defnax 2e717d35c7 Added Home Page View for easy see own Cert to Copy and Share to Friends
Fixed Share Manager Label layout
Update emotes file
Set radio items font size to stylesheet file
2016-12-12 21:16:56 +01:00

299 lines
8.2 KiB

* RetroShare is distributed under the following license:
* Copyright (C) 2006,2007 The RetroShare Team
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef _MainWindow_H
#define _MainWindow_H
#include <QSystemTrayIcon>
#include <set>
#include "gui/common/rwindow.h"
namespace Ui {
class MainWindow;
class QComboBox;
class QLabel;
class QActionGroup;
class QListWidgetItem;
class Idle;
class PeerStatus;
class NATStatus;
class DHTStatus;
class HashingStatus;
class DiscStatus;
class RatesStatus;
class OpModeStatus;
class SoundStatus;
class ToasterDisable;
class SysTrayStatus;
//class ForumsDialog;
class GxsChannelDialog ;
class GxsForumsDialog ;
class PostedDialog;
class FriendsDialog;
class ChatLobbyWidget;
class ChatDialog;
class NetworkDialog;
class SearchDialog;
class TransfersDialog;
class MessagesDialog;
class SharedFilesDialog;
class MessengerWindow;
class PluginsPage;
class HomePage;
//class ChannelFeed;
class BandwidthGraph;
class MainPage;
class NewsFeed;
class UserNotify;
class LinksDialog;
#ifdef BLOGS
class BlogsDialog;
class ApplicationWindow;
class MainWindow : public RWindow
/** Main dialog pages. */
enum Page {
/* Fixed numbers for load and save the last page */
Network = 0, /** Network page. */
Friends = 1, /** Friends page. */
ChatLobby = 2, /** Chat Lobby page. */
Transfers = 3, /** Transfers page. */
SharedDirectories = 4, /** Shared Directories page. */
Messages = 5, /** Messages page. */
Channels = 6, /** Channels page. */
Forums = 7, /** Forums page. */
Search = 8, /** Search page. */
#ifdef BLOGS
Blogs = 9, /** Blogs page. */
Links = 10, /** Links page. */
Posted = 11, /** Posted links */
/** Create main window */
static MainWindow *Create ();
static MainWindow *getInstance();
/** Destructor. */
static void raiseWindow();
/** Shows the MainWindow dialog with focus set to the given page. */
static void showWindow(Page page);
static void showWindow(MainPage *page);
/** Set focus to the given page. */
static bool activatePage (Page page);
static Page getActivatePage ();
/** get page */
static MainPage *getPage (Page page);
const QList<UserNotify*> &getUserNotifyList();
/* A Bit of a Hack... but public variables for
* the dialogs, so we can add them to the
* Notify Class...
// NetworkDialog *networkDialog;
// SearchDialog *searchDialog;
HomePage *homePage;
NewsFeed *newsFeed;
FriendsDialog *friendsDialog;
TransfersDialog *transfersDialog;
ChatLobbyWidget *chatLobbyDialog;
MessagesDialog *messagesDialog;
SharedFilesDialog *sharedfilesDialog;
GxsChannelDialog *gxschannelDialog ;
GxsForumsDialog *gxsforumDialog ;
PostedDialog *postedDialog;
// ForumsDialog *forumsDialog;
// ChannelFeed *channelFeed;
Idle *idle;
LinksDialog *linksDialog;
#ifdef BLOGS
BlogsDialog *blogsFeed;
ApplicationWindow *applicationWindow;
PluginsPage* pluginsPage ;
static void installGroupChatNotifier();
static void installNotifyIcons();
static void displayLobbySystrayMsg(const QString&,const QString&);
/* initialize widget with status informations, status constant stored in data or in Qt::UserRole */
void initializeStatusObject(QObject *pObject, bool bConnect);
void removeStatusObject(QObject *pObject);
void setStatus(QObject *pObject, int nStatus);
SoundStatus *soundStatusInstance();
ToasterDisable *toasterDisableInstance();
SysTrayStatus *sysTrayStatusInstance();
public slots:
void receiveNewArgs(QStringList args);
void displayErrorMessage(int,int,const QString&) ;
void postModDirectories(bool update_local);
void displayDiskSpaceWarning(int loc,int size_limit_mb) ;
void checkAndSetIdle(int idleTime);
void externalLinkActivated(const QUrl &url);
void retroshareLinkActivated(const QUrl &url);
void openRsCollection(const QString &filename);
void processLastArgs();
//! Go to a specific part of the control panel.
void setNewPage(int page);
void setCompactStatusMode(bool compact);
void toggleStatusToolTip(bool toggle);
/** Default Constructor */
MainWindow(QWidget *parent = 0, Qt::WindowFlags flags = 0);
void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *);
/** Called when the user changes the UI translation. */
virtual void retranslateUi();
private slots:
void updateMenu();
void updateStatus();
void updateFriends();
void toggleVisibility(QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason e);
void toggleVisibilitycontextmenu();
/** Toolbar fns. */
void addFriend();
void newRsCollection();
void showMessengerWindow();
void showStatisticsWindow();
void showWebinterface();
//void servicePermission();
void showApplWindow();
void showabout();
void openShareManager();
void displaySystrayMsg(const QString&,const QString&) ;
/** Displays the help browser and displays the most recently viewed help
* topic. */
void showHelpDialog();
/** Called when a child window requests the given help <b>topic</b>. */
void showHelpDialog(const QString &topic);
void showMess();
void showSettings();
void statusChangedMenu(QAction *pAction);
void statusChangedComboBox(int index);
void settingsChanged();
/** Called when user attempts to quit via quit button*/
void doQuit();
void updateTrayCombine();
void initStackedPage();
void addPage(MainPage *page, QActionGroup *grp, QList<QPair<MainPage *, QPair<QAction *, QListWidgetItem *> > > *notify);
void createTrayIcon();
void createNotifyIcons();
static MainWindow *_instance;
/** A BandwidthGraph object which handles monitoring RetroShare bandwidth usage */
BandwidthGraph* _bandwidthGraph;
typedef void (MainWindow::*FunctionType)();
/** Creates a new action for a Main page. */
QAction* createPageAction(const QIcon &icon, const QString &text, QActionGroup *group);
/** Adds a new action to the toolbar. */
void addAction(QAction *action, FunctionType actionFunction, const char *slot = 0);
QMap<QString, FunctionType> _functionList;
QString nameAndLocation;
QSystemTrayIcon *trayIcon;
QMenu *notifyMenu;
QString notifyToolTip;
QAction *toggleVisibilityAction, *toolAct;
QList<UserNotify*> userNotifyList;
QComboBox *statusComboBox;
PeerStatus *peerstatus;
NATStatus *natstatus;
DHTStatus *dhtstatus;
HashingStatus *hashingstatus;
DiscStatus *discstatus;
RatesStatus *ratesstatus;
OpModeStatus *opModeStatus;
SoundStatus *soundStatus;
ToasterDisable *toasterDisable;
SysTrayStatus *sysTrayStatus;
/* Status */
std::set <QObject*> m_apStatusObjects; // added objects for status
bool m_bStatusLoadDone;
unsigned int onlineCount;
void loadOwnStatus();
// idle function
void setIdle(bool Idle);
bool isIdle;
Ui::MainWindow *ui ;