2022-04-07 15:03:53 -04:00
import RNS
import LXMF
import time
from sideband . core import SidebandCore
from kivymd . app import MDApp
from kivy . core . window import Window
from kivy . clock import Clock
from kivy . lang . builder import Builder
from ui . layouts import root_layout
from ui . conversations import Conversations , MsgSync , NewConv
from ui . announces import Announces
from ui . messages import Messages , ts_format
from ui . helpers import ContentNavigationDrawer , DrawerList , IconListItem
from kivy . metrics import dp
from kivymd . uix . button import MDFlatButton
from kivymd . uix . dialog import MDDialog
2022-07-03 04:38:39 -04:00
__version__ = " 0.1.4 "
2022-04-07 15:03:53 -04:00
__variant__ = " alpha "
class SidebandApp ( MDApp ) :
def __init__ ( self , * * kwargs ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( * * kwargs )
self . title = " Sideband "
self . sideband = SidebandCore ( self )
self . conversations_view = None
self . flag_new_conversations = False
self . flag_unread_conversations = False
self . flag_new_announces = False
self . lxmf_sync_dialog_open = False
self . sync_dialog = None
Window . softinput_mode = " below_target "
self . icon = self . sideband . asset_dir + " /images/icon.png "
# General helpers #
def build ( self ) :
FONT_PATH = self . sideband . asset_dir + " /fonts "
# self.theme_cls.primary_palette = "Green"
self . theme_cls . theme_style = " Dark "
# self.theme_cls.theme_style = "Light"
screen = Builder . load_string ( root_layout )
return screen
def jobs ( self , delta_time ) :
if self . root . ids . screen_manager . current == " messages_screen " :
self . messages_view . update ( )
if not self . root . ids . messages_scrollview . dest_known :
self . message_area_detect ( )
elif self . root . ids . screen_manager . current == " conversations_screen " :
if self . flag_new_conversations :
RNS . log ( " Updating because of new conversations flag " )
if self . conversations_view != None :
self . conversations_view . update ( )
if self . flag_unread_conversations :
RNS . log ( " Updating because of unread messages flag " )
if self . conversations_view != None :
self . conversations_view . update ( )
if self . lxmf_sync_dialog_open and self . sync_dialog != None :
self . sync_dialog . ids . sync_progress . value = self . sideband . get_sync_progress ( ) * 100
self . sync_dialog . ids . sync_status . text = self . sideband . get_sync_status ( )
elif self . root . ids . screen_manager . current == " announces_screen " :
if self . flag_new_announces :
RNS . log ( " Updating because of new announces flag " )
if self . announces_view != None :
self . announces_view . update ( )
def on_start ( self ) :
self . root . ids . screen_manager . app = self
self . root . ids . app_version_info . text = " Sideband v " + __version__ + " " + __variant__
self . open_conversations ( )
Clock . schedule_interval ( self . jobs , 1 )
def widget_hide ( self , w , hide = True ) :
if hasattr ( w , " saved_attrs " ) :
if not hide :
w . height , w . size_hint_y , w . opacity , w . disabled = w . saved_attrs
del w . saved_attrs
elif hide :
w . saved_attrs = w . height , w . size_hint_y , w . opacity , w . disabled
w . height , w . size_hint_y , w . opacity , w . disabled = 0 , None , 0 , True
def quit_action ( self , sender ) :
RNS . exit ( )
RNS . log ( " RNS shutdown complete " )
MDApp . get_running_app ( ) . stop ( )
Window . close ( )
def announce_now_action ( self , sender = None ) :
self . sideband . lxmf_announce ( )
yes_button = MDFlatButton (
text = " OK " ,
dialog = MDDialog (
text = " An announce for your LXMF destination was sent on all available interfaces " ,
buttons = [ yes_button ] ,
def dl_yes ( s ) :
dialog . dismiss ( )
yes_button . bind ( on_release = dl_yes )
dialog . open ( )
def conversation_update ( self , context_dest ) :
# if self.root.ids.messages_scrollview.active_conversation == context_dest:
# self.messages_view.update_widget()
# else:
# RNS.log("Not updating since context_dest does not match active")
# Screens #
### Messages (conversation) screen
def conversation_from_announce_action ( self , context_dest ) :
if self . sideband . has_conversation ( context_dest ) :
