Gioacchino Mazzurco 329050a9c2
Use safer rstime_t instead of time_t
Avoid problems to serialization on different platforms, without breaking
nested STL containers serialization.

The conversion have been made with sed, and checked with grep, plus
kdiff3 visual ispection, plus rutime tests, so it should be fine.
2018-10-07 13:07:06 +02:00

278 lines
14 KiB

* libretroshare/src/gxs: rsgxsnettunnel.h
* General Data service, interface for RetroShare.
* Copyright 2018-2018 by Cyril Soler
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
* USA.
* Please report all bugs and problems to ""
#pragma once
#include <map>
#include "turtle/p3turtle.h"
#include "retroshare/rsgxsdistsync.h"
* \brief The RsGxsNetTunnelService class takes care of requesting tunnels to the turtle router, through which it is possible to sync
* a particular GXS group. For each group, a set of virtual peers, corresponding to active tunnels will be made available
* to RsGxsNetService.
* It is the responsibility of RsGxsNetService to activate/desactivate tunnels for each particular group, depending on wether the group
* is already available at regular friends or not.
* Tunnel management is done at the level of groups rather than services, because we would like to keep the possibility to not
* request tunnels for some groups which do not need it, and only request tunnels for specific groups that cannot be provided
* by direct connections.
// Protocol:
// * request tunnels based on H(GroupId)
// * encrypt tunnel data using chacha20+HMAC-SHA256 using AEAD( GroupId, 96bits IV, tunnel ID ) (similar to what FT does)
// * when tunnel is established, exchange virtual peer names: vpid = H( GroupID | Random bias )
// * when vpid is known, notify the client (GXS net service) which can use the virtual peer to sync
// * only use a single tunnel per virtual peer ID
// -
// Client ------------------ TR(H(GroupId)) --------------> Server |
// | Turtle
// Client <-------------------- T OK ---------------------- Server |
// -
// Here, a turtle vpid is known | [ addVirtualPeer() called by turtle ]
// -
// [Encrypted traffic using H(GroupId | Tunnel ID, 96bits IV)] |
// |
// Client <--------- VPID = H( Random IV | GroupId ) ------ Server |
// | | |
// +--------------> Mark the virtual peer active <-----------+ | Encrypted traffic decoded locally and sorted
// |
// Here, a consistent virtual peer ID is known |
// |
// Client <------------------- GXS Data ------------------> Server |
// -
// Notes:
// * tunnels are established symmetrically. If a distant peers wants to sync the same group, they'll have to open a single tunnel, with a different ID.
// Groups therefore have two states:
// - managed : the group can be used to answer tunnel requests. If server tunnels are established, the group will be synced with these peers
// - tunneled: the group will actively request tunnels. If tunnels are established both ways, the same virtual peers will be used so the tunnels are "merged".
// * In practice, that means one of the two tunnels will not be used and therefore die.
// * If a tunneled group already has enough virtual peers, it will not request for tunnels itself.
// Group policy | Request tunnels | SyncWithPeers | Item receipt
// --------------------+-------------------+-----------------------+----------------
// Passive | no | If peers present | If peers present
// Active | yes, if no peers | If peers present | If peers present
// | | |
// * when a service has the DistSync flag set, groups to sync are communicated passively to the GxsNetTunnel service when requesting distant peers.
// However, a call should be made to set a particular group policy to "ACTIVE" for group that do not have peers and need some.
// * services also need to retrieve GXS data items that come out of tunnels. These will be available as (data,len) type, since they are not de-serialized.
// * GxsNetService stores data information (such as update maps) per peerId, so it makes sense to use the same PeerId for all groups of a given service
// Therefore, virtual peers are stored separately from groups, because each one can sync multiple groups.
// * virtual peers are also shared among services. This reduces the required amount of tunnels and tunnel requests to send.
// * tunnels for a given service may also be used by the net service of p3IdService in order to explicitely request missing GxsIds.
// So GxsNetTunnel somehow allows different services to use the same tunnel. However we make sure that this traffic is limited to only p3IdService.
