/* * RetroShare Service * Copyright (C) 2016-2022 Gioacchino Mazzurco * Copyright (C) 2021-2022 AsociaciĆ³n Civil Altermundi * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Retroshare Team * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later */ #include #include #include #include #include "retroshare/rsinit.h" #include "retroshare/rstor.h" #include "retroshare/rspeers.h" #include "retroshare/rsinit.h" #include "retroshare/rsiface.h" #include "util/stacktrace.h" #include "util/rsprint.h" #include "util/argstream.h" #include "util/rskbdinput.h" #include "util/rsdir.h" #include "util/rsdebug.h" #ifdef RS_JSONAPI # include "retroshare/rsjsonapi.h" # ifdef RS_WEBUI # include "retroshare/rswebui.h" # endif // def RS_WEBUI #endif // def RS_JSONAPI static CrashStackTrace gCrashStackTrace; // We should move these functions to rsprint in libretroshare #define COLOR_GREEN 0 #define COLOR_YELLOW 1 #define COLOR_BLUE 2 #define COLOR_PURPLE 3 #define COLOR_RED 4 std::string colored(int color,const std::string& s) { switch(color) { case COLOR_GREEN : return "\033[0;32m"+s+"\033[0m"; case COLOR_YELLOW: return "\033[0;33m"+s+"\033[0m"; case COLOR_BLUE : return "\033[0;36m"+s+"\033[0m"; case COLOR_PURPLE: return "\033[0;35m"+s+"\033[0m"; case COLOR_RED : return "\033[0;31m"+s+"\033[0m"; default: return s; } } #ifdef RS_SERVICE_TERMINAL_LOGIN class RsServiceNotify: public NotifyClient { public: RsServiceNotify() = default; virtual ~RsServiceNotify() = default; virtual bool askForPassword( const std::string& title, const std::string& question, bool /*prev_is_bad*/, std::string& password, bool& cancel ) { std::string question1 = title + colored(COLOR_GREEN,"Please enter your PGP password for key:\n ") + question + " :"; password = RsUtil::rs_getpass(question1.c_str()) ; cancel = false ; return !password.empty(); } }; #endif // def RS_SERVICE_TERMINAL_LOGIN static std::atomic keepRunning(true); static int receivedSignal = 0; void signalHandler(int signal) { if(RsControl::instance()->isReady()) RsControl::instance()->rsGlobalShutDown(); receivedSignal = signal; keepRunning = false; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { signal(SIGINT, signalHandler); signal(SIGTERM, signalHandler); #ifdef SIGBREAK signal(SIGBREAK, signalHandler); #endif // ifdef SIGBREAK RsInfo() << "\n" << "+================================================================+\n" "| o---o o |\n" "| \\ / - Retroshare Service - / \\ |\n" "| o o---o |\n" "+================================================================+" << std::endl << std::endl; RsInit::InitRsConfig(); RsControl::earlyInitNotificationSystem(); #ifdef __APPLE__ // TODO: is this still needed with argstream? /* HACK to avoid stupid OSX Finder behaviour * remove the commandline arguments - if we detect we are launched from * Finder, and we have the unparsable "-psn_0_12332" option. * this is okay, as you cannot pass commandline arguments via Finder anyway */ if ((argc >= 2) && (0 == strncmp(argv[1], "-psn", 4))) argc = 1; #endif std::string prefUserString; RsConfigOptions conf; #ifdef RS_JSONAPI conf.jsonApiPort = RsJsonApi::DEFAULT_PORT; // enable JSON API by default #ifdef RS_WEBUI std::string webui_base_directory = RsWebUi::DEFAULT_BASE_DIRECTORY; #endif #endif argstream as(argc,argv); as >> option( 's', "stderr", conf.outStderr, "output to stderr instead of log file." ) >> option( 'u',"udp", conf.udpListenerOnly, "Only listen to UDP." ) >> parameter( 