thunder2 617ed25a19 Modified Windows Build Environment
- Removed commandline switch "version"
- Added MinGit for determining version information during compile process
- Added sigcheck to determine version of the executable
2018-10-14 17:47:31 +02:00

94 lines
1.8 KiB

:: Process commandline parameter
set Param32=0
set Param64=0
set ParamRelease=0
set ParamDebug=0
set ParamAutologin=0
set ParamPlugins=0
set ParamTor=0
if "%~1" NEQ "" (
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims==" %%a in ("%~1") do (
if "%%~a"=="32" (
set Param32=1
) else if "%%~a"=="64" (
set Param64=1
) else if "%%~a"=="release" (
set ParamRelease=1
) else if "%%~a"=="debug" (
set ParamDebug=1
) else if "%%~a"=="autologin" (
set ParamAutologin=1
) else if "%%~a"=="plugins" (
set ParamPlugins=1
) else if "%%~a"=="tor" (
set ParamTor=1
) else (
echo Unknown parameter %1
goto :usage
shift /1
goto parameter_loop
if "%Param32%"=="1" (
if "%Param64%"=="1" (
echo 32-bit or 64-bit?
goto :usage
set RsBit=32
set RsArchitecture=x86
set RsMSYS2Architecture=i686
if "%Param64%"=="1" (
set RsBit=64
set RsArchitecture=x64
set RsMSYS2Architecture=x86_64
if "%RsBit%"=="" goto :usage
if "%ParamRelease%"=="1" (
if "%ParamDebug%"=="1" (
echo Release or Debug?
goto :usage
set RsBuildConfig=release
) else if "%ParamDebug%"=="1" (
set RsBuildConfig=debug
) else goto :usage
if "%ParamTor%"=="1" (
set RsType=-tor
) else (
set RsType=
exit /B 0
echo Usage: 32^|64 release^|debug [version autologin plugins]
echo Mandatory parameter
echo 32^|64 32-bit or 64-bit Version
echo release^|debug Build release or debug version
echo Optional parameter (need clean when changed)
echo autologin Build with autologin
echo plugins Build plugins
echo Parameter for pack
echo tor Pack tor version
exit /B 2