// How do we know that a group needs distant sync?
// * look into GrpConfigMap for suppliers. Suppliers is cleared at load.
// * last_update_TS in GrpConfigMap is randomised so it cannot be used
// * we need a way to know that there's no suppliers for good reasons (not that we just started)
// Security
// * the question of sync-ing with distant anonymous peers is a bit tricky because these peers can try to generate fake requests or change which messages are available
// and there is no way to prevent it. We therefore rely on GXS data integrity system to prevent this to happen.
class RsGxsNetTunnelItem ;
class RsNetworkExchangeService ;
class RsGxsNetTunnelService: public RsTurtleClientService, public RsTickingThread, public p3Config, public RsGxsDistSync
RsGxsNetTunnelService() ;
virtual ~RsGxsNetTunnelService() ;
* \brief registerSearchableService
* Adds the network exchange service as a possible search source. This is used to allow distant search on the corresponding
* GXS service.
* \return
* always returns true.
bool registerSearchableService(RsNetworkExchangeService *) ;
* \brief Manage tunnels for this group
* @param group_id group for which tunnels should be released
bool requestDistantPeers(uint16_t service_id,const RsGxsGroupId&group_id) ;
* \brief Stop managing tunnels for this group
* @param group_id group for which tunnels should be released
bool releaseDistantPeers(uint16_t service_id, const RsGxsGroupId&group_id) ;
* \brief Get the list of active virtual peers for a given group. This implies that a tunnel is up and
* alive. This function also "registers" the group which allows to handle tunnel requests in the server side.
bool getVirtualPeers(std::list<RsGxsNetTunnelVirtualPeerId>& peers) ; // returns the virtual peers for this service
* \brief serviceId
* Overloads the method in RsTurtleClientService.
* \return
* The service id for RsGxsNetTunnel.
uint16_t serviceId() const ;
* \brief sendData
* send data to this virtual peer, and takes memory ownership (deletes the item)
* \param item item to send
* \param virtual_peer destination virtual peer
* \return
* true if succeeded.
bool sendTunnelData(uint16_t service_id,unsigned char *& data, uint32_t data_len, const RsGxsNetTunnelVirtualPeerId& virtual_peer) ;
* \brief receiveData
* returns the next piece of data received, and the virtual GXS peer that sended it.
* \param data memory check containing the data. Memory ownership belongs to the client.
* \param data_len length of memory chunk
* \param virtual_peer peer who sent the data
* \return
* true if something is returned. If not, data is set to NULL, data_len to 0.
bool receiveTunnelData(uint16_t service_id, unsigned char *& data, uint32_t& data_len, RsGxsNetTunnelVirtualPeerId& virtual_peer) ;
* \brief isDistantPeer
* returns wether the peer is in the list of available distant peers or not
* \param group_id returned by the service to indicate which group this peer id is designed for.
* \return true if the peer is a distant GXS peer.
bool isDistantPeer(const RsGxsNetTunnelVirtualPeerId& virtual_peer,RsGxsGroupId& group_id) ;
* \brief dumps all information about monitored groups.
