mirror of
synced 2025-01-31 01:33:23 -05:00
git-svn-id: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/retroshare/code/trunk@246 b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
1770 lines
55 KiB
1770 lines
55 KiB
* RetroShare is distributed under the following license:
* Copyright (C) 2007, RetroShare Team
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <QtGui>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QTimer>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <vector>
#include "bgboard.h"
/* Labelling convention:
players are 0 and 1
points on board are 1 (top right) counterclockwise to 24 (bottom right)
home is 1-6 for player 0, 19-24 for player 1
delta = endpoint - startpoint < 0 for player 0
> 0 for player 1
define activePlayerSign() = -1 for player 0, +1 for player 1 (same sign as delta)
PointCount[i] is < 0 for player 0's checkers, >0 for player 1's checkers
home board is 0 for player 0, 25 for player 1 ( ie 25 * activePlayer )
centre board is 26 for player 0, 27 for player 1 ( ie 26 + activePlayer )
using namespace std;
BgBoard::BgBoard( QWidget *parent )
: QFrame( parent )
setFrameStyle(QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Sunken);
m_ClickTimeout = false; // used to determine whether player clicks or drags
setColor( 0, Qt::red ); //FIXME enum
setColor( 1, Qt::blue );
setColor( 2, QColor( 128, 115, 130 ) );
setColor( 3, QColor( 200, 66, 66 ) );
setColor( 4, QColor( 10, 90, 5 ) );
setColor( 5, QColor( 6, 60, 0 ) );
m_draggingChecker = -1; // the point from which we picked up a checker
diceInitial.push_back( 0 );
diceInitial.push_back( 0 );
void BgBoard::setColor( int item, QColor color ) //FIXME make an array of colors
bgColor[ item ] = color;
bgBrush[ item ] = QBrush( bgColor[ item ] );
if ( item > 1 ) {
bgBrush[ item ].setStyle( Qt::SolidPattern );
QColor BgBoard::getColor( int item )
return bgColor[ item ];
void BgBoard::setPlayerType( int player, int opponent )
{ // set whether the player is human or computer
playerType[ player ] = opponent;
int BgBoard::getPlayerType( int player )
return playerType[ player ];
void BgBoard::setAutoRoll( int player, bool value )
{//if value = true, the player's dice will be rolled automatically
autoRoll[ player ] = value;
bool BgBoard::getAutoRoll( int player )
{// return true if autoRoll[ player ] is true
return autoRoll[ player ];
QSize BgBoard::sizeHint() const
return QSize( 300, 400 );
int BgBoard::activePlayer()
return m_activePlayer;
void BgBoard::definePoints()
//define the points Point 1 is top right, counts counterclockwise
// point 0 is player 0 home; point 25 is player 1 home (i.e., 0,1 and 24,25 are adjacent
// centre board is 26 for player 0, 27 for player 1
//checkerPosAllowed is the centre of the rectangle where we will draw each checker
float x = 2 * home_width + 11 * point_width;
float y = case_width;
for ( int i = 0; i < 2; ++i ) { //top or bottom
for ( int j = 0; j < 2; ++j ){ //left or right
for ( int k = 0; k < 6; ++k ) {
int ii = i * 12 + j * 6 + k;
cellRect[ii+1].setRect( int( x ), int( y ), int( point_width ), int( point_height ) );
for ( int jj = 0; jj < 5; ++jj ) { // this QPoint is where we draw the checkers
checkerPosAllowed[ii+1][jj] = QPoint( int( x + point_width / 2 +1), int( y + jj*(1 - 2*i) * checker_size + i*(point_height - checker_size -1) +1) ); // +1 is a fudge factor
x += point_width * (2 * i - 1);
x += home_width * (2 * i - 1);
x = home_width;
y = board_height - case_width - point_height;
// define home boards
cellRect[0].setRect( int( board_width - home_width + case_width ), int( case_width ), int( home_width - case_width ), int( board_height/2 - 2* case_width ) );
cellRect[25].setRect( int( board_width - home_width + case_width ), int( case_width + board_height /2), int( home_width - case_width ), int( board_height/2 - 2* case_width ) );
for ( int i = 0; i < 5; ++i ) {
checkerPosAllowed[0][i] = QPoint( int( board_width - home_width/2 ), int( case_width + i * ( checker_size + 2 ) ) );
checkerPosAllowed[25][i] = QPoint( int( board_width - home_width/2 ), int( board_height - case_width - (i+1) * (checker_size + 2) ) );
checkerPosAllowed[26][i] = QPoint( int( board_width/2 ), int( case_width + (i) * checker_size ) );
checkerPosAllowed[27][i] = QPoint( int( board_width/2 ), int( board_height - case_width - (i+1) * checker_size ) );
cellRect[26].setRect( int( board_width/2 - home_width/2 ), int( case_width ), int( home_width ), int( board_height /2 - 3 * die_size ) );
cellRect[27].setRect( int( board_width/2 - home_width/2 ), int( board_height/2 + 3 * die_size ), int( home_width ), int( board_height /2 - 3 * die_size ) );
void BgBoard::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent *event )
m_ClickTimeout = false;
m_clicked = true;
if ( !diceRolled )
if ( diceLeft.size() == 0 && diceRolled ) {
for ( int i = 0; i < 28; ++i ) {
staticPointCount[ i ] = PointCount[ i ];
QTimer *timer = new QTimer(this);
timer->setSingleShot( true );
connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT( unsetSingleClick())); //determine whether this is a single click or a drag
timer->start(150);//TODO: kde parameter?
