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List of pending non backward compatible changes
* RsGxsGrpMetaData::deserialis should use a proper TLV_STR_TYPE_NAME instead of 0 for mGroupName and mMsgName, in rsgxsdata.cc
* p3IdService::service_CreateGroup() should convert the mPgpSign member to radix64!! For now it is hard-coded in binary in a string.
List of fixes/improvements before 0.6
E: easy. Just GUI stuff, no algorithmics involved
M: medium. Needs some care.
H: hard. Needs digging into libretroshare.
---------------------------------------- GUI TWEAKS FOR 0.6 RELEASE -------------------------------------------------
To be done
[X] http://www.cjoint.com/c/EFlhWgeLg4F. Strings too long in Add Friends Wizard on the conclusion page.
[X] RS crashes when right clicking on the People tabs when there's nobody yet
[X] Network tab cannot shrink the avatar column
[X] newsfeed default:
Options -- Notify -- Feed
Security <-- Make as Default Enabled
Connect attempt <-- Make as Default Enabled
[X] make the "Wrong IP reported" security item less dramatic. We should add text saying that this can be due to a friend
connecting before your own RS has realized that its IP has changed.
[ ] it should be possible to completely disable IP change security items using a checkbox in options->notify->Feeds
These security items should be enabled by default
[X] "Wrong IP" security items shouldn't show up when the IP reported by friend is whitelisted.
[X] at login, when cancel is pressed, the system keeps asking for the passwd. It shouldn't, and directly go back to the list of locations.
0000 [ ] merge the various help systems. there's 3 of them: (1) help buttons on most tabs that pop a flat panel with some
info; (2) help wizard accessible from the "!" button in friends details->Trust; (3) 'getting started tab'
0001 [X] forums - middle horisontal bar - always shows *by anonymous* (from noname) [fixed, also removed useless thread line]
0002 [X] remove useless column in forums "signed by" (last column) (from electron)
0003 [ ] main window must close on ESC (from noname)
0004 [X] show storage time of forums/channels/posted in gui (from cave)
0005 [X] if keysigning is not working -> hide or remove it (from cave) cyril: keep it, but add more info about how to use/interpret it.
0006 [ ] implement default gxs id (from cave) cyril: you mean system-wide default gxs id? That would be a good thing to have.
0007 [ ] *getting started* - need to say about chatservers (from noname)
comment: chatservers are inofficial and may go down at any time. which one should we mention?
cyril: we could add a link to a search for RS chat servers in duckduck go
0008 [X] forum livetime too short (from noname) cyril: expand it to 1 year
0009 [ ] Settings -> Server -> show discovery information in statusbar. I've never seen any discovery info since the switch to
disc v2 - so i guess this option can be removed (from sehraf) cyril: that can be fixed. The link between GUI and discovery2 can
be restored. Also we should get rid of the code for discovery(1)
0010 [ ] window and tab sizes not saved on exit or closing (from noname)
0011 [X] in add friend dialog: include signatures seems to do nothing there. cyril: it does if you have signatures. Show
the checkbox only when the key as signatures => less confusion. (from noname)
0012 [ ] from time to time the location images and the location message is not updated or gets lost, or the location name. (from cave)
0013 [ ] new design, new icons, minimal UI (from purplehaze420) comment: use webui as base for minimal ui
cyril: we cannot change everything now. But purplehaze420 said he would provide a consistent set of icons. That would be great.
0014 [X] go to Settings -> Permissions: wait for scrollbars to appear go back to any other setting (e.g. Notify): the page now
needs the same space as the permission matrix (happens on windows + linux; can be "fixed" by closing and reopen the setting window)
(from sehraf)
0015 [X] The new statistics windows is really nice and everybody should see it -> add a link to it somewhere in settings
(or wherever suitable) (from sehraf) cyril: there's a menu in the bottom right corner ofthe main window to get it.
Otherwise, we could merge it as tabs in options->server, but I don't really like this option.
0016 [ ] many things are deeply hidden - config wizard, share manager, permissions, statistics (from noname)
comment: either the gui is overloaded with buttons or stuff is hidden. choose one
cyril: this is true. Config wizard and share manager could be made more obvious.
Config wizard could be integrated in "getting started" which means
to be improved anyway.
