csoler 60f51c358c - added new certificate format in ConfCertDialog and ConnectFriendWizard, with a button to switch to old format if necessary
- added automatic cleaning of certificates in both formats
- grouped all certificate cleaning/parsing code in rscertificate.cc
- removed unused files cleanupxpgp.h/cc
- added upper/lower case to rsid template.

The new format is to be tested. It is supposed to be much more robust than the previous format,
in particular, allowing any string for location names.

git-svn-id: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/retroshare/code/trunk@5410 b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
2012-08-13 19:37:50 +00:00
2012-04-19 22:10:00 +00:00
2012-07-30 21:29:11 +00:00
2012-07-30 11:22:29 +00:00
2012-04-19 22:10:00 +00:00
2012-04-19 22:10:00 +00:00

README for RetroShare

RetroShare web site . . . . http://retroshare.sourceforge.net/
Documentation . . . . . . . http://retroshare.sourceforge.net/doc.html
Support . . . . . . . . . . http://retroshare.sourceforge.net/support.html
Forums  . . . . . . . . . . http://retroshare.sourceforge.net/forum/
Wiki  . . . . . . . . . . . http://retroshare.sourceforge.net/wiki/
The Developers site . . . . http://retroshare.sourceforge.net/developers.html
Project site  . . . . . . . https://sourceforge.net/projects/retroshare

Contact:  . . . . . . . . . retroshare@lunamutt.com ,defnax@users.sourceforge.net

Compiling + Running RetroShare (V0.5.xxx)

	* C/C++ Compiler. 	  	  (standard on Linux/cygwin)
	* Qt >= 4.5.x 		  	    http://qt.nokia.com/downloads/downloads#lgpl
	* OpenSSL       	      	http://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-0.9.8k.tar.gz
	* MiniUPnP           	  	http://miniupnp.free.fr/files/download.php?file=miniupnpc-1.3.tar.gz
	* gpgme 		              ftp://ftp.gnupg.org/gcrypt/gpgme/gpgme-1.1.8.tar.bz2
	* libgpg-error          	ftp://ftp.gnupg.org/gcrypt/libgpg-error/libgpg-error-1.7.tar.bz2 

Windows only:
	* Cygwin  	          	  http://www.cygwin.com/cygwin/setup.exe (for openssl compile)
	* MinGW/Msys package  		http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/files/	 (for compile gpgme,libgpg-error)
	* Pthreads            		http://sourceware.org/pthreads-win32/ 
	* Zlib                		http://www.zlib.net/
	Latest RetroShare sources from (SVN) sourceforge.net:	
    	svn co https://retroshare.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/retroshare retroshare 


Build Scripts are avaible on SVN for Debian and Ubuntu:

Latest stable OpenSSL is available at:

Latest miniupnpc-1.3 is avaible at:

Latest gpgme Library is avaible at:

Latest libgpg-error Library is avaible at:

Windows only:
	pthreads: ftp://sourceware.org/pub/pthreads-win32/pthreads-w32-2-8-0-release.tar.gz 
	zlib:	    http://www.zlib.net/zlib-1.2.3.tar.gz 
You can find here instrustions howto compile libretroshare and gui:
You can go on over to our forum when you have trouble with compiling: