chrisparker126 90c1aa4903 begun in ernest implementing data access (RsTokenService) interface for gui
added request processing and generalised request base class (switch to casts)
msg request now have grpId option
ci code not part of build

git-svn-id: b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
2012-07-17 21:27:43 +00:00

192 lines
5.7 KiB

#include <queue>
#include "rsgxs.h"
#include "rsgds.h"
#include "rsnxs.h"
#include "rsgxsdataaccess.h"
#include "retroshare/rsgxsservice.h"
#include "serialiser/rsnxsitems.h"
* This should form the parent class to \n
* all gxs services. This provides access to service's msg/grp data \n
* management/publishing/sync features
* Features: \n
* a. Data Access:
* Provided by handle to RsTokenService. This ensure consistency
* of requests and hiearchy of groups -> then messages which are
* sectioned by group ids.
* The one caveat is that redemption of tokens are done through
* the backend of this class
* b. Publishing:
* Methods are provided to publish msg and group items and also make
* changes to meta information of both item types
* c. Sync/Notification:
* Also notifications are made here on receipt of new data from
* connected peers
class RsGenExchange : public RsGxsService
* Constructs a RsGenExchange object, the owner ship of gds, ns, and serviceserialiser passes
* onto the constructed object
* @param gds Data service needed to act as store of message
* @param ns Network service needed to synchronise data with rs peers
* @param serviceSerialiser The users service needs this \n
* in order for gen exchange to deal with its data types
RsGenExchange(RsGeneralDataService* gds, RsNetworkExchangeService* ns, RsSerialType* serviceSerialiser);
virtual ~RsGenExchange();
/** S: Observer implementation **/
* @param messages messages are deleted after function returns
void notifyNewMessages(std::vector<RsNxsMsg*> messages);
* @param messages messages are deleted after function returns
void notifyNewGroups(std::vector<RsNxsGrp*>& groups);
/** E: Observer implementation **/
* This is called by Gxs service runner
* periodically, use to implement non
* blocking calls
void tick();
* @return handle to token service handle for making
* request to this gxs service
RsTokenService* getTokenService();
/** data access functions **/
* Retrieve group list for a given token
* @param token
* @param groupIds
* @return false if token cannot be redeemed, if false you may have tried to redeem when not ready
bool getGroupList(const uint32_t &token, std::list<std::string> &groupIds);
* Retrieve msg list for a given token sectioned by group Ids
* @param token token to be redeemed
* @param msgIds a map of grpId -> msgList (vector)
bool getMsgList(const uint32_t &token, std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string> > &msgIds);
* retrieve group meta data associated to a request token
* @param token
* @param groupInfo
bool getGroupMeta(const uint32_t &token, std::list<RsGroupMetaData> &groupInfo);
* retrieves message meta data associated to a request token
* @param token token to be redeemed
* @param msgInfo the meta data to be retrieved for token store here
bool getMsgMeta(const uint32_t &token, std::map<std::string, std::vector<RsMsgMetaData> > &msgInfo);
* retrieves group data associated to a request token
* @param token token to be redeemed for grpitem retrieval
* @param grpItem the items to be retrieved for token are stored here
bool getGroupData(const uint32_t &token, std::vector<RsGxsGrpItem*> grpItem);
* retrieves message data associated to a request token
* @param token token to be redeemed for message item retrieval
* @param msgItems
bool getMsgData(const uint32_t &token, std::map<std::string, std::vector<RsGxsMsgItem*> >& msgItems);
/** Modifications **/
* Enables publication of a group item
* If the item exists already this is simply versioned
* This will induce a related change message
* @param grpItem
* @param
bool publishGroup(RsGxsGrpItem* grpItem);
* Enables publication of a message item
* If the item exists already this is simply versioned
* This will induce a related a change message
* @param msgItem
* @return false if msg creation failed.
bool publishMsg(RsGxsMsgItem* msgItem);
* @param grpId
* @param subscribe
* @return false subscription fails
bool subscribeToGroup(std::string& grpId, bool subscribe);
/** Notifications **/
* This confirm this class as an abstract one that \n
* should not be instantiated \n
* The deriving class should implement this function \n
* as its is called by the backend GXS system to \n
* update client of changes which should \n
* instigate client to retrieve new content from system
* @param changes the changes that have occured to data held by this service
virtual void notifyChanges(std::vector<RsGxsChange*>& changes) = 0;
RsMutex mReqMtx;
std::map<uint32_t, gxsRequest> mRequests;
RsGxsDataAccess* mDataAccess;
RsGeneralDataService* mDataStore;
RsNetworkExchangeService *mNetService;
RsSerialType *mSerialiser;
std::vector<RsNxsMsg*> mReceivedMsgs;
std::vector<RsNxsGrp*> mReceivedGrps;
std::vector<RsGxsChange*> mChanges;