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2025-01-22 22:31:16 +01:00
# Copyright (c) 2016 Roger Light <>
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
# and Eclipse Distribution License v1.0 which accompany this distribution.
# The Eclipse Public License is available at
# and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
# Contributors:
# Roger Light - initial API and implementation
This module provides some helper functions to allow straightforward subscribing
to topics and retrieving messages. The two functions are simple(), which
returns one or messages matching a set of topics, and callback() which allows
you to pass a callback for processing of messages.
from .. import mqtt
from . import client as paho
def _on_connect(client, userdata, flags, reason_code, properties):
"""Internal callback"""
if reason_code != 0:
raise mqtt.MQTTException(paho.connack_string(reason_code))
if isinstance(userdata['topics'], list):
for topic in userdata['topics']:
client.subscribe(topic, userdata['qos'])
client.subscribe(userdata['topics'], userdata['qos'])
def _on_message_callback(client, userdata, message):
"""Internal callback"""
userdata['callback'](client, userdata['userdata'], message)
def _on_message_simple(client, userdata, message):
"""Internal callback"""
if userdata['msg_count'] == 0:
# Don't process stale retained messages if 'retained' was false
if message.retain and not userdata['retained']:
userdata['msg_count'] = userdata['msg_count'] - 1
if userdata['messages'] is None and userdata['msg_count'] == 0:
userdata['messages'] = message
if userdata['msg_count'] == 0:
def callback(callback, topics, qos=0, userdata=None, hostname="localhost",
port=1883, client_id="", keepalive=60, will=None, auth=None,
tls=None, protocol=paho.MQTTv311, transport="tcp",
clean_session=True, proxy_args=None):
"""Subscribe to a list of topics and process them in a callback function.
This function creates an MQTT client, connects to a broker and subscribes
to a list of topics. Incoming messages are processed by the user provided
callback. This is a blocking function and will never return.
:param callback: function with the same signature as `on_message` for
processing the messages received.
:param topics: either a string containing a single topic to subscribe to, or a
list of topics to subscribe to.
:param int qos: the qos to use when subscribing. This is applied to all topics.
:param userdata: passed to the callback
:param str hostname: the address of the broker to connect to.
Defaults to localhost.
:param int port: the port to connect to the broker on. Defaults to 1883.
:param str client_id: the MQTT client id to use. If "" or None, the Paho library will
generate a client id automatically.
:param int keepalive: the keepalive timeout value for the client. Defaults to 60
:param will: a dict containing will parameters for the client: will = {'topic':
"<topic>", 'payload':"<payload">, 'qos':<qos>, 'retain':<retain>}.
Topic is required, all other parameters are optional and will
default to None, 0 and False respectively.
Defaults to None, which indicates no will should be used.
:param auth: a dict containing authentication parameters for the client:
auth = {'username':"<username>", 'password':"<password>"}
Username is required, password is optional and will default to None
if not provided.
Defaults to None, which indicates no authentication is to be used.
:param tls: a dict containing TLS configuration parameters for the client:
dict = {'ca_certs':"<ca_certs>", 'certfile':"<certfile>",
'keyfile':"<keyfile>", 'tls_version':"<tls_version>",
'ciphers':"<ciphers">, 'insecure':"<bool>"}
ca_certs is required, all other parameters are optional and will
default to None if not provided, which results in the client using
the default behaviour - see the paho.mqtt.client documentation.
Alternatively, tls input can be an SSLContext object, which will be
processed using the tls_set_context method.
Defaults to None, which indicates that TLS should not be used.
:param str transport: set to "tcp" to use the default setting of transport which is
raw TCP. Set to "websockets" to use WebSockets as the transport.
:param clean_session: a boolean that determines the client type. If True,
the broker will remove all information about this client
when it disconnects. If False, the client is a persistent
client and subscription information and queued messages
will be retained when the client disconnects.
Defaults to True.
