TEMPLATE = app TARGET = retroshare-nogui CONFIG += bitdht #CONFIG += introserver #CONFIG += sshserver CONFIG += debug debug { QMAKE_CFLAGS -= -O2 QMAKE_CFLAGS += -O0 QMAKE_CFLAGS += -g QMAKE_CXXFLAGS -= -O2 QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -O0 QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -g } ################################# Linux ########################################## linux-* { #CONFIG += version_detail_bash_script QMAKE_CXXFLAGS *= -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 LIBS += ../../libretroshare/src/lib/libretroshare.a LIBS += ../../openpgpsdk/src/lib/libops.a -lbz2 LIBS += -lssl -lupnp -lixml -lgnome-keyring } linux-g++ { OBJECTS_DIR = temp/linux-g++/obj } linux-g++-64 { OBJECTS_DIR = temp/linux-g++-64/obj } #################### Cross compilation for windows under Linux ################### win32-x-g++ { OBJECTS_DIR = temp/win32-x-g++/obj LIBS += ../../../../lib/win32-x-g++/libretroshare.a LIBS += ../../../../lib/win32-x-g++/libssl.a LIBS += ../../../../lib/win32-x-g++/libcrypto.a LIBS += ../../../../lib/win32-x-g++/libminiupnpc.a LIBS += ../../../../lib/win32-x-g++/libz.a LIBS += -L${HOME}/.wine/drive_c/pthreads/lib -lpthreadGCE2 LIBS += -lws2_32 -luuid -lole32 -liphlpapi -lcrypt32 -gdi32 LIBS += -lole32 -lwinmm RC_FILE = gui/images/retroshare_win.rc DEFINES *= WIN32 } #################################### Windows ##################################### win32 { CONFIG += console OBJECTS_DIR = temp/obj RCC_DIR = temp/qrc UI_DIR = temp/ui MOC_DIR = temp/moc LIBS += ../../libretroshare/src/lib/libretroshare.a LIBS += ../../openpgpsdk/src/lib/libops.a -lbz2 LIBS += -L"../../../lib" -lssl -lcrypto -lpthreadGC2d -lminiupnpc -lz LIBS += -lssl -lcrypto -lpthreadGC2d -lminiupnpc -lz # added after bitdht # LIBS += -lws2_32 LIBS += -luuid -lole32 -liphlpapi -lcrypt32-cygwin -lgdi32 LIBS += -lole32 -lwinmm RC_FILE = resources/retroshare_win.rc DEFINES *= WINDOWS_SYS } ##################################### MacOS ###################################### macx { # ENABLE THIS OPTION FOR Univeral Binary BUILD. # CONFIG += ppc x86 LIBS += -Wl,-search_paths_first } ##################################### FreeBSD ###################################### freebsd-* { INCLUDEPATH *= /usr/local/include/gpgme LIBS *= ../../libretroshare/src/lib/libretroshare.a LIBS *= -lssl LIBS *= -lgpgme LIBS *= -lupnp LIBS *= -lgnome-keyring PRE_TARGETDEPS *= ../../libretroshare/src/lib/libretroshare.a } ############################## Common stuff ###################################### # bitdht config bitdht { LIBS += ../../libbitdht/src/lib/libbitdht.a } win32 { # must be added after bitdht LIBS += -lws2_32 } DEPENDPATH += ../../libretroshare/src INCLUDEPATH += . ../../libretroshare/src # Input HEADERS += notifytxt.h SOURCES += notifytxt.cc \ retroshare.cc introserver { HEADERS += introserver.h SOURCES += introserver.cc DEFINES *= RS_INTRO_SERVER } sshserver { # This Requires libssh-0.5.* to compile. # Modify path below to point at it. # Probably will only work on Linux for the moment. # # Use the following commend to generate a Server RSA Key. # Key should be in current directory - when run/ # ssh-keygen -t rsa -f rs_ssh_host_rsa_key # # You can connect from a standard ssh, eg: ssh -p 7022 # # The Menu system is available from the command-line now, # but not over SSH yet... # if it get covered by debug gunk, just press to refresh. # INCLUDEPATH += ../../../lib/libssh-0.5.2/include/ LIBS += ../../../lib/libssh-0.5.2/build/src/libssh.a LIBS += ../../../lib/libssh-0.5.2/build/src/threads/libssh_threads.a HEADERS += ssh/rssshd.h SOURCES += ssh/rssshd.cc HEADERS += menu/menu.h \ menu/menus.h \ SOURCES += menu/menu.cc \ menu/menus.cc \ DEFINES *= RS_SSH_SERVER }