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* This file is distributed under the following license:
* Copyright (c) 2010, Thomas Kister
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* ccr . 2016 Jan 30 . Change regular expression(s) for identifying
* . . hotlinks in feral text.
#include <QApplication>
#include <QTextBrowser>
#include <QtXml>
#include <QBuffer>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QTextDocumentFragment>
#include <qmath.h>
#include <QUrl>
#include "HandleRichText.h"
#include "gui/RetroShareLink.h"
#include "util/ObjectPainter.h"
#include "util/imageutil.h"
#include "util/rsscopetimer.h"
#include <iostream>
* The type of embedding we'd like to do
enum EmbeddedType
Ahref, ///< into <a></a>
Img ///< into <img/>
* Base class for storing information about a given kind of embedding.
* Its only constructor is protected so it is impossible to instantiate it, and
* at the same time derived classes have to provide a type.
class EmbedInHtml
EmbedInHtml(EmbeddedType newType) : myType(newType) {}
const EmbeddedType myType;
QList<QRegExp> myREs;
* This class is used to store information for embedding links into <a></a> tags.
class EmbedInHtmlAhref : public EmbedInHtml
EmbedInHtmlAhref() : EmbedInHtml(Ahref)
// The following regular expressions for finding URLs in
// plain text are borrowed from https://regex101.com/r/eR9yG2/4
//Modified to: (Adding \s to stop when query have space char else don't stop at end.)
// ((?<=\s)(([a-z0-9.+-]+):)((\/\/)(\/|(((([^\/:@?&#\s]+)(:([^\/@?&#\s]+))?)@)?([^:\/?&#\s]+)(:([1-9][0-9]*))?)(?=[\/#$?]))))(([^#?\s]+)?(\?([^#\s]+))?(#([^\s]+))?([\s])?)
// regAddress .|| .| || | .| | . . .| .| ..| .../regPath .| | . .| .| ./
// regBef/reChar .|| .| || | .| | . . .| .| ..| ... regPathnam/| | . .regHash /regEnd/har
// regScheme /regGrp5| || | .| | . . .| .| ..| ../ regSearch . /
// |regS/ash || | .| | . . .| .| ..| .. regQuery/
// regFileAuthHost .| | . . .| .| ..| ./
// regAuthHost .| | . . .| .| ./regPosLk /
// regUserPass .| | . . /regHost /regPort /
// regUser /| | . .
// regGrp12 . /
// regPassCharse/
// to get all group captured.
// Test patern: " https://user:password@example.com:8080/./api/api/../users/./get/22iohoife.extension?return=name&return=email&a[]=3&a[]=3&a[]=3&a[]=3&a[]=3&a[]=3&a[]=3&a[]=3&a[]=3&a[]=3#test "
QString regBeforeChar = ""; //"(?<=\\s)";//WARNING, Look Behind not supported by Qt
QStringList regSchemes;
// regSchemes.append("news:");
// regSchemes.append("telnet:");
// regSchemes.append("nntp:");
// regSchemes.append("file:/");
// regSchemes.append("ftps?:");
// regSchemes.append("sftp:");
// regSchemes.append("webcal:");
QString regScheme = "(?:" + regSchemes.join(")|(?:") + ")";//2nd Group: "https:" //3rd group inside
QString regSlash = "(\\/\\/)";//5th Group: "//"
QString regUser = "([^\\/:@?&#\\s]+)";//10th Group: "user"
QString regPassCharset = "([^\\/@?&#\\s]+)";//12th Group "password"
QString regGrp12 = "(:" + regPassCharset + ")?"; // 11th Group: ":password"
QString regUserPass = "((" + regUser + regGrp12 + ")@)?"; //8th Group: "user:password@" with 9th inside
QString regHost = "([^:\\/?&#\\s]+)"; //13th Group: "example.com"
QString regPort = "(:([1-9][0-9]*))?"; //14th Group: ":8080" with 15th inside
QString regAuthHost = regUserPass + regHost + regPort; //7th Group: "user:password@example.com:8080"
QString regPosLk = ""; //Positive Lookahead
QString regFileAuthHost = "(\\/|" + regAuthHost + regPosLk + ")"; //6th Group: "user:password@example.com:8080" Could be "/" with "file:///"
QString regGrp5 = "(" + regSlash + regFileAuthHost + ")"; //4th Group: "//user:password@example.com:8080"
QString regAddress = "(" + regBeforeChar + regScheme + regGrp5 + ")"; //1rst Group: "https://user:password@example.com:8080"
QString regPathName = "([^#?\\s]+)?"; //17th Group: "/./api/api/../users/./get/22iohoife.extension"
QString regQuery = "([^#\\s]+)"; //19th Group: "return=name&return=email&a[]=3&a[]=3&a[]=3&a[]=3&a[]=3&a[]=3&a[]=3&a[]=3&a[]=3&a[]=3"
QString regSearch = "(\\?" + regQuery + ")?"; //18th Group: "?return=name&return=email&a[]=3&a[]=3&a[]=3&a[]=3&a[]=3&a[]=3&a[]=3&a[]=3&a[]=3&a[]=3"
QString regHash = "(#([^\\s]+))?"; //20th Group: "#test" 21th inside
QString regEndChar = "";//"([\\s])?"; //22th Group: " "
QString regPath = "(" + regPathName + regSearch + regHash + regEndChar +")"; //16th Group: "/./api/api/../users/./get/22iohoife.extension?return=name&return=email&a[]=3&a[]=3&a[]=3&a[]=3&a[]=3&a[]=3&a[]=3&a[]=3&a[]=3&a[]=3#test"
QString regUrlPath = regAddress + regPath;
QStringList regHotLinkFinders;
while (!regHotLinkFinders.isEmpty()) {
myREs.append(QRegExp(regHotLinkFinders.takeFirst(), Qt::CaseInsensitive));
* This class is used to store information for embedding smileys into <img/> tags.
