arch)
+        info('Installing {} into site-packages'.format(self.name))
+        hostpython = sh.Command(self.hostpython_location)
+        hpenv = env.copy()
+        with current_directory(self.get_build_dir(arch.arch)):
+            shprint(hostpython, 'setup.py', 'install', '-O2',
+                    '--root={}'.format(self.ctx.get_python_install_dir(arch.arch)),
+                    '--install-lib=.',
+                    _env=hpenv, *self.setup_extra_args)
+            # If asked, also install in the hostpython build dir
+            if self.install_in_hostpython:
+                self.install_hostpython_package(arch)
+    def get_hostrecipe_env(self, arch):
+        env = environ.copy()
+        env['PYTHONPATH'] = self.hostpython_site_dir
+        return env
+    @property
+    def hostpython_site_dir(self):
+        return join(dirname(self.real_hostpython_location), 'Lib', 'site-packages')
+    def install_hostpython_package(self, arch):
+        env = self.get_hostrecipe_env(arch)
+        real_hostpython = sh.Command(self.real_hostpython_location)
+        shprint(real_hostpython, 'setup.py', 'install', '-O2',
+                '--root={}'.format(dirname(self.real_hostpython_location)),
+                '--install-lib=Lib/site-packages',
+                _env=env, *self.setup_extra_args)
+    @property
+    def python_major_minor_version(self):
+        parsed_version = packaging.version.parse(self.ctx.python_recipe.version)
+        return f"{parsed_version.major}.{parsed_version.minor}"
+    def install_hostpython_prerequisites(self, packages=None, force_upgrade=True):
+        if not packages:
+            packages = self.hostpython_prerequisites
+        if len(packages) == 0:
+            return
+        pip_options = [
+            "install",
+            *packages,
+            "--target", self.hostpython_site_dir, "--python-version",
+            self.ctx.python_recipe.version,
+            # Don't use sources, instead wheels
+            "--only-binary=:all:",
+        ]
+        if force_upgrade:
+            pip_options.append("--upgrade")
+        # Use system's pip
+        shprint(sh.pip, *pip_options)
+    def restore_hostpython_prerequisites(self, packages):
+        _packages = []
+        for package in packages:
+            original_version = Recipe.get_recipe(package, self.ctx).version
+            _packages.append(package + "==" + original_version)
+        self.install_hostpython_prerequisites(packages=_packages)
+class CompiledComponentsPythonRecipe(PythonRecipe):
+    pre_build_ext = False
+    build_cmd = 'build_ext'
+    def build_arch(self, arch):
+        '''Build any cython components, then install the Python module by
+        calling setup.py install with the target Python dir.
+        '''
+        Recipe.build_arch(self, arch)
+        self.install_hostpython_prerequisites()
+        self.build_compiled_components(arch)
+        self.install_python_package(arch)
+    def build_compiled_components(self, arch):
+        info('Building compiled components in {}'.format(self.name))
+        env = self.get_recipe_env(arch)
+        hostpython = sh.Command(self.hostpython_location)
+        with current_directory(self.get_build_dir(arch.arch)):
+            if self.install_in_hostpython:
+                shprint(hostpython, 'setup.py', 'clean', '--all', _env=env)
+            shprint(hostpython, 'setup.py', self.build_cmd, '-v',
+                    _env=env, *self.setup_extra_args)
+            build_dir = glob.glob('build/lib.*')[0]
+            shprint(sh.find, build_dir, '-name', '"*.o"', '-exec',
+                    env['STRIP'], '{}', ';', _env=env)
+    def install_hostpython_package(self, arch):
+        env = self.get_hostrecipe_env(arch)
+        self.rebuild_compiled_components(arch, env)
+        super().install_hostpython_package(arch)
+    def rebuild_compiled_components(self, arch, env):
+        info('Rebuilding compiled components in {}'.format(self.name))
+        hostpython = sh.Command(self.real_hostpython_location)
+        shprint(hostpython, 'setup.py', 'clean', '--all', _env=env)
+        shprint(hostpython, 'setup.py', self.build_cmd, '-v', _env=env,
+                *self.setup_extra_args)
+class CppCompiledComponentsPythonRecipe(CompiledComponentsPythonRecipe):
+    """ Extensions that require the cxx-stl """
+    call_hostpython_via_targetpython = False
+    need_stl_shared = True
+class CythonRecipe(PythonRecipe):
+    pre_build_ext = False
+    cythonize = True
+    cython_args = []
+    call_hostpython_via_targetpython = False
+    def build_arch(self, arch):
+        '''Build any cython components, then install the Python module by
+        calling setup.py install with the target Python dir.