m_draggingChecker = checkerHit( event->pos() );
if ( m_draggingChecker < 0 )
return; // m_draggingChecker is the point from which the checker was taken
if ( 1 ) { // FIXME
staticPointCount[ m_draggingChecker ] -= activePlayerSign(); //
checkerBeingDragged = true;
void BgBoard::unsetSingleClick() // if this slot is called the player is dragging, not single clicking
m_ClickTimeout = true;
void BgBoard::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent *event )
if ( m_draggingChecker < 0)
if ( !m_ClickTimeout )
QPoint pos = event->pos();
if (pos.x() <= 0 )
pos.setX( 1 );
if (pos.y() >= height() )
pos.setY( int( height() - 1 ) );
checkerPos.setX( int( pos.x() ) );
checkerPos.setY( int( pos.y() - checker_size / 2 ) );
void BgBoard::mouseDoubleClickEvent( QMouseEvent *event )
{// not sure how to handle mouse clicks the best way
// at present the single click has been handled already, so one checker has been moved
// here we just move the second one
Move move;
if ( !diceRolled )
return; //can't move before rolling dice
if ( diceLeft.size() == 0 && diceRolled ) {
m_draggingChecker = checkerHit( event->pos() );
if ( m_draggingChecker < 0 )
if ( diceLeft.size() > 0 ) {
move.startPoint = m_draggingChecker;
move.dieValue = diceLeft.at( 0 ) * activePlayerSign();
moveChecker( move );
void BgBoard::mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent *event )
Move move;
int dieValueWanted = 0;
int dieValueNotWanted = 0;
int delta; // calculated move length
m_clicked = false;
int pointReleased = -1;
QPoint pos = event->pos();
if ( !m_ClickTimeout ) { // mouse was clicked, rather than dragging
if ( dieRect[0].contains( pos ) || dieRect[1].contains( pos ) ) {
m_draggingChecker = -1;
//if mouse is on the player's dice, she wants to roll or end turn
if ( diceRolled && ( ( diceLeft.size() == 0 ) || ( !movePossible( PointCount, diceLeft, m_activePlayer ) ) ) ) {
// either dice are finished, or now valid moves left
//if this player is a person we need to check if the move combination is valid
// the computer engine does it itself
if ( ( playerType[ m_activePlayer ] == 0 ) ) {// if the player is human we need to check move is valid
if ( isValidTotalMove( initialPointCount, movesMade, maxMovePossible ) ) {
//player has to discover on their own what is wrong with their move
changePlayer(); //if all dice are used, and player has actually rolled change player
else {
QString s1 = QString::number( diceRolled );
QString s2 = QString::number( diceLeft.size() );
//QString s3 = QString::number( movePossible( PointCount, diceLeft, m_activePlayer ) );
QString s4 = QString::number( maxMovePossible );
error("1: diceRolled = "+s1+", diceLeft.size() = "+s2+", mP = "+/*s3+*/", mmP = "+s4);
else {
else if ( !diceRolled ) { // roll the dice. Only called from here at beginning of game, otherwise in ChangePlayer (if autoroll==true) //FIXME
newGame = false;
maxMovePossible = getMaxMovePossible( initialPointCount, diceInitial, m_activePlayer );
if ( playerType[ m_activePlayer ] == 1 ) { //player is the computer
//error("max move poss = " + QString::number(maxMovePossible) );
if ( !diceRolled )
return; //can't move before rolling dice
if ( diceLeft.size() == 0 && diceRolled ) {
if ( m_draggingChecker < 0 )
// move a piece by clicking on it. Left click, largest die value possible; right click, smallest
if ( event->button() == Qt::LeftButton ) {
dieValueWanted = maxDieValue( diceLeft );
dieValueNotWanted = minDieValue( diceLeft );
else if ( event->button() == Qt::RightButton ) {
dieValueWanted = minDieValue( diceLeft );
dieValueNotWanted = maxDieValue( diceLeft );
delta = dieValueWanted * activePlayerSign();
move.startPoint = m_draggingChecker;
move.dieValue = delta;
if ( moveChecker( move ) == false ) { //if the move corresponding to the L/R button isn't allowed, try the R/L button
delta = dieValueNotWanted * activePlayerSign();
move.dieValue = delta;
moveChecker( move ); //FIXME this doesn't work for some reason
else if ( m_draggingChecker > 0 ) { // we are moving a checker by dragging it
for ( int i = 0; i < 26; ++i ) {
if ( cellRect[i].contains( pos ) ) {
pointReleased = i;
delta = pointReleased - m_draggingChecker; // -ve for player 0
if ( m_draggingChecker > 25 ) {
delta = pointReleased - 25 * ( 1 - m_activePlayer );
move.startPoint = m_draggingChecker;
move.dieValue = delta;
moveChecker( move );
bool BgBoard::moveChecker( Move move )
{ // move a checker
// return true if the checker was moved, false otherwise
bool checkerMoved = false;
bool allowed = false;
int endpoint = move.startPoint + move.dieValue;
vector<int> diceTemp; // in case move is eventually rejected
diceTemp.assign( diceLeft.begin(), diceLeft.end() );
vector<int>::iterator diceIt1;
// is there a checker on startpoint?
if ( PointCount[ move.startPoint ] * activePlayerSign() < 0 ) {
return false;
//check basic arithmetic
int numDiceLeft = diceTemp.size();
if ( move.startPoint > 25 ) { // dragging from center board
endpoint = 25 * ( 1 - m_activePlayer ) + move.dieValue;
if ( ( endpoint > 0 ) && ( endpoint < 25 ) && ( move.startPoint < 28 ) && ( move.dieValue != 0 ) ) { //released on a point
for ( diceIt1 = diceTemp.begin(); diceIt1 != diceTemp.end(); diceIt1++ ) {
if ( ( move.dieValue * activePlayerSign() ) == *diceIt1 ) {
if ( !allowed ) {
diceTemp.erase( diceIt1 ); // once allowed is true, we don't need to iterate over the rest of the loop
allowed = true;
int i,j;
if ( !allowed && ( numDiceLeft > 1 ) ) { //check combinations of 2 dice //FIXME only if there's no opponent's point in the way!
vector<int>::iterator diceIt2, marker1, marker2;
for ( diceIt1 = diceTemp.begin(); diceIt1 != diceTemp.end(); diceIt1++ ) {
i = *diceIt1;
for ( diceIt2 = diceIt1+1; diceIt2 != diceTemp.end(); diceIt2++ ) {
j = *diceIt2;
if ( move.dieValue * activePlayerSign() == *diceIt1 + *diceIt2 ) {
if ( ( PointCount[ move.startPoint + *diceIt1 ] * activePlayerSign() >= 0 ) || ( PointCount[ move.startPoint + *diceIt2 ] * activePlayerSign() >= 0 ) ) {
if ( !allowed ) { // only want to mark dice used once
marker1 = diceIt1;
marker2 = diceIt2;
allowed = true;
if ( allowed ) {
diceTemp.erase( marker2 );
diceTemp.erase( marker1 );
if ( !allowed && ( numDiceLeft > 2 ) ) { //check combinations of 3 dice
vector<int>::iterator diceIt2, diceIt3, marker1, marker2, marker3;
for ( diceIt1 = diceTemp.begin(); diceIt1 != diceTemp.end(); diceIt1++ ) {
for ( diceIt2 = diceIt1+1; diceIt2 != diceTemp.end(); diceIt2++ ) {
for ( diceIt3 = diceIt2+1; diceIt3 != diceTemp.end(); diceIt3++ ) {
if ( move.dieValue * activePlayerSign() == *diceIt1 + *diceIt2 + *diceIt3 ) {
if ( ( PointCount[ move.startPoint + *diceIt1 ] * activePlayerSign() >= 0 ) && ( PointCount[ move.startPoint + *diceIt1 + *diceIt2 ] * activePlayerSign() >= 0 ) ) {
if ( !allowed ) {
marker1 = diceIt1;
marker2 = diceIt2;
marker3 = diceIt3;
allowed = true;
if ( allowed ) {
diceTemp.erase( marker3 );
diceTemp.erase( marker2 );
diceTemp.erase( marker1 );
if ( !allowed && ( numDiceLeft > 3 ) ) { // all four dice
if ( move.dieValue * activePlayerSign() == 4 * diceTemp.at( 0 ) ) {
int die = diceTemp.at( 0 ) * activePlayerSign();
int start = move.startPoint;
if ( ( PointCount[ start + die ] * activePlayerSign() >= 0 ) && ( PointCount[ start + 2 * die ] * activePlayerSign() >= 0 ) && ( PointCount[ start + 3 * die ] * activePlayerSign() >= 0 ) ) {
allowed = true;
if ( ( endpoint < 1 ) || ( endpoint > 24 ) ) { // bearing off. moves < dice value allowed. Have to be careful to use correct (min) die
// we check if bearing off is allowed below, in the function isValidSingleMove
bool tempAllowed = true;
move.dieValue = ( 25 * m_activePlayer ) - move.startPoint;
if ( endpoint < 0 )
endpoint = 0;
if ( endpoint > 25 )
endpoint = 25;
vector<int>::iterator it = diceTemp.begin();
//FIXME the below is now in isValidSingleMove, remove from here [this isn't true! check]
if ( move.dieValue * activePlayerSign() > maxDieValue( diceTemp ) ) {
allowed = false;
else if ( move.dieValue * activePlayerSign() == maxDieValue( diceTemp ) ) {
vector<int>::iterator ii = maxDie( diceTemp );
diceTemp.erase( ii );
allowed = true;
} // say you have checkers on 3 and 5, and roll a 4. you must move 5->1.
