csoler 60f51c358c - added new certificate format in ConfCertDialog and ConnectFriendWizard, with a button to switch to old format if necessary
- added automatic cleaning of certificates in both formats
- grouped all certificate cleaning/parsing code in
- removed unused files cleanupxpgp.h/cc
- added upper/lower case to rsid template.

The new format is to be tested. It is supposed to be much more robust than the previous format,
in particular, allowing any string for location names.

git-svn-id: b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
2012-08-13 19:37:50 +00:00

1457 lines
44 KiB

#include <stdexcept>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "util/rsstring.h"
extern "C" {
#include <openpgpsdk/util.h>
#include <openpgpsdk/crypto.h>
#include <openpgpsdk/armour.h>
#include <openpgpsdk/keyring.h>
#include <openpgpsdk/readerwriter.h>
#include <openpgpsdk/validate.h>
#include <openpgpsdk/parse_local.h>
#include "pgphandler.h"
#include "retroshare/rsiface.h" // For rsicontrol.
#include "util/rsdir.h"
#include "pgp/pgpkeyutil.h"
PassphraseCallback PGPHandler::_passphrase_callback = NULL ;
ops_keyring_t *PGPHandler::allocateOPSKeyring()
ops_keyring_t *kr = (ops_keyring_t*)malloc(sizeof(ops_keyring_t)) ;
kr->nkeys = 0 ;
kr->nkeys_allocated = 0 ;
kr->keys = 0 ;
return kr ;
ops_parse_cb_return_t cb_get_passphrase(const ops_parser_content_t *content_,ops_parse_cb_info_t *cbinfo)// __attribute__((unused)))
const ops_parser_content_union_t *content=&content_->content;
bool prev_was_bad = false ;
std::string passwd;
std::string uid_hint = std::string((const char *)cbinfo->cryptinfo.keydata->uids[0].user_id) ;
uid_hint += "(" + PGPIdType(cbinfo->cryptinfo.keydata->key_id).toStdString()+")" ;
passwd = PGPHandler::passphraseCallback()(NULL,uid_hint.c_str(),NULL,prev_was_bad) ;
*(content->secret_key_passphrase.passphrase)= (char *)ops_mallocz(passwd.length()+1) ;
memcpy(*(content->secret_key_passphrase.passphrase),passwd.c_str(),passwd.length()) ;
void PGPHandler::setPassphraseCallback(PassphraseCallback cb)
_passphrase_callback = cb ;
PGPHandler::PGPHandler(const std::string& pubring, const std::string& secring,const std::string& trustdb,const std::string& pgp_lock_filename)
: pgphandlerMtx(std::string("PGPHandler")), _pubring_path(pubring),_secring_path(secring),_trustdb_path(trustdb),_pgp_lock_filename(pgp_lock_filename)
RsStackMutex mtx(pgphandlerMtx) ; // lock access to PGP memory structures.
_pubring_changed = false ;
_trustdb_changed = false ;
RsStackFileLock flck(_pgp_lock_filename) ; // lock access to PGP directory.
if(_passphrase_callback == NULL)
std::cerr << "WARNING: before created a PGPHandler, you need to init the passphrase callback using PGPHandler::setPassphraseCallback()" << std::endl;
exit(-1) ;
// Allocate public and secret keyrings.
_pubring = allocateOPSKeyring() ;
_secring = allocateOPSKeyring() ;
// Check that the file exists. If not, create a void keyring.
FILE *ftest ;
ftest = fopen(pubring.c_str(),"rb") ;
bool pubring_exist = (ftest != NULL) ;
if(ftest != NULL)
fclose(ftest) ;
ftest = fopen(secring.c_str(),"rb") ;
bool secring_exist = (ftest != NULL) ;
if(ftest != NULL)
fclose(ftest) ;
// Read public and secret keyrings from supplied files.
if(ops_false == ops_keyring_read_from_file(_pubring, false, pubring.c_str()))
throw std::runtime_error("PGPHandler::readKeyRing(): cannot read pubring. File corrupted.") ;
std::cerr << "pubring file \"" << pubring << "\" not found. Creating a void keyring." << std::endl;
const ops_keydata_t *keydata ;
int i=0 ;
while( (keydata = ops_keyring_get_key_by_index(_pubring,i)) != NULL )
PGPCertificateInfo& cert(_public_keyring_map[ PGPIdType(keydata->key_id).toStdString() ]) ;
// Init all certificates.
initCertificateInfo(cert,keydata,i) ;
// Validate signatures.