else :
self . sideband . create_conversation ( context_dest )
self . open_conversation ( context_dest )
def conversation_action ( self , sender ) :
self . open_conversation ( sender . sb_uid )
def open_conversation ( self , context_dest ) :
if self . sideband . config [ " propagation_by_default " ] :
self . outbound_mode_propagation = True
else :
self . outbound_mode_propagation = False
self . root . ids . screen_manager . transition . direction = " left "
self . messages_view = Messages ( self , context_dest )
for child in self . root . ids . messages_scrollview . children :
self . root . ids . messages_scrollview . remove_widget ( child )
list_widget = self . messages_view . get_widget ( )
self . root . ids . messages_scrollview . add_widget ( list_widget )
self . root . ids . messages_scrollview . scroll_y = 0
self . root . ids . messages_toolbar . title = self . sideband . peer_display_name ( context_dest )
self . root . ids . messages_scrollview . active_conversation = context_dest
self . root . ids . nokeys_text . text = " "
self . message_area_detect ( )
self . update_message_widgets ( )
self . root . ids . screen_manager . current = " messages_screen "
self . sideband . read_conversation ( context_dest )
def close_messages_action ( self , sender = None ) :
self . open_conversations ( direction = " right " )
def message_send_action ( self , sender = None ) :
if self . root . ids . screen_manager . current == " messages_screen " :
if self . outbound_mode_propagation and self . sideband . message_router . get_outbound_propagation_node ( ) == None :
self . messages_view . send_error_dialog = MDDialog (
text = " Error: Propagated delivery was requested, but no active LXMF propagation nodes were found. Cannot send message. Wait for a Propagation Node to announce on the network, or manually specify one in the settings. " ,
buttons = [
MDFlatButton (
text = " OK " ,
theme_text_color = " Custom " ,
text_color = self . theme_cls . primary_color ,
on_release = self . messages_view . close_send_error_dialog
] ,
self . messages_view . send_error_dialog . open ( )
else :
msg_content = self . root . ids . message_text . text
context_dest = self . root . ids . messages_scrollview . active_conversation
if self . sideband . send_message ( msg_content , context_dest , self . outbound_mode_propagation ) :
self . root . ids . message_text . text = " "
self . jobs ( 0 )
else :
self . messages_view . send_error_dialog = MDDialog (
text = " Error: Could not send the message " ,
buttons = [
MDFlatButton (
text = " OK " ,
theme_text_color = " Custom " ,
text_color = self . theme_cls . primary_color ,
on_release = self . messages_view . close_send_error_dialog
] ,
self . messages_view . send_error_dialog . open ( )
def message_propagation_action ( self , sender ) :
if self . outbound_mode_propagation :
self . outbound_mode_propagation = False
else :
self . outbound_mode_propagation = True
self . update_message_widgets ( )
def update_message_widgets ( self ) :
toolbar_items = self . root . ids . messages_toolbar . ids . right_actions . children
mode_item = toolbar_items [ 1 ]
if not self . outbound_mode_propagation :
mode_item . icon = " lan-connect "
self . root . ids . message_text . hint_text = " Write message for direct delivery "
else :
mode_item . icon = " upload-network "
self . root . ids . message_text . hint_text = " Write message for propagation "
# self.root.ids.message_text.hint_text = "Write message for delivery via propagation nodes"
def key_query_action ( self , sender ) :
context_dest = self . root . ids . messages_scrollview . active_conversation
if self . sideband . request_key ( context_dest ) :
keys_str = " Public key information for " + RNS . prettyhexrep ( context_dest ) + " was requested from the network. Waiting for request to be answered. "
self . root . ids . nokeys_text . text = keys_str
else :
keys_str = " Could not send request. Check your connectivity and addresses. "
self . root . ids . nokeys_text . text = keys_str
def message_area_detect ( self ) :
context_dest = self . root . ids . messages_scrollview . active_conversation
if self . sideband . is_known ( context_dest ) :