+        '''
+        Recipe.build_arch(self, arch)
+        self.build_cython_components(arch)
+        self.install_python_package(arch)
+    def build_cython_components(self, arch):
+        info('Cythonizing anything necessary in {}'.format(self.name))
+        env = self.get_recipe_env(arch)
+        with current_directory(self.get_build_dir(arch.arch)):
+            hostpython = sh.Command(self.ctx.hostpython)
+            shprint(hostpython, '-c', 'import sys; print(sys.path)', _env=env)
+            debug('cwd is {}'.format(realpath(curdir)))
+            info('Trying first build of {} to get cython files: this is '
+                 'expected to fail'.format(self.name))
+            manually_cythonise = False
+            try:
+                shprint(hostpython, 'setup.py', 'build_ext', '-v', _env=env,
+                        *self.setup_extra_args)
+            except sh.ErrorReturnCode_1:
+                print()
+                info('{} first build failed (as expected)'.format(self.name))
+                manually_cythonise = True
+            if manually_cythonise:
+                self.cythonize_build(env=env)
+                shprint(hostpython, 'setup.py', 'build_ext', '-v', _env=env,
+                        _tail=20, _critical=True, *self.setup_extra_args)
+            else:
+                info('First build appeared to complete correctly, skipping manual'
+                     'cythonising.')
+            if not self.ctx.with_debug_symbols:
+                self.strip_object_files(arch, env)
+    def strip_object_files(self, arch, env, build_dir=None):
+        if build_dir is None:
+            build_dir = self.get_build_dir(arch.arch)
+        with current_directory(build_dir):
+            info('Stripping object files')
+            shprint(sh.find, '.', '-iname', '*.so', '-exec',
+                    '/usr/bin/echo', '{}', ';', _env=env)
+            shprint(sh.find, '.', '-iname', '*.so', '-exec',
+                    env['STRIP'].split(' ')[0], '--strip-unneeded',
+                    # '/usr/bin/strip', '--strip-unneeded',
+                    '{}', ';', _env=env)
+    def cythonize_file(self, env, build_dir, filename):
+        short_filename = filename
+        if filename.startswith(build_dir):
+            short_filename = filename[len(build_dir) + 1:]
+        info(u"Cythonize {}".format(short_filename))
+        cyenv = env.copy()
+        if 'CYTHONPATH' in cyenv:
+            cyenv['PYTHONPATH'] = cyenv['CYTHONPATH']
+        elif 'PYTHONPATH' in cyenv:
+            del cyenv['PYTHONPATH']
+        if 'PYTHONNOUSERSITE' in cyenv:
+            cyenv.pop('PYTHONNOUSERSITE')
+        python_command = sh.Command("python{}".format(
+            self.ctx.python_recipe.major_minor_version_string.split(".")[0]
+        ))
+        shprint(python_command, "-c"
+                "import sys; from Cython.Compiler.Main import setuptools_main; sys.exit(setuptools_main());",
+                filename, *self.cython_args, _env=cyenv)
+    def cythonize_build(self, env, build_dir="."):
+        if not self.cythonize:
+            info('Running cython cancelled per recipe setting')
+            return
+        info('Running cython where appropriate')
+        for root, dirnames, filenames in walk("."):
+            for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, "*.pyx"):
+                self.cythonize_file(env, build_dir, join(root, filename))
+    def get_recipe_env(self, arch, with_flags_in_cc=True):
+        env = super().get_recipe_env(arch, with_flags_in_cc)
+        env['LDFLAGS'] = env['LDFLAGS'] + ' -L{} '.format(
+            self.ctx.get_libs_dir(arch.arch) +
+            ' -L{} '.format(self.ctx.libs_dir) +
+            ' -L{}'.format(join(self.ctx.bootstrap.build_dir, 'obj', 'local',
+                                arch.arch)))
+        env['LDSHARED'] = env['CC'] + ' -shared'