:param proxy_args: a dictionary that will be given to the client.
if qos < 0 or qos > 2:
raise ValueError('qos must be in the range 0-2')
callback_userdata = {
client = paho.Client(
client.on_message = _on_message_callback
client.on_connect = _on_connect
if proxy_args is not None:
if auth:
username = auth.get('username')
if username:
password = auth.get('password')
client.username_pw_set(username, password)
raise KeyError("The 'username' key was not found, this is "
"required for auth")
if will is not None:
if tls is not None:
if isinstance(tls, dict):
insecure = tls.pop('insecure', False)
if insecure:
# Must be set *after* the `client.tls_set()` call since it sets
# up the SSL context that `client.tls_insecure_set` alters.
# Assume input is SSLContext object
client.connect(hostname, port, keepalive)
def simple(topics, qos=0, msg_count=1, retained=True, hostname="localhost",
port=1883, client_id="", keepalive=60, will=None, auth=None,
tls=None, protocol=paho.MQTTv311, transport="tcp",
clean_session=True, proxy_args=None):
"""Subscribe to a list of topics and return msg_count messages.
This function creates an MQTT client, connects to a broker and subscribes
to a list of topics. Once "msg_count" messages have been received, it
disconnects cleanly from the broker and returns the messages.
:param topics: either a string containing a single topic to subscribe to, or a
list of topics to subscribe to.
:param int qos: the qos to use when subscribing. This is applied to all topics.
:param int msg_count: the number of messages to retrieve from the broker.
if msg_count == 1 then a single MQTTMessage will be returned.
if msg_count > 1 then a list of MQTTMessages will be returned.
:param bool retained: If set to True, retained messages will be processed the same as
non-retained messages. If set to False, retained messages will
be ignored. This means that with retained=False and msg_count=1,
the function will return the first message received that does
not have the retained flag set.
:param str hostname: the address of the broker to connect to.
Defaults to localhost.
:param int port: the port to connect to the broker on. Defaults to 1883.
:param str client_id: the MQTT client id to use. If "" or None, the Paho library will
generate a client id automatically.
:param int keepalive: the keepalive timeout value for the client. Defaults to 60
:param will: a dict containing will parameters for the client: will = {'topic':
"<topic>", 'payload':"<payload">, 'qos':<qos>, 'retain':<retain>}.
Topic is required, all other parameters are optional and will
default to None, 0 and False respectively.
Defaults to None, which indicates no will should be used.
:param auth: a dict containing authentication parameters for the client:
auth = {'username':"<username>", 'password':"<password>"}
Username is required, password is optional and will default to None
if not provided.
Defaults to None, which indicates no authentication is to be used.
:param tls: a dict containing TLS configuration parameters for the client:
dict = {'ca_certs':"<ca_certs>", 'certfile':"<certfile>",
'keyfile':"<keyfile>", 'tls_version':"<tls_version>",
'ciphers':"<ciphers">, 'insecure':"<bool>"}
ca_certs is required, all other parameters are optional and will
default to None if not provided, which results in the client using
the default behaviour - see the paho.mqtt.client documentation.
Alternatively, tls input can be an SSLContext object, which will be
processed using the tls_set_context method.
Defaults to None, which indicates that TLS should not be used.
:param protocol: the MQTT protocol version to use. Defaults to MQTTv311.
:param transport: set to "tcp" to use the default setting of transport which is
raw TCP. Set to "websockets" to use WebSockets as the transport.
:param clean_session: a boolean that determines the client type. If True,
the broker will remove all information about this client
when it disconnects. If False, the client is a persistent
client and subscription information and queued messages
will be retained when the client disconnects.
Defaults to True. If protocol is MQTTv50, clean_session
is ignored.
:param proxy_args: a dictionary that will be given to the client.
if msg_count < 1:
raise ValueError('msg_count must be > 0')
# Set ourselves up to return a single message if msg_count == 1, or a list
# if > 1.
if msg_count == 1:
messages = None
messages = []
# Ignore clean_session if protocol is MQTTv50, otherwise Client will raise
if protocol == paho.MQTTv5:
clean_session = None
userdata = {'retained':retained, 'msg_count':msg_count, 'messages':messages}
callback(_on_message_simple, topics, qos, userdata, hostname, port,
client_id, keepalive, will, auth, tls, protocol, transport,
clean_session, proxy_args)
return userdata['messages']