Gioacchino Mazzurco 8fd22c8fd1
Safer rsGxsChannel API
Protect data members with mutexes
Print messages when errors happens
2018-11-09 12:41:08 +01:00

278 lines
11 KiB

* libretroshare/src/services: p3gxschannels.h *
* *
* libretroshare: retroshare core library *
* *
* Copyright (C) 2012 Robert Fernie <> *
* Copyright (C) 2018 Gioacchino Mazzurco <> *
* *
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as *
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the *
* License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License *
* along with this program. If not, see <>. *
* *
#include "retroshare/rsgxschannels.h"
#include "services/p3gxscommon.h"
#include "gxs/rsgenexchange.h"
#include "gxs/gxstokenqueue.h"
#include "util/rstickevent.h"
#include <map>
#include <string>
class SSGxsChannelGroup
SSGxsChannelGroup(): mAutoDownload(false), mDownloadDirectory("") {}
bool load(const std::string &input);
std::string save() const;
bool mAutoDownload;
std::string mDownloadDirectory;
class p3GxsChannels: public RsGenExchange, public RsGxsChannels,
public GxsTokenQueue, public p3Config,
public RsTickEvent /* only needed for testing - remove after */
p3GxsChannels( RsGeneralDataService* gds, RsNetworkExchangeService* nes,
RsGixs* gixs );
virtual RsServiceInfo getServiceInfo();
virtual void service_tick();
virtual RsSerialiser* setupSerialiser(); // @see p3Config::setupSerialiser()
virtual bool saveList(bool &cleanup, std::list<RsItem *>&saveList); // @see p3Config::saveList(bool &cleanup, std::list<RsItem *>&)
virtual bool loadList(std::list<RsItem *>& loadList); // @see p3Config::loadList(std::list<RsItem *>&)
virtual TurtleRequestId turtleGroupRequest(const RsGxsGroupId& group_id);
virtual TurtleRequestId turtleSearchRequest(const std::string& match_string);
virtual bool retrieveDistantSearchResults(TurtleRequestId req, std::map<RsGxsGroupId, RsGxsGroupSummary> &results) ;
virtual bool clearDistantSearchResults(TurtleRequestId req);
virtual bool retrieveDistantGroup(const RsGxsGroupId& group_id,RsGxsChannelGroup& distant_group);
// Overloaded to cache new groups.
virtual RsGenExchange::ServiceCreate_Return service_CreateGroup(RsGxsGrpItem* grpItem, RsTlvSecurityKeySet& keySet);
virtual void notifyChanges(std::vector<RsGxsNotify*>& changes);
// Overloaded from RsTickEvent.
virtual void handle_event(uint32_t event_type, const std::string &elabel);
virtual bool getGroupData(const uint32_t &token, std::vector<RsGxsChannelGroup> &groups);
virtual bool getPostData(const uint32_t &token, std::vector<RsGxsChannelPost> &posts, std::vector<RsGxsComment> &cmts);
virtual bool getPostData(const uint32_t &token, std::vector<RsGxsChannelPost> &posts);
//Not currently used
//virtual bool getRelatedPosts(const uint32_t &token, std::vector<RsGxsChannelPost> &posts);
//virtual bool setMessageStatus(const std::string &msgId, const uint32_t status, const uint32_t statusMask);
//virtual bool setGroupSubscribeFlags(const std::string &groupId, uint32_t subscribeFlags, uint32_t subscribeMask);
//virtual bool groupRestoreKeys(const std::string &groupId);
virtual bool groupShareKeys(
const RsGxsGroupId &groupId, const std::set<RsPeerId>& peers);
virtual bool createGroup(uint32_t &token, RsGxsChannelGroup &group);
virtual bool createPost(uint32_t &token, RsGxsChannelPost &post);
virtual bool updateGroup(uint32_t &token, RsGxsChannelGroup &group);
// no tokens... should be cached.
virtual bool setChannelAutoDownload(const RsGxsGroupId &groupId, bool enabled);
virtual bool getChannelAutoDownload(const RsGxsGroupId &groupid, bool& enabled);
virtual bool setChannelDownloadDirectory(const RsGxsGroupId &groupId, const std::string& directory);
virtual bool getChannelDownloadDirectory(const RsGxsGroupId &groupId, std::string& directory);
/// @see RsGxsChannels::turtleSearchRequest
virtual bool turtleSearchRequest(const std::string& matchString,
const std::function<void (const RsGxsGroupSummary&)>& multiCallback,
rstime_t maxWait = 300 );
* Receive results from turtle search @see RsGenExchange @see RsNxsObserver
* @see RsGxsNetService::receiveTurtleSearchResults
* @see p3turtle::handleSearchResult
void receiveDistantSearchResults( TurtleRequestId id,
const RsGxsGroupId& grpId ) override;
/* Comment service - Provide RsGxsCommentService - redirect to p3GxsCommentService */
virtual bool getCommentData(uint32_t token, std::vector<RsGxsComment> &msgs)
{ return mCommentService->getGxsCommentData(token, msgs); }
virtual bool getRelatedComments( uint32_t token,
std::vector<RsGxsComment> &msgs )
{ return mCommentService->getGxsRelatedComments(token, msgs); }
virtual bool createComment(uint32_t &token, RsGxsComment &msg)
return mCommentService->createGxsComment(token, msg);
virtual bool createVote(uint32_t &token, RsGxsVote &msg)
return mCommentService->createGxsVote(token, msg);
virtual bool acknowledgeComment(uint32_t token, std::pair<RsGxsGroupId, RsGxsMessageId>& msgId)
return acknowledgeMsg(token, msgId);
virtual bool acknowledgeVote(uint32_t token, std::pair<RsGxsGroupId, RsGxsMessageId>& msgId)
if (mCommentService->acknowledgeVote(token, msgId))
return true;
return acknowledgeMsg(token, msgId);
// Overloaded from RsGxsIface.