* By default the QRegExp the variables are empty, which means it must be
* filled at runtime, typically when the smileys set is loaded. It can be
* either done by hand or by using one of the helper methods available.
* Note: The QHash uses only *one* smiley per key (unlike soon-to-be-upgraded
* code out there).
class EmbedInHtmlImg : public EmbedInHtml
EmbedInHtmlImg() : EmbedInHtml(Img) {}
QHash<QString,QString> smileys;
/* global instance for embedding emoticons */
static EmbedInHtmlImg defEmbedImg;
void RsHtml::initEmoticons(const QHash<QString, QPair<QVector<QString>, QHash<QString, QString> > >& hash)
//add rules for standard emoticons
QString genericpattern;
genericpattern += "(?:^|\\s)(:\\w{1,40}:)(?:$|\\s)|"; //generic rule for :emoji_name:
genericpattern += "(?:^|\\s)(\\(\\w{1,40}\\))(?:$|\\s)"; //generic rule for (emoji_name)
QRegExp genericrx(genericpattern);
QString newRE;
for(QHash<QString, QPair<QVector<QString>, QHash<QString, QString> > >::const_iterator groupit = hash.begin(); groupit != hash.end(); ++groupit) {
QHash<QString,QString> group = groupit.value().second;
for(QHash<QString,QString>::const_iterator it = group.begin(); it != group.end(); ++it)
foreach(QString smile, it.key().split("|")) {
if (smile.isEmpty()) {
defEmbedImg.smileys.insert(smile, it.value());
//check if smiley is using standard format :new-format: or (old-format) and don't make a new regexp for it
if(!genericrx.exactMatch(smile)) {
// add space around smileys
newRE += "(?:^|\\s)(" + QRegExp::escape(smile) + ")(?:$|\\s)|";
// explanations:
// (?:^|\s)(*smiley*)(?:$|\s)
// (?:^|\s) Non-capturing group
// 1st Alternative: ^
// ^ assert position at start of the string
// 2nd Alternative: \s
// \s match any white space character [\r\n\t\f ]
// 1st Capturing group (*smiley*)
// *smiley* matches the characters *smiley* literally (case sensitive)
// (?:$|\s) Non-capturing group
// 1st Alternative: $
// $ assert position at end of the string
// 2nd Alternative: \s
// \s match any white space character [\r\n\t\f ]
* a better version is:
* (?<=^|\s)(*smile*)(?=$|\s) using the lookbehind/lookahead operator instead of non-capturing groups.
* This solves the problem that spaces are matched, too (see workaround in RsHtml::embedHtml)
* This is not supported by Qt4!
