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* libretroshare/src/gxs: rsgxsnetservice.h *
* *
* libretroshare: retroshare core library *
* *
* Copyright 2012-2012 by Christopher Evi-Parker *
* *
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as *
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the *
* License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License *
* along with this program. If not, see <>. *
* *
#include <list>
#include <queue>
#include "rsnxs.h"
#include "rsgds.h"
#include "rsnxsobserver.h"
#include "pqi/p3linkmgr.h"
#include "rsitems/rsnxsitems.h"
#include "rsitems/rsgxsupdateitems.h"
#include "rsgxsnettunnel.h"
#include "rsgxsnetutils.h"
#include "pqi/p3cfgmgr.h"
#include "rsgixs.h"
#include "util/rssharedptr.h"
/// keep track of transaction number
typedef std::map<uint32_t, NxsTransaction*> TransactionIdMap;
/// to keep track of peers active transactions
typedef std::map<RsPeerId, TransactionIdMap > TransactionsPeerMap;
class PgpAuxUtils;
class RsGroupNetworkStatsRecord
RsGroupNetworkStatsRecord() { max_visible_count= 0 ; update_TS=0; }
std::set<RsPeerId> suppliers ;
uint32_t max_visible_count ;
rstime_t update_TS ;
struct GroupRequestRecord
GroupRequestRecord(): ts(0), request_id(0) {}
rstime_t ts ;
TurtleRequestId request_id;
* This class implements the RsNetWorkExchangeService
* using transactions to handle synchrnisation of Nxs items between
* peers in a network
* Transactions requires the maintenance of several states between peers
* Thus a data structure maintains: peers, and their active transactions
* Then for each transaction it needs to be noted if this is an outgoing or incoming transaction
* Outgoing transaction are in 3 different states:
* Incoming transaction are in 3 different states
class RsGxsNetService :
public RsNetworkExchangeService, public p3ThreadedService, public p3Config
static const uint32_t FRAGMENT_SIZE;
* only one observer is allowed
* @param servType service type
* @param gds The data service which allows read access to a service/store
* @param nxsObs observer will be notified whenever new messages/grps
* @param nxsObs observer will be notified whenever new messages/grps
* arrive
RsGxsNetService(uint16_t servType, RsGeneralDataService *gds,
RsNxsNetMgr *netMgr,
RsNxsObserver *nxsObs, // used to be = NULL.
const RsServiceInfo serviceInfo,
RsGixsReputation* reputations = NULL, RsGcxs* circles = NULL, RsGixs *gixs=NULL,
PgpAuxUtils *pgpUtils = NULL, RsGxsNetTunnelService *mGxsNT = NULL,
bool grpAutoSync = true, bool msgAutoSync = true,bool distSync=false,
uint32_t default_store_period = RS_GXS_DEFAULT_MSG_STORE_PERIOD,
uint32_t default_sync_period = RS_GXS_DEFAULT_MSG_REQ_PERIOD);
virtual ~RsGxsNetService();
virtual RsServiceInfo getServiceInfo() { return mServiceInfo; }
virtual void getItemNames(std::map<uint8_t,std::string>& names) const ;
virtual uint16_t serviceType() const { return mServType ; }
* Use this to set how far back synchronisation and storage of messages should take place
* @param age the max age a sync/storage item can to be allowed in a synchronisation
virtual void setSyncAge(const RsGxsGroupId& grpId,uint32_t age_in_secs);
virtual void setKeepAge(const RsGxsGroupId& grpId,uint32_t age_in_secs);
virtual uint32_t getSyncAge(const RsGxsGroupId& id);
virtual uint32_t getKeepAge(const RsGxsGroupId& id);
virtual uint32_t getDefaultSyncAge() { return mDefaultMsgSyncPeriod ; }
virtual uint32_t getDefaultKeepAge() { return mDefaultMsgStorePeriod ; }
virtual void setDefaultKeepAge(uint32_t t) { mDefaultMsgStorePeriod = t ; }
virtual void setDefaultSyncAge(uint32_t t) { mDefaultMsgSyncPeriod = t ; }
* \brief Search methods.
* These four methods are used to request distant search and receive the results.
