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synced 2025-03-02 19:59:30 -05:00
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191 lines
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#include <retroshare/rsiface.h>
#include <retroshare/rsturtle.h>
#include <retroshare/rsnotify.h>
#include <retroshare/rsmsgs.h>
#include <QObject>
#include <QMutex>
#include <QPoint>
//#include <QMutex>
#include <string>
class QTimer;
class NetworkDialog;
class FriendsDialog;
class SharedFilesDialog;
class TransfersDialog;
class ChatDialog;
class MessagesDialog;
class ChannelsDialog;
class MessengerWindow;
class ToasterItem;
class ToasterNotify;
class SignatureEventData ;
struct TurtleFileInfo;
class NotifyQt: public QObject, public NotifyClient
static NotifyQt *Create ();
static NotifyQt *getInstance ();
static bool isAllDisable();
void enable() ;
virtual ~NotifyQt() { return; }
void setNetworkDialog(NetworkDialog *c) { cDialog = c; }
virtual void notifyListPreChange(int list, int type);
virtual void notifyListChange(int list, int type);
virtual void notifyErrorMsg(int list, int sev, std::string msg);
virtual void notifyChatMessage(const ChatMessage& /* msg */);
virtual void notifyChatStatus(const ChatId &chat_id,const std::string& status_string);
virtual void notifyChatCleared(const ChatId &chat_id);
virtual void notifyCustomState(const std::string& peer_id, const std::string& status_string);
virtual void notifyHashingInfo(uint32_t type, const std::string& fileinfo);
virtual void notifyTurtleSearchResult(uint32_t search_id,const std::list<TurtleFileInfo>& found_files);
virtual void notifyPeerHasNewAvatar(std::string peer_id) ;
virtual void notifyOwnAvatarChanged() ;
virtual void notifyChatLobbyEvent(uint64_t /* lobby id */, uint32_t /* event type */, const RsGxsId & /*nickname*/, const std::string& /* any string */) ;
virtual void notifyChatLobbyTimeShift(int time_shift) ;
void notifyConnectionWithoutCert();
virtual void notifyOwnStatusMessageChanged() ;
virtual void notifyDiskFull(uint32_t loc,uint32_t size_in_mb) ;
/* peer has changed the state */
virtual void notifyPeerStatusChanged(const std::string& peer_id, uint32_t state);
/* one or more peers has changed the states */
virtual void notifyPeerStatusChangedSummary();
virtual void notifyGxsChange(const RsGxsChanges& change);
virtual void notifyHistoryChanged(uint32_t msgId, int type);
virtual void notifyDiscInfoChanged() ;
virtual void notifyDownloadComplete(const std::string& fileHash);
virtual void notifyDownloadCompleteCount(uint32_t count);
virtual bool askForPassword(const std::string& title, const std::string& key_details, bool prev_is_bad, std::string& password, bool &cancelled);
virtual bool askForPluginConfirmation(const std::string& plugin_filename, const std::string& plugin_file_hash,bool first_time);
// Queues the signature event so that it canhappen in the main GUI thread (to ask for passwd).
// To use this function: call is multiple times as soon as it returns true.
// Dont' use a while, if you're in a mutexed part, otherwize it will lock. You need to call the function
// and periodically exit the locked code between calls to allow the signature to happen.
// Returns:
// false = the signature is registered, but the result is not there yet. Call again soon.
// true = signature done. Data is ready. signature_result takes the following values:
// 1: signature success
// 2: signature failed. Wrong passwd, user pressed cancel, etc.
virtual bool askForDeferredSelfSignature(const void *data, const uint32_t len, unsigned char *sign, unsigned int *signlen, int& signature_result, std::string reason = "") ;
/* Notify from GUI */
void notifyChatFontChanged();
void notifyChatStyleChanged(int /*ChatStyle::enumStyleType*/ styleType);
void testToasters(uint notifyFlags, /*RshareSettings::enumToasterPosition*/ int position, QPoint margin);
void testToaster(ToasterNotify *toasterNotify, /*RshareSettings::enumToasterPosition*/ int position, QPoint margin);
void testToaster(QString tag, ToasterNotify *toasterNotify, /*RshareSettings::enumToasterPosition*/ int position, QPoint margin);
void notifySettingsChanged();
// It's beneficial to send info to the GUI using signals, because signals are thread-safe
// as they get queued by Qt.
void hashingInfoChanged(const QString&) const ;
void filesPreModChanged(bool) const ;
void filesPostModChanged(bool) const ;
void transfersChanged() const ;
void friendsChanged() const ;
void lobbyListChanged() const ;
void chatLobbyEvent(qulonglong,int,const RsGxsId&,const QString&) ;
void neighboursChanged() const ;
void messagesChanged() const ;
void messagesTagsChanged() const;
#ifdef REMOVE
void forumsChanged() const ; // use connect with Qt::QueuedConnection
void channelsChanged(int type) const ; // use connect with Qt::QueuedConnection
void configChanged() const ;
void logInfoChanged(const QString&) const ;
void chatStatusChanged(const ChatId&,const QString&) const ;
void chatCleared(const ChatId&) const ;
void peerHasNewCustomStateString(const QString& /* peer_id */, const QString& /* status_string */) const ;
void gotTurtleSearchResult(qulonglong search_id,FileDetail file) const ;
void peerHasNewAvatar(const QString& peer_id) const ;
void ownAvatarChanged() const ;
void ownStatusMessageChanged() const ;
void errorOccurred(int,int,const QString&) const ;
void diskFull(int,int) const ;
void peerStatusChanged(const QString& /* peer_id */, int /* status */);
void peerStatusChangedSummary() const;
void gxsChange(const RsGxsChanges& /* changes */);
#ifdef REMOVE
void publicChatChanged(int type) const ;
void privateChatChanged(int list, int type) const ;
void chatMessageReceived(ChatMessage msg);
void groupsChanged(int type) const ;
void discInfoChanged() const ;
void downloadComplete(const QString& /* fileHash */);
void downloadCompleteCountChanged(int /* count */);
#ifdef REMOVE
void forumMsgReadSatusChanged(const QString& forumId, const QString& msgId, int status);
void channelMsgReadSatusChanged(const QString& channelId, const QString& msgId, int status);
void historyChanged(uint msgId, int type);
void chatLobbyInviteReceived() ;
void deferredSignatureHandlingRequested() ;
void chatLobbyTimeShift(int time_shift) ;
void connectionWithoutCert();
/* Notify from GUI */
void chatFontChanged();
void chatStyleChanged(int /*ChatStyle::enumStyleType*/ styleType);
void settingsChanged();
void disableAllChanged(bool disableAll) const;
public slots:
void UpdateGUI(); /* called by timer */
void SetDisableAll(bool bValue);
void resetCachedPassphrases() ;
private slots:
void runningTick();
void handleSignatureEvent() ;
void handleChatLobbyTimeShift(int) ;
static NotifyQt *_instance;
static bool _disableAllToaster;
/* system notifications */
void startWaitingToasters();
// QMutex waitingToasterMutex; // for lock of the waiting toaster list
QList<ToasterItem*> waitingToasterList;
QTimer *runningToasterTimer;
QList<ToasterItem*> runningToasterList;
bool _enabled ;
QMutex _mutex ;
std::map<std::string,SignatureEventData*> _deferred_signature_queue ;
/* so we can update windows */
NetworkDialog *cDialog;