2007-11-15 03:18:48 +00:00

711 lines
14 KiB

#include "dht/dhthandler.h"
/* This stuff is actually C */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <int128.h>
#include <rbt.h>
#include <KadCalloc.h>
#include <KadClog.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern C */
/* This stuff is actually C */
/* HACK TO SWITCH THIS OFF during testing */
/*define NO_DHT_RUNNING 1*/
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, dhtentry &ent)
out << "DHTENTRY(" << ent.id << "): Status: " << ent.status;
out << std::endl;
out << "\taddr: " << inet_ntoa(ent.addr.sin_addr) << ":" << ntohs(ent.addr.sin_port);
out << std::endl;
out << "\tlastTS: " << time(NULL) - ent.lastTs << " secs ago";
out << "\tFlags: " << ent.flags;
out << std::endl;
return out;
#define DHT_UNKNOWN 0
#define DHT_SEARCHING 1 /* for peers */
#define DHT_PUBLISHING 1 /* for self */
#define DHT_FOUND 2
/* time periods */
#define DHT_MIN_PERIOD 10
void cleardhtentry(dhtentry *ent, std::string id)
ent -> name = "";
ent -> id = id;
ent -> addr.sin_addr.s_addr = 0;
ent -> addr.sin_port = 0;
ent -> flags = 0;
ent -> status = DHT_UNKNOWN;
ent -> lastTs = 0;
void initdhtentry(dhtentry *ent)
ent -> name = "";
// leave these ...
//ent -> addr.sin_addr.in_addr = 0;
//ent -> addr.sin_port = 0;
//ent -> flags = 0;
ent -> status = DHT_SEARCHING;
ent -> lastTs = time(NULL);
void founddhtentry(dhtentry *ent, struct sockaddr_in inaddr, unsigned int flags)
ent -> addr = inaddr;
ent -> flags = flags;
ent -> status = DHT_FOUND;
ent -> lastTs = time(NULL);
dhthandler::dhthandler(std::string inifile)
:mShutdown(false), dhtOk(false)
/* init own to null */
dataMtx.lock(); /* LOCK MUTEX */
cleardhtentry(&ownId, "");
kadcFile = inifile;
dataMtx.unlock(); /* UNLOCK MUTEX */
/* start up the threads... */
/* This is internal - only called when active */
bool dhthandler::networkUp()
/* no need for mutex? */
return (20 < KadC_getnknodes(pkcc));
/* this is external */
int dhthandler::dhtPeers()
int count = 0;
dataMtx.lock(); /* LOCK MUTEX */
if (dhtOk)
count = KadC_getnknodes(pkcc);
dataMtx.unlock(); /* UNLOCK MUTEX */
return count;
/* set own tag */
void dhthandler::setOwnHash(std::string id)
dataMtx.lock(); /* LOCK MUTEX */
ownId.id = id;
dataMtx.unlock(); /* UNLOCK MUTEX */
void dhthandler::setOwnPort(short port)
dataMtx.lock(); /* LOCK MUTEX */
ownId.addr.sin_port = htons(port);
/* reset own status -> so we republish */
ownId.status = DHT_UNKNOWN;
dataMtx.unlock(); /* UNLOCK MUTEX */
bool dhthandler::getExtAddr(struct sockaddr_in &addr, unsigned int &flags)
dataMtx.lock(); /* LOCK MUTEX */
if (ownId.status == DHT_UNKNOWN)
dataMtx.unlock(); /* UNLOCK MUTEX */
return false;
addr = ownId.addr;
flags = ownId.flags;
dataMtx.unlock(); /* UNLOCK MUTEX */
return true;
/* at startup */
void dhthandler::addFriend(std::string id)
dataMtx.lock(); /* LOCK MUTEX */
std::map<std::string, dhtentry>::iterator it;
it = addrs.find(id);
if (it == addrs.end())
/* not found - add */
dhtentry ent;
cleardhtentry(&ent, id);
addrs[id] = ent;
/* already there */
std::cerr << "dhthandler::addFriend() Already there!" << std::endl;
dataMtx.unlock(); /* UNLOCK MUTEX */