else if ( move.dieValue * activePlayerSign() > minDieValue( diceLeft ) ) { //maxDieValue > move > minDieValue
for ( int i = move.dieValue *activePlayerSign() + 1; i < 7; ++i ) {
if ( PointCount[ 25 * m_activePlayer - i * activePlayerSign() ] * activePlayerSign() > 0 ) {
tempAllowed = false;
if ( tempAllowed ) {
allowed = true;
vector<int>::iterator jj = maxDie( diceTemp );
diceTemp.erase( jj );
else if ( move.dieValue * activePlayerSign() == minDieValue( diceLeft ) ) {
vector<int>::iterator kk = minDie( diceTemp );
allowed = true;
else if ( move.dieValue * activePlayerSign() < minDieValue( diceLeft ) ) { //maxDieValue > move > minDieValue
for ( int i = move.dieValue * activePlayerSign() + 1; i < 7; ++i ) {
if ( PointCount[ 25 * m_activePlayer - i * activePlayerSign() ] * activePlayerSign() > 0 ) {
tempAllowed = false;
if ( tempAllowed ) {
vector<int>::iterator kk = minDie( diceTemp );
allowed = true;
//FIXME end of previous fixme
// TODO: bear off using more than 1 die at a time
// no need to check if move is of correct length. more advanced checking done in other functions
if ( allowed ) {
if ( isValidSingleMove( PointCount, move ) ) {
checkerMoved = true;
movesMade.push_back( move );
if ( PointCount[ endpoint ] == -activePlayerSign() ) { // opponent had 1 checker on point
PointCount[ endpoint ] = activePlayerSign();
PointCount[ move.startPoint ] -= activePlayerSign();
PointCount[ 27 - m_activePlayer ] -= activePlayerSign(); // put it on centre board
else {
if ( endpoint < 0 ) //put them into the home board!
endpoint = 0;
if ( endpoint > 25 )
endpoint = 25;
PointCount[ endpoint ] += activePlayerSign();
PointCount[ move.startPoint ] -= activePlayerSign();
diceLeft.assign( diceTemp.begin(), diceTemp.end() );
for ( int i = 0; i < 28; ++i ) {
staticPointCount[ i ] = PointCount[ i ];
m_draggingChecker = -1;
return checkerMoved;
int BgBoard::checkerHit( const QPoint &pos )
{ // return the number of the point player is trying to take a checker from, -1 if not allowed
int pointPressed = -1;
for ( int i = 0; i < 28; ++i ) {
if ( cellRect[i].contains( pos ) ) {
pointPressed = i;
if ( ( PointCount[26 + m_activePlayer] != 0 ) && ( pointPressed != ( 26 + m_activePlayer ) ) ) //have checker on centreboard, must pick up
return -2;
if ( pointPressed == 25 )
return -3; // can't pick up a checker from home
if ( activePlayerSign() * PointCount[ pointPressed ] > 0 )
return pointPressed;
//fell through
return -4;
void BgBoard::moveDone() // check to see if we've won
if ( PointCount[ m_activePlayer * 25 ] * activePlayerSign() == 15 ) { //all checkers on homeboard
QString mess1 = QString::number( m_activePlayer );
emit gameOver( 1 );
bool BgBoard::movePossible( int *points, vector<int> &dice, int player ) //points[i]*activePlayerSign > 0 if activePlayer has checker on point i
// return true if a player has a valid move left, false otherwise
// uses getMaxMovePossible to do the hard work
// FIXME don't have to pas points, dice, player
int sumMoves = 0;
vector<Move>::iterator moveIt;
for ( moveIt = movesMade.begin(); moveIt != movesMade.end(); ++moveIt ) {
sumMoves += (*moveIt).dieValue;
if ( sumMoves == maxMovePossible )
return false;
if ( sumMoves == -maxMovePossible ) //FIXME do we need the sign?
return false;
return true;
bool BgBoard::canBearOff( int *points, int player )
{// return true if the player is allowed to bear off
int sumBearOff = 0;
int playerSign = 2 * player - 1;
if ( player == 0 ) { // if all the checkers are in the home court, or home, we are allowed to bear off
for ( int i = 0; i < 7; ++i ) {
if ( points[ i ] * playerSign > 0 )
sumBearOff += points[ i ] * playerSign;
if ( player == 1 ) {
for ( int i = 19; i < 25; ++i ) {
if ( points[ i ] * playerSign > 0 )
sumBearOff += points[ i ] * playerSign;
if ( sumBearOff == 15 ) {
return true;
return false;
void BgBoard::changePlayer()
if ( m_activePlayer == 0) {
m_activePlayer = 1;
m_activePlayer = 0;
diceRolled = false;
for ( int i = 0; i < 28; ++i ) { // in case of undo
initialPointCount[ i ] = PointCount[ i ];
if ( autoRoll[ m_activePlayer ] ) {
maxMovePossible = getMaxMovePossible( initialPointCount, diceInitial, m_activePlayer );
//error("max move poss = " + QString::number(maxMovePossible) );
if ( playerType[ m_activePlayer ] == 1 ) { //player is the computer
//FIXME redraw the dice before calculating computer move
void BgBoard::moveComputer()
Move move;
vector<moveScore> bestMoveList;
vector<Move> bestMove;
computeMove( PointCount, diceInitial, bestMoveList, m_activePlayer );
if ( bestMoveList.size() > 0 ) {
bestMove = bestMoveList.at(0).moves ;
vector<Move>::iterator it;
for ( it = bestMove.begin(); it != bestMove.end(); ++it ) {
move.startPoint = ( *it ).startPoint;
move.dieValue = ( *it ).dieValue;
moveChecker( move );
int BgBoard::rollDie()
int D = rand() % 6 +1;
return D;
void BgBoard::rollDice()
diceInitial.push_back( rollDie() );
diceInitial.push_back( rollDie() );
if ( diceInitial.at(0) == diceInitial.at(1) ) {
diceInitial.push_back( diceInitial.at(0) );
diceInitial.push_back( diceInitial.at(0) );
diceLeft.assign( diceInitial.begin(), diceInitial.end() );
diceRolled = true;
rand1 = rand() % 100;//some random numbers for positioning the dice
rand2 = rand() % 100;
rand3 = rand() % 100;
rand4 = rand() % 100;
void BgBoard::startNewGame()
for ( int i = 0; i < 28; ++i ) {
PointCount[i] = 0;
PointCount[1] = 2;
PointCount[6] = -5;
PointCount[8] = -3;
PointCount[12] = 5;
PointCount[13] = -5;
PointCount[17] = 3;
PointCount[19] = 5;
PointCount[24] = -2;
static bool firstTime = true;
if (firstTime) {
firstTime = false;
QTime midnight(0, 0, 0);
int r = rand() % 2;
if ( r == 0 ) {
m_activePlayer = 0;
else {
m_activePlayer = 1;
for ( int i = 0; i < 28; ++i ) { // in case of undo
initialPointCount[ i ] = PointCount[ i ];
staticPointCount[ i ] = PointCount[ i ];
newGame = true;
diceRolled = false;
diceInitial.push_back( 0 );
diceInitial.push_back( 0 );
void BgBoard::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event /* event */)
QPainter painter( this );
QRect rect = contentsRect();
board_width = rect.width();
