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<TS version="2.1" language="nl">
<location filename="../gui/AudioInputConfig.ui" line="+17"/>
<source>Audio Wizard</source>
<translation>Audio Wizard</translation>
<location line="+13"/>
<location line="+6"/>
<location line="+10"/>
<source>When to transmit your speech</source>
<translation>Wanneer uw spraak overbrengen</translation>
<location line="+3"/>
<source><b>This sets when speech should be transmitted.</b><br /><i>Continuous</i> - All the time<br /><i>Voice Activity</i> - When you are speaking clearly.<br /><i>Push To Talk</i> - When you hold down the hotkey set under <i>Shortcuts</i>.</source>
<translation><b>Dit bepaalt waaneer de spraak moet worden overgebracht.</b><br /><i>Continuous</i> - Alltijd<br /><i>Stem Activiteit</i> - Als u heel duidelijk spreekt.<br /><i>Push To Talk</i> - Als u de hotkey ingedrukt houd, ingesteld onder <i>Snelkoppelingen</i></translation>
<location line="+14"/>
<source>DoublePush Time</source>
<translation>DoublePush Tijd</translation>
<location line="+10"/>
<source>If you press the PTT key twice in this time it will get locked.</source>
<translation>Als u de spreektoets twee maal indrukt in deze tijd wordt het geblokkeerd.</translation>
<location line="+3"/>
<source><b>DoublePush Time</b><br />If you press the push-to-talk key twice during the configured interval of time it will be locked. RetroShare will keep transmitting until you hit the key once more to unlock PTT again.</source>
<translation><b>DubbelKlik Tijd</b><br />Als de spreek toets twee keer binnen de ingestelde tijd indrukt wordt deze vastgezet. RetroShare zal dan blijven uitzenden totdat u de toets nogmaals indrukt.</translation>
<location line="+43"/>
<source>Voice &Hold</source>
<translation>Spraak &Hold</translation>
<location line="+10"/>
<source>How long to keep transmitting after silence</source>
<translation>Hoelang de verbinding behouden na stilte</translation>
<location line="+3"/>
<source><b>This selects how long after a perceived stop in speech transmission should continue.</b><br />Set this higher if your voice breaks up when you speak (seen by a rapidly blinking voice icon next to your name).</source>
<translation>Dit bepaalt hoelang een waargenomen stop in spraak uitzending kan duren.<br><br>Zet deze waarde hoger als uw stem wegvalt als u spreekt (te zien aan een snel knipperende spraak ikoon naast uw naam).</translation>
<location line="+16"/>
<source>Silence Below</source>
<translation>Stilte Onder</translation>
<location line="+7"/>
<source>Signal values below this count as silence</source>
<translation>Signaal sterkte onder dit geld als stilte</translation>
<location line="+3"/>
<location line="+32"/>
<source><b>This sets the trigger values for voice detection.</b><br />Use this together with the Audio Statistics window to manually tune the trigger values for detecting speech. Input values below "Silence Below" always count as silence. Values above "Speech Above" always count as voice. Values in between will count as voice if you're already talking, but will not trigger a new detection.</source>
<translation><br>Dit bepaalt de waarde voor spraak detectie,<br><br>Gebruik dit samen met het Audio Statistieken Scherm om handmatig de waarde te bepalen voor spraak detectie. Ingangswaarde onder "Stilte Onder" geld altijd als stilte. Waardes boven "Spraak Boven" gelden altijd als spraak. Waardes ertussenin gelden als spraak als u al aan het spreken bent, maar will not trigger a new detection.</translation>
<location line="-10"/>
<source>Speech Above</source>
<translation>Spraak Boven</translation>
<location line="+7"/>
<source>Signal values above this count as voice</source>
<translation>Signaal sterkte boven dit geld als stem</translation>
<location line="+38"/>
<location line="+17"/>
<source>Audio Processing</source>
<translation>Audio Verwerking</translation>
<location line="+6"/>
<source>Noise Suppression</source>
<translation>Lawaai Onderdrukking</translation>
<location line="+13"/>
<source>Noise suppression</source>
<translation>Lawaai onderdrukking</translation>
<location line="+3"/>
<source><b>This sets the amount of noise suppression to apply.</b><br />The higher this value, the more aggressively stationary noise will be suppressed.</source>
<translation><br>Dit bepaald de waarde van ruis onderdrukking.<br><br>Hoe hoger deze waarde, hoe agressiever statische ruis wordt onderdrukt.</translation>
<location line="+32"/>
<location line="+10"/>
<source>Maximum amplification of input sound</source>
<translation>Maximale versterking van geluidsingang</translation>
<location line="+3"/>