* \param group_id
virtual TurtleRequestId turtleGroupRequest(const RsGxsGroupId& group_id);
virtual TurtleRequestId turtleSearchRequest(const std::string& match_string);
virtual bool search(const std::string& substring,std::list<RsGxsGroupSummary>& group_infos) ;
virtual bool search(const Sha1CheckSum& hashed_group_id,unsigned char *& encrypted_group_data,uint32_t& encrypted_group_data_len);
virtual void receiveTurtleSearchResults(TurtleRequestId req,const std::list<RsGxsGroupSummary>& group_infos);
virtual void receiveTurtleSearchResults(TurtleRequestId req,const unsigned char *encrypted_group_data,uint32_t encrypted_group_data_len);
virtual bool retrieveDistantSearchResults(TurtleRequestId req, std::map<RsGxsGroupId, RsGxsGroupSearchResults> &group_infos);
virtual bool clearDistantSearchResults(const TurtleRequestId& id);
virtual bool retrieveDistantGroupSummary(const RsGxsGroupId&, RsGxsGroupSearchResults &);
* pauses synchronisation of subscribed groups and request for group id
* from peers
* @param enabled set to false to disable pause, and true otherwise
virtual void pauseSynchronisation(bool enabled);
* Request for this message is sent through to peers on your network
* and how many hops from them you've indicated
* @param msgId the messages to retrieve
* @return request token to be redeemed
virtual int requestMsg(const RsGxsGrpMsgIdPair& /* msgId */){ return 0;}
* Request for this group is sent through to peers on your network
* and how many hops from them you've indicated
* @param enabled set to false to disable pause, and true otherwise
* @return request token to be redeemed
virtual int requestGrp(const std::list<RsGxsGroupId>& grpId, const RsPeerId& peerId);
* share publish keys for the specified group with the peers in the specified list.
virtual int sharePublishKey(const RsGxsGroupId& grpId,const std::set<RsPeerId>& peers) ;
* Returns statistics for the group networking activity: popularity (number of friends subscribers) and max_visible_msg_count,
* that is the max nnumber of messages reported by a friend.
virtual bool getGroupNetworkStats(const RsGxsGroupId& id,RsGroupNetworkStats& stats) ;
* Used to inform the net service that we changed subscription status. That helps
* optimising data transfer when e.g. unsubsribed groups are updated less often, etc
virtual void subscribeStatusChanged(const RsGxsGroupId& id,bool subscribed) ;
virtual void rejectMessage(const RsGxsMessageId& msg_id) ;
virtual bool getGroupServerUpdateTS(const RsGxsGroupId& gid,rstime_t& grp_server_update_TS,rstime_t& msg_server_update_TS) ;
virtual bool stampMsgServerUpdateTS(const RsGxsGroupId& gid) ;
virtual bool removeGroups(const std::list<RsGxsGroupId>& groups);
virtual bool isDistantPeer(const RsPeerId& pid);
/* p3Config methods */
bool loadList(std::list<RsItem *>& load);
bool saveList(bool &cleanup, std::list<RsItem *>&);
RsSerialiser *setupSerialiser();
* initiates synchronisation
int tick();
void threadTick() override; /// @see RsTickingThread
* called when
* items are deemed to be waiting in p3Service item queue
void recvNxsItemQueue();
/** S: Transaction processing **/
* These process transactions which are in a wait state
* Also moves transaction which have been completed to
* the completed transactions list
void processTransactions();
* Process completed transaction, which either simply
* retires a transaction or additionally generates a response
* to the completed transaction
void processCompletedTransactions();
* Process transaction owned/started by user
* @param tr transaction to process, ownership stays with callee
void locked_processCompletedOutgoingTrans(NxsTransaction* tr);
* Process transactions started/owned by other peers
* @param tr transaction to process, ownership stays with callee
void locked_processCompletedIncomingTrans(NxsTransaction* tr);
* Process a transaction item, assumes a general lock
* @param item the transaction item to process
* @return false ownership of item left with callee
bool locked_processTransac(RsNxsTransacItem* item);
* This adds a transaction
* completeted transaction list
* If this is an outgoing transaction, transaction id is
* decrement
* @param trans transaction to add
void locked_completeTransaction(NxsTransaction* trans);
* \brief locked_stampMsgServerUpdateTS
* updates the server msg time stamp. This function is the locked method for the one above with similar name
* \param gid group id to stamp.
