thunder2 a35985e3fc Windows build environment:
- Added build script
- Added build-installer script
- Added pack script
- Added gitlog script
- Use shadow build
2016-10-04 09:24:48 +02:00

15 lines
469 B

set CurPath=%~dp0
:: Check MinGW environment
set MinGWPath=
call "%ToolsPath%\find-in-path.bat" MinGWPath gcc.exe
if "%MinGWPath%"=="" echo Please run command in the Qt Command Prompt or add the path to MinGW bin folder to PATH variable.& exit /B 1
:: Get gcc versions
call "%ToolsPath%\get-gcc-version.bat" GCCVersion
if "%GCCVersion%"=="" echo Cannot get gcc version.& exit /B 1
set BuildLibsPath=%EnvRootPath%\build-libs\gcc-%GCCVersion%
exit /B 0