2023-10-29 10:43:34 +01:00
import time
import RNS
from typing import Union
from kivy . metrics import dp , sp
from kivy . lang . builder import Builder
from kivy . core . clipboard import Clipboard
from kivy . utils import escape_markup
from kivymd . uix . recycleview import MDRecycleView
from kivymd . uix . list import OneLineIconListItem
from kivymd . uix . pickers import MDColorPicker
from kivymd . icon_definitions import md_icons
from kivy . properties import StringProperty , BooleanProperty
from kivy . effects . scroll import ScrollEffect
from kivy . clock import Clock
from sideband . sense import Telemeter
import threading
from datetime import datetime
if RNS . vendor . platformutils . get_platform ( ) == " android " :
from ui . helpers import ts_format
else :
from . helpers import ts_format
class Telemetry ( ) :
def __init__ ( self , app ) :
self . app = app
self . screen = None
self . sensors_screen = None
self . icons_screen = None
self . color_picker = None
if not self . app . root . ids . screen_manager . has_screen ( " telemetry_screen " ) :
self . screen = Builder . load_string ( layout_telemetry_screen )
self . screen . app = self . app
self . screen . delegate = self
self . app . root . ids . screen_manager . add_widget ( self . screen )
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self . app . bind_clipboard_actions ( self . screen . ids )
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self . screen . ids . telemetry_collector . bind ( focus = self . telemetry_save )
if self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_collector " ] == None :
self . screen . ids . telemetry_collector . text = " "
else :
self . screen . ids . telemetry_collector . text = RNS . hexrep ( self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_collector " ] , delimit = False )
self . screen . ids . telemetry_icon_preview . icon_color = self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_fg " ]
self . screen . ids . telemetry_icon_preview . md_bg_color = self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_bg " ]
self . screen . ids . telemetry_icon_preview . icon = self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_icon " ]
self . screen . ids . telemetry_enabled . active = self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_enabled " ]
self . screen . ids . telemetry_enabled . bind ( active = self . telemetry_enabled_toggle )
2023-10-30 16:55:55 +01:00
self . screen . ids . telemetry_collector_enabled . active = self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_collector_enabled " ]
self . screen . ids . telemetry_collector_enabled . bind ( active = self . telemetry_save )
2023-10-29 10:43:34 +01:00
self . screen . ids . telemetry_send_to_trusted . active = self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_send_to_trusted " ]
self . screen . ids . telemetry_send_to_trusted . bind ( active = self . telemetry_save )
self . screen . ids . telemetry_display_trusted_only . active = self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_display_trusted_only " ]
self . screen . ids . telemetry_display_trusted_only . bind ( active = self . telemetry_save )
2023-10-29 16:54:12 +01:00
self . screen . ids . telemetry_receive_trusted_only . active = self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_receive_trusted_only " ]
self . screen . ids . telemetry_receive_trusted_only . bind ( active = self . telemetry_save )
2023-10-29 10:43:34 +01:00
self . screen . ids . telemetry_send_appearance . active = self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_send_appearance " ]
self . screen . ids . telemetry_send_appearance . bind ( active = self . telemetry_save )
2023-10-29 17:55:42 +01:00
self . screen . ids . telemetry_send_all_to_collector . active = self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_send_all_to_collector " ]
self . screen . ids . telemetry_send_all_to_collector . bind ( active = self . telemetry_save )
2023-10-30 13:45:58 +01:00
self . screen . ids . telemetry_use_propagation_only . active = self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_use_propagation_only " ]
self . screen . ids . telemetry_use_propagation_only . bind ( active = self . telemetry_save )
self . screen . ids . telemetry_try_propagation_on_fail . active = self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_try_propagation_on_fail " ]
self . screen . ids . telemetry_try_propagation_on_fail . bind ( active = self . telemetry_save )
self . screen . ids . telemetry_requests_only_send_latest . active = self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_requests_only_send_latest " ]
self . screen . ids . telemetry_requests_only_send_latest . bind ( active = self . telemetry_save )
self . screen . ids . telemetry_allow_requests_from_trusted . active = self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_allow_requests_from_trusted " ]
self . screen . ids . telemetry_allow_requests_from_trusted . bind ( active = self . telemetry_save )
self . screen . ids . telemetry_allow_requests_from_anyone . active = self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_allow_requests_from_anyone " ]
self . screen . ids . telemetry_allow_requests_from_anyone . bind ( active = self . telemetry_save )
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self . screen . ids . telemetry_scrollview . effect_cls = ScrollEffect
2023-10-30 16:55:55 +01:00
info = " \n Sideband allows you to securely share telemetry, such as location and sensor data, with people, custom programs, "
info + = " machines or other systems over LXMF. You have complete control over what kind of telemetry to send, and who you share "
info + = " it with. \n \n Telemetry data is never sent to, via or processed by any external services or servers, but is carried "
info + = " exclusively within encrypted LXMF messages over Reticulum, and only to the destinations you define. \n \n When telemetry "
info + = " is enabled, it is possible to embed telemetry data in normal messages on a per-peer basis. You can control this from "
info + = " the [b]Conversations[/b] list, by selecting the [b]Edit[/b] option for the relevant peer. \n \n You can also define a "
info + = " [b]Telemetry Collector[/b], that Sideband can automatically send telemetry to on a periodic basis. By default, only "
info + = " your own telemetry will be sent to the collector, but by enabling the [b]Send all known to collector[/b] option, you "