validateAndUpdateSignatures(cert,keydata) ;
++i ;
_pubring_last_update_time = time(NULL) ;
std::cerr << "Pubring read successfully." << std::endl;
if(ops_false == ops_keyring_read_from_file(_secring, false, secring.c_str()))
throw std::runtime_error("PGPHandler::readKeyRing(): cannot read secring. File corrupted.") ;
std::cerr << "secring file \"" << secring << "\" not found. Creating a void keyring." << std::endl;
i=0 ;
while( (keydata = ops_keyring_get_key_by_index(_secring,i)) != NULL )
initCertificateInfo(_secret_keyring_map[ PGPIdType(keydata->key_id).toStdString() ],keydata,i) ;
++i ;
_secring_last_update_time = time(NULL) ;
std::cerr << "Secring read successfully." << std::endl;
locked_readPrivateTrustDatabase() ;
_trustdb_last_update_time = time(NULL) ;
void PGPHandler::initCertificateInfo(PGPCertificateInfo& cert,const ops_keydata_t *keydata,uint32_t index)
// Parse certificate name
if(keydata->uids != NULL)
std::string namestring( (char *)keydata->uids[0].user_id ) ;
cert._name = "" ;
uint32_t i=0;
while(i < namestring.length() && namestring[i] != '(' && namestring[i] != '<') { cert._name += namestring[i] ; ++i ;}
// trim right spaces
std::string::size_type found = cert._name.find_last_not_of(' ');
if (found != std::string::npos)
cert._name.erase(found + 1);
cert._name.clear(); // all whitespace
std::string& next = (namestring[i] == '(')?cert._comment:cert._email ;
++i ;
next = "" ;
while(i < namestring.length() && namestring[i] != ')' && namestring[i] != '>') { next += namestring[i] ; ++i ;}
while(i < namestring.length() && namestring[i] != '(' && namestring[i] != '<') { next += namestring[i] ; ++i ;}
if(i< namestring.length())
std::string& next2 = (namestring[i] == '(')?cert._comment:cert._email ;
++i ;
next2 = "" ;
while(i < namestring.length() && namestring[i] != ')' && namestring[i] != '>') { next2 += namestring[i] ; ++i ;}
cert._trustLvl = 1 ; // to be setup accordingly
cert._validLvl = 1 ; // to be setup accordingly
cert._key_index = index ;
cert._flags = 0 ;
case OPS_PKA_RSA: cert._type = PGPCertificateInfo::PGP_CERTIFICATE_TYPE_RSA ;
break ;
case OPS_PKA_DSA: cert._type = PGPCertificateInfo::PGP_CERTIFICATE_TYPE_DSA ;
break ;
default: cert._type = PGPCertificateInfo::PGP_CERTIFICATE_TYPE_UNKNOWN ;
break ;
ops_fingerprint_t f ;
ops_fingerprint(&f,&keydata->key.pkey) ;
cert._fpr = PGPFingerprintType(f.fingerprint) ;
bool PGPHandler::validateAndUpdateSignatures(PGPCertificateInfo& cert,const ops_keydata_t *keydata)
ops_validate_result_t* result=(ops_validate_result_t*)ops_mallocz(sizeof *result);
ops_boolean_t res = ops_validate_key_signatures(result,keydata,_pubring,cb_get_passphrase) ;
if(res == ops_false)
std::cerr << "(EE) Error in PGPHandler::validateAndUpdateSignatures(). Validation failed for at least some signatures." << std::endl;
bool ret = false ;
// Parse signers.
if(result != NULL)
for(size_t i=0;i<result->valid_count;++i)
std::string signer_str = PGPIdType(result->valid_sigs[i].signer_id).toStdString() ;
if(cert.signers.find(signer_str) == cert.signers.end())
cert.signers.insert(signer_str) ;
ret = true ;
ops_validate_result_free(result) ;
return ret ;
RsStackMutex mtx(pgphandlerMtx) ; // lock access to PGP memory structures.
std::cerr << "Freeing PGPHandler. Deleting keyrings." << std::endl;
// no need to free the the _map_ elements. They will be freed by the following calls:
ops_keyring_free(_pubring) ;
ops_keyring_free(_secring) ;
free(_pubring) ;
free(_secring) ;
bool PGPHandler::printKeys() const
std::cerr << "Printing details of all " << std::dec << _public_keyring_map.size() << " keys: " << std::endl;
for(std::map<std::string,PGPCertificateInfo>::const_iterator it(_public_keyring_map.begin()); it != _public_keyring_map.end(); it++)
std::cerr << "PGP Key: " << it->first << std::endl;
std::cerr << "\tName : " << it->second._name << std::endl;
std::cerr << "\tEmail : " << it->second._email << std::endl;
std::cerr << "\tOwnSign : " << (it->second._flags & PGPCertificateInfo::PGP_CERTIFICATE_FLAG_HAS_OWN_SIGNATURE) << std::endl;
std::cerr << "\tAccept Connect: " << (it->second._flags & PGPCertificateInfo::PGP_CERTIFICATE_FLAG_ACCEPT_CONNEXION) << std::endl;
std::cerr << "\ttrustLvl : " << it->second._trustLvl << std::endl;
std::cerr << "\tvalidLvl : " << it->second._validLvl << std::endl;
std::cerr << "\tfingerprint : " << it->second._fpr.toStdString() << std::endl;
std::cerr << "\tSigners : " << it->second.signers.size() << std::endl;
std::set<std::string>::const_iterator sit;
for(sit = it->second.signers.begin(); sit != it->second.signers.end(); sit++)
std::cerr << "\t\tSigner ID:" << *sit << ", Name: " ;
const PGPCertificateInfo *info = PGPHandler::getCertificateInfo(PGPIdType(*sit)) ;
if(info != NULL)
std::cerr << info->_name ;
std::cerr << std::endl ;
std::cerr << "Public keyring list from OPS:" << std::endl;
ops_keyring_list(_pubring) ;
return true ;
bool PGPHandler::haveSecretKey(const PGPIdType& id) const
RsStackMutex mtx(pgphandlerMtx) ; // lock access to PGP memory structures.
return getSecretKey(id) != NULL ;
const PGPCertificateInfo *PGPHandler::getCertificateInfo(const PGPIdType& id) const
RsStackMutex mtx(pgphandlerMtx) ; // lock access to PGP memory structures.
std::map<std::string,PGPCertificateInfo>::const_iterator it( _public_keyring_map.find(id.toStdString()) ) ;
if(it != _public_keyring_map.end())
return &it->second;
return NULL ;
bool PGPHandler::availableGPGCertificatesWithPrivateKeys(std::list<PGPIdType>& ids)
RsStackMutex mtx(pgphandlerMtx) ; // lock access to PGP memory structures.
// go through secret keyring, and check that we have the pubkey as well.
const ops_keydata_t *keydata = NULL ;
int i=0 ;
while( (keydata = ops_keyring_get_key_by_index(_secring,i++)) != NULL )
if(ops_keyring_find_key_by_id(_pubring,keydata->key_id) != NULL) // check that the key is in the pubring as well
if(keydata->key.pkey.algorithm == OPS_PKA_RSA || keydata->key.pkey.algorithm == OPS_PKA_DSA)
if(keydata->key.pkey.algorithm == OPS_PKA_RSA)
ids.push_back(PGPIdType(keydata->key_id)) ;
std::cerr << "Skipping keypair " << PGPIdType(keydata->key_id).toStdString() << ", unsupported algorithm: " << keydata->key.pkey.algorithm << std::endl;
return true ;
bool PGPHandler::GeneratePGPCertificate(const std::string& name, const std::string& email, const std::string& passphrase, PGPIdType& pgpId, std::string& errString)
RsStackMutex mtx(pgphandlerMtx) ; // lock access to PGP memory structures.