QRegExp emojimatcher(newRE + genericpattern);
bool RsHtml::canReplaceAnchor(QDomDocument &/*doc*/, QDomElement &/*element*/, const RetroShareLink &link)
switch (link.type()) {
case RetroShareLink::TYPE_UNKNOWN:
case RetroShareLink::TYPE_FILE:
case RetroShareLink::TYPE_PERSON:
case RetroShareLink::TYPE_FORUM:
case RetroShareLink::TYPE_CHANNEL:
case RetroShareLink::TYPE_SEARCH:
case RetroShareLink::TYPE_MESSAGE:
case RetroShareLink::TYPE_EXTRAFILE:
case RetroShareLink::TYPE_PRIVATE_CHAT:
case RetroShareLink::TYPE_PUBLIC_MSG:
case RetroShareLink::TYPE_POSTED:
case RetroShareLink::TYPE_IDENTITY:
// not yet implemented
case RetroShareLink::TYPE_CERTIFICATE:
return true;
return false;
void RsHtml::anchorTextForImg(QDomDocument &/*doc*/, QDomElement &/*element*/, const RetroShareLink &link, QString &text)
text = link.niceName();
void RsHtml::anchorStylesheetForImg(QDomDocument &/*doc*/, QDomElement &/*element*/, const RetroShareLink &link, QString &styleSheet)
switch (link.type()) {
case RetroShareLink::TYPE_UNKNOWN:
case RetroShareLink::TYPE_FILE:
case RetroShareLink::TYPE_PERSON:
case RetroShareLink::TYPE_FORUM:
case RetroShareLink::TYPE_CHANNEL:
case RetroShareLink::TYPE_SEARCH:
case RetroShareLink::TYPE_MESSAGE:
case RetroShareLink::TYPE_EXTRAFILE:
case RetroShareLink::TYPE_PRIVATE_CHAT:
case RetroShareLink::TYPE_PUBLIC_MSG:
case RetroShareLink::TYPE_POSTED:
case RetroShareLink::TYPE_IDENTITY:
// not yet implemented
case RetroShareLink::TYPE_CERTIFICATE:
styleSheet = "QPushButton{ border-image: url(:/images/btn_blue.png) ;border-width: 4;padding: 0px 6px;font-size: 12px;color: white;} QPushButton:hover{ border-image: url(:/images/btn_blue_hover.png) ;}";
void RsHtml::replaceAnchorWithImg(QDomDocument &doc, QDomElement &element, QTextDocument *textDocument, const RetroShareLink &link)
if (!textDocument) {
if (!link.valid()) {
if (element.childNodes().length() != 1) {
if (!canReplaceAnchor(doc, element, link)) {
QString imgText;
anchorTextForImg(doc, element, link, imgText);
QString styleSheet;
anchorStylesheetForImg(doc, element, link, styleSheet);
QDomNode childNode = element.firstChild();
/* build resource name */
QString resourceName = QString("%1_%2.png").arg(link.type()).arg(imgText);
if (!textDocument->resource(QTextDocument::ImageResource, QUrl(resourceName)).isValid()) {
/* draw a button on a pixmap */
QPixmap pixmap;
ObjectPainter::drawButton(imgText, styleSheet, pixmap);
/* add the image to the resource cache of the text document */
textDocument->addResource(QTextDocument::ImageResource, QUrl(resourceName), QVariant(pixmap));
/* replace text of the anchor with <img> */
QDomElement img = doc.createElement("img");
img.setAttribute("src", resourceName);
int RsHtml::indexInWithValidation(QRegExp &rx, const QString &text, EmbedInHtml &embedInfos, int pos)
int index = rx.indexIn(text, pos);
if(index == -1 || embedInfos.myType != Img) return index;
const EmbedInHtmlImg& embedImg = static_cast<const EmbedInHtmlImg&>(embedInfos);
while((index = rx.indexIn(text, pos)) != -1) {
return index;
return -1;
* Parses a DOM tree and replaces text by HTML tags.
* The tree is traversed depth-first, but only through children of Element type
* nodes. Any other kind of node is terminal.
* If the node is of type Text, its data is checked against the user-provided
* regular expression(s). If there is a match, the text is cut in three parts: the
* preceding part that will be inserted before, the part to be replaced, and the
* following part which will be itself checked against the regular expression.
* The part to be replaced is sent to a user-provided functor that will create
* the necessary embedding and return a new Element node to be inserted.
