2019-10-26 15:21:21 +02:00

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* libretroshare/src/services: p3msgservice.h *
* *
* libretroshare: retroshare core library *
* *
* Copyright 2004-2008 Robert Fernie <retroshare@lunamutt.com> *
* *
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as *
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the *
* License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License *
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *
* *
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <iostream>
#include "retroshare/rsmsgs.h"
#include "pqi/pqi.h"
#include "pqi/pqiindic.h"
#include "pqi/pqiservicemonitor.h"
#include "pqi/p3cfgmgr.h"
#include "services/p3service.h"
#include "rsitems/rsmsgitems.h"
#include "util/rsthreads.h"
#include "util/rsdebug.h"
#include "retroshare/rsgxsifacetypes.h"
#include "grouter/p3grouter.h"
#include "grouter/grouterclientservice.h"
#include "turtle/p3turtle.h"
#include "turtle/turtleclientservice.h"
#include "gxstrans/p3gxstrans.h"
class p3LinkMgr;
class p3IdService;
// Temp tweak to test grouter
class p3MsgService :
public p3Service, public p3Config, public pqiServiceMonitor, GRouterClientService,
p3MsgService(p3ServiceControl *sc, p3IdService *id_service, p3GxsTrans& gxsMS);
virtual RsServiceInfo getServiceInfo();
/// @see RsMsgs::sendMail
uint32_t sendMail(const RsGxsId from,
const std::string& subject,
const std::string& body,
const std::set<RsGxsId>& to = std::set<RsGxsId>(),
const std::set<RsGxsId>& cc = std::set<RsGxsId>(),
const std::set<RsGxsId>& bcc = std::set<RsGxsId>(),
const std::vector<FileInfo>& attachments = std::vector<FileInfo>(),
std::set<RsMailIdRecipientIdPair>& trackingIds =
std::string& errorMsg =
/* External Interface */
bool getMessageSummaries(std::list<Rs::Msgs::MsgInfoSummary> &msgList);
bool getMessage(const std::string &mid, Rs::Msgs::MessageInfo &msg);
void getMessageCount(uint32_t &nInbox, uint32_t &nInboxNew, uint32_t &nOutbox, uint32_t &nDraftbox, uint32_t &nSentbox, uint32_t &nTrashbox);
bool decryptMessage(const std::string& mid) ;
bool removeMsgId(const std::string &mid);
bool markMsgIdRead(const std::string &mid, bool bUnreadByUser);
bool setMsgFlag(const std::string &mid, uint32_t flag, uint32_t mask);
bool getMsgParentId(const std::string &msgId, std::string &msgParentId);
// msgParentId == 0 --> remove
bool setMsgParentId(uint32_t msgId, uint32_t msgParentId);
bool MessageSend(Rs::Msgs::MessageInfo &info);
bool SystemMessage(const std::string &title, const std::string &message, uint32_t systemFlag);
bool MessageToDraft(Rs::Msgs::MessageInfo &info, const std::string &msgParentId);
bool MessageToTrash(const std::string &mid, bool bTrash);
bool getMessageTag(const std::string &msgId, Rs::Msgs::MsgTagInfo& info);
bool getMessageTagTypes(Rs::Msgs::MsgTagType& tags);
bool setMessageTagType(uint32_t tagId, std::string& text, uint32_t rgb_color);
bool removeMessageTagType(uint32_t tagId);
/* set == false && tagId == 0 --> remove all */
bool setMessageTag(const std::string &msgId, uint32_t tagId, bool set);
bool resetMessageStandardTagTypes(Rs::Msgs::MsgTagType& tags);
void loadWelcomeMsg(); /* startup message */
//std::list<RsMsgItem *> &getMsgList();
//std::list<RsMsgItem *> &getMsgOutList();
int tick();
/*** Overloaded from p3Config ****/
virtual RsSerialiser *setupSerialiser();
virtual bool saveList(bool& cleanup, std::list<RsItem*>&);
virtual bool loadList(std::list<RsItem*>& load);
virtual void saveDone();
/*** Overloaded from p3Config ****/
/*** Overloaded from pqiMonitor ***/
virtual void statusChange(const std::list<pqiServicePeer> &plist);
/// iterate through the outgoing queue if online, send
int checkOutgoingMessages();
/*** Overloaded from pqiMonitor ***/
/*** overloaded from p3turtle ***/
virtual void connectToGlobalRouter(p3GRouter *) ;
struct DistantMessengingInvite
rstime_t time_of_validity ;
struct DistantMessengingContact
rstime_t last_hit_time ;
RsPeerId virtual_peer_id ;
uint32_t status ;
bool pending_messages ;
void enableDistantMessaging(bool b) ;
bool distantMessagingEnabled() ;
void setDistantMessagingPermissionFlags(uint32_t flags) ;
uint32_t getDistantMessagingPermissionFlags() ;
/// @see GxsTransClient::receiveGxsTransMail(...)