RsStackFileLock flck(_pgp_lock_filename) ; // lock access to PGP directory.
static const int KEY_NUMBITS = 2048 ;
// 1 - generate keypair - RSA-2048
ops_user_id_t uid ;
char *s = strdup((name + " (Generated by RetroShare) <" + email + ">" ).c_str()) ;
uid.user_id = (unsigned char *)s ;
unsigned long int e = 65537 ; // some prime number
ops_keydata_t *key = ops_rsa_create_selfsigned_keypair(KEY_NUMBITS,e,&uid) ;
free(s) ;
return false ;
// 2 - save the private key encrypted to a temporary memory buffer, so as to read an encrypted key to memory
ops_create_info_t *cinfo = NULL ;
ops_memory_t *buf = NULL ;
ops_setup_memory_write(&cinfo, &buf, 0);
if(!ops_write_transferable_secret_key(key,(unsigned char *)passphrase.c_str(),passphrase.length(),ops_false,cinfo))
errString = std::string("(EE) Cannot encode secret key to memory!!") ;
return false ;
// 3 - read the memory chunk into an encrypted keyring
ops_keyring_t *tmp_secring = allocateOPSKeyring() ;
if(! ops_keyring_read_from_mem(tmp_secring, ops_false, buf))
errString = std::string("(EE) Cannot re-read key from memory!!") ;
return false ;
ops_teardown_memory_write(cinfo,buf); // cleanup memory
// 4 - copy the encrypted private key to the private keyring
pgpId = PGPIdType(tmp_secring->keys[0].key_id) ;
addNewKeyToOPSKeyring(_secring,tmp_secring->keys[0]) ;
initCertificateInfo(_secret_keyring_map[ pgpId.toStdString() ],&tmp_secring->keys[0],_secring->nkeys-1) ;
std::cerr << "Added new secret key with id " << pgpId.toStdString() << " to secret keyring." << std::endl;
ops_keyring_free(tmp_secring) ;
free(tmp_secring) ;
// 5 - add key to secret keyring on disk.
cinfo = NULL ;
int fd=ops_setup_file_append(&cinfo, _secring_path.c_str());
if(!ops_write_transferable_secret_key(key,(unsigned char *)passphrase.c_str(),passphrase.length(),ops_false,cinfo))
errString= std::string("Cannot encode secret key to disk!! Disk full? Out of disk quota?") ;
return false ;
ops_teardown_file_write(cinfo,fd) ;
// 6 - copy the public key to the public keyring on disk
cinfo = NULL ;
fd=ops_setup_file_append(&cinfo, _pubring_path.c_str());
if(!ops_write_transferable_public_key(key, ops_false, cinfo))
errString=std::string("Cannot encode secret key to memory!!") ;
return false ;
ops_teardown_file_write(cinfo,fd) ;
// 7 - clean
ops_keydata_free(key) ;
// 8 - re-read the key from the public keyring, and add it to memory.
_pubring_last_update_time = 0 ; // force update pubring from disk.
locked_syncPublicKeyring() ;
std::cerr << "Added new public key with id " << pgpId.toStdString() << " to public keyring." << std::endl;
// 9 - Update some flags.
privateTrustCertificate(pgpId,PGPCertificateInfo::PGP_CERTIFICATE_TRUST_ULTIMATE) ;
return true ;
std::string PGPHandler::makeRadixEncodedPGPKey(const ops_keydata_t *key,bool include_signatures)
ops_create_info_t* cinfo;
ops_memory_t *buf = NULL ;
ops_setup_memory_write(&cinfo, &buf, 0);
ops_boolean_t armoured = ops_true ;
if(key->type == OPS_PTAG_CT_PUBLIC_KEY)
if(ops_write_transferable_public_key_from_packet_data(key,armoured,cinfo) != ops_true)
return "ERROR: This key cannot be processed by RetroShare because\nDSA certificates are not yet handled." ;
else if(key->type == OPS_PTAG_CT_ENCRYPTED_SECRET_KEY)
if(ops_write_transferable_secret_key_from_packet_data(key,armoured,cinfo) != ops_true)
return "ERROR: This key cannot be processed by RetroShare because\nDSA certificates are not yet handled." ;
std::cerr << "Unhandled key type " << key->type << std::endl;
return "ERROR: Cannot write key. Unhandled key type. " ;
ops_writer_close(cinfo) ;
std::string res((char *)ops_memory_get_data(buf),ops_memory_get_length(buf)) ;
std::string tmp ;
if(PGPKeyManagement::createMinimalKey(res,tmp) )
res = tmp ;
return res ;
const ops_keydata_t *PGPHandler::getSecretKey(const PGPIdType& id) const
std::map<std::string,PGPCertificateInfo>::const_iterator res = _secret_keyring_map.find(id.toStdString()) ;
if(res == _secret_keyring_map.end())
return NULL ;
return ops_keyring_get_key_by_index(_secring,res->second._key_index) ;
const ops_keydata_t *PGPHandler::getPublicKey(const PGPIdType& id) const
std::map<std::string,PGPCertificateInfo>::const_iterator res = _public_keyring_map.find(id.toStdString()) ;
if(res == _public_keyring_map.end())
return NULL ;
return ops_keyring_get_key_by_index(_pubring,res->second._key_index) ;
std::string PGPHandler::SaveCertificateToString(const PGPIdType& id,bool include_signatures) const
RsStackMutex mtx(pgphandlerMtx) ; // lock access to PGP memory structures.
const ops_keydata_t *key = getPublicKey(id) ;
if(key == NULL)
std::cerr << "Cannot output key " << id.toStdString() << ": not found in keyring." << std::endl;
return "" ;
return makeRadixEncodedPGPKey(key,include_signatures) ;
bool PGPHandler::exportPublicKey(const PGPIdType& id,unsigned char *& mem_block,size_t& mem_size,bool armoured,bool include_signatures) const
RsStackMutex mtx(pgphandlerMtx) ; // lock access to PGP memory structures.