void dhthandler::removeFriend(std::string id)
dataMtx.lock(); /* LOCK MUTEX */
std::map<std::string, dhtentry>::iterator it;
it = addrs.find(id);
if (it == addrs.end())
/* not found - complain*/
std::cerr << "dhthandler::addFriend() Already there!" << std::endl;
/* found */
dataMtx.unlock(); /* UNLOCK MUTEX */
/* called prior to connect */
bool dhthandler::addrFriend(std::string id, struct sockaddr_in &addr, unsigned int &flags)
dataMtx.lock(); /* LOCK MUTEX */
/* look it up */
bool ret = false;
std::map<std::string, dhtentry>::iterator it;
it = addrs.find(id);
if (it == addrs.end())
/* not found - complain*/
std::cerr << "dhthandler::addrFriend() Non-existant!" << std::endl;
ret = false;
if (it->second.status == DHT_FOUND)
addr = it->second.addr;
ret = true;
dataMtx.unlock(); /* UNLOCK MUTEX */
return ret;
int dhthandler::init()
dataMtx.lock(); /* LOCK MUTEX */
/* HACK TO SWITCH THIS OFF during testing */
dataMtx.unlock(); /* UNLOCK MUTEX */
dhtOk = false;
return 1;
char *filename = (char *) malloc(1024);
sprintf(filename, "%.1023s", kadcFile.c_str());
/* start up the dht server. */
KadC_log("KadC - library version: %d.%d.%d\n",
KadC_version.major, KadC_version.minor, KadC_version.patchlevel);
/* file, Leaf, StartNetworking (->false in full version) */
kcc = KadC_start(filename, true, 1);
if(kcc.s != KADC_OK) {
KadC_log("KadC_start(%s, %d) returned error %d:\n",
kadcFile.c_str(), 1, kcc.s);
KadC_log("%s %s", kcc.errmsg1, kcc.errmsg2);
dhtOk = false;
dhtOk = true;
pkcc = &kcc;
dataMtx.unlock(); /* UNLOCK MUTEX */
return 1;
int dhthandler::shutdown()
dataMtx.lock(); /* LOCK MUTEX */
/* end the dht server. */
kcs = KadC_stop(&kcc);
if(kcs != KADC_OK) {
KadC_log("KadC_stop(&kcc) returned error %d:\n", kcc.s);
KadC_log("%s %s", kcc.errmsg1, kcc.errmsg2);
dataMtx.unlock(); /* UNLOCK MUTEX */
return 0;
int dhthandler::write_inifile()
/* if we're up and we have enough valid ones */
#define MIN_KONTACTS 50
if (KadC_getncontacts(pkcc) > MIN_KONTACTS)
std::cerr << "DhtHandler::Write_IniFile() Writing File" << std::endl;
if (KADC_OK != KadC_write_inifile(pkcc, NULL))
KadC_log("KadC_write_inifile(%s, %d) returned error %d:\n",
kadcFile.c_str(), 1, kcc.s);
KadC_log("%s %s", kcc.errmsg1, kcc.errmsg2);
std::cerr << "DhtHandler::Write_IniFile() Not enough contacts" << std::endl;
return 1;
void dhthandler::run()
/* infinite loop */
int totalsleep = 0;
// std::cerr << "DhtHandler::Run()" << std::endl;
if (!dhtOk)
std::cerr << "DhtHandler::Run() Failed to Start" << std::endl;
/********************************** WINDOWS/UNIX SPECIFIC PART ******************/
/********************************** WINDOWS/UNIX SPECIFIC PART ******************/
/* lock it up */
dataMtx.lock(); /* LOCK MUTEX */
bool toShutdown = mShutdown;
/* shutdown */
dataMtx.unlock(); /* UNLOCK MUTEX */
if (toShutdown)
dhtOk = false;
/* check ids */
int allowedSleep = checkOwnStatus();
int nextPeerCheck = checkPeerIds();
if (nextPeerCheck < allowedSleep)
allowedSleep = nextPeerCheck;
if (allowedSleep > 10)
allowedSleep = 10;
else if (allowedSleep < 10)
allowedSleep = 10;
// std::cerr << "DhtHandler::Run() sleeping for:" << allowedSleep << std::endl;