virtual bool receiveGxsTransMail( const RsGxsId& authorId,
const RsGxsId& recipientId,
const uint8_t* data, uint32_t dataSize );
/// @see GxsTransClient::notifyGxsTransSendStatus(...)
virtual bool notifyGxsTransSendStatus( RsGxsTransId mailId,
GxsTransSendStatus status );
void sendDistantMsgItem(RsMsgItem *msgitem);
bool locked_getMessageTag(const std::string &msgId, Rs::Msgs::MsgTagInfo& info);
/** This contains the ongoing tunnel handling contacts.
* The map is indexed by the hash */
std::map<GRouterMsgPropagationId, uint32_t> _ongoing_messages;
/// Contains ongoing messages handed to gxs mail
std::map<RsGxsTransId, uint32_t> gxsOngoingMessages;
RsMutex gxsOngoingMutex;
// Overloaded from GRouterClientService
virtual bool acceptDataFromPeer(const RsGxsId& gxs_id) ;
virtual void receiveGRouterData(const RsGxsId& destination_key,const RsGxsId& signing_key, GRouterServiceId &client_id, uint8_t *data, uint32_t data_size) ;
virtual void notifyDataStatus(const GRouterMsgPropagationId& msg_id,const RsGxsId& signer_id,uint32_t data_status) ;
// Utility functions
bool createDistantMessage(const RsGxsId& destination_gxs_id,const RsGxsId& source_gxs_id,RsMsgItem *msg) ;
bool locked_findHashForVirtualPeerId(const RsPeerId& pid,Sha1CheckSum& hash) ;
void sendGRouterData(const RsGxsId &key_id,RsMsgItem *) ;
void manageDistantPeers() ;
void handleIncomingItem(RsMsgItem *) ;
uint32_t getNewUniqueMsgId();
uint32_t sendMessage(RsMsgItem *item);
uint32_t sendDistantMessage(RsMsgItem *item,const RsGxsId& signing_gxs_id);
void checkSizeAndSendMessage(RsMsgItem *msg);
void cleanListOfReceivedMessageHashes();
int incomingMsgs();
void processIncomingMsg(RsMsgItem *mi) ;
bool checkAndRebuildPartialMessage(RsMsgItem*) ;
void initRsMI(RsMsgItem *msg, Rs::Msgs::MessageInfo &mi);
void initRsMIS(RsMsgItem *msg, Rs::Msgs::MsgInfoSummary &mis);
RsMsgItem *initMIRsMsg(const Rs::Msgs::MessageInfo &info, const RsPeerId& to);
RsMsgItem *initMIRsMsg(const Rs::Msgs::MessageInfo &info, const RsGxsId& to);
void initMIRsMsg(RsMsgItem *item,const Rs::Msgs::MessageInfo &info) ;
void initStandardTagTypes();
p3IdService *mIdService ;
p3ServiceControl *mServiceCtrl;
p3GRouter *mGRouter ;
/* Mutex Required for stuff below */
RsMutex mMsgMtx;
RsMsgSerialiser *_serialiser ;
/* stored list of messages */
std::map<uint32_t, RsMsgItem *> imsg;
/* ones that haven't made it out yet! */
std::map<uint32_t, RsMsgItem *> msgOutgoing;
std::map<RsPeerId, RsMsgItem *> _pendingPartialMessages ;
/* maps for tags types and msg tags */
std::map<uint32_t, RsMsgTagType*> mTags;
std::map<uint32_t, RsMsgTags*> mMsgTags;
uint32_t mMsgUniqueId;
std::map<Sha1CheckSum, uint32_t> mRecentlyReceivedMessageHashes;
RsMutex recentlyReceivedMutex;
// used delete msgSrcIds after config save
std::map<uint32_t, RsMsgSrcId*> mSrcIds;
// temporary storage. Will not be needed when messages have a proper "from" field. Not saved!
std::map<uint32_t, RsGxsId> mDistantOutgoingMsgSigners;
// save the parent of the messages in draft for replied and forwarded
std::map<uint32_t, RsMsgParentId*> mParentId;
std::string config_dir;
bool mDistantMessagingEnabled ;
uint32_t mDistantMessagePermissions ;
bool mShouldEnableDistantMessaging ;
p3GxsTrans& mGxsTransServ;