0017 [X] no tab configuraion for uploads section. no cache transfer disable option comment: cachetransfers will be removed (from noname)
cyril: rename "show cache transfers" into "show file lists transfers"
0018 [X] add friend dialog - add button for pasting from clipboard.
// some ppl dumb to use rightclich or keyboard)) and on the upper window some buttons exist, the lower one feels lonely.(from noname)
comment: teach to use the context menu, else they are lost in RS
0019 [X] no identity on first start makes impossible to start chat or post forums.
maybe config wizard should propose to create one, just asking a name desired. (from noname)
cyril: integrating in config wizard is a good idea: check if one identity is present, if not allow to create one.
Note that all ID choosers allow to create a new identity
0020 [ ] double click on completed download must open the file. or folder, configurable in options (from noname)
0028 [X] RTT statistics shouldn't show curves for offline peers
0029 [X] In options, rename "server"->"network", "transfer"->"file transfer".
0030 [X] forums - middle horisontal bar - post time is duplicate to the one in the list. also thread name.
forum name (the line with view mode) is duplicate to tab header.
button for new thread must have text, *reply to selected post* button must be placed next to it
the big subscribe button on the top, but never used.
generally,we have 2 panels here, both semi-empty. need to compact all the stuff
0031 [X] chats - participant list can't be extended in wide.
show/hide button is almost invisible. make it more big. but it takes space in width, so move it to bar with lobby name.
however, the lobby name bar also seems redundant. so maybe the button's final place must domewhere in the lower button bar.
0031a[ ] ... the lobby name bar also seems redundant ....
0032 [X] In Network->friend list. Remove "[Connected]" to location names. Takes room and isn't useful since the text is in bold
when connected. Also put the avatar column first. Remove the "Busy" and "Idle" text since they are shown as icon already and
set them as tooltip => lots of saved space.
0033 [ ] Selecting different options in messages composer -> contact list then come back, shows disappearing / re-appearing people.
What causes this???
0034 [X] Show forum/channel/posted admin name in details window
**Not sure**
0021 [ ] too many option tabs. may be some must be hidden when advanced mode is not selected
some may be grouped, like styles -for messages, chats and forums appearance must be somewhere on top, in general (from noname)
comment: hiding stuff makes it even more complicated. before we hide it we can remove it
cyril: we could group them somehow.
0022 [ ] some time ago we had separate chat window for messaging (in 0.5.5 it still exists). may be it must be resurrected. (from noname)
// 23 [too hard for v0.6] chats are missing quote feature, any text formatting.
// picture attachment is ajoke, with the size limits given.
// need ability to save picture attaches in forums and chats
// (from noname)
// 24 [do nothing] people tab - is not much useful, may be hide it somewhere from main window. like options-node-my idents.
// (from noname)
// comment: we don't have somethign better, live with it
// 25 [low priority] network - peer filter - not showing locations, not useful because many options are location specific.
// (from noname)
// comment: not sure what correct behaviour would be
// 26 [low priority] friend file browser - need options to hide offline peers, hide empy shares
// size column should count contents for directories
// (from noname)
// comment: will people complain about missing peers?
// 27 [] notify for channels and forums - need option to show only new forums, not for every post in them.
// some might not like flooding there, and it is not a big problem to go to needed tab when it becomes red.
// (from noname)
// long post from noname. Many things go to deep and are out of scope for v0.6
// compaction the line below the buttonbar is useless, it just duplicates the
// button. except the mail tab, there is some buttons and they need to be
// relocated the help icon on each tab can be placed in window title or
// somwhere else
// IM window - the whole bar with name and a/v buttons is excess. name is on
// the window title, and in the chat. buttons must be on the lower panel with
// the others. 3x set... and dock buttons also must be relocated and the
// panel removed. away/offline informer bar must be more compact and nice
// modularity some peopl may not use specific rs features like forums or chats
// or mail. create the ability to hide the tabs from interface and disable the
// network services for them in an ultimate configuration people for example
// may want only chats, so the compact interface with only peer list is good
// for them, skype-like.
------------------------------------------ GENERAL BACKEND STUFF ----------------------------------------------------
E [X] it's not possible to create a Posted thread without a Owner.
Bug? If not, then remove "No signature" from selection box
E [ ] Show an info page for unsubscribed posted threads (same as forums)
E [X] Links in Posted cannot be clicked.