self . root . ids . messages_scrollview . dest_known = True
self . widget_hide ( self . root . ids . message_input_part , False )
self . widget_hide ( self . root . ids . no_keys_part , True )
else :
self . root . ids . messages_scrollview . dest_known = False
if self . root . ids . nokeys_text . text == " " :
keys_str = " The crytographic keys for the destination address are unknown at this time. You can wait for an announce to arrive, or query the network for the necessary keys. "
self . root . ids . nokeys_text . text = keys_str
self . widget_hide ( self . root . ids . message_input_part , True )
self . widget_hide ( self . root . ids . no_keys_part , False )
### Conversations screen
def conversations_action ( self , sender = None ) :
self . open_conversations ( )
def open_conversations ( self , direction = " left " ) :
self . root . ids . screen_manager . transition . direction = direction
self . root . ids . nav_drawer . set_state ( " closed " )
self . conversations_view = Conversations ( self )
for child in self . root . ids . conversations_scrollview . children :
self . root . ids . conversations_scrollview . remove_widget ( child )
self . root . ids . conversations_scrollview . add_widget ( self . conversations_view . get_widget ( ) )
self . root . ids . screen_manager . current = " conversations_screen "
self . root . ids . messages_scrollview . active_conversation = None
def lxmf_sync_action ( self , sender ) :
if self . sideband . message_router . get_outbound_propagation_node ( ) == None :
yes_button = MDFlatButton (
text = " OK " ,
dialog = MDDialog (
text = " No active LXMF propagation nodes were found. Cannot fetch messages. Wait for a Propagation Node to announce on the network, or manually specify one in the settings. " ,
buttons = [ yes_button ] ,
def dl_yes ( s ) :
dialog . dismiss ( )
yes_button . bind ( on_release = dl_yes )
dialog . open ( )
else :
if self . sideband . config [ " lxmf_sync_limit " ] :
sl = self . sideband . config [ " lxmf_sync_max " ]
else :
sl = None
self . sideband . request_lxmf_sync ( limit = sl )
close_button = MDFlatButton ( text = " Close " , font_size = dp ( 20 ) )
# stop_button = MDFlatButton(text="Stop", font_size=dp(20))
dialog_content = MsgSync ( )
dialog = MDDialog (
title = " LXMF Sync via " + RNS . prettyhexrep ( self . sideband . message_router . get_outbound_propagation_node ( ) ) ,
type = " custom " ,
content_cls = dialog_content ,
buttons = [ close_button ] ,
dialog . d_content = dialog_content
def dl_close ( s ) :
self . lxmf_sync_dialog_open = False
dialog . dismiss ( )
self . sideband . cancel_lxmf_sync ( )
# def dl_stop(s):
# self.lxmf_sync_dialog_open = False
# dialog.dismiss()
# self.sideband.cancel_lxmf_sync()
close_button . bind ( on_release = dl_close )
# stop_button.bind(on_release=dl_stop)
self . lxmf_sync_dialog_open = True
self . sync_dialog = dialog_content
dialog . open ( )
dialog_content . ids . sync_progress . value = self . sideband . get_sync_progress ( ) * 100
dialog_content . ids . sync_status . text = self . sideband . get_sync_status ( )
def new_conversation_action ( self , sender = None ) :
try :
yes_button = MDFlatButton (
text = " OK " ,
font_size = dp ( 20 ) ,
no_button = MDFlatButton (
text = " Cancel " ,
font_size = dp ( 20 ) ,
dialog_content = NewConv ( )
dialog = MDDialog (
title = " New Conversation " ,
type = " custom " ,
content_cls = dialog_content ,
buttons = [ yes_button , no_button ] ,
dialog . d_content = dialog_content
def dl_yes ( s ) :
new_result = False
try :
n_address = dialog . d_content . ids [ " n_address_field " ] . text
n_name = dialog . d_content . ids [ " n_name_field " ] . text
n_trusted = dialog . d_content . ids [ " n_trusted " ] . active
RNS . log ( " Create conversation " + str ( n_address ) + " / " + str ( n_name ) + " / " + str ( n_trusted ) )
new_result = self . sideband . new_conversation ( n_address , n_name , n_trusted )
except Exception as e :
RNS . log ( " Error while creating conversation: " + str ( e ) , RNS . LOG_ERROR )
if new_result :
dialog . d_content . ids [ " n_address_field " ] . error = False
dialog . dismiss ( )
self . open_conversations ( )
else :
