csoler 3c2a5e8f42 Added a filemapper class to store downloaded files sequentially on the HD. The mapper automatically
re-organises (e.g. defragments) data such that
- when the DL is finished, the file is in the correct order (no need to re-order it)
- during the DL, only the n*_chunk_size first bytes of the partial file are written, where n is the total number of downloaded chunks.
- the total amount of copy operations does not exceed the total size of the file. In practice, it's much lower.

That suppresses the lag when downloading large files due to writing isolated chunks in the middle of the file.

- integration into ftFileCreator
- load/save in ft_transfers
- retrocompatibility with existing transfers.

git-svn-id: b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
2011-11-01 14:20:51 +00:00

302 lines
9.1 KiB

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "ftfilemapper.h"
ftFileMapper::ftFileMapper(uint64_t file_size,uint32_t chunk_size)
: _file_size(file_size),_chunk_size(chunk_size)
int nb_chunks = (int)(file_size / (uint64_t)chunk_size) + ( (file_size % chunk_size)==0 ?0:1 ) ;
std::cerr << "(DD) Creating ftFileMapper for file of size " << file_size << ", with " << nb_chunks << " chunks." << std::endl;
_first_free_chunk = 0 ;
_mapped_chunks.clear() ;
_mapped_chunks.resize(nb_chunks,-1) ;
_data_chunks.clear() ;
_data_chunks.resize(nb_chunks,-1) ;
bool ftFileMapper::computeStorageOffset(uint64_t offset,uint64_t& storage_offset) const
// Compute the chunk number for this offset
uint32_t cid = (uint32_t)(offset / (uint64_t)_chunk_size) ;
// Check that the cid is in the allowed range. That should always be the case.
if(cid < _mapped_chunks.size() && _mapped_chunks[cid] >= 0)
storage_offset = _mapped_chunks[cid]*_chunk_size + (offset % (uint64_t)_chunk_size) ;
return true ;
std::cerr << "(DD) ftFileMapper::computeStorageOffset(): offset " << offset << " corresponds to chunk number " << cid << " which is not mapped!!" << std::endl;
return false ;
bool ftFileMapper::writeData(uint64_t offset,uint32_t size,void *data,FILE *fd) const
if (0 != fseeko64(fd, offset, SEEK_SET))
std::cerr << "(EE) ftFileMapper::ftFileMapper::writeData() Bad fseek at offset " << offset << ", fd=" << (void*)fd << ", size=" << size << ", errno=" << errno << std::endl;
return false;
if (1 != fwrite(data, size, 1, fd))
std::cerr << "(EE) ftFileMapper::ftFileCreator::addFileData() Bad fwrite." << std::endl;
std::cerr << "ERRNO: " << errno << std::endl;
return false;
fflush(fd) ;
return true ;
bool ftFileMapper::storeData(void *data, uint32_t data_size, uint64_t offset,FILE *fd)
uint64_t real_offset = 0;
std::cerr << "(DD) ftFileMapper::storeData(): storing data size " << data_size << " for offset "<< offset << std::endl;
// we compute the real place of the data in the mapped file. Several cases:
// 1 - the place corresponds to a mapped place
// => write there.
// 2 - the place does not correspond to a mapped place.
// 2.0 - we allocate a new chunk at the end of the file.
// 2.0.1 - the chunk corresponds to a mapped chunk somewhere before
// => we move it, and use the other chunk as writing position
// 2.0.2 - the chunk does not correspond to a mapped chunk somewhere before
// => we use it
// 2.1 - the place is in the range of existing data
// => we move the existing data at the end of the file, and update the mapping
// 2.2 - the place is outside the range of existing data
// => we allocate a new chunk at the end of the file, and write there.
// 2.2.1 - we look for the first chunk that is not already mapped before.
uint32_t cid = (uint32_t)(offset / (uint64_t)_chunk_size) ;
std::cerr << "(DD) real offset unknown. chunk id is " << cid << std::endl;
uint32_t empty_chunk = allocateNewEmptyChunk(fd) ;
std::cerr << "(DD) allocated new empty chunk " << empty_chunk << std::endl;
if(cid < _first_free_chunk && cid != empty_chunk) // the place is already occupied by some data
std::cerr << "(DD) chunk already in use. " << std::endl;
std::cerr << "(DD) swapping with first free chunk: " << empty_chunk << std::endl;
if(!moveChunk(cid, empty_chunk,fd))
std::cerr << "(EE) ftFileMapper::writeData(): cannot move chunk " << empty_chunk << " and " << cid << std::endl ;
return false ;
// Get the old chunk id that was mapping to this place
int oid = _data_chunks[cid] ;
if(oid < 0)
std::cerr << "(EE) ftFileMapper::writeData(): cannot find chunk that was previously mapped to place " << cid << std::endl ;
return false ;
std::cerr << "(DD) old chunk now pointing to: " << empty_chunk << std::endl;