<source><b>Maximum amplification of input.</b><br />RetroShare normalizes the input volume before compressing, and this sets how much it's allowed to amplify.<br />The actual level is continually updated based on your current speech pattern, but it will never go above the level specified here.<br />If the <i>Microphone loudness</i> level of the audio statistics hover around 100%, you probably want to set this to 2.0 or so, but if, like most people, you are unable to reach 100%, set this to something much higher.<br />Ideally, set it so <i>Microphone Loudness * Amplification Factor >= 100</i>, even when you're speaking really soft.<br /><br />Note that there is no harm in setting this to maximum, but RetroShare will start picking up other conversations if you leave it to auto-tune to that level.</source>
<translation><b>Maximale versterking van de ingang.</b><br />RetroShare normaliseert het ingangs volume voor het comprimeren, en bepaalt hoe veel er versterkt mag worden.<br />Het actuele level wordt continu bijgewerkt aan dehand van uw spraakgedrag, maar zal het hier ingevulde level niet overschrijden.<br />Als de <i>Microfoon loudness</i> level van de audio statistieken ligt rond de 100%, wilt u dit misschien op 2.0 zetten, maar, zoals velen, zul je dit waarschijnlijk niet halen dus moet je het veel hoger zetten.<br />De ideale waarde is <i>Microfoon Loudness * Versterkings Factor >= 100</i>, zelfs als je zacht spreekt.<br /><br />Merk op dat het geen kwaad kan om deze instellingen maximaal te zetten, RetroShare zal andere zal andere conversaties oppikken als je het op auto-tune to that level laat staan</translation>
<location line="+32"/>
<source>Echo Cancellation Processing</source>
<translation>Echo onderdrukken verwerking</translation>
<location line="+15"/>
<source>Video Processing</source>
<location line="+43"/>
<source>Available bandwidth:</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="+7"/>
<source><html><head/><body><p>Use this field to simulate the maximum bandwidth available so as to preview what the encoded video will look like with the corresponding compression rate.</p></body></html></source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="+3"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="+21"/>
<source><html><head/><body><p>Display encoded (and then decoded) frame, to check the codec's quality. If not selected, the image above only shows the frame that is grabbed from your camera.</p></body></html></source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="+3"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../gui/AudioInputConfig.cpp" line="+202"/>
<location line="+1"/>
<source>Voice Activity</source>
<translation>Spraak Activiteit</translation>
<location line="+1"/>
<source>Push To Talk</source>
<translation>Druk Om Te Praten</translation>
<location line="+105"/>
<source>%1 s</source>
<translation>%1 s</translation>
<location line="+8"/>
<location line="+3"/>
<source>-%1 dB</source>
<translation>-%1 dB</translation>
<location filename="../gui/AudioInputConfig.h" line="+94"/>
<location filename="../gui/AudioStats.ui" line="+14"/>
<source>Audio Statistics</source>
<translation>Audio Statistieken</translation>
<location line="+8"/>
<source>Input Levels</source>
<translation>Ingang Levels</translation>
<location line="+6"/>
<source>Peak microphone level</source>
<translation>Top micropfoon level</translation>
<location line="+7"/>
<location line="+20"/>
<location line="+20"/>
<source>Peak power in last frame</source>
<translation>Top vermogen in laatste frame</translation>
<location line="-37"/>
<source>This shows the peak power in the last frame (20 ms), and is the same measurement as you would usually find displayed as "input power". Please disregard this and look at <b>Microphone power</b> instead, which is much more steady and disregards outliers.</source>
<translation>Dit toont het piek vermogen in de laatste frame (20 ms), en is dezelfde meting als u uitendelijk zult zien als "Ingangs vermogen". Negeer dit en in plaats daarvan kijk bij <br>"Microfoon vermogen"<br>, welke stabieler weergeeft en uitschieters negeert.</translation>
<location line="+10"/>
<source>Peak speaker level</source>
<translation>Top speaker level</translation>
<location line="+10"/>
<source>This shows the peak power of the speakers in the last frame (20 ms). Unless you are using a multi-channel sampling method (such as ASIO) with speaker channels configured, this will be 0. If you have such a setup configured, and this still shows 0 while you're playing audio from other programs, your setup is not working.</source>
<translation>Dit toont het piek vermogen van de luidsprekers in de laatste frame (20 ms). Tenzij u een multi-channel sampling methode gebruikt (iets als ASIO) met luidspreker kanalen geconfigureerd zal dit 0 zijn. Heeft u een dergelijke instelling geconfigureerd en deze blijft op 0 staan tijdens het afspelen van audio van andere programma's, dan werkt uw instelling niet.</translation>