info + = " can forward all known telemetry to the collector. This can also be used to aggregate telemetry from multiple different "
info + = " collectors, or create chains of transmission. \n \n By activating the [b]Enable collector[/b] option, this instance of "
info + = " Sideband will become a Telemetry Collector, and other authorized peers will be able to query its collected data. \n "
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if self . app . theme_cls . theme_style == " Dark " :
info = " [color=# " + self . app . dark_theme_text_color + " ] " + info + " [/color] "
self . screen . ids . telemetry_info . text = info
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def send_interval_change ( sender = None , event = None , save = True ) :
slider_val = int ( self . screen . ids . telemetry_send_interval . value )
mseg = 72 ; hseg = 84
if slider_val < = mseg :
interval = slider_val * 5 * 60
elif slider_val > mseg and slider_val < = mseg + hseg :
h = ( slider_val - mseg ) / 2 ; mm = mseg * 5 * 60
interval = h * 60 * 60 + mm
else :
d = slider_val - hseg - mseg
hm = ( hseg / 2 ) * 60 * 60 ; mm = mseg * 5 * 60
interval = d * 86400 + hm + mm
interval_text = RNS . prettytime ( interval )
if self . screen . ids . telemetry_send_to_collector . active :
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self . screen . ids . telemetry_send_to_collector_label . text = " Auto sync to collector every " + interval_text
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else :
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self . screen . ids . telemetry_send_to_collector_label . text = " Auto sync to collector "
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if save :
self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_send_interval " ] = interval
self . app . sideband . save_configuration ( )
def save_send_to_collector ( sender = None , event = None , save = True ) :
if self . screen . ids . telemetry_send_to_collector . active :
self . widget_hide ( self . screen . ids . send_syncslider_container , False )
else :
self . widget_hide ( self . screen . ids . send_syncslider_container , True )
if save :
self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_send_to_collector " ] = self . screen . ids . telemetry_send_to_collector . active
self . app . sideband . save_configuration ( )
send_interval_change ( save = False )
self . screen . ids . telemetry_send_to_collector . active = self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_send_to_collector " ]
self . screen . ids . telemetry_send_to_collector . bind ( active = save_send_to_collector )
save_send_to_collector ( save = False )
def send_interval_change_cb ( sender = None , event = None ) :
send_interval_change ( sender = sender , event = event , save = False )
self . screen . ids . telemetry_send_interval . bind ( value = send_interval_change_cb )
self . screen . ids . telemetry_send_interval . bind ( on_touch_up = send_interval_change )
self . screen . ids . telemetry_send_interval . value = self . interval_to_slider_val ( self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_send_interval " ] )
send_interval_change ( save = False )
def request_interval_change ( sender = None , event = None , save = True ) :
slider_val = int ( self . screen . ids . telemetry_request_interval . value )
mseg = 72 ; hseg = 84
if slider_val < = mseg :
interval = slider_val * 5 * 60
elif slider_val > mseg and slider_val < = mseg + hseg :
h = ( slider_val - mseg ) / 2 ; mm = mseg * 5 * 60
interval = h * 60 * 60 + mm
else :
d = slider_val - hseg - mseg
hm = ( hseg / 2 ) * 60 * 60 ; mm = mseg * 5 * 60
interval = d * 86400 + hm + mm
interval_text = RNS . prettytime ( interval )
if self . screen . ids . telemetry_request_from_collector . active :
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self . screen . ids . telemetry_request_from_collector_label . text = " Auto sync from collector every " + interval_text
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else :
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self . screen . ids . telemetry_request_from_collector_label . text = " Auto sync from collector "
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if save :
self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_request_interval " ] = interval
self . app . sideband . save_configuration ( )
def save_request_from_collector ( sender = None , event = None , save = True ) :
if self . screen . ids . telemetry_request_from_collector . active :
self . widget_hide ( self . screen . ids . request_syncslider_container , False )
else :
self . widget_hide ( self . screen . ids . request_syncslider_container , True )
if save :
self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_request_from_collector " ] = self . screen . ids . telemetry_request_from_collector . active
self . app . sideband . save_configuration ( )
request_interval_change ( save = False )
self . screen . ids . telemetry_request_from_collector . active = self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_request_from_collector " ]
self . screen . ids . telemetry_request_from_collector . bind ( active = save_request_from_collector )
save_request_from_collector ( save = False )
def request_interval_change_cb ( sender = None , event = None ) :
request_interval_change ( sender = sender , event = event , save = False )
self . screen . ids . telemetry_request_interval . bind ( value = request_interval_change_cb )
self . screen . ids . telemetry_request_interval . bind ( on_touch_up = request_interval_change )
self . screen . ids . telemetry_request_interval . value = self . interval_to_slider_val ( self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_request_interval " ] )
request_interval_change ( save = False )
def interval_to_slider_val ( self , interval ) :
try :
mseg = 72 ; hseg = 84 ; sv = 0
mm = mseg * 5 * 60 ; hm = hseg * 60 * 30 + mm
if interval < = mm :
sv = interval / 60 / 5
elif interval > mm and interval < = hm :
half_hours = interval / ( 60 * 30 ) - ( mm / ( 60 * 30 ) )
sv = mseg + half_hours
else :
days = ( interval / 86400 ) - ( ( hseg * 60 * 30 ) / 84600 ) - ( mm / 86400 )
sv = 1 + mseg + hseg + days
except Exception as e :
return 43200
return sv
def widget_hide ( self , w , hide = True ) :
if hasattr ( w , " saved_attrs " ) :
if not hide :
w . height , w . size_hint_y , w . opacity , w . disabled = w . saved_attrs