dialog . d_content . ids [ " n_address_field " ] . error = True
# dialog.d_content.ids["n_error_field"].text = "Could not create conversation. Check your input."
def dl_no ( s ) :
dialog . dismiss ( )
yes_button . bind ( on_release = dl_yes )
no_button . bind ( on_release = dl_no )
dialog . open ( )
except Exception as e :
RNS . log ( " Error while creating new conversation dialog: " + str ( e ) , RNS . LOG_ERROR )
### Information/version screen
def information_action ( self , sender = None ) :
def link_exec ( sender = None , event = None ) :
RNS . log ( " Click " )
import webbrowser
webbrowser . open ( " https://unsigned.io/sideband " )
info = " This is Sideband v " + __version__ + " " + __variant__ + " . \n \n Humbly build using the following open components: \n \n - [b]Reticulum[/b] (MIT License) \n - [b]LXMF[/b] (MIT License) \n - [b]KivyMD[/b] (MIT License) \n - [b]Kivy[/b] (MIT License) \n - [b]Python[/b] (PSF License) " + " \n \n Go to [u][ref=link]https://unsigned.io/sideband[/ref][/u] to support the project. \n \n The Sideband app is Copyright (c) 2022 Mark Qvist / unsigned.io \n \n Permission is granted to freely share and distribute binary copies of Sideband v " + __version__ + " " + __variant__ + " , so long as no payment or compensation is charged for said distribution or sharing. \n \n If you were charged or paid anything for this copy of Sideband, please report it to [b]license@unsigned.io[/b]. \n \n THIS IS EXPERIMENTAL SOFTWARE - USE AT YOUR OWN RISK AND RESPONSIBILITY "
self . root . ids . information_info . text = info
self . root . ids . information_info . bind ( on_ref_press = link_exec )
self . root . ids . screen_manager . transition . direction = " left "
self . root . ids . screen_manager . current = " information_screen "
self . root . ids . nav_drawer . set_state ( " closed " )
### Prepare Settings screen
def settings_action ( self , sender = None ) :
self . root . ids . screen_manager . transition . direction = " left "
def save_disp_name ( sender = None , event = None ) :
in_name = self . root . ids . settings_display_name . text
if in_name == " " :
new_name = " Anonymous Peer "
else :
new_name = in_name
self . sideband . config [ " display_name " ] = new_name
self . sideband . save_configuration ( )
def save_prop_addr ( sender = None , event = None ) :
in_addr = self . root . ids . settings_propagation_node_address . text
new_addr = None
if in_addr == " " :
new_addr = None
self . root . ids . settings_propagation_node_address . error = False
else :
if len ( in_addr ) != RNS . Reticulum . TRUNCATED_HASHLENGTH / / 8 * 2 :
new_addr = None
else :
try :
new_addr = bytes . fromhex ( in_addr )
except Exception as e :
new_addr = None
if new_addr == None :
self . root . ids . settings_propagation_node_address . error = True
else :
self . root . ids . settings_propagation_node_address . error = False
self . sideband . config [ " lxmf_propagation_node " ] = new_addr
self . sideband . set_active_propagation_node ( self . sideband . config [ " lxmf_propagation_node " ] )