* \return
bool locked_stampMsgServerUpdateTS(const RsGxsGroupId& gid);
* This retrieves a unique transaction id that
* can be used in an outgoing transaction
uint32_t locked_getTransactionId();
* This attempts to push the transaction id counter back if you have
* active outgoing transactions in play
bool attemptRecoverIds();
* The cb listener is the owner of the grps
* @param grps
//void notifyListenerGrps(std::list<RsNxsGrp*>& grps);
* The cb listener is the owner of the msgs
* @param msgs
//void notifyListenerMsgs(std::list<RsNxsMsg*>& msgs);
* Generates new transaction to send msg requests based on list
* of msgs received from peer stored in passed transaction
* @param tr transaction responsible for generating msg request
void locked_genReqMsgTransaction(NxsTransaction* tr);
* Generates new transaction to send grp requests based on list
* of grps received from peer stored in passed transaction
* @param tr transaction responsible for generating grp request
void locked_genReqGrpTransaction(NxsTransaction* tr);
* This first checks if one can send a grpId based circles
* If it can send, then it call locked_genSendMsgsTransaction
* @param tr transaction responsible for generating grp request
* @see locked_genSendMsgsTransaction
void locked_checkSendMsgsTransaction(NxsTransaction* tr);
* Generates new transaction to send msg data based on list
* of grpids received from peer stored in passed transaction
* @param tr transaction responsible for generating grp request
void locked_genSendMsgsTransaction(NxsTransaction* tr);
* Generates new transaction to send grp data based on list
* of grps received from peer stored in passed transaction
* @param tr transaction responsible for generating grp request
void locked_genSendGrpsTransaction(NxsTransaction* tr);
* convenience function to add a transaction to list
* @param tr transaction to add
bool locked_addTransaction(NxsTransaction* tr);
void cleanTransactionItems(NxsTransaction* tr) const;
* @param tr the transaction to check for timeout
* @return false if transaction has timed out, true otherwise
bool locked_checkTransacTimedOut(NxsTransaction* tr);
/** E: Transaction processing **/
/** S: item handlers **/
* This attempts handles transaction items
* ownership of item is left with callee if this method returns false
* @param item transaction item to handle
* @return false if transaction could not be handled, ownership of item is left with callee
bool handleTransaction(RsNxsItem* item);
* Handles an nxs item for group synchronisation
* by startin a transaction and sending a list
* of groups held by user
* @param item contains grp sync info
void handleRecvSyncGroup(RsNxsSyncGrpReqItem* item);
* Handles an nxs item for group statistics
* @param item contaims update time stamp and number of messages
void handleRecvSyncGrpStatistics(RsNxsSyncGrpStatsItem *grs);
* Handles an nxs item for msgs synchronisation
* @param item contaims msg sync info
void handleRecvSyncMessage(RsNxsSyncMsgReqItem* item,bool item_was_encrypted);
* Handles an nxs item for group publish key
* @param item contaims keys/grp info
void handleRecvPublishKeys(RsNxsGroupPublishKeyItem*) ;
/** E: item handlers **/
void runVetting();
* @param peerId The peer to vet to see if they can receive this groupid
* @param grpMeta this is the meta item to determine if it can be sent to given peer
* @param toVet groupid/peer to vet are stored here if their circle id is not cached
* @return false, if you cannot send to this peer, true otherwise
bool canSendGrpId(const RsPeerId& sslId, const RsGxsGrpMetaData& grpMeta, std::vector<GrpIdCircleVet>& toVet, bool &should_encrypt);
bool canSendMsgIds(std::vector<const RsGxsMsgMetaData*>& msgMetas, const RsGxsGrpMetaData&, const RsPeerId& sslId, RsGxsCircleId &should_encrypt_id);
* \brief checkPermissionsForFriendGroup
* Checks that we can send/recv from that node, given that the grpMeta has a distribution limited to a local circle.
* \param sslId Candidate peer to send to or to receive from.
* \param grpMeta Contains info about the group id, internal circle id, etc.