* @param[in] doc The whole DOM tree, necessary to create new nodes
* @param[in,out] currentElement The current node (which is of type Element)
* @param[in] embedInfos The regular expression(s) and the type of embedding to use
void RsHtml::embedHtml(QTextDocument *textDocument, QDomDocument& doc, QDomElement& currentElement, EmbedInHtml& embedInfos, ulong flag)
QDomNodeList children = currentElement.childNodes();
for(uint index = 0; index < (uint)children.length(); index++) {
QDomNode node = children.item(index);
if(node.isElement()) {
// child is an element, we skip it if it's an <a> tag
QDomElement element = node.toElement();
if(element.tagName().toLower() == "head") {
// skip it
} else if(element.tagName().toLower() == "style") {
// skip it
} else if (element.tagName().toLower() == "a") {
// skip it
if (embedInfos.myType == Ahref) {
// but add title if not available
if (element.attribute("title").isEmpty()) {
RetroShareLink link(element.attribute("href"));
if (link.valid()) {
QString title = link.title();
if (!title.isEmpty()) {
element.setAttribute("title", title);
if (textDocument && (flag & RSHTML_FORMATTEXT_REPLACE_LINKS)) {
replaceAnchorWithImg(doc, element, textDocument, link);
} else {
if (textDocument && (flag & RSHTML_FORMATTEXT_REPLACE_LINKS)) {
RetroShareLink link(element.attribute("href"));
if (link.valid()) {
replaceAnchorWithImg(doc, element, textDocument, link);
} else {
embedHtml(textDocument, doc, element, embedInfos, flag);
else if(node.isText()) {
// child is a text, we parse it
QString tempText = node.toText().data();
for (int patNdx = 0; patNdx < embedInfos.myREs.size(); ++patNdx) {
QRegExp myRE = embedInfos.myREs.at(patNdx);
if(myRE.pattern().length() == 0) // we'll get stuck with an empty regexp
int nextPos = 0;
if((nextPos = indexInWithValidation(myRE, tempText, embedInfos)) == -1)
// there is at least one link inside, we start replacing
int currentPos = 0;
do {
// if nextPos == 0 it means the text begins by a link
if(nextPos > 0) {
QDomText textPart = doc.createTextNode(tempText.mid(currentPos, nextPos - currentPos));
currentElement.insertBefore(textPart, node);
// inserted tag
QDomElement insertedTag;
switch(embedInfos.myType) {
case Ahref:
insertedTag = doc.createElement("a");
insertedTag.setAttribute("href", myRE.cap(0));
RetroShareLink link(myRE.cap(0));
if (link.valid()) {
QString title = link.title();
if (!title.isEmpty()) {
insertedTag.setAttribute("title", title);
if (textDocument && (flag & RSHTML_FORMATTEXT_REPLACE_LINKS)) {
replaceAnchorWithImg(doc, insertedTag, textDocument, link);
case Img:
insertedTag = doc.createElement("img");
const EmbedInHtmlImg& embedImg = static_cast<const EmbedInHtmlImg&>(embedInfos);
// myRE.cap(0) may include spaces at the end/beginning -> trim!
insertedTag.setAttribute("src", embedImg.smileys[myRE.cap(0).trimmed()]);
* Trailing spaces are matched, too. This leads to myRE.matchedLength() being incorrect.
* This hack reduces nextPos by one so that the new value of currentPos is calculated corretly.
* This is needed to match multiple smileys since the leading whitespace in front of a smiley is required!
* This can be avoided by using Qt5 (see comment in RsHtml::initEmoticons)
* Preceding spaces are also matched and removed.
if(myRE.cap(0).endsWith(' '))
currentElement.insertBefore(insertedTag, node);
currentPos = nextPos + myRE.matchedLength();
} while((nextPos = indexInWithValidation(myRE, tempText, embedInfos, currentPos)) != -1);
// text after the last link, only if there's one, don't touch the index
// otherwise decrement the index because we're going to remove node
if(currentPos < tempText.length()) {
QDomText textPart = doc.createTextNode(tempText.mid(currentPos));
currentElement.insertBefore(textPart, node);
// We'd better not expect that
// subsequent hotlink patterns
// wouldn't also match replacements
// we've already made. They might, so
// skip 'em to be safe.
* Save space and tab out of bracket that XML loose.
* @param[in] text The text to save space.
* @return Text with space saved.
static QString saveSpace(const QString text)
QString savedSpaceText=text;
bool outBrackets=false, echapChar=false;
QString keyName = "";
bool getKeyName = false;
bool firstOutBracket = false;
for(int i=0;i<savedSpaceText.length();i++){
QChar cursChar=savedSpaceText.at(i);
if(getKeyName || (!outBrackets && keyName.isEmpty())){
if((cursChar==QLatin1Char(' ')) || (cursChar==QLatin1Char('>'))) {
} else {
if(cursChar==QLatin1Char('>')) {
if(!echapChar && i>0) {outBrackets=true; firstOutBracket=true;}
} else if(cursChar==QLatin1Char('\t')) {
if(outBrackets && firstOutBracket && (keyName!="style")) savedSpaceText.replace(i, 1, " ");
} else if(cursChar==QLatin1Char(' ')) {
if(outBrackets && firstOutBracket && (keyName!="style")) savedSpaceText.replace(i, 1, " ");
} else if(cursChar==QChar(0xA0)) {
if(outBrackets && firstOutBracket && (keyName!="style")) savedSpaceText.replace(i, 1, " ");
} else if(cursChar==QLatin1Char('<')) {
if(!echapChar) {outBrackets=false; getKeyName=true; keyName.clear();}
} else firstOutBracket=false;
return savedSpaceText;
QString RsHtml::formatText(QTextDocument *textDocument, const QString &text, ulong flag, const QColor &backgroundColor, qreal desiredContrast, int desiredMinimumFontSize)
if (flag == 0 || text.isEmpty()) {
// nothing to do
return text;
QString formattedText=text;
//remove all prepend char that make doc.setContent() fail
// Save Space and Tab because doc loose it.