del w . saved_attrs
elif hide :
w . saved_attrs = w . height , w . size_hint_y , w . opacity , w . disabled
w . height , w . size_hint_y , w . opacity , w . disabled = 0 , None , 0 , True
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def telemetry_enabled_toggle ( self , sender = None , event = None ) :
self . telemetry_save ( )
if self . screen . ids . telemetry_enabled . active :
self . app . sideband . run_telemetry ( )
else :
self . app . sideband . stop_telemetry ( )
def telemetry_save ( self , sender = None , event = None ) :
run_telemetry_update = False
if len ( self . screen . ids . telemetry_collector . text ) != 32 :
self . screen . ids . telemetry_collector . text = " "
self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_collector " ] = None
else :
try :
self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_collector " ] = bytes . fromhex ( self . screen . ids . telemetry_collector . text )
except :
self . screen . ids . telemetry_collector . text = " "
self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_collector " ] = None
self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_enabled " ] = self . screen . ids . telemetry_enabled . active
self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_send_to_collector " ] = self . screen . ids . telemetry_send_to_collector . active
self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_send_to_trusted " ] = self . screen . ids . telemetry_send_to_trusted . active
self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_display_trusted_only " ] = self . screen . ids . telemetry_display_trusted_only . active
self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_send_appearance " ] = self . screen . ids . telemetry_send_appearance . active
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self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_receive_trusted_only " ] = self . screen . ids . telemetry_receive_trusted_only . active
2023-10-29 17:55:42 +01:00
self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_send_all_to_collector " ] = self . screen . ids . telemetry_send_all_to_collector . active
2023-10-30 13:45:58 +01:00
self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_use_propagation_only " ] = self . screen . ids . telemetry_use_propagation_only . active
self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_try_propagation_on_fail " ] = self . screen . ids . telemetry_try_propagation_on_fail . active
self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_requests_only_send_latest " ] = self . screen . ids . telemetry_requests_only_send_latest . active
self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_allow_requests_from_trusted " ] = self . screen . ids . telemetry_allow_requests_from_trusted . active
self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_allow_requests_from_anyone " ] = self . screen . ids . telemetry_allow_requests_from_anyone . active
2023-10-30 16:55:55 +01:00
self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_collector_enabled " ] = self . screen . ids . telemetry_collector_enabled . active
2023-10-29 10:43:34 +01:00
self . app . sideband . save_configuration ( )
if run_telemetry_update :
self . app . sideband . update_telemetry ( )
else :
self . app . sideband . setstate ( " app.flags.last_telemetry " , time . time ( ) )
def telemetry_copy ( self , sender = None ) :
Clipboard . copy ( str ( self . app . sideband . get_telemetry ( ) ) )
self . app . sideband . update_telemetry ( )
def telemetry_fg_color ( self , sender = None ) :
if self . color_picker == None :
self . color_picker = MDColorPicker ( size_hint = ( 0.85 , 0.85 ) )
self . color_picker . open ( )
self . color_picker . bind ( on_release = self . telemetry_fg_select )
def job ( sender = None ) :
self . color_picker . _rgb = self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_fg " ] [ 0 : 3 ]
self . color_picker . ids . view_headline . on_tab_press ( )
Clock . schedule_once ( job , 0 )
def telemetry_fg_select ( self , instance_color_picker : MDColorPicker , type_color : str , selected_color : Union [ list , str ] ) :
s = selected_color ; color = [ s [ 0 ] , s [ 1 ] , s [ 2 ] , 1 ]
self . screen . ids . telemetry_icon_preview . icon_color = color
self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_fg " ] = color
self . app . sideband . save_configuration ( )
self . own_appearance_changed = True
if hasattr ( self , " color_picker " ) and self . color_picker != None :
self . color_picker . dismiss ( )
self . color_picker = None
def telemetry_bg_color ( self , sender = None ) :
if self . color_picker == None :
self . color_picker = MDColorPicker ( size_hint = ( 0.85 , 0.85 ) )
self . color_picker . open ( )
self . color_picker . bind ( on_release = self . telemetry_bg_select )
def job ( sender = None ) :
self . color_picker . _rgb = self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_bg " ] [ 0 : 3 ]
self . color_picker . ids . view_headline . on_tab_press ( )
Clock . schedule_once ( job , 0 )
def telemetry_bg_select ( self , instance_color_picker : MDColorPicker , type_color : str , selected_color : Union [ list , str ] ) :
s = selected_color ; color = [ s [ 0 ] , s [ 1 ] , s [ 2 ] , 1 ]
self . screen . ids . telemetry_icon_preview . md_bg_color = color
self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_bg " ] = color
self . app . sideband . save_configuration ( )
self . own_appearance_changed = True
if hasattr ( self , " color_picker " ) and self . color_picker != None :
self . color_picker . dismiss ( )
self . color_picker = None
### Sensors Screen
def sensors_init ( self ) :
if not self . app . root . ids . screen_manager . has_screen ( " sensors_screen " ) :
self . sensors_screen = Builder . load_string ( layout_sensors_screen )
self . sensors_screen . app = self . app
self . sensors_screen . delegate = self
self . app . root . ids . screen_manager . add_widget ( self . sensors_screen )
2023-10-31 19:09:04 +01:00
self . bind_clipboard_actions ( self . sensors_screen . ids )
2023-10-29 10:43:34 +01:00
info3 = " \n To include a specific type of telemetry data while sending, it must be enabled below. Please note that some sensor types are not supported on all devices. Sideband will only be able to read a specific type of sensor if your device actually includes hardware for it. \n "
if self . app . theme_cls . theme_style == " Dark " :