<location line="+10"/>
<source>Peak clean level</source>
<translation>Top clean level</translation>
<location line="+10"/>
<source>This shows the peak power in the last frame (20 ms) after all processing. Ideally, this should be -96 dB when you're not talking. In reality, a sound studio should see -60 dB, and you should hopefully see somewhere around -20 dB. When you are talking, this should rise to somewhere between -5 and -10 dB.<br />If you are using echo cancellation, and this rises to more than -15 dB when you're not talking, your setup is not working, and you'll annoy other users with echoes.</source>
<translation>Dit toont het peik vermogen in de laatste frame (20 ms) na alle verwerkingen. Ideaal zal zijn -96 dB als u niet spreekt. In de realiteit zal een geluidsstudio -60 dB zien en hopelijk zal u iets zien rond de -20 dB. Wanneer u spreekt zal dit variereën tussen -5 en -10 dB. <br>Als u echo onderdrukking gebruikt en het stijgt naar meer dan -15 dB als u niet spreekt, werkt uw instelling niet en hindert u andere gebruikers met echo.</translation>
<location line="+13"/>
<source>Signal Analysis</source>
<translation>Signaal Analyse</translation>
<location line="+6"/>
<source>Microphone power</source>
<translation>Microfoon vermogen</translation>
<location line="+7"/>
<source>How close the current input level is to ideal</source>
<translation>Hoe dicht staat uw huidige instelling bij de ideale</translation>
<location line="+3"/>
<source>This shows how close your current input volume is to the ideal. To adjust your microphone level, open whatever program you use to adjust the recording volume, and look at the value here while talking.<br /><b>Talk loud, as you would when you're upset over getting fragged by a noob.</b><br />Adjust the volume until this value is close to 100%, but make sure it doesn't go above. If it does go above, you are likely to get clipping in parts of your speech, which will degrade sound quality.</source>
<translation>Dit toont hoe dichtbij uw huidige ingangs volume is bij de ideale. Om uw microfoon level in te stellen open een programma wat u gebruikt om audio mee in te stellen en kijk naar de waarde als u spreekt.<br /><br /></translation>
<location line="+10"/>
<source>Signal-To-Noise ratio</source>
<translation>Signaal -Ruis verhouding</translation>
<location line="+7"/>
<source>Signal-To-Noise ratio from the microphone</source>
<translation>Signaal -Ruis verhouding van de microfoon</translation>
<location line="+3"/>
<source>This is the Signal-To-Noise Ratio (SNR) of the microphone in the last frame (20 ms). It shows how much clearer the voice is compared to the noise.<br />If this value is below 1.0, there's more noise than voice in the signal, and so quality is reduced.<br />There is no upper limit to this value, but don't expect to see much above 40-50 without a sound studio.</source>
<translation>Dit is de Signaal -Ruis Verhouding (SNR) van de microfoon in de laatste frame (20 ms). Het toont hoe duidelijk de stem is in vergelijking met de ruis.<br>Als deze waarde onder 1.0 is, dan is er meer ruis dan stem in het signaal en de kwaliteit is minder geworden.<br>Er is geen boven grens voor deze waarde, maar verwacht niet meer te zien dan 40-50 zonder een geluidsstudio.</translation>
<location line="+10"/>
<source>Speech Probability</source>
<translation>Spraak waarschijnlijkheid</translation>
<location line="+7"/>
<source>Probability of speech</source>
<translation>Waarschijnlijkheid van spraak</translation>
<location line="+3"/>
<source>This is the probability that the last frame (20 ms) was speech and not environment noise.<br />Voice activity transmission depends on this being right. The trick with this is that the middle of a sentence is always detected as speech; the problem is the pauses between words and the start of speech. It's hard to distinguish a sigh from a word starting with 'h'.<br />If this is in bold font, it means RetroShare is currently transmitting (if you're connected).</source>
<translation>Dit is de mogelijkheid dat de laatste frame (20 ms) spraak is en geen omgevings ruis.<br />Geluids actieve uitzending hangt er van af of dit goed is. De truck is dat het gemiddelde van een zin als spraak gedetecteerd wordt: het probleem zijn de pauzes tussen woorden of het begin van een zin. Het is moeilijk om een zucht van een woord wat begint met 'h' te onderscheiden.<br />Als dit in een vette letter staat betekend dat dat RetroShare aan het uitzenden is (als u verbonden bent).</translation>
<location line="+15"/>
<source>Configuration feedback</source>
<translation>Configuratie terugkop</translation>
<location line="+6"/>