QString errorMsg; int errorLine; int errorColumn;
QDomDocument doc;
if (doc.setContent(formattedText, &errorMsg, &errorLine, &errorColumn) == false) {
// convert text with QTextBrowser
QTextBrowser textBrowser;
doc.setContent(formattedText, &errorMsg, &errorLine, &errorColumn);
QDomElement body = doc.documentElement();
embedHtml(textDocument, doc, body, defEmbedImg, flag);
EmbedInHtmlAhref defEmbedAhref;
embedHtml(textDocument, doc, body, defEmbedAhref, flag);
formattedText = doc.toString(-1); // -1 removes any annoying carriage return misinterpreted by QTextEdit
optimizeHtml(formattedText, flag, backgroundColor, desiredContrast, desiredMinimumFontSize);
return formattedText;
static void findElements(QDomDocument& doc, QDomElement& currentElement, const QString& nodeName, const QString& nodeAttribute, QStringList &elements)
if(nodeName.isEmpty()) {
QDomNodeList children = currentElement.childNodes();
for (uint index = 0; index < (uint)children.length(); index++) {
QDomNode node = children.item(index);
if (node.isElement()) {
QDomElement element = node.toElement();
if (QString::compare(element.tagName(), nodeName, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) {
if (nodeAttribute.isEmpty()) {
// use text
} else {
QString attribute = element.attribute(nodeAttribute);
if (attribute.isEmpty() == false) {
findElements(doc, element, nodeName, nodeAttribute, elements);
bool RsHtml::findAnchors(const QString &text, QStringList& urls)
QString errorMsg; int errorLine; int errorColumn;
QDomDocument doc;
if (doc.setContent(text, &errorMsg, &errorLine, &errorColumn) == false) {
// convert text with QTextBrowser
QTextBrowser textBrowser;
doc.setContent(textBrowser.toHtml(), &errorMsg, &errorLine, &errorColumn);
QDomElement body = doc.documentElement();
findElements(doc, body, "a", "href", urls);
return true;
static void removeElement(QDomElement& parentElement, QDomElement& element)
QDomNodeList children = element.childNodes();
while (children.length() > 0) {
QDomNode childElement = element.removeChild(children.item(children.length() - 1));
parentElement.insertAfter(childElement, element);
static qreal linearizeColorComponent(qreal v)
if (v <= 0.03928) return v/12.92;
else return pow((v+0.055)/1.055, 2.4);
static qreal getRelativeLuminance(const QColor &c)
qreal r = linearizeColorComponent(c.redF()) * 0.2126;
qreal g = linearizeColorComponent(c.greenF()) * 0.7152;
qreal b = linearizeColorComponent(c.blueF()) * 0.0722;
return r+g+b;
* @brief Compute the contrast between two relative luminances.
* See: http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/NOTE-WCAG20-TECHS-20120103/G18
* @param lum1, lum2 Relative luminances returned by getRelativeLuminance().
* @return Contrast between 1 and 21.
static qreal getContrastRatio(qreal lum1, qreal lum2)
if (lum2 > lum1) {
qreal t = lum1;
lum1 = lum2;
lum2 = t;
return (lum1+0.05)/(lum2+0.05);
* @brief Find a color with the same hue that provides the desired contrast with bglum.
* @param[in,out] val Name of the original color. Will be modified.
* @param bglum Background's relative luminance as returned by getRelativeLuminance().
* @param desiredContrast Contrast to get.
static void findBestColor(QString &val, qreal bglum, qreal desiredContrast)
#if QT_VERSION < 0x040600
// missing methods on class QColor
// Change text color to get a good contrast with the background
QColor c(val);
qreal lum = ::getRelativeLuminance(c);
// Keep text color darker/brighter than the bg if possible
qreal lowContrast = ::getContrastRatio(bglum, 0.0);
qreal highContrast = ::getContrastRatio(bglum, 1.0);
bool searchDown = (lum <= bglum && lowContrast >= desiredContrast)
|| (lum > bglum && highContrast < desiredContrast && lowContrast >= highContrast);
// There's no such thing as too much contrast on a bright background,
// but on a dark background it creates haloing which makes text hard to read.