* \return true only when the internal exists and validates as a friend node group, and contains the owner of sslId.
bool checkPermissionsForFriendGroup(const RsPeerId& sslId,const RsGxsGrpMetaData& grpMeta) ;
bool checkCanRecvMsgFromPeer(const RsPeerId& sslId, const RsGxsGrpMetaData& meta, RsGxsCircleId& should_encrypt_id);
void locked_createTransactionFromPending(MsgRespPending* grpPend);
void locked_createTransactionFromPending(GrpRespPending* msgPend);
bool locked_createTransactionFromPending(GrpCircleIdRequestVetting* grpPend) ;
bool locked_createTransactionFromPending(MsgCircleIdsRequestVetting* grpPend) ;
void locked_pushGrpTransactionFromList(std::list<RsNxsItem*>& reqList, const RsPeerId& peerId, const uint32_t& transN); // forms a grp list request
void locked_pushMsgTransactionFromList(std::list<RsNxsItem*>& reqList, const RsPeerId& peerId, const uint32_t& transN); // forms a msg list request
void locked_pushGrpRespFromList(std::list<RsNxsItem*>& respList, const RsPeerId& peer, const uint32_t& transN);
void locked_pushMsgRespFromList(std::list<RsNxsItem*>& itemL, const RsPeerId& sslId, const RsGxsGroupId &grp_id, const uint32_t& transN);
void checkDistantSyncState();
void syncWithPeers();
void syncGrpStatistics();
void addGroupItemToList(NxsTransaction*& tr,
const RsGxsGroupId& grpId, uint32_t& transN,
std::list<RsNxsItem*>& reqList);
//bool locked_canReceive(const RsGxsGrpMetaData * const grpMeta, const RsPeerId& peerId);
void processExplicitGroupRequests();
void locked_doMsgUpdateWork(const RsNxsTransacItem* nxsTrans, const RsGxsGroupId& grpId);
void updateServerSyncTS();
#ifdef TO_REMOVE
void updateClientSyncTS();
bool locked_CanReceiveUpdate(const RsNxsSyncGrpReqItem *item);
bool locked_CanReceiveUpdate(RsNxsSyncMsgReqItem *item, bool &grp_is_known);
void locked_resetClientTS(const RsGxsGroupId& grpId);
bool locked_checkResendingOfUpdates(const RsPeerId& pid, const RsGxsGroupId &grpId, rstime_t incoming_ts, RsPeerUpdateTsRecord& rec);
static RsGxsGroupId hashGrpId(const RsGxsGroupId& gid,const RsPeerId& pid) ;
RsGxsGrpConfig& locked_getGrpConfig(const RsGxsGroupId& grp_id);
typedef std::vector<RsNxsGrp*> GrpFragments;
typedef std::vector<RsNxsMsg*> MsgFragments;
* Loops over pending publish key orders.
void sharePublishKeysPending() ;
* Fragment a message into individual fragments which are at most 150kb
* @param msg message to fragment
* @param msgFragments fragmented message
* @return false if fragmentation fails true otherwise
bool fragmentMsg(RsNxsMsg& msg, MsgFragments& msgFragments) const;
* Fragment a group into individual fragments which are at most 150kb
* @param grp group to fragment
* @param grpFragments fragmented group
* @return false if fragmentation fails true other wise
bool fragmentGrp(RsNxsGrp& grp, GrpFragments& grpFragments) const;
* Fragment a message into individual fragments which are at most 150kb
* @param msg message to fragment
* @param msgFragments fragmented message
* @return NULL if not possible to reconstruct message from fragment,
* pointer to defragments nxs message is possible
RsNxsMsg* deFragmentMsg(MsgFragments& msgFragments) const;
* Fragment a group into individual fragments which are at most 150kb
* @param grp group to fragment
* @param grpFragments fragmented group
* @return NULL if not possible to reconstruct group from fragment,
* pointer to defragments nxs group is possible
RsNxsGrp* deFragmentGrp(GrpFragments& grpFragments) const;
* Note that if all fragments for a message are not found then its fragments are dropped
* @param fragments message fragments which are not necessarily from the same message
* @param partFragments the partitioned fragments (into message ids)
void collateMsgFragments(MsgFragments &fragments, std::map<RsGxsMessageId, MsgFragments>& partFragments) const;
* Note that if all fragments for a group are not found then its fragments are dropped
* @param fragments group fragments which are not necessarily from the same group
* @param partFragments the partitioned fragments (into message ids)
void collateGrpFragments(GrpFragments fragments, std::map<RsGxsGroupId, GrpFragments>& partFragments) const;
* stamp the group info from that particular peer at the given time.
void locked_stampPeerGroupUpdateTime(const RsPeerId& pid,const RsGxsGroupId& grpId,rstime_t tm,uint32_t n_messages) ;
* encrypts/decrypts the transaction for the destination circle id.