info3 = " [color=# " + self . app . dark_theme_text_color + " ] " + info3 + " [/color] "
self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_info3 . text = info3
2023-10-29 14:06:51 +01:00
self . sensors_screen . ids . sensors_scrollview . effect_cls = ScrollEffect
2023-10-29 10:43:34 +01:00
try :
lat = self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_s_fixed_latlon " ] [ 0 ] ; lon = self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_s_fixed_latlon " ] [ 1 ]
except :
lat = 0.0 ; lon = 0.0
self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_location . active = self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_s_location " ]
self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_location . bind ( active = self . telemetry_location_toggle )
self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_fixed_location . active = self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_s_fixed_location " ]
self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_fixed_location . bind ( active = self . telemetry_location_toggle )
self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_fixed_latlon . bind ( focus = self . sensors_save )
self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_fixed_altitude . bind ( focus = self . sensors_save )
self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_fixed_altitude . text = str ( self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_s_fixed_altitude " ] )
self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_fixed_latlon . text = f " { lat } , { lon } "
self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_battery . active = self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_s_battery " ]
self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_battery . bind ( active = self . sensors_save )
self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_barometer . active = self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_s_pressure " ]
self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_barometer . bind ( active = self . sensors_save )
self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_temperature . active = self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_s_temperature " ]
self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_temperature . bind ( active = self . sensors_save )
self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_humidity . active = self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_s_humidity " ]
self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_humidity . bind ( active = self . sensors_save )
self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_compass . active = self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_s_magnetic_field " ]
self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_compass . bind ( active = self . sensors_save )
self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_light . active = self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_s_ambient_light " ]
self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_light . bind ( active = self . sensors_save )
self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_gravity . active = self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_s_gravity " ]
self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_gravity . bind ( active = self . sensors_save )
self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_gyroscope . active = self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_s_angular_velocity " ]
self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_gyroscope . bind ( active = self . sensors_save )
self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_accelerometer . active = self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_s_acceleration " ]
self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_accelerometer . bind ( active = self . sensors_save )
self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_proximity . active = self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_s_proximity " ]
self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_proximity . bind ( active = self . sensors_save )
self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_information . active = self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_s_information " ]
self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_information . bind ( active = self . sensors_save )
self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_information_text . text = str ( self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_s_information_text " ] )
self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_information_text . bind ( focus = self . sensors_save )
def sensors_action ( self , sender = None ) :
self . sensors_init ( )
self . app . root . ids . screen_manager . transition . direction = " left "
self . app . root . ids . screen_manager . current = " sensors_screen "
self . app . root . ids . nav_drawer . set_state ( " closed " )
self . app . sideband . setstate ( " app.displaying " , self . app . root . ids . screen_manager . current )
def telemetry_location_toggle ( self , sender = None , event = None ) :
if sender == self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_location :
if self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_location . active :
self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_fixed_location . active = False
if sender == self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_fixed_location :
if self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_fixed_location . active :
self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_location . active = False
if self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_location . active :
if RNS . vendor . platformutils . is_android ( ) :
if not check_permission ( " android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION " ) or not check_permission ( " android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION " ) :
RNS . log ( " Requesting location permission " , RNS . LOG_DEBUG )
request_permissions ( [ " android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION " , " android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION " ] )
self . sensors_save ( )
def sensors_save ( self , sender = None , event = None ) :
run_telemetry_update = False
self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_s_location " ] = self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_location . active
