thunder2 8c7920b545 Changed Windows build environment
- Fixed deploy path with tor
- Disabled webui in installer
- Optimized file get-gcc-version.bat
- Optimized file get-qt-version.bat
- Renamed file msys-path.bat to msys2-path.bat
- Removed file download-file-wildcard.bat
- Removed file winhttpjs.bat
- Removed download and usage of wget.exe
2020-08-03 21:37:43 +02:00

36 lines
1.0 KiB

:: Initialize environment
call "%~dp0..\env.bat"
if errorlevel 1 goto error_env
set EnvRootPath=%RootPath%\%SourceName%-env
set EnvToolsPath=%EnvRootPath%\tools
set EnvTempPath=%EnvRootPath%\tmp
set EnvDownloadPath=%EnvRootPath%\download
set EnvSevenZipExe=%EnvToolsPath%\7z.exe
set EnvJomExe=%EnvToolsPath%\jom.exe
set EnvSedExe=%EnvToolsPath%\sed.exe
set EnvCutExe=%EnvToolsPath%\cut.exe
set EnvDependsExe=%EnvToolsPath%\depends.exe
set EnvMakeNSISExe=%EnvToolsPath%\NSIS\makensis.exe
set EnvCEchoExe=%EnvToolsPath%\cecho.exe
set cecho=call "%ToolsPath%\cecho.bat"
:: Create folders
if not exist "%EnvRootPath%" mkdir "%EnvRootPath%"
if not exist "%EnvToolsPath%" mkdir "%EnvToolsPath%"
if not exist "%EnvDownloadPath%" mkdir "%EnvDownloadPath%"
call "%~dp0tools\prepare-tools.bat"
if errorlevel 1 exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
:: Add MinGit to PATH
set PATH=%EnvToolsPath%\MinGit\cmd;%EnvToolsPath%\cmake\bin;%PATH%
set HOME=%EnvToolsPath%\MinGit\home
exit /B 0
echo Failed to initialize environment.
exit /B 1