mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 01:56:32 -04:00
152 lines
4.2 KiB
152 lines
4.2 KiB
:: Process commandline parameter
set ParamRelease=0
set ParamDebug=0
set ParamAutologin=0
set ParamPlugins=0
set ParamJsonApi=0
set ParamWebui=0
set ParamService=0
set ParamFriendServer=0
set ParamEmbeddedFriendServer=0
set ParamUseNativeDialogs=0
set ParamTor=0
set NonInteractive=0
set Module=%~1
shift /1
if "%~1" NEQ "" (
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims==" %%a in ("%~1") do (
if "%%~a"=="release" (
set ParamRelease=1
) else if "%%~a"=="debug" (
set ParamDebug=1
) else if "%%~a"=="autologin" (
set ParamAutologin=1
) else if "%%~a"=="jsonapi" (
set ParamJsonApi=1
) else if "%%~a"=="webui" (
set ParamJsonApi=1
set ParamWebui=1
) else if "%%~a"=="service" (
set ParamService=1
) else if "%%~a"=="friendserver" (
set ParamFriendServer=1
) else if "%%~a"=="embedded-friendserver" (
set ParamEmbeddedFriendServer=1
) else if "%%~a"=="plugins" (
set ParamPlugins=1
) else if "%%~a"=="tor" (
set ParamTor=1
) else if "%%~a"=="non-interactive" (
set NonInteractive=1
) else if "%%~a"=="singlethread" (
set CoreCount=1
) else if "%%~a"=="nativedialogs" (
set ParamUseNativeDialogs=1
) else (
echo Unknown parameter %1 for %Module%
goto :usage
shift /1
goto parameter_loop
if "%ParamRelease%"=="1" (
if "%ParamDebug%"=="1" (
echo Release or Debug?
goto :usage
set RsBuildConfig=release
) else if "%ParamDebug%"=="1" (
set RsBuildConfig=debug
) else goto :usage
if "%ParamTor%"=="1" (
set RsType=-tor
) else (
set RsType=
set BuildPath=%EnvRootPath%\builds
set DeployPath=%EnvRootPath%\deploy
if not exist "%BuildPath%" mkdir "%BuildPath%"
if not exist "%DeployPath%" mkdir "%DeployPath%"
:: Check Qt environment
set QtPath=
call "%ToolsPath%\find-in-path.bat" QtPath qmake.exe
if "%QtPath%"=="" %cecho% error "Please run command in the Qt Command Prompt." & exit /B 1
:: Check MinGW environment
set MinGWPath=
call "%ToolsPath%\find-in-path.bat" MinGWPath gcc.exe
if "%MinGWPath%"=="" %cecho% error "Please run command in the Qt Command Prompt." & exit /B 1
:: Get Qt version
call "%ToolsPath%\get-qt-version.bat" QtVersion
if "%QtVersion%"=="" %cecho% error "Cannot get Qt version." & exit /B 1
:: Get gcc versions
call "%ToolsPath%\get-gcc-version.bat" GCCVersion GCCArchitecture
if "%GCCVersion%"=="" %cecho% error "Cannot get gcc version." & exit /B 1
if "%GCCArchitecture%"=="" %cecho% error "Cannot get gcc architecture." & exit /B 1
set BuildLibsPath=%EnvRootPath%\build-libs\gcc-%GCCVersion%\%GCCArchitecture%
set RsBuildPath=%BuildPath%\Qt-%QtVersion%-%GCCArchitecture%-%RsBuildConfig%
set RsDeployPath=%DeployPath%\Qt-%QtVersion%-%GCCArchitecture%%RsType%-%RsBuildConfig%
set RsPackPath=%DeployPath%
set RsArchiveAdd=
set RsWebuiPath=%RootPath%\%SourceName%-webui
set RsWebuiBuildPath=%BuildPath%\Qt-%QtVersion%-%GCCArchitecture%-%RsBuildConfig%\webui
if not exist "%~dp0env-mod.bat" goto no_mod
call "%~dp0env-mod.bat"
if errorlevel 1 exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
exit /B 0
echo Usage: release^|debug [^<optional parameters^>]
echo Mandatory parameter
echo release^|debug Build release or debug version
if "%Module%"=="build" (
echo Optional parameter ^(need clean when changed^)
echo autologin Build with autologin
echo jsonapi Build with jsonapi
echo webui Build with jsonapi and webui
echo service Build service
echo friendserver Build Friend Server
echo embedded-friendserver Build with embedded Friend Server
echo plugins Build plugins
echo nativedialogs Build with native dialogs
echo Optional parameter
echo singlethread Use only 1 thread for building
if "%Module%"=="pack" (
echo Optional parameter
echo service Pack service
echo friendserver Pack Friend Server ^(needs Tor^)
echo tor Pack Tor version
echo plugins Pack plugins
if "%Module%"=="git-log" (
echo Optional parameter
echo non-interactive Non-interactive mode
exit /B 2