const ops_keydata_t *key = getPublicKey(id) ;
mem_block = NULL ;
if(key == NULL)
std::cerr << "Cannot output key " << id.toStdString() << ": not found in keyring." << std::endl;
return false ;
ops_create_info_t* cinfo;
ops_memory_t *buf = NULL ;
ops_setup_memory_write(&cinfo, &buf, 0);
if(ops_write_transferable_public_key_from_packet_data(key,armoured,cinfo) != ops_true)
std::cerr << "ERROR: This key cannot be processed by RetroShare because\nDSA certificates are not yet handled." << std::endl;
return false ;
ops_writer_close(cinfo) ;
mem_block = new unsigned char[ops_memory_get_length(buf)] ;
mem_size = ops_memory_get_length(buf) ;
memcpy(mem_block,ops_memory_get_data(buf),mem_size) ;
size_t new_size ;
PGPKeyManagement::findLengthOfMinimalKey(mem_block,mem_size,new_size) ;
mem_size = new_size ;
return true ;
bool PGPHandler::exportGPGKeyPair(const std::string& filename,const PGPIdType& exported_key_id) const
RsStackMutex mtx(pgphandlerMtx) ; // lock access to PGP memory structures.
const ops_keydata_t *pubkey = getPublicKey(exported_key_id) ;
if(pubkey == NULL)
std::cerr << "Cannot output key " << exported_key_id.toStdString() << ": not found in public keyring." << std::endl;
return false ;
const ops_keydata_t *seckey = getSecretKey(exported_key_id) ;
if(seckey == NULL)
std::cerr << "Cannot output key " << exported_key_id.toStdString() << ": not found in secret keyring." << std::endl;
return false ;
FILE *f = fopen(filename.c_str(),"w") ;
if(f == NULL)
std::cerr << "Cannot output key " << exported_key_id.toStdString() << ": file " << filename << " cannot be written. Please check for permissions, quotas, disk space." << std::endl;
return false ;
fprintf(f,"%s\n", makeRadixEncodedPGPKey(pubkey,true).c_str()) ;
fprintf(f,"%s\n", makeRadixEncodedPGPKey(seckey,true).c_str()) ;
fclose(f) ;
return true ;
bool PGPHandler::getGPGDetailsFromBinaryBlock(const unsigned char *mem_block,size_t mem_size,std::string& key_id, std::string& name, std::list<std::string>& signers) const
ops_keyring_t *tmp_keyring = allocateOPSKeyring();
ops_memory_t *mem = ops_memory_new() ;
ops_keyring_free(tmp_keyring) ;
free(tmp_keyring) ;
ops_memory_release(mem) ;
free(mem) ;
std::cerr << "Could not read key. Format error?" << std::endl;
//error_string = std::string("Could not read key. Format error?") ;
return false ;
ops_memory_release(mem) ;
free(mem) ;
//error_string.clear() ;
key_id = PGPIdType(tmp_keyring->keys[0].key_id).toStdString() ;
name = std::string((char *)tmp_keyring->keys[0].uids[0].user_id) ;
// now parse signatures.
ops_validate_result_t* result=(ops_validate_result_t*)ops_mallocz(sizeof *result);
ops_boolean_t res ;
RsStackMutex mtx(pgphandlerMtx) ; // lock access to PGP memory structures.
res = ops_validate_key_signatures(result,&tmp_keyring->keys[0],_pubring,cb_get_passphrase) ;
if(res == ops_false)
std::cerr << "(EE) Error in PGPHandler::validateAndUpdateSignatures(). Validation failed for at least some signatures." << std::endl;
// Parse signers.
if(result != NULL)
for(size_t i=0;i<result->valid_count;++i)
std::string signer_str = PGPIdType(result->valid_sigs[i].signer_id).toStdString() ;
signers.push_back(signer_str) ;
ops_validate_result_free(result) ;
ops_keyring_free(tmp_keyring) ;
free(tmp_keyring) ;
return true ;
bool PGPHandler::importGPGKeyPair(const std::string& filename,PGPIdType& imported_key_id,std::string& import_error)
import_error = "" ;
// 1 - Test for file existance
FILE *ftest = fopen(filename.c_str(),"r") ;
if(ftest == NULL)
import_error = "Cannot open file " + filename + " for read. Please check access permissions." ;
return false ;
fclose(ftest) ;
// 2 - Read keyring from supplied file.
ops_keyring_t *tmp_keyring = allocateOPSKeyring();
if(ops_false == ops_keyring_read_from_file(tmp_keyring, ops_true, filename.c_str()))
import_error = "PGPHandler::readKeyRing(): cannot read key file. File corrupted?" ;
return false ;
if(tmp_keyring->nkeys != 2)
import_error = "PGPHandler::importKeyPair(): file does not contain a valid keypair." ;
if(tmp_keyring->nkeys > 2)
import_error += "\nMake sure that your key is a RSA key (DSA is not yet supported) and does not contain subkeys (not supported yet).";
return false ;
// 3 - Test that keyring contains a valid keypair.
const ops_keydata_t *pubkey = NULL ;
const ops_keydata_t *seckey = NULL ;
if(tmp_keyring->keys[0].type == OPS_PTAG_CT_PUBLIC_KEY)
pubkey = &tmp_keyring->keys[0] ;
else if(tmp_keyring->keys[0].type == OPS_PTAG_CT_ENCRYPTED_SECRET_KEY)
seckey = &tmp_keyring->keys[0] ;
import_error = "Unrecognised key type in key file for key #0. Giving up." ;
std::cerr << "Unrecognised key type " << tmp_keyring->keys[0].type << " in key file for key #0. Giving up." << std::endl;
return false ;
if(tmp_keyring->keys[1].type == OPS_PTAG_CT_PUBLIC_KEY)
pubkey = &tmp_keyring->keys[1] ;
else if(tmp_keyring->keys[1].type == OPS_PTAG_CT_ENCRYPTED_SECRET_KEY)
seckey = &tmp_keyring->keys[1] ;
import_error = "Unrecognised key type in key file for key #1. Giving up." ;
std::cerr << "Unrecognised key type " << tmp_keyring->keys[1].type << " in key file for key #1. Giving up." << std::endl;
return false ;
if(pubkey == NULL || seckey == NULL || pubkey == seckey)
import_error = "File does not contain a public and a private key. Sorry." ;
return false ;
if(memcmp(pubkey->fingerprint.fingerprint,seckey->fingerprint.fingerprint,KEY_FINGERPRINT_SIZE) != 0)
import_error = "Public and private keys do nt have the same fingerprint. Sorry!" ;
return false ;
if(pubkey->key.pkey.version != 4)
import_error = "Public key is not version 4. Rejected!" ;
return false ;
// 4 - now check self-signature for this keypair. For this we build a dummy keyring containing only the key.