std::cerr << "(DD) new chunk now pointing to: " << cid << std::endl;
_mapped_chunks[cid] = cid ; // this one is in place, since we swapped it
_mapped_chunks[oid] = empty_chunk ;
_data_chunks[cid] = cid ;
_data_chunks[empty_chunk] = oid ;
else // allocate a new chunk at end of the file.
std::cerr << "(DD) allocating new storage place at first free chunk: " << empty_chunk << std::endl;
_mapped_chunks[cid] = empty_chunk ;
_data_chunks[empty_chunk] = cid ;
real_offset = _mapped_chunks[cid]*_chunk_size + (offset % (uint64_t)_chunk_size) ;
std::cerr << "(DD) real offset = " << real_offset << ", data size=" << data_size << std::endl;
std::cerr << "(DD) writing data " << std::endl;
return writeData(real_offset,data_size,data,fd) ;
uint32_t ftFileMapper::allocateNewEmptyChunk(FILE *fd_out)
// look into _first_free_chunk. Is it the place of a chunk already mapped before?
std::cerr << "(DD) ftFileMapper::getFirstEmptyChunk()" << std::endl;
if(_mapped_chunks[_first_free_chunk] >= 0 && _mapped_chunks[_first_free_chunk] < (int)_first_free_chunk)
uint32_t old_chunk = _mapped_chunks[_first_free_chunk] ;
std::cerr << "(DD) first free chunk " << _first_free_chunk << " is actually mapped to " << old_chunk << ". Moving it." << std::endl;
moveChunk(_mapped_chunks[_first_free_chunk],_first_free_chunk,fd_out) ;
_mapped_chunks[_first_free_chunk] = _first_free_chunk ;
_data_chunks[_first_free_chunk] = _first_free_chunk ;
_first_free_chunk++ ;
std::cerr << "(DD) Returning " << old_chunk << std::endl;
return old_chunk ;
std::cerr << "(DD) first free chunk is fine. Returning " << _first_free_chunk << ", and making room" << std::endl;
// We need to wipe the entire chunk, since it might be moved before beign completely written, which would cause
// a fread error.
wipeChunk(_first_free_chunk,fd_out) ;
return _first_free_chunk++ ;
bool ftFileMapper::wipeChunk(uint32_t cid,FILE *fd) const
uint32_t size = (cid == _mapped_chunks.size()-1)?(_file_size - cid*_chunk_size) : _chunk_size ;
void *buf = malloc(size) ;
if(buf == NULL)
std::cerr << "(EE) ftFileMapper::wipeChunk(): cannot allocate temporary buf of size " << size << std::endl;
return false ;
if(fseeko64(fd, cid*_chunk_size, SEEK_SET)!= 0)
std::cerr << "(EE) ftFileMapper::wipeChunk(): cannot fseek file at position " << cid*_chunk_size << std::endl;
free(buf) ;
return false ;
if(1 != fwrite(buf, size, 1, fd))
std::cerr << "(EE) ftFileMapper::wipeChunk(): cannot write to file" << std::endl;
free(buf) ;
return false ;
free(buf) ;
return true ;
bool ftFileMapper::moveChunk(uint32_t to_move, uint32_t new_place,FILE *fd_out)
// Read the old chunk, write at the new place
assert(to_move != new_place) ;
fflush(fd_out) ;
std::cerr << "(DD) ftFileMapper::moveChunk(): moving chunk " << to_move << " to place " << new_place << std::endl ;
uint32_t new_place_size = (new_place == _mapped_chunks.size()-1)?(_file_size - (_mapped_chunks.size()-1)*_chunk_size) : _chunk_size ;
uint32_t to_move_size = (new_place == _mapped_chunks.size()-1)?(_file_size - (_mapped_chunks.size()-1)*_chunk_size) : _chunk_size ;
uint32_t size = std::min(new_place_size,to_move_size) ;
void *buff = malloc(size) ;
if(buff == NULL)
std::cerr << "(EE) ftFileMapper::moveChunk(): cannot open temporary buffer. Out of memory??" << std::endl;
return false ;
if(fseeko64(fd_out, to_move*_chunk_size, SEEK_SET) != 0)
std::cerr << "(EE) ftFileMapper::moveChunk(): cannot fseek file at position " << to_move*_chunk_size << std::endl;
return false ;
size_t rd ;
if(size != (rd = fread(buff, 1, size, fd_out)))
std::cerr << "(EE) ftFileMapper::moveChunk(): cannot read from file" << std::endl;
std::cerr << "(EE) errno = " << errno << std::endl;
std::cerr << "(EE) feof = " << feof(fd_out) << std::endl;
std::cerr << "(EE) size = " << size << std::endl;
std::cerr << "(EE) rd = " << rd << std::endl;
return false ;
if(fseeko64(fd_out, new_place*_chunk_size, SEEK_SET)!= 0)
std::cerr << "(EE) ftFileMapper::moveChunk(): cannot fseek file at position " << new_place*_chunk_size << std::endl;
return false ;
if(1 != fwrite(buff, size, 1, fd_out))
std::cerr << "(EE) ftFileMapper::moveChunk(): cannot write to file" << std::endl;
return false ;
free(buff) ;
return true ;
void ftFileMapper::print() const
std::cerr << "ftFileMapper:: [ " ;
for(uint32_t i=0;i<_mapped_chunks.size();++i)
std::cerr << _mapped_chunks[i] << " " ;
std::cerr << "] - ffc = " << _first_free_chunk << " - [ ";
for(uint32_t i=0;i<_data_chunks.size();++i)
std::cerr << _data_chunks[i] << " " ;
std::cerr << " ] " << std::endl;