board_height = 9/15.6 * board_width; //TODO: put an is_changed flag on this, to minimize redraws
checker_size = .08 * board_height;
point_width = board_height / 9;
point_height = point_width * 4;
home_width = 1.2 * point_width;
die_size = .075 * rect.height();
die_spot_size = .2 * die_size;
case_width = .02 * rect.height(); //width of small bit of case around board
paintBoard( painter );
paintStaticCheckers( painter );
paintDice( painter, diceInitial );
if ( m_clicked )
paintChecker( painter );//the moving checker
void BgBoard::paintBoard( QPainter &painter )
QPoint points[3] = {
QPoint( 0, int( case_width ) ),
QPoint( int( point_width / 2 ), int( point_height ) ),
QPoint( int( point_width ), int( case_width ) )
QPen casePen;
casePen.setWidth( 2 );
casePen.setColor( Qt::black );
painter.setPen( casePen );
painter.setBrush( bgBrush[ caseColor ] );
painter.drawRect( 0, 0, int( board_width / 2 ), int( board_height ) );
painter.drawRect( int( board_width / 2 ), 0, int( board_width /2 ), int( board_height ) );
painter.setBrush( bgBrush[ feltColor ] );
painter.drawRect( int(home_width), int( case_width ), int(6 * point_width + 1), int(board_height - 2 * case_width + 1) );
painter.drawRect( int( 2 * home_width + 6 * point_width ), int( case_width ), int(6 * point_width + 1), int( board_height - 2* case_width + 1) );
painter.drawRect( int( case_width ), int( case_width ), int( home_width - 2*case_width ), int( board_height /2 -2*case_width ) );
painter.drawRect( int( case_width ), int( board_height/2 + case_width ), int( home_width - 2 * case_width ), int( board_height/2 - 2 * case_width + 1) );
painter.drawRect( int( board_width - home_width + case_width ), int( case_width ), int( home_width - 2 * case_width ), int( board_height/2 -2 * case_width ));
painter.drawRect( int( board_width - home_width + case_width ), int( board_height/2 +case_width ), int( home_width-2 * case_width ), int( board_height/2 -2*case_width + 1) );
painter.translate( home_width, 0 );
//draw the points
painter.setPen( Qt::NoPen );
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i ) {
for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j ) {
for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k ) {
painter.setBrush( bgBrush[ point0Color ] );
painter.drawPolygon( points, 3 );
painter.translate( point_width, 0 );
painter.setBrush( bgBrush[ point1Color ] );
painter.drawPolygon( points, 3 );
painter.translate( point_width, 0 );
painter.translate( home_width, 0 );
painter.translate( -home_width, board_height-1 );
painter.rotate( 180 );
painter.setBrush( Qt::NoBrush );
painter.setPen( casePen ); //FIXME do we really have to redraw these rectangles? How else to get the borders on top?
painter.drawRect( int(home_width), int( case_width ), int(6 * point_width + 1 ), int(board_height - 2 * case_width + 1 ) );
painter.drawRect( int( 2 * home_width + 6 * point_width ), int( case_width ), int(6 * point_width + 1 ), int( board_height - 2* case_width + 1 ) );
void BgBoard::paintChecker( QPainter &painter )
if ( m_draggingChecker < 0 )
paintCheck( painter, checkerPos, m_activePlayer );
void BgBoard::paintCheck( QPainter &painter, QPoint &pos, int player )
painter.setPen( Qt::NoPen );
painter.translate( int( pos.x() - checker_size / 2 ), int( pos.y() ) );
QRadialGradient radialGradient(10, 10, checker_size, int( .33*checker_size ), int( .33*checker_size ) );
radialGradient.setColorAt(0.0, Qt::white );
radialGradient.setColorAt(0.2, bgColor[ player ] );
radialGradient.setColorAt(1.0, Qt::black );
QRect R = QRect( 0, 0, int( checker_size ), int( checker_size ) );
painter.drawEllipse( R );
void BgBoard::paintStaticCheckers( QPainter &painter )
int number;
int numberToPaint;
int player;
painter.setPen( Qt::NoPen );
for ( int i = 0; i < 28; ++i ) {
if ( staticPointCount[ i ] == 0 )
if ( staticPointCount[i] < 0 )
player = 0;
player = 1;
number = abs( staticPointCount[ i ] );
numberToPaint = number;
if ( number > 5 ) {
numberToPaint = 5;
for ( int j = 0; j < numberToPaint; ++j ) {
QPoint p = checkerPosAllowed[ i ][ j ];
paintCheck( painter, p, player );
if ( number > 5 ) { //only draw 5 checkers per point
QString txt;
txt = QString::number( number );
int size = int( .85 * checker_size );
int textSize = int( .6 * checker_size );//FIXME center the text in the box
QRect textRect = QRect( int (checkerPosAllowed[ i ][ 4 ].x() - size/2 ), checkerPosAllowed[ i ][ 4 ].y(), size, size );
number = 5;
painter.setPen( Qt::white );
painter.setBrush( Qt::white );
painter.drawRect( textRect );
painter.setPen( Qt::blue );
painter.setFont(QFont("Courier", textSize, QFont::Bold )); //TODO prettify
painter.drawText( textRect, txt );
void BgBoard::paintDice( QPainter &painter, vector<int> dice )
if ( dice.size() == 0 )
float y [2];
int x[2];
float ds = die_spot_size ;
if ( m_activePlayer == 0 ) {
painter.setBrush( bgBrush[ checker0Color ] );
else {
painter.setBrush( bgBrush[ checker1Color ] );
painter.setPen( Qt::black );
if ( !diceRolled ) {
y[0] = 1.1 * board_height;
y[1] = y[0];
if ( m_activePlayer == 0 ) {
x[0] = int( case_width );
x[1] = int( 2* case_width + die_size );
if ( m_activePlayer == 1 ) {
x[0] = int( board_width - case_width - die_size );
x[1] = int( board_width - 2 * case_width - 2 * die_size );
dieRect[0] = QRect( x[0], int( y[0] ), int( die_size ), int( die_size ) );
dieRect[1] = QRect( x[1], int( y[1] ), int( die_size ), int( die_size ) );
else {
y[0] = (.47 + rand1 / 1666) * board_height - die_size/2;
y[1] = (.47 + rand2 / 1666) * board_height - die_size/2;
if ( m_activePlayer == 0 ) {
x[0] = int( home_width + (1 + rand3 /100) * die_size );
x[1] = int( x[0] + (1.2 + rand4/100) * die_size );
if ( m_activePlayer == 1 ) {
x[0] = int( board_width - home_width - ( 2 + rand3 / 100 ) * die_size );
x[1] = int( x[0] - ( 1.2 + rand4/100) * die_size );
dieRect[0] = QRect( x[0], int( y[0] ), int( die_size ), int( die_size ) );
dieRect[1] = QRect( x[1], int( y[1] ), int( die_size ), int( die_size ) );
painter.drawRect( dieRect[0] );
painter.drawRect( dieRect[1] );
painter.setBrush( Qt::white );
for ( int i = 0; i < 2; ++i ) { // TODO: fix positions!