bool encryptSingleNxsItem(RsNxsItem *item, const RsGxsCircleId& destination_circle, const RsGxsGroupId &destination_group, RsNxsItem *& encrypted_item, uint32_t &status) ;
bool decryptSingleNxsItem(const RsNxsEncryptedDataItem *encrypted_item, RsNxsItem *&nxsitem, std::vector<RsTlvPrivateRSAKey> *private_keys=NULL);
bool processTransactionForDecryption(NxsTransaction *tr); // return false when the keys are not loaded => need retry later
void cleanRejectedMessages();
void processObserverNotifications();
void generic_sendItem(RsNxsItem *si);
RsItem *generic_recvItem();
static void locked_checkDelay(uint32_t& time_in_secs);
/*** transactions ***/
/// active transactions
TransactionsPeerMap mTransactions;
/// completed transactions
std::list<NxsTransaction*> mComplTransactions;
/// transaction id counter
uint32_t mTransactionN;
/*** transactions ***/
/*** synchronisation ***/
std::list<RsNxsSyncGrpItem*> mSyncGrp;
std::list<RsNxsSyncMsgItem*> mSyncMsg;
/*** synchronisation ***/
RsNxsObserver* mObserver;
RsGeneralDataService* mDataStore;
uint16_t mServType;
// how much time must elapse before a timeout failure
// for an active transaction
uint32_t mTransactionTimeOut;
RsPeerId mOwnId;
RsNxsNetMgr* mNetMgr;
/// for other members save transactions
RsMutex mNxsMutex;
uint32_t mSyncTs;
uint32_t mLastKeyPublishTs;
uint32_t mLastCleanRejectedMessages;
const uint32_t mSYNC_PERIOD;
int mUpdateCounter ;
RsGcxs* mCircles;
RsGixs *mGixs;
RsGixsReputation* mReputations;
PgpAuxUtils *mPgpUtils;
RsGxsNetTunnelService *mGxsNetTunnel;
bool mGrpAutoSync;
bool mAllowMsgSync;
bool mAllowDistSync;
// need to be verfied
std::vector<AuthorPending*> mPendingResp;
std::vector<GrpCircleVetting*> mPendingCircleVets;
std::map<RsGxsGroupId,std::set<RsPeerId> > mPendingPublishKeyRecipients ;
std::map<RsPeerId, std::list<RsGxsGroupId> > mExplicitRequest;
std::map<RsPeerId, std::set<RsGxsGroupId> > mPartialMsgUpdates ;
// nxs sync optimisation
// can pull dynamically the latest timestamp for each message
typedef std::map<RsPeerId, RsGxsMsgUpdate> ClientMsgMap;
typedef std::map<RsGxsGroupId, RsGxsServerMsgUpdate> ServerMsgMap;
typedef std::map<RsPeerId, RsGxsGrpUpdate> ClientGrpMap;
typedef std::map<RsGxsGroupId, RsGxsGrpConfig> GrpConfigMap;
ClientMsgMap mClientMsgUpdateMap;
ServerMsgMap mServerMsgUpdateMap;
ClientGrpMap mClientGrpUpdateMap;
GrpConfigMap mServerGrpConfigMap;
RsGxsServerGrpUpdate mGrpServerUpdate;
RsServiceInfo mServiceInfo;
std::map<RsGxsMessageId,rstime_t> mRejectedMessages;
std::vector<RsNxsGrp*> mNewGroupsToNotify ;
std::vector<RsNxsMsg*> mNewMessagesToNotify ;
std::set<RsGxsGroupId> mNewStatsToNotify ;
std::set<RsGxsGroupId> mNewPublishKeysToNotify ;
std::set<RsGxsGroupId> mNewGrpSyncParamsToNotify ;
// Distant search result map
std::map<TurtleRequestId,std::map<RsGxsGroupId,RsGxsGroupSearchResults> > mDistantSearchResults ;
void debugDump();
uint32_t mDefaultMsgStorePeriod ;
uint32_t mDefaultMsgSyncPeriod ;
std::map<Sha1CheckSum, RsNxsGrp*> mGroupHashCache;
std::map<TurtleRequestId,RsGxsGroupId> mSearchRequests;
std::map<RsGxsGroupId,GroupRequestRecord> mSearchedGroups ;
rstime_t mLastCacheReloadTS ;