+        # shprint(sh.whereis, env['LDSHARED'], _env=env)
+        env['LIBLINK'] = 'NOTNONE'
+        if self.ctx.copy_libs:
+            env['COPYLIBS'] = '1'
+        # Every recipe uses its own liblink path, object files are
+        # collected and biglinked later
+        liblink_path = join(self.get_build_container_dir(arch.arch),
+                            'objects_{}'.format(self.name))
+        env['LIBLINK_PATH'] = liblink_path
+        ensure_dir(liblink_path)
+        return env
+class PyProjectRecipe(PythonRecipe):
+    '''Recipe for projects which containes `pyproject.toml`'''
+    # Extra args to pass to `python -m build ...`
+    extra_build_args = []
+    call_hostpython_via_targetpython = False
+    def get_recipe_env(self, arch, **kwargs):
+        # Custom hostpython
+        self.ctx.python_recipe.python_exe = join(
+            self.ctx.python_recipe.get_build_dir(arch), "android-build", "python3")
+        env = super().get_recipe_env(arch, **kwargs)
+        build_dir = self.get_build_dir(arch)
+        ensure_dir(build_dir)
+        build_opts = join(build_dir, "build-opts.cfg")
+        with open(build_opts, "w") as file:
+            file.write("[bdist_wheel]\nplat-name={}".format(
+                self.get_wheel_platform_tag(arch)
+            ))
+            file.close()
+        env["DIST_EXTRA_CONFIG"] = build_opts
+        return env
+    def get_wheel_platform_tag(self, arch):
+        return "android_" + {
+            "armeabi-v7a": "arm",
+            "arm64-v8a": "aarch64",
+            "x86_64": "x86_64",
+            "x86": "i686",
+        }[arch.arch]
+    def install_wheel(self, arch, built_wheels):
+        _wheel = built_wheels[0]
+        built_wheel_dir = dirname(_wheel)
+        # Fix wheel platform tag
+        wheel_tag = wheel_tags(
+            _wheel,
+            platform_tags=self.get_wheel_platform_tag(arch),
+            remove=True,
+        )
+        selected_wheel = join(built_wheel_dir, wheel_tag)
+        _dev_wheel_dir = environ.get("P4A_WHEEL_DIR", False)
+        if _dev_wheel_dir:
+            ensure_dir(_dev_wheel_dir)
+            shprint(sh.cp, selected_wheel, _dev_wheel_dir)
+        info(f"Installing built wheel: {wheel_tag}")
+        destination = self.ctx.get_python_install_dir(arch.arch)
+        with WheelFile(selected_wheel) as wf:
+            for zinfo in wf.filelist:
+                wf.extract(zinfo, destination)
+            wf.close()
+    def build_arch(self, arch):
+        self.install_hostpython_prerequisites(
+            packages=["build[virtualenv]", "pip"] + self.hostpython_prerequisites
+        )
+        build_dir = self.get_build_dir(arch.arch)
+        env = self.get_recipe_env(arch, with_flags_in_cc=True)
+        # make build dir separatly
+        sub_build_dir = join(build_dir, "p4a_android_build")
+        ensure_dir(sub_build_dir)
+        # copy hostpython to built python to ensure correct selection of libs and includes
+        shprint(sh.cp, self.real_hostpython_location, self.ctx.python_recipe.python_exe)
+        build_args = [
+            "-m",
+            "build",
+            "--wheel",
+            "--config-setting",
+            "builddir={}".format(sub_build_dir),
+        ] + self.extra_build_args
+        built_wheels = []
+        with current_directory(build_dir):
+            shprint(
+                sh.Command(self.ctx.python_recipe.python_exe), *build_args, _env=env
+            )
+            built_wheels = [realpath(whl) for whl in glob.glob("dist/*.whl")]
+        self.install_wheel(arch, built_wheels)
+class MesonRecipe(PyProjectRecipe):
+    '''Recipe for projects which uses meson as build system'''
+    meson_version = "1.4.0"
+    ninja_version = ""
+    def sanitize_flags(self, *flag_strings):
+        return " ".join(flag_strings).strip().split(" ")