switch ( dice.at(i) ) {
case 5:
painter.drawEllipse( int( x[i] + .25 * die_size - ds/2), int( y[i] + .25 * die_size -ds/2 ), int(ds), int(ds) );
painter.drawEllipse( int( x[i] + .75 * die_size - ds/2), int( y[i] + .75 * die_size -ds/2 ), int(ds), int(ds) );
case 3:
painter.drawEllipse( int( x[i] + .75 * die_size - ds/2), int( y[i] + .25 * die_size -ds/2 ), int(ds), int(ds) );
painter.drawEllipse( int( x[i] + .25 * die_size - ds/2), int( y[i] + .75 * die_size -ds/2 ), int(ds), int(ds) );
case 1:
painter.drawEllipse( int( x[i] + .5 * die_size - ds/2 ), int( y[i] + .5 * die_size -ds/2 ), int(ds), int(ds) );
case 6:
painter.drawEllipse( int( x[i] + .25 * die_size - ds/2 ), int ( y[i] + .5 * die_size - ds/2 ), int(ds), int(ds) );
painter.drawEllipse( int( x[i] + .75 * die_size - ds/2 ), int ( y[i] + .5 * die_size - ds/2 ), int(ds), int(ds) );
case 4:
painter.drawEllipse( int( x[i] + .25 * die_size - ds/2 ), int ( y[i] + .25 * die_size - ds/2 ), int(ds), int(ds) );
painter.drawEllipse( int( x[i] + .75 * die_size - ds/2 ), int ( y[i] + .75 * die_size - ds/2 ), int(ds), int(ds) );
case 2:
painter.drawEllipse( int( x[i] + .25 * die_size - ds/2 ), int ( y[i] + .75 * die_size - ds/2 ), int(ds), int(ds) );
painter.drawEllipse( int( x[i] + .75 * die_size - ds/2 ), int ( y[i] + .25 * die_size - ds/2 ), int(ds), int(ds) );
int BgBoard::maxDieValue( vector<int> &dice ) //helper functions to determine if moves are possible
vector<int>::iterator it;
int value = 0;
for ( it = dice.begin(); it != dice.end(); ++it ) {
if ( *it > value )
value = *it;
return value;
int BgBoard::minDieValue( vector<int> &dice )
vector<int>::iterator it;
int value = 7;
for ( it = dice.begin(); it != dice.end(); ++it ) {
if ( *it < value )
value = *it;
if ( value == 7 )
return 0; // all dice are used
return value;
vector<int>::iterator BgBoard::maxDie( vector<int> &dice )
vector<int>::iterator it, it1;
int dieVal = 0;
for ( it = dice.begin() ; it != dice.end(); ++it ) {
if ( *it > dieVal ) {
dieVal = *it;
it1 = it;
return it1;
vector<int>::iterator BgBoard::minDie( vector<int> &dice )
vector<int>::iterator it, it1;
int dieVal = 7;
for ( it = dice.begin(); it != dice.end(); ++it ) {
if ( *it < dieVal ) {
dieVal = *it;
it1 = it;
return it1;
void BgBoard::undo()
for ( int i = 0; i < 28; ++i ) {
PointCount[ i ] = initialPointCount[ i ];
staticPointCount[ i ] = initialPointCount[ i ];
diceLeft.assign( diceInitial.begin(), diceInitial.end() );
void BgBoard::error( QString string )
QMessageBox::StandardButton reply;
reply = QMessageBox::information(this, tr("QBackgammon"), string );
bool BgBoard::isValidSingleMove( int *points, Move move )
//return true if the single move, from startpoint a distance dieval, is allowed
//sign of dieval determines orientation
//note: the player with points > 0 has dieval > 0
// to bear off, you can move past the home board
bool allowed = false;
bool tempAllowed = true;
int startpoint, endpoint;
int playerSign = 1;// -1 for player 0; 1 for player 1
int player = 1; // 0 for player 0; 1 for player 1
if ( move.dieValue < 0 ) {
playerSign = -1;
player = 0;
if ( move.startPoint == 0 || move.startPoint == 25 )//can't move a checker from home
return false;
if ( points[ 26 + player ] > 0 ) {// point on center board, must move it
if ( move.startPoint < 26 ) {
return false;
if ( move.startPoint > 25 ) { //from centre board
startpoint = ( 25 * ( 1 - player ) );
startpoint = move.startPoint;
endpoint = startpoint + move.dieValue;
if ( endpoint > 25 ) //bearing off
endpoint = 25;
if ( endpoint < 0 )
endpoint = 0;
if ( ( playerSign * points[ endpoint ] ) < -1 ) // opponent has > 1 checker on point
return false;
int delta = ( endpoint - startpoint ) * playerSign;
int sumBearOff = 0; // to keep this general, do not use m_active
if ( player == 0 ) { // if all the checkers are in the home court, or home, we are allowed to bear off
for ( int i = 0; i < 7; ++i ) {
if ( points[ i ] * playerSign > 0 )
sumBearOff += points[ i ] * playerSign;//FIXME combine into 1
if ( player == 1 ) {
for ( int i = 19; i < 26; ++i ) {
if ( points[ i ] * playerSign > 0 )//FIXME only check this if we try to bear off
sumBearOff += points[ i ] * playerSign;//FIXME call canBearOff
if ( ( sumBearOff < 15 ) && ( ( endpoint == 0 ) || ( endpoint == 25 ) ) )//trying to bear off when not allowed
return false;
if ( ( sumBearOff == 15 ) && ( endpoint == ( 25 * player ) ) ) {// bearing off
// we need to check the following doesn't happen. say points[6] = -1, points[3] = 2, points[2] = 1, die = 3. We are not allowed to move.
if ( delta > move.dieValue * playerSign ) {
allowed = false;
else if ( delta == move.dieValue * playerSign ) { //FIXME these elses might not all be necessary
allowed = true;
} // say you have checkers on 3 and 5, and roll a 4. you must move 5->1.