M [ ] Fix the counting of unread messages in Posted. Now it's wrong.
E [X] Make the GUI of Posted more sexy: more compact items, remove unecessary text, use consistent icons,...
E [X] it's not possible to create a Forum thread without a Owner.
Bug? If not, then remove "No signature" from selection box
[X] the tooltip over GXS ids should show the avatar on the left side.
[X] fix data race between GXS ID default icons
[X] Share of key shows "Not implemented". Since forums are public, share key should be hidden.
[X] switching between forums might cause a crash. Seems to be due to GxsIdDetails::instance not always initialised when used.
GUI General
E [ ] do we keep "Getting Started" ? the look needs to be improved. Any help doing this is welcome!
E [X] Recommendation messages do not show complete links. Links show up in some buttons and the text is truncated
E [X] Recommendation messages should not be signed by the retroshare team!!
E [X] when adding a friend through clicking on cert links, the add friend wizard is shown twice!
M [X] add a flag in friends option to allow auto-download of recommended files
M [ ] sound is not working for some users on linux. We also need a "test sound" button in config->sound.
E [ ] some widgets in the GUI do not follow the system style => GUI looks bad on these systems
[X] display version ID in windows version
E [X] recommended friends messages have embedded buttons of wrong size. Use RSLinks instead!
E [X] "Friends details" should show both PGP key and RS certs in different tabs with appropriate names.
It should specify clearly which one should be used to make friends.
E [X] addFriend does not work when the cert contains signatures.
E [X] PGP signatures are not transmited by discovery2.
[X] Default appearance style on Ubuntu should be GTK (to allow correct tooltips)
[X] Default layout should use toolbars. The "menu" look is inneficient
[X] replace sound tooltip "sound off" by "sound is on, click to turn off"
[X] rtt statistic is duplicated in statistics provided by VOIP, so remove it from file transfers
[ ] add tooltips in in permission matrix when hovering over the top most button/service name
explain what the service does and the dependencies
H [X] distant messages should be made async-ed
* [ ] increase sigma of activity events to allow a more generous routing matrix
* [ ] collect routing events from chat lobbies? (maybe not a good idea)
M [X] distant messages are not re-sent when the peer is offline the first time
M [X] sent messages to direct peers in the Sent box have inconsistent To field.
Raises an error if you click on it.
M [X] icons for GxsTreeWidgetItem are too small in distant messages list widget
E [X] "from" should be disabled until we actually use a GXS id in the destination list.
E [X] "show all" and "show everyone" in destination list are duplicate names for different things.
Either remove one of them, or use appropriate names.
[X] Unsubscribed channels should show an info page when selected, like forums
H [X] marking all as read in channels takes time. The channel icon should show a waiting clock
during the operation to avoid the user to re-click many times in the hope to get the posts marked as read.
[X] channels items show a 0 left to the up/Dn buttons. What is it??
[X] allow to post on channels when attachment is not in shared files. Just display a warning.
M [X] popularity calculation seems wrong. To reproduce: create a new channel and subscribe to it from
another location with many friends => popularity is too big at that location (should be 1)
the problem seems to be in RsGxsNetService::handleRecvSyncMessage
peers send RsNxsSyncMsg for unsubscribed groups (they are not suppliers then)
nor sure what role RsGxsNetService::loadList plays here
[X] show group owner in channel/forum/posted's details tab
Chat lobbies
H [X] Chat lobbies should use Identities. That's a significant change, probably not backward compatible.
[X] Remove deprecated code in rschatitems.
[X] remove "change nickname" from drop menu
[X] there's no way to remove auto-subscribe when connected to a lobby. Show auto-subscribe status in tooltip, add menu entries.
Profile creation wizard
[X] "Hidden node" should be an option at start. Apparently it becomes mandatory when one sets the advanced mode.
[X] the blue button "Generate new node" does not have a clear state. It should be grey while disabled, then
not grey. Or maybe use an icon?
[X] remove HiddenNode fom config->server netWork mode drop menu, or disable it in non hidden mode.
[X] Default max upload should be a large number. Not 50KB/s!!