def save_start_announce ( sender = None , event = None ) :
RNS . log ( " Save announce " )
self . sideband . config [ " start_announce " ] = self . root . ids . settings_start_announce . active
self . sideband . save_configuration ( )
def save_lxmf_delivery_by_default ( sender = None , event = None ) :
RNS . log ( " Save propagation " )
self . sideband . config [ " propagation_by_default " ] = self . root . ids . settings_lxmf_delivery_by_default . active
self . sideband . save_configuration ( )
def save_lxmf_sync_limit ( sender = None , event = None ) :
RNS . log ( " Save propagation " )
self . sideband . config [ " lxmf_sync_limit " ] = self . root . ids . settings_lxmf_sync_limit . active
self . sideband . save_configuration ( )
self . root . ids . settings_lxmf_address . text = RNS . hexrep ( self . sideband . lxmf_destination . hash , delimit = False )
self . root . ids . settings_display_name . text = self . sideband . config [ " display_name " ]
self . root . ids . settings_display_name . bind ( on_text_validate = save_disp_name )
self . root . ids . settings_display_name . bind ( focus = save_disp_name )
if self . sideband . config [ " lxmf_propagation_node " ] == None :
prop_node_addr = " "
else :
prop_node_addr = RNS . hexrep ( self . sideband . config [ " lxmf_propagation_node " ] , delimit = False )
self . root . ids . settings_propagation_node_address . text = prop_node_addr
self . root . ids . settings_propagation_node_address . bind ( on_text_validate = save_prop_addr )
self . root . ids . settings_propagation_node_address . bind ( focus = save_prop_addr )
self . root . ids . settings_start_announce . active = self . sideband . config [ " start_announce " ]
self . root . ids . settings_start_announce . bind ( active = save_start_announce )
self . root . ids . settings_lxmf_delivery_by_default . active = self . sideband . config [ " propagation_by_default " ]
self . root . ids . settings_lxmf_delivery_by_default . bind ( active = save_lxmf_delivery_by_default )
if self . sideband . config [ " lxmf_sync_limit " ] == None or self . sideband . config [ " lxmf_sync_limit " ] == False :
sync_limit = False
else :
sync_limit = True
self . root . ids . settings_lxmf_sync_limit . active = sync_limit
self . root . ids . settings_lxmf_sync_limit . bind ( active = save_lxmf_sync_limit )
self . root . ids . screen_manager . current = " settings_screen "
self . root . ids . nav_drawer . set_state ( " closed " )
def close_settings_action ( self , sender = None ) :
self . open_conversations ( direction = " right " )
### Announce Stream screen
def announces_action ( self , sender = None ) :
self . root . ids . screen_manager . transition . direction = " left "
self . root . ids . nav_drawer . set_state ( " closed " )
self . announces_view = Announces ( self )
# info = "The [b]Announce Stream[/b] feature is not yet implemented in Sideband.\n\nWant it faster? Go to [u][ref=link]https://unsigned.io/sideband[/ref][/u] to support the project."