<source>Current audio bitrate</source>
<translation>Huidge audio bitrate</translation>
<location line="+13"/>
<source>Bitrate of last frame</source>
<translation>Bitrate van de laatste frame</translation>
<location line="+3"/>
<source>This is the audio bitrate of the last compressed frame (20 ms), and as such will jump up and down as the VBR adjusts the quality. The peak bitrate can be adjusted in the Settings dialog.</source>
<translation>Dit is de audio bitrate van de laatste gecomprimeerde frame (20 ms) en als dit te veel varieert stelt de VBR de kwalititeit in.</translation>
<location line="+10"/>
<source>DoublePush interval</source>
<translation>DubbelDrukken interval</translation>
<location line="+13"/>
<source>Time between last two Push-To-Talk presses</source>
<translation>Tijd tussen de laatste twee "Druk Om Te Spreken" handelingen</translation>
<location line="+10"/>
<source>Speech Detection</source>
<translation>Spraak Detectie</translation>
<location line="+7"/>
<source>Current speech detection chance</source>
<translation>Huidige spraak detectie mogelijkheid</translation>
<location line="+3"/>
<source><b>This shows the current speech detection settings.</b><br />You can change the settings from the Settings dialog or from the Audio Wizard.</source>
<translation><br>Dit toont de huidige spraak detectie instellingen.<br><br>U kunt deze instellingen wijzigen via de Instellingen dialoog of via de Audio Wizzard.</translation>
<location line="+29"/>
<source>Signal and noise power spectrum</source>
<translation>Signaal en Ruis vermogens spectrum</translation>
<location line="+6"/>
<source>Power spectrum of input signal and noise estimate</source>
<translation>Vermogens spectrum van ingangs signaal en verwachte ruis</translation>
<location line="+3"/>
<source>This shows the power spectrum of the current input signal (red line) and the current noise estimate (filled blue).<br />All amplitudes are multiplied by 30 to show the interesting parts (how much more signal than noise is present in each waveband).<br />This is probably only of interest if you're trying to fine-tune noise conditions on your microphone. Under good conditions, there should be just a tiny flutter of blue at the bottom. If the blue is more than halfway up on the graph, you have a seriously noisy environment.</source>
<translation>Dit toont het vermogens spectrum van het huidige ingangs signaal (rode lijn) en de huidige ruis verwachting (gevuld blauw).<br />Alle uitslagen zijn vermenigvuldigd met 30 om de belangrijkste delen te laten zien (hoeveel meer signaal dan ruis aanwezig is in ieder golfgebied).<br />Dit is waarschijnlijk één van de interessantste als je bezig bent met fijn instellen van de ruis condities van je microfoon. Onder goede condities moet er een klein beetje blauw op de bodem te zien zijn. Als er meer dan de helft blauw is heb je een serieus ruis probleem.</translation>
<location line="+16"/>
<source>Echo Analysis</source>
<translation>Echo Analyse</translation>
<location line="+12"/>
<source>Weights of the echo canceller</source>
<translation>Gewicht van de Echo onderdrukker</translation>
<location line="+3"/>
<source>This shows the weights of the echo canceller, with time increasing downwards and frequency increasing to the right.<br />Ideally, this should be black, indicating no echo exists at all. More commonly, you'll have one or more horizontal stripes of bluish color representing time delayed echo. You should be able to see the weights updated in real time.<br />Please note that as long as you have nothing to echo off, you won't see much useful data here. Play some music and things should stabilize. <br />You can choose to view the real or imaginary parts of the frequency-domain weights, or alternately the computed modulus and phase. The most useful of these will likely be modulus, which is the amplitude of the echo, and shows you how much of the outgoing signal is being removed at that time step. The other viewing modes are mostly useful to people who want to tune the echo cancellation algorithms.<br />Please note: If the entire image fluctuates massively while in modulus mode, the echo canceller fails to find any correlation whatsoever between the two input sources (speakers and microphone). Either you have a very long delay on the echo, or one of the input sources is configured wrong.</source>
<translation>Dit toont het gewicht van de Echo onderdrukker, met tijdsverlaging en frequentie vermindering naar rechts.<br />Ideaal zou zijn als deze zwart is wat inhoud dat er geen echo is. Meer algemeen</translation>
<location filename="../gui/AudioWizard.ui" line="+14"/>
<source>Audio Tuning Wizard</source>
<translation>Audio Afstelling Wizard</translation>
<location line="+4"/>
<location line="+3"/>