ops_validate_result_t *result=(ops_validate_result_t*)ops_mallocz(sizeof *result);
ops_keyring_t dummy_keyring ;
dummy_keyring.nkeys=1 ;
dummy_keyring.nkeys_allocated=1 ;
dummy_keyring.keys=const_cast<ops_keydata_t*>(pubkey) ;
ops_validate_key_signatures(result, const_cast<ops_keydata_t*>(pubkey), &dummy_keyring, cb_get_passphrase) ;
if(result->valid_count != 1 || memcmp((unsigned char*)result->valid_sigs[0].signer_id,pubkey->key_id,KEY_ID_SIZE))
import_error = "Cannot validate self signature for the imported key. Sorry." ;
return false ;
// 5 - All test passed. Adding key to keyring.
RsStackMutex mtx(pgphandlerMtx) ; // lock access to PGP memory structures.
imported_key_id = PGPIdType(pubkey->key_id) ;
if(getSecretKey(imported_key_id) == NULL)
RsStackFileLock flck(_pgp_lock_filename) ; // lock access to PGP directory.
ops_create_info_t *cinfo = NULL ;
int fd=ops_setup_file_append(&cinfo, _secring_path.c_str());
import_error = "(EE) Cannot encode secret key to disk!! Disk full? Out of disk quota?" ;
return false ;
ops_teardown_file_write(cinfo,fd) ;
addNewKeyToOPSKeyring(_secring,*seckey) ;
initCertificateInfo(_secret_keyring_map[ imported_key_id.toStdString() ],seckey,_secring->nkeys-1) ;
import_error = "Private key already exists! Not importing it again." ;
_pubring_changed = true ;
// 6 - clean
ops_keyring_free(tmp_keyring) ;
return true ;
void PGPHandler::addNewKeyToOPSKeyring(ops_keyring_t *kr,const ops_keydata_t& key)
kr->keys = (ops_keydata_t*)realloc(kr->keys,(kr->nkeys+1)*sizeof(ops_keydata_t)) ;
memset(&kr->keys[kr->nkeys],0,sizeof(ops_keydata_t)) ;
ops_keydata_copy(&kr->keys[kr->nkeys],&key) ;
kr->nkeys++ ;
bool PGPHandler::LoadCertificateFromString(const std::string& pgp_cert,PGPIdType& id,std::string& error_string)
RsStackMutex mtx(pgphandlerMtx) ; // lock access to PGP memory structures.
std::cerr << "Reading new key from string: " << std::endl;
ops_keyring_t *tmp_keyring = allocateOPSKeyring();
ops_memory_t *mem = ops_memory_new() ;
ops_memory_add(mem,(unsigned char *)pgp_cert.c_str(),pgp_cert.length()) ;
ops_keyring_free(tmp_keyring) ;
free(tmp_keyring) ;
ops_memory_release(mem) ;
free(mem) ;
std::cerr << "Could not read key. Format error?" << std::endl;
error_string = std::string("Could not read key. Format error?") ;
return false ;
ops_memory_release(mem) ;
free(mem) ;
error_string.clear() ;
std::cerr << " Key read correctly: " << std::endl;
ops_keyring_list(tmp_keyring) ;
const ops_keydata_t *keydata = NULL ;
int i=0 ;
while( (keydata = ops_keyring_get_key_by_index(tmp_keyring,i++)) != NULL )
_pubring_changed = true ;
std::cerr << " Added the key in the main public keyring." << std::endl;
std::cerr << "Key already in public keyring." << std::endl;
id = PGPIdType(tmp_keyring->keys[0].key_id) ;
ops_keyring_free(tmp_keyring) ;
free(tmp_keyring) ;
_pubring_changed = true ;
return true ;
bool PGPHandler::addOrMergeKey(ops_keyring_t *keyring,std::map<std::string,PGPCertificateInfo>& kmap,const ops_keydata_t *keydata)
bool ret = false ;
PGPIdType id(keydata->key_id) ;
std::cerr << "AddOrMergeKey():" << std::endl;
std::cerr << " id: " << id.toStdString() << std::endl;
// See if the key is already in the keyring
const ops_keydata_t *existing_key = NULL;
std::map<std::string,PGPCertificateInfo>::const_iterator res = kmap.find(id.toStdString()) ;
// Checks that
// - the key is referenced by keyid
// - the map is initialized
// - the fingerprint matches!
if(res == kmap.end() || (existing_key = ops_keyring_get_key_by_index(keyring,res->second._key_index)) == NULL)
std::cerr << " Key is new. Adding it to keyring" << std::endl;
addNewKeyToOPSKeyring(keyring,*keydata) ; // the key is new.
initCertificateInfo(kmap[id.toStdString()],keydata,keyring->nkeys-1) ;
existing_key = &(keyring->keys[keyring->nkeys-1]) ;
ret = true ;
if(memcmp(existing_key->fingerprint.fingerprint, keydata->fingerprint.fingerprint,KEY_FINGERPRINT_SIZE))
std::cerr << "(EE) attempt to merge key with identical id, but different fingerprint!" << std::endl;
return false ;
std::cerr << " Key exists. Merging signatures." << std::endl;
ret = mergeKeySignatures(const_cast<ops_keydata_t*>(existing_key),keydata) ;
initCertificateInfo(kmap[id.toStdString()],existing_key,res->second._key_index) ;
validateAndUpdateSignatures(kmap[id.toStdString()],existing_key) ;
return ret ;
bool PGPHandler::encryptTextToFile(const PGPIdType& key_id,const std::string& text,const std::string& outfile)
RsStackMutex mtx(pgphandlerMtx) ; // lock access to PGP memory structures.