else if ( delta < move.dieValue * playerSign ) { //maxDieValue > move > minDieValue
for ( int i = startpoint + 1; i < 7; ++i ) {
if ( points[ 25 * player - i * playerSign ] * playerSign > 0 ) {
tempAllowed = false;
if ( tempAllowed ) {
allowed = true;
if ( allowed )
return true;
return false;
if ( ( startpoint == ( 25 * (1 - player ) ) ) && ( endpoint == ( 25 * (1 - player) + move.dieValue ) ) ) // checker from player i's centre board
return true;
if ( ( startpoint > 0 ) && ( startpoint < 25 ) && ( endpoint > 0 ) && ( endpoint < 25 ) ) // nothing left to check for ordinary moves
return true;
return false; //
bool BgBoard::isValidTotalMove( int *startpoints, vector<Move> &moves, int maxMovePossible )
{//both moves may be individually valid, but not the combination. eg when bearing off, need to use max value
// pass maxMovePossible to avoid determining it many times
//FIXME startpoints not needed
int playerSign = 1;// -1 for player 0; 1 for player 1
int player = 1; // 0 for player 0; 1 for player 1
if (moves.size() > 0 ) {
if ( moves.at(0).dieValue < 0 ) {
playerSign = -1;
player = 0;
int sumMoves = 0;
int delta;
int endpoint, startpoint;
vector<Move>::iterator moveIt;
for ( moveIt = moves.begin(); moveIt < moves.end(); moveIt++ ) {
if ( (*moveIt).startPoint > 25 ) { //from centre board
startpoint = ( 25 * ( 1 - player ) );
else {
startpoint = (*moveIt).startPoint;
endpoint = startpoint + (*moveIt).dieValue;
if ( endpoint > 25 ) //bearing off
endpoint = 25;
if ( endpoint < 0 )
endpoint = 0;
delta = endpoint - startpoint;
sumMoves += delta;
if (sumMoves == maxMovePossible) {
return true;
else if (sumMoves == -maxMovePossible) { //FIXME not keeping track of sign in this function
return true;
else {
return false;
int BgBoard::getMaxMovePossible( int *points, vector<int> &dice, int player )
// given a checker configuration points[28], the dice, and which player it is, we calculate the largest move (which is the only valid move length)
Move move_temp;
vector<int>::iterator it;
vector<int>::iterator itD1, itD2, itD3, itD4; // iterators over dice
vector<Move> bestMove;
vector<Move> move;
vector<Move> tempMove1;
vector<int> tempDice1;
int tempPoints1[28];
vector<Move> tempMove2;
vector<int> tempDice2;
int tempPoints2[28];
vector<Move> tempMove3;
vector<int> tempDice3;
int tempPoints3[28];
vector<Move> tempMove4;
vector<int> tempDice4;
int tempPoints4[28];
vector<int> newDice;
int sumDice = 0; // sum of rolled dice
for ( it = dice.begin(); it != dice.end(); ++it ) {
newDice.push_back( *it );
sumDice += *it;
int tempScore1 = 0;
int tempScore2 = 0;
int tempScore3 = 0;
int tempScore4 = 0;
int score = 0;
int bestScore = 0;
int playerSign = 1;
if ( player == 0 ) {
playerSign = -1;
int jj,kk;
bool movePoss2 = false;
bool movePoss3 = false;
bool movePoss4 = false;
int bestScore1 = 0;
int bestScore2 = 0;
int bestScore3 = 0;
for ( itD1 = newDice.begin(); itD1 != newDice.end(); ++itD1 ) {
for ( int i = 1; i < 27 + player; ++i ) {
if ( points[ 26 + player ] * playerSign > 0 ) { // if there is a checker on center board we must move it
i = 26 + player;
movePoss2 = false;
if ( points[ i ] * playerSign > 0 ) {
move_temp.dieValue = *itD1 * playerSign;
move_temp.startPoint = i;
if ( isValidSingleMove( points, move_temp ) ) {
tempScore1 = updateTemps( points, tempPoints1, newDice, tempDice1, i, itD1, player );
for ( itD2 = tempDice1.begin(); itD2 != tempDice1.end(); ++itD2 ) {
for ( int ii = 1; ii < 27 + player; ++ii ) {
if ( tempPoints1[ 26 + player ] * playerSign > 0 ) { // if there is a checker on center board we must move it
ii = 26 + player;
if ( tempPoints1[ ii ] * playerSign > 0 ) {
move_temp.dieValue = *itD2 * playerSign;
move_temp.startPoint = ii;
if ( isValidSingleMove( tempPoints1, move_temp ) ) {
movePoss2 = true;
movePoss3 = false;
tempScore2 = updateTemps( tempPoints1, tempPoints2, tempDice1, tempDice2, ii, itD2, player );
if ( newDice.size() > 2 ) { //doubles were rolled, go two more steps
for ( itD3 = tempDice2.begin(); itD3 != tempDice2.end(); ++itD3 ) {
for ( int iii = 1; iii < 27 + player; ++iii ) {
if ( tempPoints2[ 26 + player ] * playerSign > 0 ) { // if there is a checker on center board we must move it
iii = 26 + player;
if ( tempPoints2[ iii ] * playerSign > 0 ) {
move_temp.dieValue = *itD3 * playerSign;
move_temp.startPoint = iii;
if ( isValidSingleMove( tempPoints2, move_temp ) ) {
movePoss3 = true;
movePoss4 = false;
tempScore3 = updateTemps( tempPoints2, tempPoints3, tempDice2, tempDice3, iii, itD3, player );
// no iteration over dice as there's only one left
for ( int iiii = 1; iiii < 27 + player; ++iiii ) {
if ( tempPoints3[ 26 + player ] * playerSign > 0 ) { // if there is a checker on center board we must move it
iiii = 26 + player;
if ( tempPoints3[ iiii ] * playerSign > 0 ) {
move_temp.dieValue = tempDice3.at(0) * playerSign;
move_temp.startPoint = iiii;
if ( isValidSingleMove( tempPoints3, move_temp ) ) {
itD4 = tempDice3.begin();
movePoss4 = true;
tempScore4 = updateTemps( tempPoints3, tempPoints4, tempDice3, tempDice4, iiii, itD4, player );
score = tempScore1 + tempScore2 + tempScore3 + tempScore4;
if ( score > bestScore ) {
bestScore = score;
if ( bestScore == sumDice ) {
return bestScore;
}// end of iiii loop
if ( !movePoss4 ) {// have made it through third die without finding a valid move
bestScore3 = tempScore1 + tempScore2 + tempScore3;
// end of for (itD3)
if ( !movePoss3 ) {// have made it through third die without finding a valid move
if ( tempScore1 + tempScore2 > bestScore3 ) {
bestScore2 = tempScore1 + tempScore2;
else { //doubles not rolled ( dice.size() !> 2 )
jj = tempPoints2[ 26 + player ] * playerSign;
kk = points[ 26 + player ] * playerSign;
score = tempScore1 + tempScore2;
if ( score > bestScore ) {
bestScore = score;
if ( bestScore == sumDice )
return bestScore;
if ( !movePoss2 ) {// have made it through second die without finding a valid move
if ( tempScore1 > bestScore1 ) {
bestScore1 = tempScore1;
}//have looped over all possible moves
if ( bestScore3 > bestScore )
return bestScore3;
if ( bestScore2 > bestScore )
return bestScore2;
if ( bestScore1 > bestScore )
return bestScore1;
return bestScore;
int BgBoard::updateTemps( int *oldPoints, int *newPoints, vector<int> &oldDice, vector<int> &newDice, int startpoint, vector<int>::iterator &die, int player ) //FIXME playerSign isn't necessary, pass a signed die
//return value is the number of points moved
{// a helper function for getMaxMovePossible
// after a virtual move is made, call this function to get the new dice, points, checkers, and move
int endpoint;
int playerSign = 1;
int delta = 0;
if ( player == 0 )
playerSign = -1;
vector<int>::iterator it;
for ( it = oldDice.begin(); it != oldDice.end(); ++it ) {
if ( it != die ) {
newDice.push_back( *it );
for ( int i = 0; i < 28; ++i ) {// reset the temporary points, for evaluating next move
newPoints[ i ] = oldPoints[ i ];
newPoints[ startpoint ] -= playerSign;
if ( startpoint > 25 ) { // coming from centre board
if ( player == 1 ) {
startpoint = 0;
else {
startpoint = 25;
endpoint = startpoint + *die * playerSign;
if ( ( endpoint < 0 ) || ( endpoint > 25 ) ) { // want to move to the home board
if ( player == 1 ) {