/********************************** WINDOWS/UNIX SPECIFIC PART ******************/
Sleep(1000 * allowedSleep);
/********************************** WINDOWS/UNIX SPECIFIC PART ******************/
totalsleep += allowedSleep;
if (totalsleep > DHT_INIT_STORE_PERIOD)
totalsleep = 0;
int dhthandler::print()
dataMtx.lock(); /* LOCK MUTEX */
std::cerr << "DHT Status:" << std::endl;
std::cerr << "KNodes: " << KadC_getnknodes(pkcc);
std::cerr << std::endl;
std::cerr << "Kontacts: " << KadC_getncontacts(pkcc);
std::cerr << std::endl;
std::cerr << "KBuckets: ";
std::cerr << std::endl;
std::cerr << std::endl;
std::cerr << "Own DHT:" << std::endl;
std::cerr << ownId << std::endl;
std::cerr << addrs.size() << " Peers:" << std::endl;
std::map<std::string, dhtentry>::iterator it;
for(it = addrs.begin(); it != addrs.end(); it++)
std::cerr << "Peer DHT" << std::endl;
std::cerr << it -> second << std::endl;
dataMtx.unlock(); /* UNLOCK MUTEX */
return 1;
int dhthandler::checkOwnStatus()
dataMtx.lock(); /* LOCK MUTEX */
int nextcall = DHT_REPUBLISH_PERIOD;
bool toPublish = false;
/* if we are publishing, and time up ... republish */
if (ownId.status == DHT_UNKNOWN)
/* if valid Hash and Port */
if ((ownId.id != "") && (ownId.addr.sin_port != 0) &&
(networkUp())) /* network is up */
unsigned long int extip = KadC_getextIP(pkcc);
ownId.flags = KadC_getfwstatus(pkcc);
if (extip != 0)
ownId.addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(extip);
toPublish = true;
nextcall = DHT_MIN_PERIOD;
else /* ownId.status == DHT_PUBLISHING */
/* check time.
if (ownId.lastTs + DHT_REPUBLISH_PERIOD < time(NULL))
toPublish = true;
dataMtx.unlock(); /* UNLOCK MUTEX */
if (toPublish)
return nextcall;
int dhthandler::checkPeerIds()
dataMtx.lock(); /* LOCK MUTEX */
/* if we are unknown .... wait */
int nextcall = DHT_REPUBLISH_PERIOD;
std::map<std::string, dhtentry>::iterator it;
/* local list */
std::list<std::string> idsToUpdate;
std::list<std::string>::iterator it2;
for(it = addrs.begin(); it != addrs.end(); it++)
/* if we are publishing, and time up ... republish */
if (it -> second.status == DHT_UNKNOWN)
/* startup */
else if (it -> second.status == DHT_SEARCHING)
/* check if time */
if (it -> second.lastTs + DHT_SEARCH_PERIOD < time(NULL))
else if (it -> second.status == DHT_FOUND)
/* check if time */
if (it -> second.lastTs + DHT_REPUBLISH_PERIOD < time(NULL))
dataMtx.unlock(); /* UNLOCK MUTEX */
for(it2 = idsToUpdate.begin(); it2 != idsToUpdate.end(); it2++)
return nextcall;
/* already locked */
int dhthandler::publishOwnId()
dataMtx.lock(); /* LOCK MUTEX */
/* publish command */
/* publish {#[khash]|key} {#[vhash]|value} [meta-list [nthreads [nsecs]]] */
char index[1024];
sprintf(index, "#%.1023s", ownId.id.c_str());
char value[1024];
sprintf(value, "#%.1023s", ownId.id.c_str());
/* to store the ip address and flags */
char metalist[1024];
sprintf(metalist, "rsid=%s:%d;flags=%04X;",
dataMtx.unlock(); /* UNLOCK MUTEX */
int nthreads = 10;
int duration = 15;
int status;
/* might as well hash back to us? */
status = KadC_republish(pkcc, index, value, metalist, nthreads, duration);