<source>Welcome to the RetroShare Audio Wizard</source>
<translation>Welkom bij de RetroShare Audio Wizard</translation>
<location line="+6"/>
<source>This is the audio tuning wizard for RetroShare. This will help you correctly set the input levels of your sound card, and also set the correct parameters for sound processing in Retroshare. </source>
<translation>Dit is de Audio Afstel Wizzard voor RetroShare. Deze zal je helpen om de ingangs levels van je geluidskaart in te stellen. Ook voor de juiste instellingen voor geluids bewerking in RetroShare.</translation>
<location line="+24"/>
<source>Volume tuning</source>
<translation>Volume afstelling</translation>
<location line="+3"/>
<source>Tuning microphone hardware volume to optimal settings.</source>
<translation>Stel microfoon hardware volume optimaal in.</translation>
<source><p >Open your sound control panel and go to the recording settings. Make sure the microphone is selected as active input with maximum recording volume. If there's an option to enable a &quot;Microphone boost&quot; make sure it's checked. </p>
<p>Speak loudly, as when you are annoyed or excited. Decrease the volume in the sound control panel until the bar below stays as high as possible in the green and orange but not the red zone while you speak. </p></source>
<translation type="vanished"><p>Open uw geluidscontrole paneel en ga naar de opname instellingen. Controleer of de microfoon is geselecteerd als actieve ingnag met maximale opname volume. Als er een optie is voor &quot;Microfoon versterkingt&quot; zorg dat deze aangevinkt is.<p>⏎
<p>Spreek duidelijk alsof je opgewonden bent. Verminder het volume in uw geluidscontrole paneel totdat de bar onder zo hoog mogelijk in het groen en oranje is maar niet in het rood als je spreekt.<p></translation>
<location line="+6"/>
<source><p>Open your sound control panel and go to the recording settings. Make sure the microphone is selected as active input with maximum recording volume. If there's an option to enable a &quot;Microphone boost&quot; make sure it's checked. </p>
<p>Speak loudly, as when you are annoyed or excited. Decrease the volume in the sound control panel until the bar below stays as high as possible in the green and orange but not the red zone while you speak. </p></source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="+11"/>
<source>Talk normally, and adjust the slider below so that the bar moves into green when you talk, and doesn't go into the orange zone.</source>
<translation>Spreek normaal en stel de schuif onder zodanig dat de bar in het groen beweegt als je praat, ga niet in het oranje.</translation>
<location line="+44"/>
<source>Stop looping echo for this wizard</source>
<translation>Stop looping echo voor deze wizard</translation>
<location line="+20"/>
<source>Apply some high contrast optimizations for visually impaired users</source>
<translation>Pas hoog contrast optimalisaties toe voor visueel ingestelde gebruikers</translation>
<location line="+3"/>
<source>Use high contrast graphics</source>
<translation>Gebruik hoog contrast graphics</translation>
<location line="+10"/>
<source>Voice Activity Detection</source>
<translation>Spraak Activiteit Detectie</translation>
<location line="+3"/>
<source>Letting RetroShare figure out when you're talking and when you're silent.</source>
<translation>Laat RetroShare uitzoeken wanneer je spreekt of zwijgt.</translation>
<location line="+6"/>
<source>This will help Retroshare figure out when you are talking. The first step is selecting which data value to use.</source>
<translation>Dit zal RetroShare helpen om te ontdekken wanneer je spreekt. De eerste stap is te selecteren welke data waarde te gebruiken.</translation>
<location line="+12"/>
<source>Push To Talk:</source>
<translation>Druk Om Te Praten:</translation>
<location line="+29"/>
<source>Voice Detection</source>
<translation>Spraak Detectie</translation>
<location line="+13"/>
<source>Next you need to adjust the following slider. The first few utterances you say should end up in the green area (definitive speech). While talking, you should stay inside the yellow (might be speech) and when you're not talking, everything should be in the red (definitively not speech).</source>
<translation>Vervolgens moet u de volgende schuif afstellen. De eerste paar uitingen moet je eindigen in het groene gebied (uiteindelijke spraak). Wanneer je verder spreekt moet u in het geel blijven (kan spraak zijn) en als u niet spreekt moet alles in het rood zijn (definitief geen spraak).</translation>
<location line="+64"/>
<source>Continuous transmission</source>
<translation>Ga door met overdracht</translation>
<location line="+8"/>
<location line="+3"/>
<source>Enjoy using RetroShare</source>