self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_s_fixed_location " ] = self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_fixed_location . active
self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_s_battery " ] = self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_battery . active
self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_s_pressure " ] = self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_barometer . active
self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_s_temperature " ] = self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_temperature . active
self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_s_humidity " ] = self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_humidity . active
self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_s_magnetic_field " ] = self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_compass . active
self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_s_ambient_light " ] = self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_light . active
self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_s_gravity " ] = self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_gravity . active
self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_s_angular_velocity " ] = self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_gyroscope . active
self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_s_acceleration " ] = self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_accelerometer . active
self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_s_proximity " ] = self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_proximity . active
if self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_s_information " ] != self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_information . active :
self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_s_information " ] = self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_information . active
run_telemetry_update = True
if self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_s_information_text " ] != self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_information_text . text :
self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_s_information_text " ] = self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_information_text . text
run_telemetry_update = True
try :
alt = float ( self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_fixed_altitude . text . strip ( ) . replace ( " " , " " ) )
self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_fixed_altitude . text = str ( alt )
if self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_s_fixed_altitude " ] != alt :
self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_s_fixed_altitude " ] = alt
run_telemetry_update = True
except :
self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_fixed_altitude . text = str ( self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_s_fixed_altitude " ] )
try :
s = self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_fixed_latlon . text
l = s . strip ( ) . replace ( " " , " " ) . split ( " , " )
lat = float ( l [ 0 ] ) ; lon = float ( l [ 1 ] )
if self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_s_fixed_latlon " ] != [ lat , lon ] :
run_telemetry_update = True
self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_s_fixed_latlon " ] = [ lat , lon ]
self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_fixed_latlon . text = f " { lat } , { lon } "
except :
try :
lat = self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_s_fixed_latlon " ] [ 0 ]
lon = self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_s_fixed_latlon " ] [ 1 ]
self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_fixed_latlon . text = f " { lat } , { lon } "
except :
self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_s_fixed_latlon " ] = [ 0.0 , 0.0 ]
self . sensors_screen . ids . telemetry_s_fixed_latlon . text = " 0.0, 0.0 "
self . app . sideband . save_configuration ( )
if run_telemetry_update :
self . app . sideband . update_telemetry ( )
else :
self . app . sideband . setstate ( " app.flags.last_telemetry " , time . time ( ) )
### Icons Screen
def icons_action ( self , sender = None ) :
if not self . app . root . ids . screen_manager . has_screen ( " icons_screen " ) :
self . icons_screen = Builder . load_string ( layout_icons_screen )
self . icons_screen . app = self . app
self . icons_screen . delegate = self
self . app . root . ids . screen_manager . add_widget ( self . icons_screen )
self . icons_filter ( )
self . app . root . ids . screen_manager . transition . direction = " left "
self . app . root . ids . screen_manager . current = " icons_screen "
self . app . sideband . setstate ( " app.displaying " , self . app . root . ids . screen_manager . current )
# sf = self.icons_screen.ids.icons_search_field.text
# self.icons_filter(sf, len(sf)>0)
def telemetry_set_icon ( self , text = " " , search = False ) :
if text in md_icons . keys ( ) :
self . screen . ids . telemetry_icon_preview . icon = text
else :
self . screen . ids . telemetry_icon_preview . icon = " alpha-p-circle-outline "
self . app . sideband . config [ " telemetry_icon " ] = self . screen . ids . telemetry_icon_preview . icon
self . app . sideband . save_configuration ( )
self . own_appearance_changed = True
def icons_selected ( self , selected = None ) :
RNS . log ( " Selected: " + str ( selected ) )
if selected == None :
selected = " alpha-p-circle-outline "
self . telemetry_set_icon ( selected )
self . app . close_sub_telemetry_action ( )
def icons_filter ( self , text = " " , search = False ) :
def add_icon_item ( name_icon ) :
def select_factory ( x ) :
def f ( ) :
self . icons_selected ( x )
return f
self . icons_screen . ids . icons_rv . data . append (
" viewclass " : " CustomOneLineIconListItem " ,
" icon " : name_icon ,
" text " : name_icon ,
" callback " : lambda x : x ,
" on_release " : select_factory ( name_icon )
self . icons_screen . ids . icons_rv . data = [ ]
for name_icon in md_icons . keys ( ) :
if search :
if text in name_icon :
add_icon_item ( name_icon )
else :
add_icon_item ( name_icon )
layout_telemetry_screen = """
MDScreen :
name : " telemetry_screen "
BoxLayout :
orientation : " vertical "
MDTopAppBar :
title : " Telemetry "