+    def get_recipe_meson_options(self, arch):
+        env = self.get_recipe_env(arch, with_flags_in_cc=True)
+        return {
+            "binaries": {
+                "c": arch.get_clang_exe(with_target=True),
+                "cpp": arch.get_clang_exe(with_target=True, plus_plus=True),
+                "ar": self.ctx.ndk.llvm_ar,
+                "strip": self.ctx.ndk.llvm_strip,
+            },
+            "built-in options": {
+                "c_args": self.sanitize_flags(env["CFLAGS"], env["CPPFLAGS"]),
+                "cpp_args": self.sanitize_flags(env["CXXFLAGS"], env["CPPFLAGS"]),
+                "c_link_args": self.sanitize_flags(env["LDFLAGS"]),
+                "cpp_link_args": self.sanitize_flags(env["LDFLAGS"]),
+            },
+            "properties": {
+                "needs_exe_wrapper": True,
+                "sys_root": self.ctx.ndk.sysroot
+            },
+            "host_machine": {
+                "cpu_family": {
+                    "arm64-v8a": "aarch64",
+                    "armeabi-v7a": "arm",
+                    "x86_64": "x86_64",
+                    "x86": "x86"
+                }[arch.arch],
+                "cpu": {
+                    "arm64-v8a": "aarch64",
+                    "armeabi-v7a": "armv7",
+                    "x86_64": "x86_64",
+                    "x86": "i686"
+                }[arch.arch],
+                "endian": "little",
+                "system": "android",
+            }
+        }
+    def write_build_options(self, arch):
+        """Writes python dict to meson config file"""
+        option_data = ""
+        build_options = self.get_recipe_meson_options(arch)
+        for key in build_options.keys():
+            data_chunk = "[{}]".format(key)
+            for subkey in build_options[key].keys():
+                value = build_options[key][subkey]
+                if isinstance(value, int):
+                    value = str(value)
+                elif isinstance(value, str):
+                    value = "'{}'".format(value)
+                elif isinstance(value, bool):
+                    value = "true" if value else "false"
+                elif isinstance(value, list):
+                    value = "['" + "', '".join(value) + "']"
+                data_chunk += "\n" + subkey + " = " + value
+            option_data += data_chunk + "\n\n"
+        return option_data
+    def ensure_args(self, *args):
+        for arg in args:
+            if arg not in self.extra_build_args:
+                self.extra_build_args.append(arg)
+    def build_arch(self, arch):
+        cross_file = join("/tmp", "android.meson.cross")
+        info("Writing cross file at: {}".format(cross_file))
+        # write cross config file
+        with open(cross_file, "w") as file:
+            file.write(self.write_build_options(arch))
+            file.close()
+        # set cross file
+        self.ensure_args('-Csetup-args=--cross-file', '-Csetup-args={}'.format(cross_file))
+        # ensure ninja and meson
+        for dep in [
+            "ninja=={}".format(self.ninja_version),
+            "meson=={}".format(self.meson_version),
+        ]:
+            if dep not in self.hostpython_prerequisites:
+                self.hostpython_prerequisites.append(dep)
+        super().build_arch(arch)
+class RustCompiledComponentsRecipe(PyProjectRecipe):
+    # Rust toolchain codes
+    # https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/rustc/platform-support.html
+        "arm64-v8a": "aarch64-linux-android",
+        "armeabi-v7a": "armv7-linux-androideabi",
+        "x86_64": "x86_64-linux-android",
+        "x86": "i686-linux-android",
+    }
+    call_hostpython_via_targetpython = False
+    def get_recipe_env(self, arch, **kwargs):
+        env = super().get_recipe_env(arch, **kwargs)
+        # Set rust build target