// So we enforce desired contrast when the bg is dark.
if (!searchDown || ::getContrastRatio(lum, bglum) < desiredContrast) {
// Bisection search of the correct "lightness" to get the desired contrast
qreal minl = searchDown ? 0.0 : bglum;
qreal maxl = searchDown ? bglum : 1.0;
do {
QColor d = c;
qreal midl = (minl+maxl)/2.0;
d.setHslF(c.hslHueF(), c.hslSaturationF(), midl);
qreal lum = ::getRelativeLuminance(d);
if ((::getContrastRatio(lum, bglum) < desiredContrast) ^ searchDown ) {
minl = midl;
else {
maxl = midl;
} while (maxl - minl > 0.01);
c.setHslF(c.hslHueF(), c.hslSaturationF(), minl);
val = c.name();
#endif // QT_VERSION < 0x040600
* @brief optimizeHtml: Optimize HTML Text in DomDocument to reduce size
* @param doc: QDomDocument containing Text to optimize
* @param currentElement: Current element optimized
* @param stylesList: List where to save all differents styles used in text
* @param knownStyle: List of known styles
static void optimizeHtml(QDomDocument& doc
, QDomElement& currentElement
, QHash<QString, QStringList> &stylesList
, QHash<QString, QString> &knownStyle)
if (doc.documentElement().namedItem("style").toElement().attributeNode("RSOptimized").isAttr()) {
//Already optimized only get StyleList
QDomElement styleElem = doc.documentElement().namedItem("style").toElement();
if (!styleElem.isElement()) return; //Not an element so a bad message.
QDomAttr styleAttr = styleElem.attributeNode("RSOptimized");
if (!styleAttr.isAttr()) return; //Not an attribute so a bad message.
QString version = styleAttr.value();
if (version == "v2") {
QStringList allStyles = styleElem.text().split('}');
foreach (QString style, allStyles){
QStringList pair = style.split('{');
if (pair.length()!=2) return; //Malformed style list so a bad message or last item.
QString keyvalue = pair.at(1);
QStringList classUsingIt(pair.at(0).split(','));
QStringList exported ;
foreach (QString keyVal, classUsingIt) {
if(!keyVal.trimmed().isEmpty()) {
stylesList.insert(keyvalue, exported);
if (currentElement.tagName().toLower() == "html") {
// change <html> to <span>
QDomNode styleNode;
bool addBR = false;
QDomNodeList children = currentElement.childNodes();
for (uint index = 0; index < (uint)children.length(); ) {
QDomNode node = children.item(index);
if (node.isElement()) {
QDomElement element = node.toElement();
styleNode = node.attributes().namedItem("style");
// not <p>
if (addBR && element.tagName().toLower() != "p") {
// add <br> after a removed <p> but not before a <p>
QDomElement elementBr = doc.createElement("br");
currentElement.insertBefore(elementBr, element);
addBR = false;
// <body>
if (element.tagName().toLower() == "body") {
if (element.attributes().length() == 0) {
// remove <body> without attributes
removeElement(currentElement, element);
// no ++index;
// change <body> to <span>
// <head>
if (element.tagName().toLower() == "head") {
// remove <head>
// no ++index;
//hidden text in a
if (element.tagName().toLower() == "a") {
QString href = element.attribute("href", "");
//this text should be hidden and appear in title
//we need this trick, because QTextEdit doesn't export the title attribute
QString title = href.remove(0, QString("hidden:").length());
QString text = element.text();
QDomNodeList c = element.childNodes();
for(int i = 0; i < c.count(); i++){
element.setAttribute(QString("title"), title);
QDomText textnode = doc.createTextNode(text);
// iterate children
optimizeHtml(doc, element, stylesList, knownStyle);
// <p>
if (element.tagName().toLower() == "p") {
// <p style="...">
if (styleNode.isAttr()) {
QString style = styleNode.toAttr().value().simplified().trimmed();
style.replace("margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px;", "margin:0px 0px 0px 0px;");
style.replace("; ", ";");
if (style == "margin:0px 0px 0px 0px;-qt-block-indent:0;text-indent:0px;"
|| style.startsWith("-qt-paragraph-type:empty;margin:0px 0px 0px 0px;-qt-block-indent:0;text-indent:0px;")) {
if (addBR) {
// add <br> after a removed <p> but not before a removed <p>
QDomElement elementBr = doc.createElement("br");
currentElement.insertBefore(elementBr, element);
// remove Qt standard <p> or empty <p>
index += element.childNodes().length();
removeElement(currentElement, element);
// do not add extra <br> after empty paragraph, the paragraph already contains one
addBR = ! style.startsWith("-qt-paragraph-type:empty");
addBR = false;
// Compress style attribute
if (styleNode.isAttr()) {
QDomAttr styleAttr = styleNode.toAttr();
QString style = styleAttr.value().simplified().trimmed();
style.replace("margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px;", "margin:0px 0px 0px 0px;");
style.replace("; ", ";");
QString className = knownStyle.value(style);
if (className.isEmpty()) {
// Create a new class
className = QString("S%1").arg(knownStyle.count());
knownStyle.insert(style, className);
// Now add this for each attribute values
QStringList styles = style.split(';');
foreach (QString pair, styles) {
pair.replace(" ","");
if (!pair.isEmpty()) {
QStringList& stylesListItem = stylesList[pair];
//Add the new class to this value
if (!className.isEmpty()) {
QDomNode classNode = doc.createAttribute("class");
* @brief styleCreate: Add styles filtered in QDomDocument.