<translation>Veel plezier met het gebruik van RetroShare</translation>
<location line="+6"/>
<source>Congratulations. You should now be ready to enjoy a richer sound experience with Retroshare.</source>
<translation>Gefeliciteerd. U bent nu klaar om een rijkere geluidsbeleving te hebben met RetroShare.</translation>
<location filename="../VOIPPlugin.cpp" line="+128"/>
<source><h3>RetroShare VOIP plugin</h3><br/> * Contributors: Cyril Soler, Josselin Jacquard<br/></source>
<translation><h3>RetroShare VOIP plugin</h3><br/> * Medewerkers: Cyril Soler, Josselin Jacquard<br/></translation>
<source><br/>The VOIP plugin adds VOIP to the private chat window of RetroShare. to use it, proceed as follows:<UL></source>
<translation type="vanished"><br/>De VOIP plugin voegt VOIP toe aan de privé chat scherm van RetroShare. Om het te gebruiken, ga door als volgt:<UL></translation>
<location line="+2"/>
<source><li> setup microphone levels using the configuration panel</li></source>
<translation><li> stel microfoon levels in via het configuratie paneel</li></translation>
<source><li> check your microphone by looking at the VU-metters</li></source>
<translation type="vanished"><li> controleer uw microfoon door te kijken naar de VU-meters</li></translation>
<location line="-1"/>
<source><br/>The VOIP plugin adds VOIP to the private chat window of RetroShare. To use it, proceed as follows:<UL></source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="+2"/>
<source><li> check your microphone by looking at the VU-meters</li></source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="+1"/>
<source><li> in the private chat, enable sound input/output by clicking on the two VOIP icons</li></ul></source>
<translation><li> in de privé chat, schakel de geluids ingang/uitgang aan door te klikken op de twee VOIP ikoontjes</li></ul></translation>
<location line="+1"/>
<source>Your friend needs to run the plugin to talk/listen to you, or course.</source>
<translation>Uw vriend heeft deze plugin nodig om met u te kunnen spreken.</translation>
<location line="+1"/>
<source><br/><br/>This is an experimental feature. Don't hesitate to send comments and suggestion to the RS dev team.</source>
<translation><br/><br/>Dit is een experimentele toekomstige optie. Aarzel niet om opmerkingen en suggesties te versturen naar het RetroShare ontwikkelings team.</translation>
<location line="+47"/>
<source>This plugin provides voice communication between friends in RetroShare.</source>
<translation>Deze plugin levert u spraak communicatie tussen vrienden in RetroShare.</translation>
<location line="+40"/>
<location line="+4"/>
<location line="+4"/>
<location line="+4"/>
<translation type="unfinished">VOIP</translation>
<location line="-11"/>
<source>Incoming audio call</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="+4"/>
<source>Incoming video call</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="+4"/>
<source>Outgoing audio call</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="+4"/>
<source>Outgoing video call</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../gui/VOIPChatWidgetHolder.cpp" line="+70"/>
<location line="+146"/>
<location line="-128"/>
<location line="+138"/>
<source>Start Call</source>
<translation>Gesprek beginnen</translation>
<location line="-121"/>
<location line="+131"/>
<source>Start Video Call</source>
<translation>Video-oproep starten</translation>
<location line="-121"/>
<location line="+131"/>
<source>Hangup Call</source>
<translation>Oproep beeindigen</translation>
<location line="-113"/>
<location line="+626"/>
<source>Hide Chat Text</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="-608"/>
<location line="+106"/>
<location line="+523"/>
<source>Fullscreen mode</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="-410"/>
<source>Accept Audio Call</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="+17"/>
<source>Decline Audio Call</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="+1"/>
<source>Refuse audio call</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="+52"/>
<source>Decline Video Call</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="+1"/>
<source>Refuse video call</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="+102"/>
<source>Mute yourself</source>
<translation>Demp uzelf</translation>
<location line="+2"/>
<source>Unmute yourself</source>
<translation>Unmute jezelf</translation>
<location line="+603"/>
<source>Your friend is calling you for video. Respond.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="-781"/>
<location line="+53"/>
<location line="+188"/>
<location line="+24"/>
<location line="+57"/>
<location line="+28"/>
<location line="+284"/>
<location line="+11"/>
<location line="+11"/>
<location line="+21"/>
