@echo off setlocal :: Initialize environment call "%~dp0..\env.bat" if errorlevel 1 goto error_env call "%EnvPath%\env.bat" if errorlevel 1 goto error_env call "%EnvPath%\env-msys2.bat" if errorlevel 1 goto error_env :: Initialize base environment call "%~dp0env-base.bat" %* if errorlevel 2 exit /B 2 if errorlevel 1 goto error_env if not "%ParamNoupdate%"=="1" ( :: Install needed things %EnvMSYS2Cmd% "pacman --noconfirm --needed -S make git mingw-w64-%RsMSYS2Architecture%-toolchain mingw-w64-%RsMSYS2Architecture%-qt5 mingw-w64-%RsMSYS2Architecture%-miniupnpc mingw-w64-%RsMSYS2Architecture%-sqlcipher mingw-w64-%RsMSYS2Architecture%-cmake" :: Webui if "%ParamWebui%"=="1" %EnvMSYS2Cmd% "pacman --noconfirm --needed -S mingw-w64-%RsMSYS2Architecture%-doxygen mingw-w64-%RsMSYS2Architecture%-rapidjson" :: Plugins if "%ParamPlugins%"=="1" %EnvMSYS2Cmd% "pacman --noconfirm --needed -S mingw-w64-%RsMSYS2Architecture%-speex mingw-w64-%RsMSYS2Architecture%-speexdsp mingw-w64-%RsMSYS2Architecture%-curl mingw-w64-%RsMSYS2Architecture%-libxslt mingw-w64-%RsMSYS2Architecture%-opencv mingw-w64-%RsMSYS2Architecture%-ffmpeg" :: Clang if "%ParamClang%"=="1" %EnvMSYS2Cmd% "pacman --noconfirm --needed -S mingw-w64-%RsMSYS2Architecture%-clang" :: Indexing if "%ParamIndexing%"=="1" %EnvMSYS2Cmd% "pacman --noconfirm --needed -S mingw-w64-%RsMSYS2Architecture%-xapian-core mingw-w64-%RsMSYS2Architecture%-libvorbis mingw-w64-%RsMSYS2Architecture%-flac mingw-w64-%RsMSYS2Architecture%-taglib" ) :: Initialize environment call "%~dp0env.bat" %* if errorlevel 2 exit /B 2 if errorlevel 1 goto error_env echo. echo === Version echo. title Build - %SourceName%-%RsBuildConfig% [Version] pushd "%SourcePath%\retroshare-gui\src\gui\images" :: Touch resource file copy /b retroshare_win.rc +,, popd if not exist "%RsBuildPath%" mkdir "%RsBuildPath%" pushd "%RsBuildPath%" echo. echo === qmake echo. title Build - %SourceName%-%RsBuildConfig% [qmake] set RS_QMAKE_CONFIG=%RS_QMAKE_CONFIG% "CONFIG+=%RsBuildConfig%" if "%ParamAutologin%"=="1" set RS_QMAKE_CONFIG=%RS_QMAKE_CONFIG% "CONFIG+=rs_autologin" if "%ParamPlugins%"=="1" set RS_QMAKE_CONFIG=%RS_QMAKE_CONFIG% "CONFIG+=retroshare_plugins" :: Dump the active build config into a file echo %RS_QMAKE_CONFIG% > buildinfo.txt echo %RsBuildConfig% >> buildinfo.txt echo %RsArchitecture% >> buildinfo.txt echo Qt %QtVersion% >> buildinfo.txt call "%ToolsPath%\msys2-path.bat" "%SourcePath%" MSYS2SourcePath call "%ToolsPath%\msys2-path.bat" "%EnvMSYS2Path%" MSYS2EnvMSYS2Path if "%ParamClang%"=="1" ( %EnvMSYS2Cmd% "qmake "%MSYS2SourcePath%/RetroShare.pro" -r -spec win32-clang-g++ %RS_QMAKE_CONFIG%" ) else ( %EnvMSYS2Cmd% "qmake "%MSYS2SourcePath%/RetroShare.pro" -r -spec win32-g++ %RS_QMAKE_CONFIG%" ) if errorlevel 1 goto error echo. echo === make echo. title Build - %SourceName%-%RsBuildConfig% [make] %EnvMSYS2Cmd% "make -j %CoreCount%" if errorlevel 1 goto error :: Webui if "%ParamWebui%"=="1" ( call "%~dp0..\tools\webui.bat" ) :error popd title %COMSPEC% if errorlevel 1 echo.& echo Build failed& echo. exit /B %ERRORLEVEL% :error_env echo Failed to initialize environment. endlocal exit /B 1