+        build_target = self.RUST_ARCH_CODES[arch.arch]
+        cargo_linker_name = "CARGO_TARGET_{}_LINKER".format(
+            build_target.upper().replace("-", "_")
+        )
+        env["CARGO_BUILD_TARGET"] = build_target
+        env[cargo_linker_name] = join(
+            self.ctx.ndk.llvm_prebuilt_dir,
+            "bin",
+            "{}{}-clang".format(
+                # NDK's Clang format
+                build_target.replace("7", "7a")
+                if build_target.startswith("armv7")
+                else build_target,
+                self.ctx.ndk_api,
+            ),
+        )
+        realpython_dir = self.ctx.python_recipe.get_build_dir(arch.arch)
+        env["RUSTFLAGS"] = "-Clink-args=-L{} -L{}".format(
+            self.ctx.get_libs_dir(arch.arch), join(realpython_dir, "android-build")
+        )
+        env["PYO3_CROSS_LIB_DIR"] = realpath(glob.glob(join(
+            realpython_dir, "android-build", "build",
+            "lib.linux-*-{}/".format(self.python_major_minor_version),
+        ))[0])
+        info_main("Ensuring rust build toolchain")
+        shprint(sh.rustup, "target", "add", build_target)
+        # Add host python to PATH
+        env["PATH"] = ("{hostpython_dir}:{old_path}").format(
+            hostpython_dir=Recipe.get_recipe(
+                "hostpython3", self.ctx
+            ).get_path_to_python(),
+            old_path=env["PATH"],
+        )
+        return env
+    def check_host_deps(self):
+        if not hasattr(sh, "rustup"):
+            error(
+                "`rustup` was not found on host system."
+                "Please install it using :"
+                "\n`curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh`\n"
+            )
+            exit(1)
+    def build_arch(self, arch):
+        self.check_host_deps()
+        super().build_arch(arch)
+class TargetPythonRecipe(Recipe):
+    '''Class for target python recipes. Sets ctx.python_recipe to point to
+    itself, so as to know later what kind of Python was built or used.'''
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        self._ctx = None
+        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+    def prebuild_arch(self, arch):
+        super().prebuild_arch(arch)
+        self.ctx.python_recipe = self
+    def include_root(self, arch):
+        '''The root directory from which to include headers.'''
+        raise NotImplementedError('Not implemented in TargetPythonRecipe')
+    def link_root(self):
+        raise NotImplementedError('Not implemented in TargetPythonRecipe')
+    @property
+    def major_minor_version_string(self):
+        parsed_version = packaging.version.parse(self.version)
+        return f"{parsed_version.major}.{parsed_version.minor}"
+    def create_python_bundle(self, dirn, arch):
+        """
+        Create a packaged python bundle in the target directory, by
+        copying all the modules and standard library to the right
+        place.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError('{} does not implement create_python_bundle'.format(self))
+    def reduce_object_file_names(self, dirn):
+        """Recursively renames all files named XXX.cpython-...-linux-gnu.so"
+        to "XXX.so", i.e. removing the erroneous architecture name
+        coming from the local system.
+        """
+        py_so_files = shprint(sh.find, dirn, '-iname', '*.so')
+        filens = py_so_files.stdout.decode('utf-8').split('\n')[:-1]
+        for filen in filens:
+            file_dirname, file_basename = split(filen)
+            parts = file_basename.split('.')
+            if len(parts) <= 2:
+                continue
+            # PySide6 libraries end with .abi3.so
+            if parts[1] == "abi3":
+                continue
+            move(filen, join(file_dirname, parts[0] + '.so'))
+def algsum(alg, filen):
+    '''Calculate the digest of a file.