ops_create_info_t *info;
int fd = ops_setup_file_write(&info, outfile.c_str(), ops_true);
const ops_keydata_t *public_key = getPublicKey(key_id) ;
if(public_key == NULL)
std::cerr << "Cannot get public key of id " << key_id.toStdString() << std::endl;
return false ;
if(public_key->type != OPS_PTAG_CT_PUBLIC_KEY)
std::cerr << "PGPHandler::encryptTextToFile(): ERROR: supplied id did not return a public key!" << outfile << std::endl;
return false ;
if (fd < 0)
std::cerr << "PGPHandler::encryptTextToFile(): ERROR: Cannot write to " << outfile << std::endl;
return false ;
ops_encrypt_stream(info, public_key, NULL, ops_false, ops_true);
ops_write(text.c_str(), text.length(), info);
return true ;
bool PGPHandler::decryptTextFromFile(const PGPIdType&,std::string& text,const std::string& inputfile)
RsStackMutex mtx(pgphandlerMtx) ; // lock access to PGP memory structures.
unsigned char *out_buf = NULL ;
std::string buf ;
FILE *f = fopen(inputfile.c_str(),"rb") ;
if (f == NULL)
std::cerr << "Cannot open file " << inputfile << " for read." << std::endl;
return false;
int c ;
while( (c = fgetc(f))!= EOF)
buf += (unsigned char)c;
fclose(f) ;
std::cerr << "PGPHandler::decryptTextFromFile: read a file of length " << std::dec << buf.length() << std::endl;
std::cerr << "buf=\"" << buf << "\"" << std::endl;
int out_length ;
ops_boolean_t res = ops_decrypt_memory((const unsigned char *)buf.c_str(),buf.length(),&out_buf,&out_length,_secring,ops_true,cb_get_passphrase) ;
text = std::string((char *)out_buf,out_length) ;
free (out_buf);
return (bool)res ;
bool PGPHandler::SignDataBin(const PGPIdType& id,const void *data, const uint32_t len, unsigned char *sign, unsigned int *signlen)
RsStackMutex mtx(pgphandlerMtx) ; // lock access to PGP memory structures.
// need to find the key and to decrypt it.
const ops_keydata_t *key = getSecretKey(id) ;
std::cerr << "Cannot sign: no secret key with id " << id.toStdString() << std::endl;
return false ;
std::string passphrase = _passphrase_callback(NULL,PGPIdType(key->key_id).toStdString().c_str(),"Please enter passwd for encrypting your key : ",false) ;
ops_secret_key_t *secret_key = ops_decrypt_secret_key_from_data(key,passphrase.c_str()) ;
std::cerr << "Key decryption went wrong. Wrong passwd?" << std::endl;
return false ;
// then do the signature.
ops_memory_t *memres = ops_sign_buf(data,len,(ops_sig_type_t)0x00,secret_key,ops_false,ops_false) ;
return false ;
uint32_t tlen = std::min(*signlen,(uint32_t)ops_memory_get_length(memres)) ;
memcpy(sign,ops_memory_get_data(memres),tlen) ;
*signlen = tlen ;
ops_memory_release(memres) ;
free(memres) ;
ops_secret_key_free(secret_key) ;
free(secret_key) ;
return true ;
bool PGPHandler::privateSignCertificate(const PGPIdType& ownId,const PGPIdType& id_of_key_to_sign)
RsStackMutex mtx(pgphandlerMtx) ; // lock access to PGP memory structures.
ops_keydata_t *key_to_sign = const_cast<ops_keydata_t*>(getPublicKey(id_of_key_to_sign)) ;
if(key_to_sign == NULL)
std::cerr << "Cannot sign: no public key with id " << id_of_key_to_sign.toStdString() << std::endl;
return false ;
// 1 - get decrypted secret key
const ops_keydata_t *skey = getSecretKey(ownId) ;
std::cerr << "Cannot sign: no secret key with id " << ownId.toStdString() << std::endl;
return false ;
const ops_keydata_t *pkey = getPublicKey(ownId) ;
std::cerr << "Cannot sign: no public key with id " << ownId.toStdString() << std::endl;
return false ;
std::string passphrase = _passphrase_callback(NULL,PGPIdType(skey->key_id).toStdString().c_str(),"Please enter passwd for encrypting your key : ",false) ;
ops_secret_key_t *secret_key = ops_decrypt_secret_key_from_data(skey,passphrase.c_str()) ;
std::cerr << "Key decryption went wrong. Wrong passwd?" << std::endl;
return false ;
// 2 - then do the signature.
std::cerr << "Key signature went wrong. Wrong passwd?" << std::endl;
return false ;
// 3 - free memory
ops_secret_key_free(secret_key) ;
free(secret_key) ;
_pubring_changed = true ;
// 4 - update signatures.
PGPCertificateInfo& cert(_public_keyring_map[ id_of_key_to_sign.toStdString() ]) ;
validateAndUpdateSignatures(cert,key_to_sign) ;
return true ;
void PGPHandler::updateOwnSignatureFlag(const PGPIdType& own_id)
std::string own_id_str = own_id.toStdString();
for(std::map<std::string,PGPCertificateInfo>::iterator it=_public_keyring_map.begin();it!=_public_keyring_map.end();++it)
if(it->second.signers.find(own_id_str) != it->second.signers.end())
it->second._flags |= PGPCertificateInfo::PGP_CERTIFICATE_FLAG_HAS_OWN_SIGNATURE ;
it->second._flags &= ~PGPCertificateInfo::PGP_CERTIFICATE_FLAG_HAS_OWN_SIGNATURE ;
bool PGPHandler::getKeyFingerprint(const PGPIdType& id,PGPFingerprintType& fp) const
RsStackMutex mtx(pgphandlerMtx) ; // lock access to PGP memory structures.
const ops_keydata_t *key = getPublicKey(id) ;
if(key == NULL)
return false ;
ops_fingerprint_t f ;
ops_fingerprint(&f,&key->key.pkey) ;
fp = PGPFingerprintType(f.fingerprint) ;
return true ;
bool PGPHandler::VerifySignBin(const void *literal_data, uint32_t literal_data_length, unsigned char *sign, unsigned int sign_len, const PGPFingerprintType& key_fingerprint)
RsStackMutex mtx(pgphandlerMtx) ; // lock access to PGP memory structures.