void dump() const;
* \brief connectToTurtleRouter
* Should be called after allocating a RsGxsNetTunnelService
* \param tr turtle router object
virtual void connectToTurtleRouter(p3turtle *tr) ;
TurtleRequestId turtleGroupRequest(const RsGxsGroupId& group_id, RsNetworkExchangeService *client_service) ;
TurtleRequestId turtleSearchRequest(const std::string& match_string,RsNetworkExchangeService *client_service) ;
* \brief receiveSearchRequest
* See RsTurtleClientService::@
virtual bool receiveSearchRequest(unsigned char *search_request_data, uint32_t search_request_data_len, unsigned char *& search_result_data, uint32_t& search_result_data_len, uint32_t &max_allowed_hits);
virtual void receiveSearchResult(TurtleSearchRequestId request_id,unsigned char *search_result_data,uint32_t search_result_data_len);
// Overloaded from RsTickingThread
void data_tick() ;
// Overloads p3Config
RsSerialiser *setupSerialiser();
bool saveList(bool& cleanup, std::list<RsItem*>& save);
bool loadList(std::list<RsItem *> &load);
// Overloads RsGxsDistSync
void getStatistics(std::map<RsGxsGroupId,RsGxsNetTunnelGroupInfo>& groups, // groups on the client and server side
std::map<RsGxsNetTunnelVirtualPeerId, RsGxsNetTunnelVirtualPeerInfo>& virtual_peers, // current virtual peers, which group they provide, and how to talk to them through turtle
std::map<TurtleVirtualPeerId,RsGxsNetTunnelVirtualPeerId>& turtle_vpid_to_net_tunnel_vpid,
Bias20Bytes& bias) const;
// interaction with turtle router
virtual bool handleTunnelRequest(const RsFileHash &hash,const RsPeerId& peer_id) ;
virtual void receiveTurtleData(const RsTurtleGenericTunnelItem *item,const RsFileHash& hash,const RsPeerId& virtual_peer_id,RsTurtleGenericTunnelItem::Direction direction) ;
void addVirtualPeer(const TurtleFileHash&, const TurtleVirtualPeerId&,RsTurtleGenericTunnelItem::Direction dir) ;
void removeVirtualPeer(const TurtleFileHash&, const TurtleVirtualPeerId&) ;
const Bias20Bytes& locked_randomBias() ;
p3turtle *mTurtle ;
static const uint32_t RS_GXS_TUNNEL_CONST_RANDOM_BIAS_SIZE = 20 ;
static const uint32_t RS_GXS_TUNNEL_CONST_EKEY_SIZE = 32 ;
mutable Bias20Bytes mRandomBias ; // constant accross reboots. Allows to disguise the real SSL id while providing a consistent value accross time.
void autowash() ;
void sendKeepAlivePackets() ;
void handleIncoming(RsGxsNetTunnelItem *item) ;
void flush_pending_items();
std::map<RsGxsGroupId,RsGxsNetTunnelGroupInfo> mGroups ; // groups on the client and server side
std::map<RsGxsNetTunnelVirtualPeerId, RsGxsNetTunnelVirtualPeerInfo> mVirtualPeers ; // current virtual peers, which group they provide, and how to talk to them through turtle
std::map<RsFileHash, RsGxsGroupId> mHandledHashes ; // hashes asked to turtle. Used to answer tunnel requests
std::map<TurtleVirtualPeerId, RsGxsNetTunnelVirtualPeerId> mTurtle2GxsPeer ; // convertion table to find GXS peer id from turtle
std::list<std::pair<TurtleVirtualPeerId,RsTurtleGenericDataItem*> > mPendingTurtleItems ; // items that need to be sent off-turtle Mutex.
std::map<uint16_t, std::list<std::pair<RsGxsNetTunnelVirtualPeerId,RsTlvBinaryData *> > > mIncomingData; // list of incoming data items
std::map<uint16_t,RsNetworkExchangeService *> mSearchableServices ;
* \brief Generates the hash to request tunnels for this group. This hash is only used by turtle, and is used to
* hide the real group id.
RsFileHash calculateGroupHash(const RsGxsGroupId&group_id) const ;
* \brief makeVirtualPeerIdForGroup creates a virtual peer id that can be used and that will be constant accross time, whatever the
* tunnel ID and turtle virtual peer id. This allows RsGxsNetService to keep sync-ing the data consistently.
RsGxsNetTunnelVirtualPeerId locked_makeVirtualPeerId(const RsGxsGroupId& group_id) ;
static void generateEncryptionKey(const RsGxsGroupId& group_id,const TurtleVirtualPeerId& vpid,unsigned char key[RS_GXS_TUNNEL_CONST_EKEY_SIZE]) ;
mutable RsMutex mGxsNetTunnelMtx;
friend class RsGxsTunnelRandomBiasItem ;
friend class StoreHere ;
rstime_t mLastKeepAlive ;
rstime_t mLastAutoWash ;
rstime_t mLastDump ;