* @param doc: QDomDocument containing all text formatted
* @param stylesList: List of all styles recognized
* @param flag: Bitfield of RSHTML_FORMATTEXT_* constants (they must be part of
* @param bglum: Luminance background color of the widget where the text will be
* displayed. Needed only if RSHTML_FORMATTEXT_FIX_COLORS
* is passed inside flag.
* @param desiredContrast: Minimum contrast between text and background color,
* between 1 and 21.
* @param desiredMinimumFontSize: Minimum font size.
static void styleCreate(QDomDocument& doc
, QHash<QString, QStringList>& stylesList
, unsigned int flag
, qreal bglum
, qreal desiredContrast
, int desiredMinimumFontSize)
QDomElement styleElem;
if (doc.documentElement().namedItem("style").toElement().attributeNode("RSOptimized").isAttr()) {
QDomElement ele = doc.documentElement().namedItem("style").toElement();
//Remove child before filter
if (!ele.isElement()) break; //Not an element so a bad message.
QDomAttr styleAttr = ele.attributeNode("RSOptimized");
if (!styleAttr.isAttr()) break; //Not an attribute so a bad message.
QString version = styleAttr.value();
if (version == "v2") {
styleElem = ele;
}while (false); //for break
if(!styleElem.isElement()) {
styleElem = doc.createElement("style");
// Creation of Style class list: <style type="text/css">
QDomAttr styleAttr;
styleAttr = doc.createAttribute("type");
QDomAttr optAttr;
optAttr = doc.createAttribute("RSOptimized");
QDomAttr noEmbedAttr;
noEmbedAttr = doc.createAttribute("NoEmbed");
while(styleElem.childNodes().count()>0) {
QString style = "";
QHashIterator<QString, QStringList> it(stylesList);
while(it.hasNext()) {
const QStringList& classUsingIt ( it.value()) ;
bool first = true;
foreach(QString className, classUsingIt) {
if (!className.trimmed().isEmpty()) {
style += QString(first?".":",.") + className;// + " ";
first = false;
QStringList keyvalue = it.key().split(':');
if (keyvalue.length() == 2) {
QString key = keyvalue.at(0).trimmed();
QString val = keyvalue.at(1).trimmed();
if (key == "font-size") {
QRegExp re("(\\d+)(\\D*)");
if (re.indexIn(val) != -1) {
bool ok; int iVal = re.cap(1).toInt(&ok);
if (ok && (iVal < desiredMinimumFontSize)) {
val = QString::number(desiredMinimumFontSize) + re.cap(2);
if ((flag & RSHTML_FORMATTEXT_REMOVE_FONT_FAMILY && key == "font-family") ||
(flag & RSHTML_FORMATTEXT_REMOVE_FONT_SIZE && key == "font-size") ||
(flag & RSHTML_FORMATTEXT_REMOVE_FONT_WEIGHT && key == "font-weight") ||
(flag & RSHTML_FORMATTEXT_REMOVE_FONT_STYLE && key == "font-style")) {
if (key == "color") {
if (key == "color") {
findBestColor(val, bglum, desiredContrast);
if (key == "background" || key == "background-color") {
// Remove background color because if we change the text color,
// it can become unreadable on the original background.
// Also, FIX_COLORS is intended to display text on the default
// background color of the operating system.
//.S1 .S2 .S4 {font-family:'Sans';}
style += "{" + key + ":" + val + ";}";
} else {
style += "{" + it.key() + ";}\n";
QDomText styleText = doc.createTextNode(style);
//Create a Body element to be trunk, and doc could open it.
