hunbernd 03b4c69ae9 Small fixes:
- Documenting CONFIG+=
- Changed back msys2 download to an older version, the current one had bugs
2020-06-06 23:50:04 +02:00

36 lines
651 B

@echo off
:: Initialize environment
call "%~dp0..\env.bat"
if errorlevel 1 goto error_env
call "%EnvPath%\env.bat"
if errorlevel 1 goto error_env
call "%EnvPath%\env-msys2.bat"
if errorlevel 1 goto error_env
:: Initialize base environment
call "%~dp0env-base.bat" %*
if errorlevel 2 exit /B 2
if errorlevel 1 goto error_env
:: Initialize environment
call "%~dp0env.bat" %*
if errorlevel 2 exit /B 2
if errorlevel 1 goto error_env
call "%~dp0..\tools\webui.bat"
title %COMSPEC%
if errorlevel 1 echo.& echo Webui generation failed& echo.
echo Failed to initialize environment.
exit /B 1