A new approach to build a webinterface for RS

  1. get JSON encoded data from the backend, data contains a state token
  2. render data with react.js
  3. ask the backend if the state token from step 1 expired. If yes, then start again with step 1.

Steps 1. and 3. are common for most things, only Step 2. differs. This allows to re-use code for steps 1. and 3.


- run (requires wget, use MinGW shell on Windows)
- all output files are now in the "dist" folder
- use the --webinterface 9090 command line parameter to enable webui in retroshare-nogui
- set the --docroot parameter of retroshare-nogui to point to the "dist" directory


- Ubuntu: install nodejs package
	sudo apt-get install nodejs
- Windows: download and install nodejs from http://nodejs.org
- Download development tools with the nodejs package manager (short npm)
	npm install
- during development, run these two commands at the same time
	while true; do make --silent; sleep 1; done
	grunt watch
- command one will copy the source files to the "dist" directory if they change
- command two will tell the browser to reload if a file changes


- run
	node PeersTest.js
- this will print the expected schema of the api output, and it will try to test it with real data
- run retroshare-nogui with webinterface enabled on port 9090, to test if the real output of the api matches the expected schema


- if you are a web developer or want to become one
	get in contact!
- lots of work to do, i need you!