anchor_title : " left "
elevation : 0
left_action_items :
[ [ ' menu ' , lambda x : root . app . nav_drawer . set_state ( " open " ) ] ]
right_action_items :
[ ' close ' , lambda x : root . app . close_any_action ( self ) ] ,
ScrollView :
id : telemetry_scrollview
MDBoxLayout :
orientation : " vertical "
size_hint_y : None
height : self . minimum_height
padding : [ dp ( 28 ) , dp ( 48 ) , dp ( 28 ) , dp ( 16 ) ]
MDLabel :
text : " Telemetry Over LXMF "
font_style : " H6 "
MDLabel :
id : telemetry_info
markup : True
text : " "
size_hint_y : None
text_size : self . width , None
height : self . texture_size [ 1 ]
MDBoxLayout :
orientation : " horizontal "
padding : [ 0 , 0 , dp ( 24 ) , 0 ]
size_hint_y : None
height : dp ( 48 )
MDLabel :
id : telemetry_enabled_label
2023-10-29 11:05:14 +01:00
text : " Enable telemetry "
2023-10-29 10:43:34 +01:00
font_style : " H6 "
MDSwitch :
id : telemetry_enabled
pos_hint : { " center_y " : 0.3 }
active : False
2023-10-30 16:55:55 +01:00
MDBoxLayout :
orientation : " horizontal "
padding : [ 0 , 0 , dp ( 24 ) , 0 ]
size_hint_y : None
height : dp ( 48 )
MDLabel :
text : " Enable collector "
font_style : " H6 "
MDSwitch :
id : telemetry_collector_enabled
pos_hint : { " center_y " : 0.3 }
active : False
2023-10-29 10:43:34 +01:00
MDBoxLayout :
orientation : " horizontal "
size_hint_y : None
padding : [ 0 , 0 , dp ( 24 ) , dp ( 0 ) ]
height : dp ( 48 )
MDLabel :
2023-10-29 23:03:51 +01:00
text : " Send display style to everyone "
2023-10-29 10:43:34 +01:00
font_style : " H6 "
MDSwitch :
2023-10-29 23:03:51 +01:00
id : telemetry_send_appearance
2023-10-29 16:54:12 +01:00
pos_hint : { " center_y " : 0.3 }
active : False
MDBoxLayout :
orientation : " horizontal "
size_hint_y : None
padding : [ 0 , 0 , dp ( 24 ) , dp ( 0 ) ]
height : dp ( 48 )
MDLabel :
2023-10-29 23:03:51 +01:00
text : " Only display trusted on map "
2023-10-29 16:54:12 +01:00
font_style : " H6 "
MDSwitch :
2023-10-29 23:03:51 +01:00
id : telemetry_display_trusted_only
2023-10-29 10:43:34 +01:00
pos_hint : { " center_y " : 0.3 }
active : False
MDBoxLayout :
orientation : " horizontal "
size_hint_y : None
padding : [ 0 , 0 , dp ( 24 ) , dp ( 0 ) ]
height : dp ( 48 )
MDLabel :
2023-10-29 23:03:51 +01:00
text : " Only receive from trusted "
2023-10-29 10:43:34 +01:00
font_style : " H6 "
MDSwitch :
2023-10-29 23:03:51 +01:00
id : telemetry_receive_trusted_only
2023-10-29 10:43:34 +01:00
pos_hint : { " center_y " : 0.3 }
active : False
MDBoxLayout :
orientation : " horizontal "
size_hint_y : None
padding : [ 0 , 0 , dp ( 24 ) , dp ( 0 ) ]
height : dp ( 48 )
MDLabel :
2023-10-29 16:01:28 +01:00
id : telemetry_send_to_collector_label
2023-10-30 13:45:58 +01:00
text : " Auto sync to collector "
2023-10-29 10:43:34 +01:00
font_style : " H6 "
MDSwitch :
2023-10-29 16:01:28 +01:00
id : telemetry_send_to_collector
2023-10-29 10:43:34 +01:00
pos_hint : { " center_y " : 0.3 }
active : False
2023-10-29 16:01:28 +01:00
MDBoxLayout :
id : send_syncslider_container
orientation : " vertical "
size_hint_y : None
padding : [ 0 , 0 , dp ( 0 ) , 0 ]
height : dp ( 68 )
id : telemetry_send_interval
min : 1
max : 214
value : 150
sensitivity : " all "
hint : False
MDBoxLayout :
orientation : " horizontal "
size_hint_y : None
padding : [ 0 , 0 , dp ( 24 ) , dp ( 0 ) ]
height : dp ( 48 )
MDLabel :
id : telemetry_request_from_collector_label
2023-10-30 13:45:58 +01:00
text : " Auto sync from collector "
2023-10-29 16:01:28 +01:00
font_style : " H6 "
MDSwitch :
id : telemetry_request_from_collector
pos_hint : { " center_y " : 0.3 }
active : False
MDBoxLayout :
id : request_syncslider_container
orientation : " vertical "
size_hint_y : None
padding : [ 0 , 0 , dp ( 0 ) , 0 ]
height : dp ( 68 )
id : telemetry_request_interval
min : 1
max : 214
value : 150
sensitivity : " all "
hint : False
2023-10-29 10:43:34 +01:00
MDBoxLayout :
orientation : " vertical "
spacing : dp ( 24 )
size_hint_y : None
padding : [ dp ( 0 ) , dp ( 24 ) , dp ( 0 ) , dp ( 60 ) ]
#height: dp(232)
height : self . minimum_height
2023-10-29 20:59:27 +01:00
MDTextField :
id : telemetry_collector
max_text_length : 32
hint_text : " Telemetry Collector LXMF Address "
text : " "
font_size : dp ( 24 )
# MDRectangleFlatIconButton:
# id: telemetry_copy_button
# icon: "content-copy"
# text: "Copy Own Telemetry"
# padding: [dp(0), dp(14), dp(0), dp(14)]
# icon_size: dp(24)
# font_size: dp(16)
# size_hint: [1.0, None]
# on_release: root.delegate.telemetry_copy(self)
# disabled: False
MDBoxLayout :
orientation : " horizontal "
size_hint_y : None
height : self . minimum_height
spacing : dp ( 24 )
MDRectangleFlatIconButton :
id : telemetry_send_update_button
icon : " upload-lock "
text : " Send Now "
padding : [ dp ( 0 ) , dp ( 14 ) , dp ( 0 ) , dp ( 14 ) ]
icon_size : dp ( 24 )
font_size : dp ( 16 )
size_hint : [ 1.0 , None ]
on_release : root . app . telemetry_send_update ( self )
disabled : False
MDRectangleFlatIconButton :
id : telemetry_request_button
icon : " arrow-down-bold-hexagon-outline "
text : " Request Now "
padding : [ dp ( 0 ) , dp ( 14 ) , dp ( 0 ) , dp ( 14 ) ]
icon_size : dp ( 24 )
font_size : dp ( 16 )
size_hint : [ 1.0 , None ]
on_release : root . app . telemetry_request_action ( self )
disabled : False
MDBoxLayout :
orientation : " horizontal "
size_hint_y : None
height : self . minimum_height
spacing : dp ( 24 )
MDRectangleFlatIconButton :
id : telemetry_sensors_button
icon : " sun-thermometer-outline "
text : " Configure Sensors "
padding : [ dp ( 0 ) , dp ( 14 ) , dp ( 0 ) , dp ( 14 ) ]
icon_size : dp ( 24 )
font_size : dp ( 16 )
size_hint : [ 1.0 , None ]
on_release : root . delegate . sensors_action ( self )
disabled : False
MDRectangleFlatIconButton :
id : telemetry_own_button
icon : " database-eye-outline "
text : " Display Own "
padding : [ dp ( 0 ) , dp ( 14 ) , dp ( 0 ) , dp ( 14 ) ]
icon_size : dp ( 24 )
font_size : dp ( 16 )
size_hint : [ 1.0 , None ]
on_release : root . app . map_display_own_telemetry ( self )
disabled : False
2023-10-29 10:43:34 +01:00
MDLabel :
text : " Display Options "
font_style : " H6 "
MDLabel :
id : telemetry_info4
markup : True
text : " \\ nYou can customise the display style of your telemetry data when viewed by others, by setting an icon and color options. This is usually used by clients to display your telemetry entry on a map or in lists and overviews. If left unset, the receiver will decide how to display the data. \\ n "