+    '''
+    with open(filen, 'rb') as fileh:
+        digest = getattr(hashlib, alg)(fileh.read())
+    return digest.hexdigest()
+class FFPyPlayerRecipe(PyProjectRecipe):
+    version = 'v4.5.1'
+    url = 'https://github.com/matham/ffpyplayer/archive/{version}.zip'
+    depends = ['python3', 'sdl2', 'ffmpeg']
+    patches = ["setup.py.patch"]
+    opt_depends = ['openssl', 'ffpyplayer_codecs']
+    def get_recipe_env(self, arch, with_flags_in_cc=True):
+        env = super().get_recipe_env(arch)
+        build_dir = Recipe.get_recipe('ffmpeg', self.ctx).get_build_dir(arch.arch)
+        env["FFMPEG_INCLUDE_DIR"] = join(build_dir, "include")
+        env["FFMPEG_LIB_DIR"] = join(build_dir, "lib")
+        env["SDL_INCLUDE_DIR"] = join(self.ctx.bootstrap.build_dir, 'jni', 'SDL', 'include')
+        env["SDL_LIB_DIR"] = join(self.ctx.bootstrap.build_dir, 'libs', arch.arch)
+        env["USE_SDL2_MIXER"] = '1'
+        # ffpyplayer does not allow to pass more than one include dir for sdl2_mixer (and ATM is
+        # not needed), so we only pass the first one.
+        sdl2_mixer_recipe = self.get_recipe('sdl2_mixer', self.ctx)
+        env["SDL2_MIXER_INCLUDE_DIR"] = sdl2_mixer_recipe.get_include_dirs(arch)[0]
+        # NDKPLATFORM and LIBLINK are our switches for detecting Android platform, so can't be empty
+        # FIXME: We may want to introduce a cleaner approach to this?
+        env['NDKPLATFORM'] = "NOTNONE"
+        env['LIBLINK'] = 'NOTNONE'
+        # ffmpeg recipe enables GPL components only if ffpyplayer_codecs recipe used.
+        # Therefor we need to disable libpostproc if skipped.
+        if 'ffpyplayer_codecs' not in self.ctx.recipe_build_order:
+            env["CONFIG_POSTPROC"] = '0'
+        return env
+recipe = FFPyPlayerRecipe()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/recipes/ffpyplayer/setup.py.patch b/recipes/ffpyplayer/setup.py.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a7d42f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes/ffpyplayer/setup.py.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+--- ffpyplayer/setup.py 2024-06-02 11:10:49.691183467 +0530
++++ ffpyplayer.mod/setup.py 2024-06-02 11:20:16.220966873 +0530
+@@ -27,12 +27,6 @@
+ # This sets whether or not Cython gets added to setup_requires.
+ declare_cython = False
+-if platform in ('ios', 'android'):
+-    # NEVER use or declare cython on these platforms
+-    print('Not using cython on %s' % platform)
+-    can_use_cython = False
+-    declare_cython = True
+ src_path = build_path = dirname(__file__)
+ print(f'Source/build path: {src_path}')
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/recipes/libopus/__init__.py b/recipes/libopus/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1eb4977
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes/libopus/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+from pythonforandroid.recipe import Recipe
+from pythonforandroid.toolchain import current_directory, shprint
+import sh
+class OpusRecipe(Recipe):
+    version = '1.5.2'
+    url = "https://downloads.xiph.org/releases/opus/opus-{version}.tar.gz"
+    built_libraries = {'libopus.so': '.libs'}
+    def build_arch(self, arch):
+        with current_directory(self.get_build_dir(arch.arch)):
+            env = self.get_recipe_env(arch)
+            flags = [
+                '--host=' + arch.command_prefix,
+            ]
+            configure = sh.Command('./configure')
+            shprint(configure, *flags, _env=env)
+            shprint(sh.make, _env=env)
+recipe = OpusRecipe()
diff --git a/recipes/mffmpeg/__init__.py b/recipes/mffmpeg/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a51a246
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes/mffmpeg/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+from pythonforandroid.toolchain import Recipe, current_directory, shprint
+from os.path import exists, join, realpath
+import sh
+class FFMpegRecipe(Recipe):
+    version = 'n4.3.1'
+    # Moved to github.com instead of ffmpeg.org to improve download speed
+    url = 'https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg/archive/{version}.zip'
+    depends = ['sdl2']  # Need this to build correct recipe order