endpoint = 25;
endpoint = 0;
delta = ( endpoint - startpoint ) * playerSign;
if ( oldPoints[ endpoint ] == -playerSign ) { // opponent had 1 checker on point
newPoints[ 27 - player ] -= playerSign;
newPoints[ endpoint ] = 0; // will be incremented below
newPoints[ endpoint ] += playerSign;
return delta;
void BgBoard::hint()
// QString message = "";
// QString s0 = QString::number( m_activePlayer );
// QString s1 = QString::number( diceRolled );
// QString s2 = QString::number( diceLeft.size() );
// QString s3 = QString::number( movePossible( PointCount, diceLeft, m_activePlayer ) );
// QString s4 = QString::number( maxMovePossible );
// QString m1 = "";
vector<Move>::iterator it;
// for ( it = movesMade.begin(); it != movesMade.end(); ++it ) {
// m1.append( QString::number( (*it).startPoint ) );
// m1.append( ", ");
// m1.append( QString::number( (*it).dieValue ) );
// m1.append( "; ");
// }
vector<moveScore> list;
computeMove( initialPointCount, diceInitial, list, m_activePlayer );
QString mess;
for ( int i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) {
if ( list.size() > i ) {
mess.append( QString::number( list.at(i).score ) + "; " );
for ( it = list.at(i).moves.begin(); it != list.at(i).moves.end(); ++it ) {
mess.append( QString::number( (*it).startPoint ) + ", " );
mess.append( QString::number( (*it).dieValue ) + "; " );
// message = "player: "+s0+"; diceRolled = "+s1+", diceLeft.size() = "+s2+", mP = "+s3+", mmP = "+s4+"\n";
// message.append( "moves made: " +m1+"\n" );
// message.append(mess);
// error( message );
error( mess );
//FIXME display player X wins after updating point counts
void BgBoard::computeMove( int *points, vector<int> &dice, vector<moveScore> &movesList, int player )
// given a checker configuration points[28], the dice, and which player it is, we calculate the largest move
Move move_temp;
moveScore moveScore_temp;
vector<int>::iterator it;
vector<moveScore>::iterator listIt;
vector<int>::iterator itD1, itD2, itD3, itD4; // iterators over dice
vector<Move> move, tempMove1, tempMove2, tempMove3, tempMove4;
vector<int> tempDice1, tempDice2, tempDice3, tempDice4;
int tempPoints1[28], tempPoints2[28], tempPoints3[28], tempPoints4[28];
vector<int> newDice;
int sumDice = 0; // sum of rolled dice
for ( it = dice.begin(); it != dice.end(); ++it ) {
newDice.push_back( *it );
sumDice += *it;
int playerSign = 1;
if ( player == 0 ) {
playerSign = -1;
bool movePoss2 = false;
bool movePoss3 = false;
bool movePoss4 = false;
int maxMovePossible;
int start;
maxMovePossible = getMaxMovePossible( points, dice, player );
//FIXME this is horrible, rewrite as recursive function calls
for ( itD1 = newDice.begin(); itD1 != newDice.end(); ++itD1 ) {
for ( int i = 1; i < 27 + player; ++i ) {
if ( points[ 26 + player ] * playerSign > 0 ) { // if there is a checker on center board we must move it
i = 26 + player;
if ( points[ i ] * playerSign > 0 ) {
move_temp.dieValue = *itD1 * playerSign;
move_temp.startPoint = i;
if ( isValidSingleMove( points, move_temp ) ) {
updateTemps( points, tempPoints1, newDice, tempDice1, i, itD1, player );
tempMove1.push_back( move_temp );
for ( itD2 = tempDice1.begin(); itD2 != tempDice1.end(); ++itD2 ) {
// have to start from 1, sometimes valid moves are otherwise blocked
start = 1;
for ( int ii = start; ii < 27 + player; ++ii ) {
if ( tempPoints1[ 26 + player ] * playerSign > 0 ) { // if there is a checker on center board we must move it
ii = 26 + player;
if ( tempPoints1[ ii ] * playerSign > 0 ) {
move_temp.dieValue = *itD2 * playerSign;
move_temp.startPoint = ii;
tempMove2.assign( tempMove1.begin(), tempMove1.end() );
if ( isValidSingleMove( tempPoints1, move_temp ) ) {
movePoss2 = true;
tempMove2.push_back( move_temp );
updateTemps( tempPoints1, tempPoints2, tempDice1, tempDice2, ii, itD2, player );
if ( newDice.size() > 2 ) { //doubles were rolled, go two more steps
for ( itD3 = tempDice2.begin(); itD3 != tempDice2.end(); ++itD3 ) {
start = 1;
for ( int iii = start; iii < 27 + player; ++iii ) {
if ( tempPoints2[ 26 + player ] * playerSign > 0 ) { // if there is a checker on center board we must move it
iii = 26 + player;
tempMove3.assign( tempMove2.begin(), tempMove2.end() );
if ( tempPoints2[ iii ] * playerSign > 0 ) {
move_temp.dieValue = *itD3 * playerSign;
move_temp.startPoint = iii;
if ( isValidSingleMove( tempPoints2, move_temp ) ) {
movePoss3 = true;
tempMove3.push_back( move_temp );
updateTemps( tempPoints2, tempPoints3, tempDice2, tempDice3, iii, itD3, player );
// no iteration over dice as there's only one left
start = 1;
for ( int iiii = start; iiii < 27 + player; ++iiii ) {
if ( tempPoints3[ 26 + player ] * playerSign > 0 ) { // if there is a checker on center board we must move it
iiii = 26 + player;
tempMove4.assign( tempMove3.begin(), tempMove3.end() );
if ( tempPoints3[ iiii ] * playerSign > 0 ) {
move_temp.dieValue = tempDice3.at(0) * playerSign;
move_temp.startPoint = iiii;
if ( isValidSingleMove( tempPoints3, move_temp ) ) {
itD4 = tempDice3.begin();
movePoss4 = true;
tempMove4.push_back( move_temp );
updateTemps( tempPoints3, tempPoints4, tempDice3, tempDice4, iiii, itD4, player );
if ( isValidTotalMove( points, tempMove4, maxMovePossible ) ) {
pushMove( tempPoints4, tempMove4, movesList );
}// end of iiii loop
if ( !movePoss4 ) {// have made it through third die without finding a valid move
if ( isValidTotalMove( points, tempMove3, maxMovePossible ) ) {
pushMove( tempPoints3, tempMove3, movesList );
}//end of if (!movePoss4 )
} //end of iii loop
}// end of for (itD3)
if ( !movePoss3 ) {// have made it through third die without finding a valid move
if ( isValidTotalMove( points, tempMove2, maxMovePossible ) ) {
pushMove( tempPoints2, tempMove2, movesList );
} // end of ( !movePoss3 )
} // end of ( newDice.size() > 2 )
else { //doubles not rolled ( dice.size() !> 2 )
if ( isValidTotalMove( points, tempMove2, maxMovePossible ) ) {
pushMove( tempPoints2, tempMove2, movesList );
} //end of if ( isValidSingleMove( tempPoints1, move_temp ) ) {
if ( !movePoss2 ) {// have made it through second die without finding a valid move
if ( isValidTotalMove( points, tempMove1, maxMovePossible ) ) {
pushMove( tempPoints1, tempMove1, movesList );
}//have looped over all possible moves
void BgBoard::pushMove( int *newPoints, vector<Move> &move, vector<moveScore> &list )
//helper function for computeMove. Push a move onto the stack of moves
float score;
vector<moveScore>::iterator listIt;
moveScore moveScore_temp;
score = pointsScore( newPoints, m_activePlayer );
moveScore_temp.score = score;
moveScore_temp.moves = move;
if ( list.size() == 0 ) {
list.push_back( moveScore_temp );
else {
for ( listIt = list.begin(); listIt != list.end(); ++listIt ) {
if ( score > (*listIt).score ) {
list.insert( listIt, moveScore_temp );
if ( list.size() > 10 ) {
// if we've made it here, this is the worst move. add to the back
list.push_back( moveScore_temp );
if ( list.size() > 10 ) {//keep the size small
float BgBoard::pointsScore( int *points, int player )
{// given a checker layout points (array[28]), and which player it is, we calculate the score for that position
// use to calculate the best move
//TODO improve!