'c',"base-dir", conf.optBaseDir, "directory", "Set base directory.", false ) >> parameter( 'l', "log-file", conf.logfname, "logfile", "Set Log filename.", false ) >> parameter( 'd', "debug-level", conf.debugLevel, "level", "Set debug level.", false ) >> parameter( 'i', "ip-address", conf.forcedInetAddress, "IP", "Force IP address to use (if cannot be detected).", false ) >> parameter( 'o', "opmode", conf.opModeStr, "opmode", "Set Operating mode (Full, NoTurtle, Gaming, Minimal).", false ) >> parameter( 'p', "port", conf.forcedPort, "port", "Set listenning port to use.", false ) >> parameter( 't', "tor", conf.userSuppliedTorExecutable, "tor", "Set Tor executable full path.", false ); #ifdef RS_SERVICE_TERMINAL_LOGIN as >> parameter( 'U', "user-id", prefUserString, "ID", "[node Id] Selected account to use and asks for passphrase" ". Use \"-U list\" in order to list available accounts.", false ); #endif // def RS_SERVICE_TERMINAL_LOGIN #ifdef RS_JSONAPI as >> parameter( 'J', "jsonApiPort", conf.jsonApiPort, "TCP Port", "Enable JSON API on the specified port", false ) >> parameter( 'P', "jsonApiBindAddress", conf.jsonApiBindAddress, "TCP bind address", "JSON API Bind Address default " "", false ); #endif // def RS_JSONAPI #if (defined(RS_JSONAPI) && defined(RS_WEBUI)) && defined(RS_SERVICE_TERMINAL_WEBUI_PASSWORD) bool askWebUiPassword = false; as >> parameter( 'B', "webui-directory", webui_base_directory, "Place where to find the html/js files for the webui.",false ); as >> option( 'W', "webui-password", askWebUiPassword, "Ask WebUI password on the console." ); #endif /* defined(RS_JSONAPI) && defined(RS_WEBUI) \ && defined(RS_SERVICE_TERMINAL_WEBUI_PASSWORD) */ #ifdef LOCALNET_TESTING as >> parameter( 'R', "restrict-port" , portRestrictions, "port1-port2", "Apply port restriction", false); #endif #ifdef RS_AUTOLOGIN as >> option( 'a', "auto-login", conf.autoLogin, "enable auto-login." ); #endif as >> help( 'h', "help", "Display this Help" ); as.defaultErrorHandling(true, true); if(!conf.userSuppliedTorExecutable.empty()) RsTor::setTorExecutablePath(conf.userSuppliedTorExecutable); #if (defined(RS_JSONAPI) && defined(RS_WEBUI)) && defined(RS_SERVICE_TERMINAL_WEBUI_PASSWORD) std::string webui_pass1; if(askWebUiPassword) { std::string webui_pass2 = "N"; while(keepRunning) { webui_pass1 = RsUtil::rs_getpass( colored(COLOR_GREEN,"Please register a password for the web interface: ")); webui_pass2 = RsUtil::rs_getpass( colored(COLOR_GREEN,"Please enter the same password again : ")); if(webui_pass1 != webui_pass2) { std::cout << colored(COLOR_RED,"Passwords do not match!") << std::endl; continue; } if(webui_pass1.empty()) { std::cout << colored(COLOR_RED,"Password cannot be empty!") << std::endl; continue; } break; } } #endif /* defined(RS_JSONAPI) && defined(RS_WEBUI) && defined(RS_SERVICE_TERMINAL_WEBUI_PASSWORD) */ conf.main_executable_path = argv[0]; int initResult = RsInit::InitRetroShare(conf); if(initResult != RS_INIT_OK) { RsFatal() << "Retroshare core initalization failed with: " << initResult << std::endl; return -initResult; } #ifdef RS_SERVICE_TERMINAL_LOGIN if(!prefUserString.empty()) // Login from terminal requested { if(prefUserString == "list") { std::vector locations; rsLoginHelper->getLocations(locations); if(locations.size() == 0) { RsErr() << colored(COLOR_RED,"No available accounts. You cannot use option -U list") << std::endl; return -RsInit::ERR_NO_AVAILABLE_ACCOUNT; } std::cout << std::endl << std::endl << colored(COLOR_GREEN,"Available accounts:") << std::endl; int accountCountDigits = static_cast( ceil(log(locations.size())/log(10.0)) ); for( uint32_t i=0; i= locations.size())) { std::cout << colored(COLOR_GREEN,"Please enter account number:\n"); std::cout.flush(); std::string inputStr; std::getline(std::cin, inputStr); nacc = static_cast(atoi(inputStr.c_str())-1); if(nacc < locations.size()) { prefUserString = locations[nacc].mLocationId.toStdString(); break; } nacc=0; // allow to continue if something goes wrong. } } RsPeerId ssl_id(prefUserString); if(ssl_id.isNull()) { RsErr() << colored(COLOR_RED,"Invalid User location id: a hexadecimal ID is expected.") << std::endl; return -EINVAL; } RsServiceNotify* notify = new RsServiceNotify(); rsNotify->registerNotifyClient(notify); // supply empty passwd so that it is properly asked 3 times on console RsInit::LoadCertificateStatus result = rsLoginHelper->attemptLogin(ssl_id, ""); switch(result) { case RsInit::OK: break; case RsInit::ERR_ALREADY_RUNNING: RsErr() << "Another RetroShare using the same profile is already " "running on your system. Please close that instance " "first." << std::endl << "Lock file: " << RsInit::lockFilePath() << std::endl; return -RsInit::ERR_ALREADY_RUNNING; case RsInit::ERR_CANT_ACQUIRE_LOCK: RsErr() << "An unexpected error occurred when Retroshare tried to " "acquire the single instance lock file." << std::endl << "Lock file: " << RsInit::lockFilePath() << std::endl; return -RsInit::ERR_CANT_ACQUIRE_LOCK; case RsInit::ERR_UNKNOWN: // Fall-throug default: RsErr() << "Cannot login. Check your passphrase." << std::endl << std::endl; return -result; } if(RsAccounts::isTorAuto()) { std::cerr << colored(COLOR_GREEN,"(II) Hidden service is ready:") << std::endl; std::string service_id ; std::string onion_address ; uint16_t service_port ; uint16_t service_target_port ; uint16_t proxy_server_port ; std::string service_target_address ; std::string proxy_server_address ; RsTor::getHiddenServiceInfo(service_id,onion_address,service_port,service_target_address,service_target_port); RsTor::getProxyServerInfo(proxy_server_address,proxy_server_port) ; std::cerr << colored(COLOR_GREEN," onion address : ") << onion_address << std::endl; std::cerr << colored(COLOR_GREEN," service_id : ") << service_id << std::endl; std::cerr << colored(COLOR_GREEN," service port : ") << service_port << std::endl; std::cerr << colored(COLOR_GREEN," target port : ") << service_target_port << std::endl; std::cerr << colored(COLOR_GREEN," target address : ") << service_target_address << std::endl; std::cerr << colored(COLOR_GREEN,"Setting proxy server to ") << service_target_address << ":" << service_target_port << std::endl; rsPeers->setLocalAddress(rsPeers->getOwnId(), service_target_address, service_target_port); rsPeers->setHiddenNode(rsPeers->getOwnId(), onion_address, service_port); rsPeers->setProxyServer(RS_HIDDEN_TYPE_TOR, proxy_server_address,proxy_server_port) ; } } #endif // def RS_SERVICE_TERMINAL_LOGIN #if (defined(RS_JSONAPI) && defined(RS_WEBUI)) && defined(RS_SERVICE_TERMINAL_WEBUI_PASSWORD) if(rsJsonApi && !webui_pass1.empty()) { rsWebUi->setHtmlFilesDirectory(webui_base_directory); rsWebUi->setUserPassword(webui_pass1); rsWebUi->restart(); } #endif rsControl->setShutdownCallback([&](int){keepRunning = false;}); while(keepRunning) std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(500)); return 0; }