size_hint_y : None
text_size : self . width , None
height : self . texture_size [ 1 ]
MDBoxLayout :
orientation : " vertical "
size_hint_y : None
height : dp ( 112 )
padding : [ dp ( 0 ) , dp ( 24 ) , dp ( 0 ) , dp ( 24 ) ]
pos_hint : { " center_x " : .5 }
MDIconButton :
pos_hint : { " center_x " : .5 }
id : telemetry_icon_preview
icon : " account "
type : " large "
theme_icon_color : " Custom "
icon_color : [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 ]
md_bg_color : [ 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 ]
icon_size : dp ( 64 )
size_hint_y : None
# width: dp(64)
height : dp ( 80 )
on_release : root . delegate . icons_action ( self )
MDRectangleFlatIconButton :
id : telemetry_icons_button
icon : " list-box-outline "
text : " Select From Available Icons "
padding : [ dp ( 0 ) , dp ( 14 ) , dp ( 0 ) , dp ( 14 ) ]
icon_size : dp ( 24 )
font_size : dp ( 16 )
size_hint : [ 1.0 , None ]
on_release : root . delegate . icons_action ( self )
disabled : False
MDBoxLayout :
orientation : " vertical "
size_hint_y : None
2023-10-30 13:45:58 +01:00
padding : [ dp ( 0 ) , dp ( 24 ) , dp ( 0 ) , dp ( 60 ) ]
2023-10-29 20:59:27 +01:00
height : self . minimum_height
2023-10-29 10:43:34 +01:00
MDBoxLayout :
orientation : " horizontal "
2023-10-29 20:59:27 +01:00
size_hint_y : None
height : self . minimum_height
2023-10-29 10:43:34 +01:00
spacing : dp ( 24 )
MDRectangleFlatIconButton :
id : telemetry_icons_button
icon : " list-box-outline "
text : " Set Foreground Color "
padding : [ dp ( 0 ) , dp ( 14 ) , dp ( 0 ) , dp ( 14 ) ]
icon_size : dp ( 24 )
font_size : dp ( 16 )
size_hint : [ 1.0 , None ]
on_release : root . delegate . telemetry_fg_color ( self )
disabled : False
MDRectangleFlatIconButton :
id : telemetry_icons_button
icon : " list-box-outline "
text : " Set Background Color "
padding : [ dp ( 0 ) , dp ( 14 ) , dp ( 0 ) , dp ( 14 ) ]
icon_size : dp ( 24 )
font_size : dp ( 16 )
size_hint : [ 1.0 , None ]
on_release : root . delegate . telemetry_bg_color ( self )
disabled : False
2023-10-30 13:45:58 +01:00
MDLabel :
text : " Advanced Configuration "
font_style : " H6 "
MDLabel :
id : telemetry_info5
markup : True
text : " \\ n[i]Read this section before enabling any advanced configuration options[/i] \\ n \\ nBy using the following options in combination with the basic settings above, it is possible to achieve a broad variety of telemetry collection, sharing and distribution systems. Both distributed, centralised, private and public configurations are possible. This section briefly explains the available options. For more details, refer to the full manual. \\ n \\ nIf the [b]Embed telemetry to all trusted[/b] option is enabled, Sideband will automatically embed telemetry data in outgoing messages to all peers marked as trusted. \\ n \\ nWith the [b]Sync all known telemetry to collector[/b] option enabled, Sideband will send not only its own, but all collected telemetry data to the specified collector address. This can be useful for aggregating data from many different areas onto collectors, and for distributed configurations. \\ n \\ nIf the [b]Always use propagation for telemetry[/b] option is enabled, Sideband will never attempt to directly delivery outbound telemetry, but will always send it via the active propagation node. \\ n \\ nThe [b]Try propagation if direct delivery fails[/b] option will make Sideband attempt to send outbound telemetry via the active propagation node, if direct delivery to the recipient fails. \\ n \\ nIf [b]Allow requests from all trusted[/b] is enabled, any peer marked as trusted will be able to perform requests on this Sideband instance. \\ n \\ n[b]Warning![/b] If the option [b]Allow requests from anyone[/b] is enabled, [i]any peer[/i], on [i]all reachable reticules[/i] will be able to query and access telemetry data stored on this instance. This can be very useful for emergency situations, rescue operations and public coordination, but should be used with [b]extreme caution[/b]. \\ n \\ n[b]Requests[/b] enables remote peers to query telemetry data collected by this instance, and to run available statistics commands. Available commands are currently [b]ping[/b], which requests a small response message, [b]echo[/b] which requests an echo reply of the specified text, and [b]sig[/b] which requests a sigal report, if available. \\ n "
size_hint_y : None
text_size : self . width , None
height : self . texture_size [ 1 ]
MDBoxLayout :
orientation : " horizontal "
size_hint_y : None
padding : [ 0 , 0 , dp ( 24 ) , dp ( 0 ) ]
height : dp ( 48 )
MDLabel :
text : " Embed telemetry to all trusted "
font_style : " H6 "
MDSwitch :
id : telemetry_send_to_trusted
pos_hint : { " center_y " : 0.3 }
active : False
MDBoxLayout :
orientation : " horizontal "
size_hint_y : None
padding : [ 0 , 0 , dp ( 24 ) , dp ( 0 ) ]
height : dp ( 48 )
MDLabel :
text : " Sync all known telemetry to collector "
font_style : " H6 "
MDSwitch :
id : telemetry_send_all_to_collector
pos_hint : { " center_y " : 0.3 }
active : False
MDBoxLayout :
orientation : " horizontal "
size_hint_y : None
padding : [ 0 , 0 , dp ( 24 ) , dp ( 0 ) ]
height : dp ( 48 )
MDLabel :
text : " Always use propagation for telemetry "
font_style : " H6 "
MDSwitch :
id : telemetry_use_propagation_only
pos_hint : { " center_y " : 0.3 }
active : False
MDBoxLayout :
orientation : " horizontal "
size_hint_y : None
padding : [ 0 , 0 , dp ( 24 ) , dp ( 0 ) ]
height : dp ( 48 )
MDLabel :
text : " Try propagation if direct delivery fails "
font_style : " H6 "
MDSwitch :
id : telemetry_try_propagation_on_fail
pos_hint : { " center_y " : 0.3 }
active : False
MDBoxLayout :
orientation : " horizontal "
size_hint_y : None
padding : [ 0 , 0 , dp ( 24 ) , dp ( 0 ) ]
height : dp ( 48 )
MDLabel :
text : " Requests receive only latest "
font_style : " H6 "
MDSwitch :
id : telemetry_requests_only_send_latest
pos_hint : { " center_y " : 0.3 }
active : False
MDBoxLayout :
orientation : " horizontal "
size_hint_y : None
padding : [ 0 , 0 , dp ( 24 ) , dp ( 0 ) ]
height : dp ( 48 )
MDLabel :
text : " Allow requests from all trusted "
font_style : " H6 "
MDSwitch :
id : telemetry_allow_requests_from_trusted
pos_hint : { " center_y " : 0.3 }
active : False
MDBoxLayout :
orientation : " horizontal "
size_hint_y : None
padding : [ 0 , 0 , dp ( 24 ) , dp ( 0 ) ]
height : dp ( 48 )
MDLabel :
text : " Allow requests from anyone "
font_style : " H6 "
MDSwitch :