PGPIdType id = PGPIdType(key_fingerprint.toByteArray() + PGPFingerprintType::SIZE_IN_BYTES - PGPIdType::SIZE_IN_BYTES) ;
const ops_keydata_t *key = getPublicKey(id) ;
if(key == NULL)
std::cerr << "No key returned by fingerprint " << key_fingerprint.toStdString() << ", and ID " << id.toStdString() << ", signature verification failed!" << std::endl;
return false ;
// Check that fingerprint is the same.
const ops_public_key_t *pkey = &key->key.pkey ;
ops_fingerprint_t fp ;
ops_fingerprint(&fp,pkey) ;
if(key_fingerprint != PGPFingerprintType(fp.fingerprint))
std::cerr << "Key fingerprint does not match " << key_fingerprint.toStdString() << ", for ID " << id.toStdString() << ", signature verification failed!" << std::endl;
return false ;
std::cerr << "Verifying signature from fingerprint " << key_fingerprint.toStdString() << ", length " << std::dec << sign_len << ", literal data length = " << literal_data_length << std::endl;
std::cerr << "Signature body: " << std::endl;
hexdump( sign,sign_len) ;
std::cerr << std::endl;
return ops_validate_detached_signature(literal_data,literal_data_length,sign,sign_len,key) ;
void PGPHandler::setAcceptConnexion(const PGPIdType& id,bool b)
RsStackMutex mtx(pgphandlerMtx) ; // lock access to PGP memory structures.
std::map<std::string,PGPCertificateInfo>::iterator res = _public_keyring_map.find(id.toStdString()) ;
if(res != _public_keyring_map.end())
res->second._flags |= PGPCertificateInfo::PGP_CERTIFICATE_FLAG_ACCEPT_CONNEXION ;
res->second._flags &= ~PGPCertificateInfo::PGP_CERTIFICATE_FLAG_ACCEPT_CONNEXION ;
bool PGPHandler::getGPGFilteredList(std::list<PGPIdType>& list,bool (*filter)(const PGPCertificateInfo&)) const
RsStackMutex mtx(pgphandlerMtx) ; // lock access to PGP directory.
list.clear() ;
for(std::map<std::string,PGPCertificateInfo>::const_iterator it(_public_keyring_map.begin());it!=_public_keyring_map.end();++it)
if( filter == NULL || (*filter)(it->second) )
list.push_back(PGPIdType(it->first)) ;
return true ;
bool PGPHandler::isGPGId(const std::string &id)
return _public_keyring_map.find(id) != _public_keyring_map.end() ;
bool PGPHandler::isGPGSigned(const std::string &id)
std::map<std::string,PGPCertificateInfo>::const_iterator res = _public_keyring_map.find(id) ;
return res != _public_keyring_map.end() && (res->second._flags & PGPCertificateInfo::PGP_CERTIFICATE_FLAG_HAS_OWN_SIGNATURE) ;
bool PGPHandler::isGPGAccepted(const std::string &id)
std::map<std::string,PGPCertificateInfo>::const_iterator res = _public_keyring_map.find(id) ;
return (res != _public_keyring_map.end()) && (res->second._flags & PGPCertificateInfo::PGP_CERTIFICATE_FLAG_ACCEPT_CONNEXION) ;
// Lexicographic order on signature packets
bool operator<(const ops_packet_t& p1,const ops_packet_t& p2)
if(p1.length < p2.length)
return true ;
if(p1.length > p2.length)
return false ;
for(uint32_t i=0;i<p1.length;++i)
if(p1.raw[i] < p2.raw[i])
return true ;
if(p1.raw[i] > p2.raw[i])
return false ;
return false ;
bool PGPHandler::mergeKeySignatures(ops_keydata_t *dst,const ops_keydata_t *src)
// First sort all signatures into lists to see which is new, which is not new
std::cerr << "Merging signatures for key " << PGPIdType(dst->key_id).toStdString() << std::endl;
std::set<ops_packet_t> dst_packets ;
for(uint32_t i=0;i<dst->npackets;++i) dst_packets.insert(dst->packets[i]) ;
std::set<ops_packet_t> to_add ;
for(uint32_t i=0;i<src->npackets;++i)
if(dst_packets.find(src->packets[i]) == dst_packets.end())
uint8_t tag ;
uint32_t length ;
PGPKeyParser::read_packetHeader(src->packets[i].raw,tag,length) ;
to_add.insert(src->packets[i]) ;
std::cerr << " Packet with tag 0x" << std::hex << (int)(src->packets[i].raw[0]) << std::dec << " not merged, because it is not a signature." << std::endl;
for(std::set<ops_packet_t>::const_iterator it(to_add.begin());it!=to_add.end();++it)
std::cerr << " Adding packet with tag 0x" << std::hex << (int)(*it).raw[0] << std::dec << std::endl;
ops_add_packet_to_keydata(dst,&*it) ;
return to_add.size() > 0 ;
bool PGPHandler::privateTrustCertificate(const PGPIdType& id,int trustlvl)
if(trustlvl < 0 || trustlvl >= 6 || trustlvl == 1)
std::cerr << "Invalid trust level " << trustlvl << " passed to privateTrustCertificate." << std::endl;
return false ;
std::map<std::string,PGPCertificateInfo>::iterator it = _public_keyring_map.find(id.toStdString());
if(it == _public_keyring_map.end())
std::cerr << "(EE) Key id " << id.toStdString() << " not in the keyring. Can't setup trust level." << std::endl;
return false ;
if( (int)it->second._trustLvl != trustlvl )
_trustdb_changed = true ;
it->second._trustLvl = trustlvl ;
return true ;
struct PrivateTrustPacket
unsigned char user_id[KEY_ID_SIZE] ; // pgp id in unsigned char format.
uint8_t trust_level ; // trust level. From 0 to 6.
uint32_t flags ; // not used yet, but who knows?