if(status == 1)
KadC_log("Syntax error preparing search. Try: p key #hash [tagname=tagvalue[;...]]\n");
dataMtx.lock(); /* LOCK MUTEX */
/* update entry */
dataMtx.unlock(); /* UNLOCK MUTEX */
return 1;
/* must be protected by mutex externally */
dhtentry *dhthandler::finddht(std::string id)
std::map<std::string, dhtentry>::iterator it;
it = addrs.find(id);
if (it == addrs.end())
return NULL;
return &(it->second);
int dhthandler::searchId(std::string id)
if (!networkUp())
return 0;
/* ack search */
bool updated = false;
/* search */
void *iter;
KadCdictionary *pkd;
char *filter = "";
int nthreads = 10;
int duration = 15;
int maxhits = 100;
time_t starttime = time(NULL);
void *resdictrbt;
int nhits;
char index[1024];
sprintf(index, "#%.1023s", id.c_str());
/* cannot be holding mutex here... (up to 15 secs) */
resdictrbt = KadC_find(pkcc, index, filter, nthreads, maxhits, duration);
nhits = rbt_size(resdictrbt);
/* list each KadCdictionary returned in the rbt */
for(iter = rbt_begin(resdictrbt); iter != NULL; iter = rbt_next(resdictrbt, iter)) {
pkd = rbt_value(iter);
KadC_log("Found: ");
KadC_int128flog(stdout, KadCdictionary_gethash(pkd));
KadCtag_iter iter;
unsigned int i;
bool found = false;
std::string addrline;
std::string flagsline;
for(i = 0, KadCtag_begin(pkd, &iter); (i < iter.tagsleft); i++, KadCtag_next(&iter)) {
if(i > 0)
if ((strncmp("rsid", iter.tagname, 4) == 0)
&& (iter.tagtype == KADCTAG_STRING))
KadC_log("DECODING:%s", (char *)iter.tagvalue);
addrline = (char *) iter.tagvalue;
found = true;
if ((strncmp("flags", iter.tagname, 5) == 0)
&& (iter.tagtype == KADCTAG_STRING))
KadC_log("DECODING:%s", (char *)iter.tagvalue);
flagsline = (char *) iter.tagvalue;
/* must parse:rsid=ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd:dddd;flags=xxxx */
struct sockaddr_in addr;
unsigned int flags = 0;
unsigned int a, b, c, d, e;
if ((found) &&
(5 == sscanf(addrline.c_str(), "%d.%d.%d.%d:%d", &a, &b, &c, &d, &e)))
std::ostringstream out;
out << a << "." << b << "." << c << "." << d;
inet_aton(out.str().c_str(), &(addr.sin_addr));
addr.sin_port = htons(e);
if (flagsline != "")
sscanf(flagsline.c_str(), "%x", &flags);
std::cerr << "Decoded entry: " << out.str() << " : " << e << std::endl;
dataMtx.lock(); /* LOCK MUTEX */
dhtentry *ent = finddht(id);
if (ent)
founddhtentry(ent, addr, flags);
updated = true;
dataMtx.unlock(); /* UNLOCK MUTEX */
std::cerr << "Failed to Scan:" << addrline << " <-----" << std::endl;
KadC_log("Search completed in %d seconds - %d hit%s returned\n",
time(NULL)-starttime, nhits, (nhits == 1 ? "" : "s"));
for(iter = rbt_begin(resdictrbt); iter != NULL; iter = rbt_begin(resdictrbt)) {
pkd = rbt_value(iter);
rbt_erase(resdictrbt, iter);
dataMtx.lock(); /* LOCK MUTEX */
if (!updated)
dhtentry *ent = finddht(id);
if (ent)
dataMtx.unlock(); /* UNLOCK MUTEX */
return 1;
#if (0)
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <int128.h>
#include <rbt.h>
#include <KadCalloc.h>
#include <KadClog.h>
#include <config.h>
#include <queue.h> /* required by net.h, sigh... */
#include <net.h> /* only for domain2hip() */
#include <KadCapi.h>