chrisparker126 f74a328d61 Bug fix for ES_GXS_MSG_COMMENTS option
Fix for run thread loop of RsGenExchange (was using logic rather than isRunning, which led to some crashes on rs close

Added request and get MsgRelated function for ids, meta and data 
added template function to ease getting meta data from back end;

Updated Nxs tests, tests passed (failed initially because of change option requirements)
Added test for msgrelated Ids, still need to add test for all msgRelated functions (bug with mask, not filtering correctly)

Made changes for forum and wiki gui to use new API but gui needs to call correct get functions now (Bob).

git-svn-id: b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
2012-11-13 22:36:06 +00:00