//TODO check if the game is a race
//TODO suggestions for bearing off
//FIXME get the last two out of there sooner!
float score = 0;
float doubleScore = 0;
int p[25];
int playerSign = 1;
if ( player == 0 ) {
playerSign = -1;
for ( int i = 0; i < 25; ++i ) { // point label p is valid for either player
p[i] = i; // takes same index as player 0
} // home court = 1 through 6
} // NB home and centre boards unchanged, used 26+player etc
else {
for ( int i = 0; i < 25; ++i ) {
p[i] = 25 - i;
// if the game is a race, move the furthest checkers
//FIXME for use with doubling cube (deciding when to double) need some way to compare scores calculated different ways
int sum = 0;
bool isRace = true;
for ( int i = 0; i < 19; ++i ) {//just need to check for 1 player!
if ( ( points[ i ] > 0 ) && ( sum != -15 ) )
isRace = false;
if ( points[ i ] < 0 )
sum += points[ i ];
if ( sum != -15 )
isRace = false;
if ( ( points[ 26 ] != 0 ) || ( points[ 27 ] != 0 ) )
isRace = false;
// isRace == true, race is on
// move furthest checkers, bear off if posible
if ( isRace ) {
for ( int i = 24; i > 0; --i ) {
if ( points[ p[ i ] ] * playerSign > 0 ) {
score -= i * i * points[ p[ i ] ] * playerSign;
score += points[ 25 * player ] * 100;
return score;
//doubles are good
for ( int i = 1; i < 25; ++i ) { // skip the furthest from home
if ( points[ p[i] ] * playerSign > 1 )
score += 10;
//some doubles are even better
if ( points[ p[3] ] * playerSign > 1 )
doubleScore += 30;
if ( points[ p[4] ] * playerSign > 1 )
doubleScore += 40;
if ( points[ p[5] ] * playerSign > 1 )
doubleScore += 60;
if ( points[ p[6] ] * playerSign > 1 )
doubleScore += 100;
if ( points[ p[7] ] * playerSign > 1 )
doubleScore += 100;
if ( points[ p[8] ] * playerSign > 1 )
doubleScore += 40;
if ( points[ p[9] ] * playerSign > 1 )
doubleScore += 40;
if ( points[ p[18] ] * playerSign > 1 )
doubleScore += 60;
if ( points[ p[19] ] * playerSign > 1 )
doubleScore += 60;
if ( points[ p[20] ] * playerSign > 1 )
doubleScore += 40;
for ( int i = 2; i < 12; ++i ) {
if ( points[ p[i] ] * playerSign > 1 ) {
doubleScore *= 1.3; //more blocked points are better
score += doubleScore /2;
//however we don't want too much pileup in the home board
if ( points[ p[1] ] * playerSign > 2 )
score -= 10 * ( ( points[ p[1] ] * playerSign) - 2 );
if ( points[ p[2] ] * playerSign > 2 )
score -= 10 * ( ( points[ p[2] ] * playerSign) - 2 );
if ( points[ p[3] ] * playerSign > 2 )
score -= 7 * ( ( points[ p[3] ] * playerSign) - 2 );
if ( points[ p[4] ] * playerSign > 2 )
score -= 3 * ( ( points[ p[4] ] * playerSign) - 2 );
if ( points[ p[5] ] * playerSign > 2 )
score -= 3 * ( ( points[ p[5] ] * playerSign) - 2 );
if ( points[ p[6] ] * playerSign > 2 )
score -= 1 * ( ( points[ p[6] ] * playerSign) - 2 );
if ( points[ p[7] ] * playerSign > 2 )
score -= 2 * ( ( points[ p[6] ] * playerSign) - 2 );
// nor in the opponent's home board
if ( points[ p[24] ] * playerSign > 2 )
score -= 20 * ( ( points[ p[1] ] * playerSign) - 2 );
if ( points[ p[23] ] * playerSign > 2 )
score -= 20 * ( ( points[ p[2] ] * playerSign) - 2 );
if ( points[ p[22] ] * playerSign > 2 )
score -= 20 * ( ( points[ p[3] ] * playerSign) - 2 );
if ( points[ p[21] ] * playerSign > 2 )
score -= 20 * ( ( points[ p[4] ] * playerSign) - 2 );
if ( points[ p[19] ] * playerSign > 2 )
score -= 20 * ( ( points[ p[5] ] * playerSign) - 2 );
if ( points[ p[18] ] * playerSign > 2 )
score -= 20 * ( ( points[ p[6] ] * playerSign) - 2 );
//opponent's points on centre board is good
if ( points[ 27 - player ] != 0 ) {
score += 120 * points[ 27 - player ] * points[ 27 - player ];// square takes care of sign--but weights checkers off too heavily
} // opponents checkers are opposite sign
//singles within striking distance are bad
for ( int i = 1; i < 25; ++i ) {
if ( points[ i ] * playerSign == 1 ) {
for ( int j = 1; j < 7; ++j ) {
if ( i + (j*playerSign) < 25 ) { //TODO replace 4 by value prop to probability of value being rolled
if ( points[ i + (j*playerSign) ] * playerSign < 0 ) { //opponent has checkers there
score -= (4*i); // weight, depending on how far from home board checker is
if ( i + (j*playerSign) == 25) { //coming from opponents centre board
if ( points[ 27 - player ] * playerSign < 0 ) {
score -= (4*i);
for ( int j = 7; j < 13; ++j ) {
if ( i + (j*playerSign) < 25 ) {
if ( points[ i + (j*playerSign) ] * playerSign < 0 ) { //opponent has checkers there
score -= (2*i); // weight, depending on how far from home board checker is
if ( i + (j*playerSign) == 25) {
if ( points[ 27 - player ] * playerSign < 0 ) {
score -= (2*i);
// give some incentive to move the furthest two
for ( int i = 13; i < 25; ++i ) {
if ( points[ p[ i ] ] * playerSign > 0 ) {
score -= (4*i) * points[ p[ i ] ] * playerSign;
if ( points[ p[24] ] * playerSign < 2 )
score += 20;
if ( points[ p[24] ] * playerSign < 1 )
score += 10;
return score;