id : telemetry_allow_requests_from_anyone
pos_hint : { " center_y " : 0.3 }
active : False
2023-10-29 10:43:34 +01:00
layout_sensors_screen = """
MDScreen :
name : " sensors_screen "
BoxLayout :
orientation : " vertical "
MDTopAppBar :
2023-10-31 17:46:57 +01:00
id : top_bar
2023-10-29 10:43:34 +01:00
title : " Sensors "
anchor_title : " left "
elevation : 0
left_action_items :
[ [ ' menu ' , lambda x : root . app . nav_drawer . set_state ( " open " ) ] ]
right_action_items :
[ ' close ' , lambda x : root . app . close_sub_telemetry_action ( self ) ] ,
2023-10-31 17:46:57 +01:00
MDScrollView :
2023-10-29 10:43:34 +01:00
id : sensors_scrollview
2023-10-31 17:46:57 +01:00
size_hint_x : 1
size_hint_y : None
size : [ root . width , root . height - root . ids . top_bar . height ]
do_scroll_x : False
do_scroll_y : True
MDGridLayout :
cols : 1
padding : [ dp ( 28 ) , dp ( 28 ) , dp ( 28 ) , dp ( 28 ) ]
2023-10-29 10:43:34 +01:00
size_hint_y : None
height : self . minimum_height
MDLabel :
text : " Sensor Types "
font_style : " H6 "
2023-10-31 17:46:57 +01:00
size_hint_y : None
height : self . texture_size [ 1 ]
2023-10-29 10:43:34 +01:00
MDLabel :
id : telemetry_info3
markup : True
text : " "
size_hint_y : None
height : self . texture_size [ 1 ]
MDBoxLayout :
orientation : " horizontal "
size_hint_y : None
padding : [ 0 , 0 , dp ( 24 ) , dp ( 0 ) ]
height : dp ( 48 )
MDLabel :
text : " Location "
font_style : " H6 "
MDSwitch :
id : telemetry_s_location
pos_hint : { " center_y " : 0.3 }
active : False
MDBoxLayout :
orientation : " horizontal "
size_hint_y : None
padding : [ 0 , 0 , dp ( 24 ) , dp ( 0 ) ]
height : dp ( 48 )
MDLabel :
text : " Battery State "
font_style : " H6 "
MDSwitch :
id : telemetry_s_battery
pos_hint : { " center_y " : 0.3 }
active : False
MDBoxLayout :
orientation : " horizontal "
size_hint_y : None
padding : [ 0 , 0 , dp ( 24 ) , dp ( 0 ) ]
height : dp ( 48 )
MDLabel :
text : " Pressure "
font_style : " H6 "
MDSwitch :
id : telemetry_s_barometer
pos_hint : { " center_y " : 0.3 }
active : False
MDBoxLayout :
orientation : " horizontal "
size_hint_y : None
padding : [ 0 , 0 , dp ( 24 ) , dp ( 0 ) ]
height : dp ( 48 )
MDLabel :
text : " Temperature "
font_style : " H6 "
MDSwitch :
id : telemetry_s_temperature
pos_hint : { " center_y " : 0.3 }
active : False
MDBoxLayout :
orientation : " horizontal "
size_hint_y : None
padding : [ 0 , 0 , dp ( 24 ) , dp ( 0 ) ]
height : dp ( 48 )
MDLabel :
text : " Humidity "
font_style : " H6 "
MDSwitch :
id : telemetry_s_humidity
pos_hint : { " center_y " : 0.3 }
active : False
MDBoxLayout :
orientation : " horizontal "
size_hint_y : None
padding : [ 0 , 0 , dp ( 24 ) , dp ( 0 ) ]
height : dp ( 48 )
MDLabel :
text : " Magnetic Field "
font_style : " H6 "
MDSwitch :
id : telemetry_s_compass
pos_hint : { " center_y " : 0.3 }
active : False
MDBoxLayout :
orientation : " horizontal "
size_hint_y : None
padding : [ 0 , 0 , dp ( 24 ) , dp ( 0 ) ]
height : dp ( 48 )
MDLabel :
text : " Ambient Light "
font_style : " H6 "
MDSwitch :
id : telemetry_s_light
pos_hint : { " center_y " : 0.3 }
active : False
MDBoxLayout :
orientation : " horizontal "
size_hint_y : None
padding : [ 0 , 0 , dp ( 24 ) , dp ( 0 ) ]
height : dp ( 48 )
MDLabel :
text : " Gravity "
font_style : " H6 "
MDSwitch :
id : telemetry_s_gravity
pos_hint : { " center_y " : 0.3 }
active : False
MDBoxLayout :
orientation : " horizontal "
size_hint_y : None
padding : [ 0 , 0 , dp ( 24 ) , dp ( 0 ) ]
height : dp ( 48 )
MDLabel :
text : " Angular Velocity "
font_style : " H6 "
MDSwitch :
id : telemetry_s_gyroscope
pos_hint : { " center_y " : 0.3 }
active : False
MDBoxLayout :
orientation : " horizontal "
size_hint_y : None
padding : [ 0 , 0 , dp ( 24 ) , dp ( 0 ) ]
height : dp ( 48 )
MDLabel :
text : " Acceleration "
font_style : " H6 "
MDSwitch :
id : telemetry_s_accelerometer
pos_hint : { " center_y " : 0.3 }
active : False
MDBoxLayout :
orientation : " horizontal "
size_hint_y : None
padding : [ 0 , 0 , dp ( 24 ) , dp ( 0 ) ]
height : dp ( 48 )
MDLabel :
text : " Proximity "
font_style : " H6 "
MDSwitch :
id : telemetry_s_proximity
pos_hint : { " center_y " : 0.3 }
active : False
MDBoxLayout :
orientation : " horizontal "
size_hint_y : None
padding : [ 0 , 0 , dp ( 24 ) , dp ( 0 ) ]
height : dp ( 48 )
MDLabel :
text : " Information "
font_style : " H6 "
MDSwitch :
id : telemetry_s_information
pos_hint : { " center_y " : 0.3 }
active : False
MDBoxLayout :
id : telemetry_information_fields
orientation : " horizontal "
size_hint_y : None
spacing : dp ( 16 )
height : dp ( 64 )
padding : [ 0 , dp ( 0 ) , 0 , dp ( 0 ) ]
MDTextField :
id : telemetry_s_information_text
size_hint : [ 1.0 , None ]
hint_text : " Custom information text "
max_text_length : 256
text : " "
font_size : dp ( 24 )
MDBoxLayout :
orientation : " horizontal "
size_hint_y : None
padding : [ 0 , 0 , dp ( 24 ) , dp ( 0 ) ]
height : dp ( 48 )
MDLabel :
text : " Fixed Location "
font_style : " H6 "
MDSwitch :
id : telemetry_s_fixed_location
pos_hint : { " center_y " : 0.3 }
active : False
MDBoxLayout :
id : telemetry_fixed_location_fields
orientation : " horizontal "
size_hint_y : None
spacing : dp ( 16 )
height : dp ( 64 )
padding : [ 0 , dp ( 0 ) , 0 , dp ( 0 ) ]
# md_bg_color: [1,0,0,1]
MDTextField :
id : telemetry_s_fixed_latlon
size_hint : [ 0.618 , None ]
hint_text : " Latitude, longtitude "
text : " "
font_size : dp ( 24 )
MDTextField :
id : telemetry_s_fixed_altitude
size_hint : [ 0.382 , None ]
hint_text : " Altitude "
text : " "
font_size : dp ( 24 )
layout_icons_screen = """
MDScreen :
name : " icons_screen "
BoxLayout :
orientation : " vertical "
MDTopAppBar :
title : " Available Icons "
anchor_title : " left "
elevation : 0
left_action_items :
[ [ ' menu ' , lambda x : root . app . nav_drawer . set_state ( " open " ) ] ]
right_action_items :
[ ' close ' , lambda x : root . app . close_sub_telemetry_action ( self ) ] ,
MDBoxLayout :
orientation : ' vertical '
spacing : dp ( 10 )
padding : dp ( 20 )
MDBoxLayout :
adaptive_height : True
MDIconButton :
icon : ' magnify '
MDTextField :
id : icons_search_field
hint_text : ' Search icon '
on_text : root . delegate . icons_filter ( self . text , True )
RecycleView :
id : icons_rv
key_viewclass : ' viewclass '
key_size : ' height '
RecycleBoxLayout :
padding : dp ( 10 )
default_size : None , dp ( 48 )
default_size_hint : 1 , None
size_hint_y : None
height : self . minimum_height
orientation : ' vertical '