+    opts_depends = ['openssl', 'ffpyplayer_codecs']
+    patches = ['patches/configure.patch']
+    def should_build(self, arch):
+        build_dir = self.get_build_dir(arch.arch)
+        return not exists(join(build_dir, 'lib', 'libavcodec.so'))
+    def prebuild_arch(self, arch):
+        self.apply_patches(arch)
+    def get_recipe_env(self, arch):
+        env = super().get_recipe_env(arch)
+        env['NDK'] = self.ctx.ndk_dir
+        return env
+    def build_arch(self, arch):
+        with current_directory(self.get_build_dir(arch.arch)):
+            env = arch.get_env()
+            # flags = ['--disable-everything']
+            flags = []
+            cflags = []
+            ldflags = []
+            if 'openssl' in self.ctx.recipe_build_order:
+                flags += [
+                    '--enable-openssl',
+                    '--enable-nonfree',
+                    '--enable-protocol=https,tls_openssl',
+                ]
+                build_dir = Recipe.get_recipe(
+                    'openssl', self.ctx).get_build_dir(arch.arch)
+                cflags += ['-I' + build_dir + '/include/',
+                           '-DOPENSSL_API_COMPAT=0x10002000L']
+                ldflags += ['-L' + build_dir]
+            if 'ffpyplayer_codecs' in self.ctx.recipe_build_order:
+                # Enable GPL
+                flags += ['--enable-gpl']
+                # libx264
+                flags += ['--enable-libx264']
+                build_dir = Recipe.get_recipe(
+                    'libx264', self.ctx).get_build_dir(arch.arch)
+                cflags += ['-I' + build_dir + '/include/']
+                ldflags += ['-lx264', '-L' + build_dir + '/lib/']
+                # libshine
+                flags += ['--enable-libshine']
+                build_dir = Recipe.get_recipe('libshine', self.ctx).get_build_dir(arch.arch)
+                cflags += ['-I' + build_dir + '/include/']
+                ldflags += ['-lshine', '-L' + build_dir + '/lib/']
+                ldflags += ['-lm']
+                # libvpx
+                flags += ['--enable-libvpx']
+                build_dir = Recipe.get_recipe(
+                    'libvpx', self.ctx).get_build_dir(arch.arch)
+                cflags += ['-I' + build_dir + '/include/']
+                ldflags += ['-lvpx', '-L' + build_dir + '/lib/']
+                # Enable all codecs:
+                flags += [
+                    '--enable-parsers',
+                    '--enable-decoders',
+                    '--enable-encoders',
+                    '--enable-muxers',
+                    '--enable-demuxers',
+                ]
+            else:
+                # Enable codecs only for .mp4:
+                flags += [
+                    '--enable-parser=aac,ac3,h261,h264,mpegaudio,mpeg4video,mpegvideo,vc1',
+                    '--enable-decoder=aac,h264,mpeg4,mpegvideo',
+                    '--enable-muxer=h264,mov,mp4,mpeg2video',
+                    '--enable-demuxer=aac,h264,m4v,mov,mpegvideo,vc1,rtsp',
+                ]
+            # needed to prevent _ffmpeg.so: version node not found for symbol av_init_packet@LIBAVFORMAT_52
+            # /usr/bin/ld: failed to set dynamic section sizes: Bad value
+            flags += [
+                '--disable-symver',
+            ]
+            # disable binaries / doc
+            flags += [
+                # '--disable-programs',
+                '--disable-doc',
+            ]
+            # other flags:
+            flags += [
+                '--enable-filter=aresample,resample,crop,adelay,volume,scale',
+                '--enable-protocol=file,http,hls,udp,tcp',
+                '--enable-small',
+                '--enable-hwaccels',
+                '--enable-pic',
+                '--disable-static',
+                '--disable-debug',
+                '--enable-shared',
+            ]
+            if 'arm64' in arch.arch:
+                arch_flag = 'aarch64'
+            elif 'x86' in arch.arch:
+                arch_flag = 'x86'
+                flags += ['--disable-asm']
+            else:
+                arch_flag = 'arm'
+            # android:
+            flags += [
