/* * RetroShare FileCache Module: findex.h * * Copyright 2004-2007 by Robert Fernie. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA. * * Please report all bugs and problems to "retroshare@lunamutt.com". * */ #ifndef FILE_INDEX_H #define FILE_INDEX_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "retroshare/rstypes.h" class ostream; /****************************************************************************************** * The Key Data Types for the File Index: FileEntry : Information about a single file. DirEntry : Information about a directory and its children PersonEntry : Information the root of a FileIndex. FileIndex : A Collection of root directories, with a set of functions to manipulate them. In terms of retroshare, There will be a single 'Local' FileIndex used to store the shared files, and a set of 'Remote' FileIndices which are used to store the available files of all the peers. ******************************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************************** STILL TODO: (1) Load/Store a FileIndex to file... int FileIndex::loadIndex(FILE *input); int FileIndex::saveIndex(FILE *input); This can be done in a recursive manner, or handled completely within FileIndex. (2) Search Functions for Partial File Names and Hashes. int FileIndex::searchHash(std::string hash, std::list &results); int FileIndex::searchTerms(std::list terms, std::list &results); This is probably best done in a recursive manner. The search could also be extended to handle complex Boolean searches such as : match (size > 100K) && (name contains 'Blue') .... if anyone is interested. But this can get quite complicated, and can be left to a later date. ******************************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************************** * FileEntry *****************************************************************************************/ class DirEntry; class FileEntry { public: FileEntry() : size(0), modtime(0), pop(0), updtime(0), parent(NULL), row(0) { return; } virtual ~FileEntry() { return; } virtual int print(std::ostream &out); /* Data */ std::string name; std::string hash; uint64_t size; /* file size */ time_t modtime; /* modification time - most recent mod time for a sub entry for dirs */ int pop; /* popularity rating */ time_t updtime; /* last updated */ /* References for easy manipulation */ DirEntry *parent; int row; }; /****************************************************************************************** * DirEntry *****************************************************************************************/ class DirEntry: public FileEntry { public: DirEntry() : most_recent_time(0) {} /* cleanup */ virtual ~DirEntry(); /* update local entries */ DirEntry * updateDir(const FileEntry& fe, time_t updtime); FileEntry * updateFile(const FileEntry& fe, time_t updtime); int checkParentPointers(); int updateChildRows(); /* remove local entries */ int removeFile(const std::string& name); int removeDir(const std::string& name); int removeOldDir(const std::string& name, time_t old); /* checks ts first */ /* recursive cleanup */ int removeOldEntries(time_t old, bool recursive); /* recursive searches */ DirEntry * findOldDirectory(time_t old); DirEntry * findDirectory(const std::string& path); /* recursive update directory mod/pop values */ int updateDirectories(const std::string& path, int pop, int modtime); /* output */ int print(std::ostream &out); int saveEntry(std::ostringstream &out); void writeDirInfo(std::ostringstream&); void writeFileInfo(std::ostringstream&); /* Data */ std::string path; /* full path (includes name) */ std::map subdirs; std::map files; time_t most_recent_time; /* last updated */ /* Inherited members from FileEntry: int size - count for dirs std::string name; - directory name std::string hash; - not used int size; - not used int modtime; - most recent modication time of any child file (recursive) int pop; - most popular child file (recursive) int updtime; - last updated */ }; /****************************************************************************************** * PersonEntry *****************************************************************************************/ class PersonEntry: public DirEntry { public: /* cleanup */ PersonEntry(const std::string& pid) : id(pid) { return; } virtual ~PersonEntry() { return; } DirEntry &operator=(DirEntry &src) { DirEntry *pdest = this; (*pdest) = src; return *this; } /* Data */ std::string id; /* Inherited members from FileEntry: int size - count for dirs std::string name; - directory name std::string hash; - not used int size; - not used int modtime; - most recent modication time of any child file (recursive) int pop; - most popular child file (recursive) int updtime; - last updated */ }; /****************************************************************************************** * FileIndex *****************************************************************************************/ class Expression; class FileIndex { public: FileIndex(const std::string& pid); ~FileIndex(); /* control root entries */ int setRootDirectories(const std::list &inlist, time_t utime); int getRootDirectories(std::list &outlist); /* update (index building) */ DirEntry * updateDirEntry(const std::string& path, const FileEntry& fe, time_t utime); FileEntry * updateFileEntry(const std::string& path, const FileEntry& fe, time_t utime); DirEntry * findOldDirectory(time_t old); /* finds directories older than old */ int removeOldDirectory(const std::string& fpath, const std::string& name, time_t old); int cleanOldEntries(time_t old); /* removes entries older than old */ /* debug */ int printFileIndex(std::ostream &out); /* load/save to file */ int loadIndex(const std::string& filename, const std::string& expectedHash, uint64_t size); int saveIndex(const std::string& filename, std::string &fileHash, uint64_t &size, const std::set& forbidden_roots); /* search through this index */ int searchTerms(const std::list& terms, std::list &results) const; int searchHash(const std::string& hash, std::list &results) const; int searchBoolExp(Expression * exp, std::list &results) const; /// Recursively compute the maximum modification time of children. /// Used to easily retrieve mose recent files. // void updateMaxModTime() ; void RecursUpdateMaxModTime(DirEntry *) ; PersonEntry *root; static std::set _pointers ; static void registerEntry(void*p) ; static void unregisterEntry(void*p) ; static bool isValid(void*p) ; /// Fills up details from the data contained in ref. // static bool extractData(void *ref,DirDetails& details) ; }; #endif