virtual bool subscribeToGroup(uint32_t &token, const RsGxsGroupId &groupId, bool subscribe);
// Set Statuses.
virtual void setMessageProcessedStatus(uint32_t& token, const RsGxsGrpMsgIdPair& msgId, bool processed);
virtual void setMessageReadStatus(uint32_t& token, const RsGxsGrpMsgIdPair& msgId, bool read);
// File Interface
virtual bool ExtraFileHash(const std::string& path);
virtual bool ExtraFileRemove(const RsFileHash &hash);
/// Implementation of @see RsGxsChannels::getChannelsSummaries
virtual bool getChannelsSummaries(std::list<RsGroupMetaData>& channels);
/// Implementation of @see RsGxsChannels::getChannelsInfo
virtual bool getChannelsInfo(
const std::list<RsGxsGroupId>& chanIds,
std::vector<RsGxsChannelGroup>& channelsInfo );
/// Implementation of @see RsGxsChannels::getChannelContent
virtual bool getChannelsContent(
const std::list<RsGxsGroupId>& chanIds,
std::vector<RsGxsChannelPost>& posts,
std::vector<RsGxsComment>& comments );
/// Implementation of @see RsGxsChannels::createChannel
virtual bool createChannel(RsGxsChannelGroup& channel);
/// Implementation of @see RsGxsChannels::createPost
virtual bool createPost(RsGxsChannelPost& post);
/// Implementation of @see RsGxsChannels::subscribeToChannel
virtual bool subscribeToChannel( const RsGxsGroupId &groupId,
bool subscribe );
// Overloaded from GxsTokenQueue for Request callbacks.
virtual void handleResponse(uint32_t token, uint32_t req_type);
static uint32_t channelsAuthenPolicy();
// Handle Processing.
void request_AllSubscribedGroups();
void request_SpecificSubscribedGroups(const std::list<RsGxsGroupId> &groups);
void load_SubscribedGroups(const uint32_t &token);
void request_SpecificUnprocessedPosts(std::list<std::pair<RsGxsGroupId, RsGxsMessageId> > &ids);
void load_SpecificUnprocessedPosts(uint32_t token);
void request_GroupUnprocessedPosts(const std::list<RsGxsGroupId> &grouplist);
void load_GroupUnprocessedPosts(const uint32_t &token);
void handleUnprocessedPost(const RsGxsChannelPost &msg);
// Local Cache of Subscribed Groups. and AutoDownload Flag.
void updateSubscribedGroup(const RsGroupMetaData &group);
void clearUnsubscribedGroup(const RsGxsGroupId &id);
bool setAutoDownload(const RsGxsGroupId &groupId, bool enabled);
bool autoDownloadEnabled(const RsGxsGroupId &groupId, bool &enabled);
virtual bool generateDummyData();
std::string genRandomId();
void dummy_tick();
bool generatePost(uint32_t &token, const RsGxsGroupId &grpId);
bool generateComment(uint32_t &token, const RsGxsGroupId &grpId,
const RsGxsMessageId &parentId, const RsGxsMessageId &threadId);
bool generateVote(uint32_t &token, const RsGxsGroupId &grpId,
const RsGxsMessageId &parentId, const RsGxsMessageId &threadId);
bool generateGroup(uint32_t &token, std::string groupName);
class ChannelDummyRef
ChannelDummyRef() { return; }
ChannelDummyRef(const RsGxsGroupId &grpId, const RsGxsMessageId &threadId, const RsGxsMessageId &msgId)
:mGroupId(grpId), mThreadId(threadId), mMsgId(msgId) { return; }
RsGxsGroupId mGroupId;
RsGxsMessageId mThreadId;
RsGxsMessageId mMsgId;
std::map<RsGxsGroupId, RsGroupMetaData> mSubscribedGroups;
RsMutex mSubscribedGroupsMutex;
/** G10h4ck: Is this stuff really used? And for what? BEGIN */
uint32_t mGenToken;
bool mGenActive;
int mGenCount;
std::vector<ChannelDummyRef> mGenRefs;
RsGxsMessageId mGenThreadId;
/** G10h4ck: Is this stuff really used? And for what? END */
p3GxsCommentService* mCommentService;
std::map<RsGxsGroupId,rstime_t> mKnownChannels;
RsMutex mKnownChannelsMutex;
/** Store search callbacks with timeout*/
std::function<void (const RsGxsGroupSummary&)>,
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point >
> mSearchCallbacksMap;
RsMutex mSearchCallbacksMapMutex;
/// Cleanup mSearchCallbacksMap
void cleanTimedOutSearches();