QDomElement trunk = doc.createElement("body");
while (!doc.firstChild().isNull()){
void RsHtml::optimizeHtml(QTextEdit *textEdit, QString &text, unsigned int flag /*= 0*/)
if (textEdit->toHtml() == QTextDocument(textEdit->toPlainText()).toHtml()) {
text = textEdit->toPlainText();
//std::cerr << "Optimized text to " << text.length() << " bytes , instead of " << textEdit->toHtml().length() << std::endl;
text = textEdit->toHtml();
//std::cerr << "Optimized text from " << text.length() << " bytes , into " ;
optimizeHtml(text, flag);
//std::cerr << text.length() << " bytes" << std::endl;
* @brief Make an HTML document smaller by removing useless stuff.
* Can also change the text color to make it more readable.
* @param[in,out] text HTML document.
* @param flag Bitfield of RSHTML_FORMATTEXT_* constants (they must be part of
* @param backgroundColor Background color of the widget where the text will be
* displayed. Needed only if RSHTML_FORMATTEXT_FIX_COLORS
* is passed inside flag.
* @param desiredContrast Minimum contrast between text and background color,
* between 1 and 21.
* @param desiredMinimumFontSize Minimum font size.
void RsHtml::optimizeHtml(QString &text, unsigned int flag /*= 0*/
, const QColor &backgroundColor /*= Qt::white*/
, qreal desiredContrast /*= 1.0*/
, int desiredMinimumFontSize /*=10*/
// remove doctype
//remove all prepend char that make doc.setContent() fail
// Save Space and Tab because doc loose it.
QString errorMsg; int errorLine; int errorColumn;
QDomDocument doc;
if (doc.setContent(text, &errorMsg, &errorLine, &errorColumn) == false) {
QDomElement body = doc.documentElement();
QHash<QString, QStringList> stylesList;
QHash<QString, QString> knownStyle;
::optimizeHtml(doc, body, stylesList, knownStyle);
::styleCreate(doc, stylesList, flag, ::getRelativeLuminance(backgroundColor), desiredContrast, desiredMinimumFontSize);
text = doc.toString(-1);
// std::cerr << "Optimized text to " << text.length() << " bytes , instead of " << originalLength << std::endl;
QString RsHtml::toHtml(QString text, bool realHtml)
// replace "\n" from the optimized html with "<br>"
text.replace("\n", "<br>");
if (!realHtml) {
return text;
QTextDocument doc;
return doc.toHtml();
/** Loads image and converts image to embedded image HTML fragment **/
bool RsHtml::makeEmbeddedImage(const QString &fileName, QString &embeddedImage, const int maxPixels, const int maxBytes)
QImage image;
if (image.load (fileName) == false) {
fprintf (stderr, "RsHtml::makeEmbeddedImage() - image \"%s\" can't be load\n", fileName.toLatin1().constData());
return false;
return RsHtml::makeEmbeddedImage(image, embeddedImage, maxPixels, maxBytes);
/** Converts image to embedded image HTML fragment **/
bool RsHtml::makeEmbeddedImage(const QImage &originalImage, QString &embeddedImage, const int maxPixels, const int maxBytes)
RsScopeTimer s("Embed image");
QImage opt;
return ImageUtil::optimizeSize(embeddedImage, originalImage, opt, maxPixels, maxBytes);
QString RsHtml::plainText(const QString &text)
return text.toHtmlEscaped();
return Qt::escape(text);
QString RsHtml::plainText(const std::string &text)
return QString::fromUtf8(text.c_str()).toHtmlEscaped();
return Qt::escape(QString::fromUtf8(text.c_str()));
QString RsHtml::makeQuotedText(RSTextBrowser *browser)
QString text = browser->textCursor().selection().toPlainText();
if(text.length() == 0)
text = browser->toPlainText();
QStringList sl = text.split(QRegExp("[\r\n]"),QString::SkipEmptyParts);
text = sl.join("\n> ");
text.replace(QChar(-4)," ");//Char used when image on text.
return QString("> ") + text;
void RsHtml::insertSpoilerText(QTextCursor cursor)
QString hiddentext = cursor.selection().toPlainText();
if(hiddentext.isEmpty()) return;
QString publictext = "*SPOILER*";
QString encoded = hiddentext;
encoded = encoded.replace(QChar('\"'), QString("""));
encoded = encoded.replace(QChar('\''), QString("'"));
encoded = encoded.replace(QChar('<'), QString("<"));
encoded = encoded.replace(QChar('>'), QString(">"));
encoded = encoded.replace(QChar('&'), QString("&"));
QString html = QString("<a href=\"hidden:%1\" title=\"%1\">%2</a>").arg(encoded, publictext);
void RsHtml::findBestColor(QString &val, const QColor &backgroundColor /*= Qt::white*/, qreal desiredContrast /*= 1.0*/)
::findBestColor(val, ::getRelativeLuminance(backgroundColor), desiredContrast);