# self.root.ids.announces_info.text = info
# self.root.ids.announces_info.bind(on_ref_press=link_exec)
for child in self . root . ids . announces_scrollview . children :
self . root . ids . announces_scrollview . remove_widget ( child )
self . root . ids . announces_scrollview . add_widget ( self . announces_view . get_widget ( ) )
self . root . ids . screen_manager . current = " announces_screen "
def announce_filter_action ( self , sender = None ) :
# Unimplemented Screens #
def keys_action ( self , sender = None ) :
def link_exec ( sender = None , event = None ) :
RNS . log ( " Click " )
import webbrowser
webbrowser . open ( " https://unsigned.io/sideband " )
info = " The [b]Encryption Keys[/b] import and export feature is not yet implemented in Sideband. \n \n Want it faster? Go to [u][ref=link]https://unsigned.io/sideband[/ref][/u] to support the project. "
self . root . ids . keys_info . text = info
self . root . ids . keys_info . bind ( on_ref_press = link_exec )
self . root . ids . screen_manager . transition . direction = " left "
self . root . ids . screen_manager . current = " keys_screen "
self . root . ids . nav_drawer . set_state ( " closed " )
def map_action ( self , sender = None ) :
def link_exec ( sender = None , event = None ) :
RNS . log ( " Click " )
import webbrowser
webbrowser . open ( " https://unsigned.io/sideband " )
info = " The [b]Local Area[/b] feature is not yet implemented in Sideband. \n \n Want it faster? Go to [u][ref=link]https://unsigned.io/sideband[/ref][/u] to support the project. "
self . root . ids . map_info . text = info
self . root . ids . map_info . bind ( on_ref_press = link_exec )
self . root . ids . screen_manager . transition . direction = " left "
self . root . ids . screen_manager . current = " map_screen "
self . root . ids . nav_drawer . set_state ( " closed " )
def connectivity_action ( self , sender = None ) :
def link_exec ( sender = None , event = None ) :
RNS . log ( " Click " )
import webbrowser
webbrowser . open ( " https://unsigned.io/sideband " )
info = " The [b]Connectivity[/b] feature will allow you use LoRa and radio interfaces directly on Android over USB or Bluetooth, through a simple and user-friendly setup process. It will also let you view advanced connectivity stats and options. \n \n This feature is not yet implemented in Sideband. \n \n Want it faster? Go to [u][ref=link]https://unsigned.io/sideband[/ref][/u] to support the project. "
self . root . ids . connectivity_info . text = info
self . root . ids . connectivity_info . bind ( on_ref_press = link_exec )
self . root . ids . screen_manager . transition . direction = " left "
self . root . ids . screen_manager . current = " connectivity_screen "
self . root . ids . nav_drawer . set_state ( " closed " )
def broadcasts_action ( self , sender = None ) :
def link_exec ( sender = None , event = None ) :
RNS . log ( " Click " )
import webbrowser
webbrowser . open ( " https://unsigned.io/sideband " )
info = " The [b]Local Broadcasts[/b] feature will allow you to send and listen for local broadcast transmissions on connected radio, LoRa and WiFi interfaces. \n \n [b]Local Broadcasts[/b] makes it easy to establish public information exchange with anyone in direct radio range, or even with large areas far away using the [i]Remote Broadcast Repeater[/i] feature. \n \n These features are not yet implemented in Sideband. \n \n Want it faster? Go to [u][ref=link]https://unsigned.io/sideband[/ref][/u] to support the project. "
self . root . ids . broadcasts_info . text = info
self . root . ids . broadcasts_info . bind ( on_ref_press = link_exec )
self . root . ids . screen_manager . transition . direction = " left "
self . root . ids . screen_manager . current = " broadcasts_screen "
self . root . ids . nav_drawer . set_state ( " closed " )
def guide_action ( self , sender = None ) :
def link_exec ( sender = None , event = None ) :
RNS . log ( " Click " )
import webbrowser
webbrowser . open ( " https://unsigned.io/sideband " )
info = " The [b]Guide[/b] section is not yet implemented in Sideband. \n \n Want it faster? Go to [u][ref=link]https://unsigned.io/sideband[/ref][/u] to support the project. "
self . root . ids . guide_info . text = info
self . root . ids . guide_info . bind ( on_ref_press = link_exec )
self . root . ids . screen_manager . transition . direction = " left "
self . root . ids . screen_manager . current = " guide_screen "
self . root . ids . nav_drawer . set_state ( " closed " )
SidebandApp ( ) . run ( )