+                '--target-os=android',
+                '--enable-cross-compile',
+                '--cross-prefix={}-'.format(arch.target),
+                '--arch={}'.format(arch_flag),
+                '--strip={}'.format(self.ctx.ndk.llvm_strip),
+                '--sysroot={}'.format(self.ctx.ndk.sysroot),
+                '--enable-neon',
+                '--prefix={}'.format(realpath('.')),
+            ]
+            if arch_flag == 'arm':
+                cflags += [
+                    '-mfpu=vfpv3-d16',
+                    '-mfloat-abi=softfp',
+                    '-fPIC',
+                ]
+            env['CFLAGS'] += ' ' + ' '.join(cflags)
+            env['LDFLAGS'] += ' ' + ' '.join(ldflags)
+            configure = sh.Command('./configure')
+            shprint(configure, *flags, _env=env)
+            shprint(sh.make, '-j4', _env=env)
+            shprint(sh.make, 'install', _env=env)
+            # copy libs:
+            sh.cp('-a', sh.glob('./lib/lib*.so'),
+                  self.ctx.get_libs_dir(arch.arch))
+recipe = FFMpegRecipe()
diff --git a/recipes/mffmpeg/patches/configure.patch b/recipes/mffmpeg/patches/configure.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cacf029
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes/mffmpeg/patches/configure.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- ./configure   2020-10-11 19:12:16.759760904 +0200
++++ ./configure.patch 2020-10-11 19:15:49.059533563 +0200
+@@ -6361,7 +6361,7 @@
+ enabled librsvg           && require_pkg_config librsvg librsvg-2.0 librsvg-2.0/librsvg/rsvg.h rsvg_handle_render_cairo
+ enabled librtmp           && require_pkg_config librtmp librtmp librtmp/rtmp.h RTMP_Socket
+ enabled librubberband     && require_pkg_config librubberband "rubberband >= 1.8.1" rubberband/rubberband-c.h rubberband_new -lstdc++ && append librubberband_extralibs "-lstdc++"
+-enabled libshine          && require_pkg_config libshine shine shine/layer3.h shine_encode_buffer
++enabled libshine          && require "shine" shine/layer3.h shine_encode_buffer -lshine -lm
+ enabled libsmbclient      && { check_pkg_config libsmbclient smbclient libsmbclient.h smbc_init ||
+                                require libsmbclient libsmbclient.h smbc_init -lsmbclient; }
+ enabled libsnappy         && require libsnappy snappy-c.h snappy_compress -lsnappy -lstdc++
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/recipes/opusfile/__init__.py b/recipes/opusfile/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27d0f29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes/opusfile/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+from pythonforandroid.recipe import Recipe
+from pythonforandroid.toolchain import current_directory, shprint
+import sh
+import os
+import time
+class OpusFileRecipe(Recipe):
+    version = "0.12"
+    url = "https://downloads.xiph.org/releases/opus/opusfile-{version}.tar.gz"
+    depends = ['libogg']
+    built_libraries = {'libopusfile.so': '.libs'}
+    def build_arch(self, arch):
+        with current_directory(self.get_build_dir(arch.arch)):
+            env = self.get_recipe_env(arch)
+            flags = [
+                "--host=" + arch.command_prefix,
+                "--disable-http",
+                "--disable-examples",
+                "--disable-doc",
+                "--disable-largefile",
+            ]
+            cwd = os.getcwd()
+            ogg_include_path = cwd.replace("opusfile", "libogg")
+            env["CPPFLAGS"] += f" -I{ogg_include_path}/include"
+            # libogg_recipe = Recipe.get_recipe('libogg', self.ctx)
+            # env['CFLAGS'] += libogg_recipe.include_flags(arch)
+            # openssl_recipe = Recipe.get_recipe('openssl', self.ctx)
+            # env['CFLAGS'] += openssl_recipe.include_flags(arch)
+            # env['LDFLAGS'] += openssl_recipe.link_dirs_flags(arch)
+            # env['LIBS'] = openssl_recipe.link_libs_flags()
+            from rich.pretty import pprint
+            pprint(env)
+            time.sleep(5)
+            configure = sh.Command('./configure')
+            shprint(configure, *flags, _env=env)
+            shprint(sh.make, _env=env)
+recipe = OpusFileRecipe()