Settings > Sounds -> enable default sounds for
[ ] Friend go online
[ ] New Chat Message
[ ] Message arrived
[ ] Download complete
[X] Distant chat window should show GXS avatars
H [ ] Distant chat should work with shared identities
[X] Distant chat fails (tunnel bullet never gets green) when re-openning a distant chat window after closing a tunnel
[X] Distant chat fails (chat window never appears) when re-openning a distant chat window after closing a tunnel
[X] You should not be enabled to distant-chat yourself!
[X] Nickname completion is broken. It only works with @
[X] "Owned by you" => "Owned by node [nodename]"
[X] Bold face should only be used for keys with admin credentials
E [X] reputations are not used yet. We should hide them.
H [X] Add timeout to Identities that are unused. Need to keep a time stamp list, updated whenever the identity is used for checking signatures.
[X] Fix avatar loading for identities. When loaded for the first time by forums, the avatar does not show up.
M [ ] allow to share identities between locations.
E [X] Friends => Friend nodes
E [X] remove TCP, TOR, UDP from the status column, and move it in front of IP
File transfer
H [X] There's a bug sometimes causing re-hash of shared files at start. Find it, kill it.
[ ] Bug: when sorting files in friends file list, RS goes into a crazy loop and crashes
News feed
[X] remove the Ghost news feed items
[X] remove the double feed publication
[ ] make sure at least one location is kept when removing old locations as it avoids lots of connection problems.
[ ] some users can be declared as connected although they are not. Check Heart-Beat system.
H [X] fix the data race in pqissl
H [ ] valgrind pass for data races
H [ ] valgrind pass for memory leaks
H [ ] valgrind pass for memory errors
H [ ] valgrind pass for performance
E [-] remove mktemp => use mkstemp
note: mkstemp is not available on Windows
H [ ] RsGxsDataAccess::processRequests locks mDataMutex until all requests are processed.
Adding a new request or poll for the request status are freezing until the mutex is available.
[ ] crash at shutdown
#0 0x0000000000da52eb in RsMemoryManagement:¿mallObject:¿mallObject() ()
#1 0x0000000000da3694 in RsItem::RsItem(unsigned int) ()
#2 0x0000000000dcb365 in RsRawItem::RsRawItem (this=0x0, t=33559555, size=38) at ./serialiser/rsserial.h:182
#3 0x0000000000fc1643 in RsServiceSerialiser::deserialise(void*, unsigned int*) ()
#4 0x0000000000da4451 in RsSerialiser::deserialise(void*, unsigned int*) ()
#5 0x0000000000fb5b4b in pqistreamer::handleincoming_locked() ()
#6 0x0000000000fb4b3e in pqistreamer::tick_recv(unsigned int) ()
#7 0x0000000000fb744a in pqithreadstreamer::data_tick() ()
#8 0x0000000000e19b27 in RsTickingThread::runloop (this=0x7fffb004e7e8) at util/rsthreads.cc:196
#9 0x0000000000e19748 in RsThread::rsthread_init (p=0x7fffb004e7e8) at util/rsthreads.cc:63
#10 0x00007ffff4006f6b in start_thread () from /lib64/libpthread.so.0
#11 0x00007ffff351c7ed in clone () from /lib64/libc.so.6
[X] check compilation on debian
[X] check compilation on ARM
[ ] Sound files should be part of the install package at least on ubuntu (put them in /usr/share)
Post v0.6 release changes
File transfer
H [ ] implement a new file list management, with new info such as access time, total upload, popularity, etc
H [ ] implement a new file list sharing service based on auto-sync system
H [ ] get rid of the old cache system (remove CacheStrapper, CacheSource,etc)
H [ ] enable circles for channels/posted/forums
E [ ] enable people dialog
E [ ] fix RSButtonOnText::eventFilter, and fix all places where RSButtonOnText gets deleted
E [ ] find all places where the deprecated(in Qt5) Q_WS_WIN and other Q_WS* macros are used, and replace with something else
H [ ] add the ability to use anonymous identities into circles. Needs new distribution model using items encrypted for multiple GXS keys.
H [ ] use different and incompatible classes for public and private keys in GxsSecurity
M [ ] improve serialisation system. Lots of serialisation tasks (header, verifications, serialiser=>template, can be factored)
M [ ] separate chat stuff from rsmsgs.h into rschat.h
H [ ] add "chat with this peer" from lobbies to start a private distant conversation with the GXS id of the peer
H [ ] Merge the new messaging format
M [ ] allow to set a download directory per channel