<location line="+11"/>
<source>VoIP Status</source>
<translation>VoIP Status</translation>
<location line="-467"/>
<source>Hold Call</source>
<translation>Houd oproep</translation>
<location line="+20"/>
<source>Outgoing Call is started...</source>
<translation>Uitgaande oproep wordt gestart...</translation>
<location line="+9"/>
<source>Resume Call</source>
<translation>Hervat oproep</translation>
<location line="+16"/>
<source>Outgoing Audio Call stopped.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="+46"/>
<source>Shut camera off</source>
<translation>Camera uitschakelen</translation>
<location line="+11"/>
<source>You're now sending video...</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="-266"/>
<location line="+279"/>
<source>Activate camera</source>
<translation>Camera activeren</translation>
<location line="+15"/>
<source>Video call stopped</source>
<translation>Video-oproep gestopt</translation>
<location line="-295"/>
<source>Accept Video Call</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="-55"/>
<source>%1 is inviting you to start an audio conversation. Do you want to Accept or Decline the invitation?</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="+3"/>
<source>Activate audio</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="+50"/>
<source>%1 is inviting you to start a video conversation. Do you want to Accept or Decline the invitation?</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="+334"/>
<source>Show Chat Text</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="+19"/>
<source>Return to normal view.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="+228"/>
<source>%1 hang up. Your call is closed.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="+11"/>
<source>%1 hang up. Your audio call is closed.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="+11"/>
<source>%1 hang up. Your video call is closed.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="+21"/>
<source>%1 accepted your audio call.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="+11"/>
<source>%1 accepted your video call.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="+20"/>
<source>Waiting for your friend to respond to your audio call.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="+58"/>
<source>Waiting for your friend to respond to your video call.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="-44"/>
<source>Your friend is calling you for audio. Respond.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="+17"/>
<location line="+58"/>
<location filename="../VOIPPlugin.cpp" line="-48"/>
<location filename="../gui/VOIPToasterItem.cpp" line="+43"/>
<location line="+4"/>
<source>Answer with video</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../gui/VOIPToasterItem.ui" line="+232"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../gui/VOIPToasterNotify.cpp" line="+56"/>
<location line="+3"/>
<location line="+1"/>
<source>Bandwidth Information</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="+1"/>
<source>Audio or Video Data</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="+1"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="+1"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="+2"/>
<source>Audio Call</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="+1"/>
<source>Video Call</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="+110"/>
<source>Test VOIP Accept</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="+1"/>
<source>Test VOIP BandwidthInfo</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="+1"/>
<source>Test VOIP Data</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="+1"/>
<source>Test VOIP HangUp</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="+1"/>
<source>Test VOIP Invitation</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="+2"/>
<source>Test VOIP Audio Call</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="+1"/>
<source>Test VOIP Video Call</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="+21"/>
<source>Accept received from this peer.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="+24"/>
<source>Bandwidth Info received from this peer: %1</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="+24"/>
<source>Audio or Video Data received from this peer.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="+24"/>
<source>HangUp received from this peer.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="+24"/>
<source>Invitation received from this peer.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="+25"/>
<location line="+24"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../gui/AudioInputConfig.cpp" line="-260"/>
<source>Required bandwidth</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>