void PGPHandler::locked_readPrivateTrustDatabase()
FILE *fdb = fopen(_trustdb_path.c_str(),"rb") ;
std::cerr << "PGPHandler: Reading private trust database." << std::endl;
if(fdb == NULL)
std::cerr << " private trust database not found. No trust info loaded." << std::endl ;
return ;
std::map<std::string,PGPCertificateInfo>::iterator it ;
PrivateTrustPacket trustpacket;
int n_packets = 0 ;
while(fread((void*)&trustpacket,sizeof(PrivateTrustPacket),1,fdb) == 1)
it = _public_keyring_map.find(PGPIdType(trustpacket.user_id).toStdString()) ;
if(it == _public_keyring_map.end())
std::cerr << " (WW) Trust packet found for unknown key id " << PGPIdType(trustpacket.user_id).toStdString() << std::endl;
continue ;
if(trustpacket.trust_level > 6)
std::cerr << " (WW) Trust packet found with unexpected trust level " << trustpacket.trust_level << std::endl;
continue ;
++n_packets ;
it->second._trustLvl = trustpacket.trust_level ;
fclose(fdb) ;
std::cerr << "PGPHandler: Successfully read " << n_packets << " trust packets." << std::endl;
bool PGPHandler::locked_writePrivateTrustDatabase()
FILE *fdb = fopen((_trustdb_path+".tmp").c_str(),"wb") ;
std::cerr << "PGPHandler: Reading private trust database." << std::endl;
if(fdb == NULL)
std::cerr << " (EE) Can't open private trust database file " << _trustdb_path << " for write. Giving up!" << std::endl ;
return false;
PrivateTrustPacket trustpacket ;
for(std::map<std::string,PGPCertificateInfo>::iterator it = _public_keyring_map.begin();it!=_public_keyring_map.end() ;++it)
memcpy(&trustpacket.user_id,PGPIdType(it->first).toByteArray(),KEY_ID_SIZE) ;
trustpacket.trust_level = it->second._trustLvl ;
if(fwrite((void*)&trustpacket,sizeof(PrivateTrustPacket),1,fdb) != 1)
std::cerr << " (EE) Cannot write to trust database " << _trustdb_path << ". Disc full, or quota exceeded ? Leaving database untouched." << std::endl;
fclose(fdb) ;
return false;
fclose(fdb) ;
std::cerr << " (EE) Cannot move temp file " << _trustdb_path+".tmp" << ". Bad write permissions?" << std::endl;
return false ;
return true ;
bool PGPHandler::syncDatabase()
RsStackMutex mtx(pgphandlerMtx) ; // lock access to PGP memory structures.
RsStackFileLock flck(_pgp_lock_filename) ; // lock access to PGP directory.
std::cerr << "Sync-ing keyrings." << std::endl;
locked_syncPublicKeyring() ;
//locked_syncSecretKeyring() ;
// Now sync the trust database as well.
locked_syncTrustDatabase() ;
std::cerr << "Done. " << std::endl;
return true ;
bool PGPHandler::locked_syncPublicKeyring()
struct stat64 buf ;
std::wstring wfullname;
librs::util::ConvertUtf8ToUtf16(_pubring_path, wfullname);
if(-1 == _wstati64(wfullname.c_str(), &buf))
if(-1 == stat64(_pubring_path.c_str(), &buf))
std::cerr << "PGPHandler::syncDatabase(): can't stat file " << _pubring_path << ". Can't sync public keyring." << std::endl;
if(_pubring_last_update_time < buf.st_mtime)
std::cerr << "Detected change on disk of public keyring. Merging!" << std::endl ;
mergeKeyringFromDisk(_pubring,_public_keyring_map,_pubring_path) ;
_pubring_last_update_time = buf.st_mtime ;
// Now check if the pubring was locally modified, which needs saving it again
std::cerr << "Local changes in public keyring. Writing to disk..." << std::endl;
std::cerr << "Cannot write public keyring. Disk full? Disk quota exceeded?" << std::endl;
std::cerr << "Done." << std::endl;
_pubring_last_update_time = time(NULL) ; // should we get this value from the disk instead??
_pubring_changed = false ;
return true ;
bool PGPHandler::locked_syncTrustDatabase()
struct stat64 buf ;
std::wstring wfullname;
librs::util::ConvertUtf8ToUtf16(_trustdb_path, wfullname);
if(-1 == _wstati64(wfullname.c_str(), &buf))
if(-1 == stat64(_trustdb_path.c_str(), &buf))
std::cerr << "PGPHandler::syncDatabase(): can't stat file " << _trustdb_path << ". Will force write it." << std::endl;
_trustdb_changed = true ; // we force write of trust database if it does not exist.
if(_trustdb_last_update_time < buf.st_mtime)
std::cerr << "Detected change on disk of trust database. " << std::endl ;
_trustdb_last_update_time = time(NULL) ;
std::cerr << "Local changes in trust database. Writing to disk..." << std::endl;
std::cerr << "Cannot write trust database. Disk full? Disk quota exceeded?" << std::endl;
std::cerr << "Done." << std::endl;
_trustdb_last_update_time = time(NULL) ;
_trustdb_changed = false ;
return true ;
void PGPHandler::mergeKeyringFromDisk( ops_keyring_t *keyring,
std::map<std::string,PGPCertificateInfo>& kmap,
const std::string& keyring_file)
std::cerr << "Merging keyring " << keyring_file << " from disk to memory." << std::endl;
// 1 - load keyring into a temporary keyring list.
ops_keyring_t *tmp_keyring = PGPHandler::allocateOPSKeyring() ;
if(ops_false == ops_keyring_read_from_file(tmp_keyring, false, keyring_file.c_str()))
std::cerr << "PGPHandler::mergeKeyringFromDisk(): cannot read keyring. File corrupted?" ;
ops_keyring_free(tmp_keyring) ;
return ;
// 2 - load new keys and merge existing key signatures
for(int i=0;i<tmp_keyring->nkeys;++i)
addOrMergeKey(keyring,kmap,&tmp_keyring->keys[i]) ;// we dont' account for the return value. This is disk merging, not local changes.
// 4 - clean
ops_keyring_free(tmp_keyring) ;