/**************************************************************** * RetroShare is distributed under the following license: * * Copyright (C) 2006, crypton * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ****************************************************************/ #include #include #include "rshare.h" #include "common/vmessagebox.h" #include "util/rsversion.h" #include "NetworkDialog.h" #include "NetworkView.h" #include "TrustView.h" #include "connect/ConnectDialog.h" #include "rsiface/rsiface.h" #include "rsiface/rspeers.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "connect/ConfCertDialog.h" /* Images for context menu icons */ #define IMAGE_LOADCERT ":/images/loadcert16.png" #define IMAGE_PEERDETAILS ":/images/peerdetails_16x16.png" #define IMAGE_AUTH ":/images/encrypted16.png" #define IMAGE_MAKEFRIEND ":/images/user/add_user16.png" /* Images for Status icons */ #define IMAGE_AUTHED ":/images/accepted16.png" #define IMAGE_DENIED ":/images/denied16.png" #define IMAGE_TRUSTED ":/images/rs-2.png" RsCertId getNeighRsCertId(QTreeWidgetItem *i); /****** * #define NET_DEBUG 1 *****/ /** Constructor */ NetworkDialog::NetworkDialog(QWidget *parent) : MainPage(parent), connectdialog(NULL) { /* Invoke the Qt Designer generated object setup routine */ ui.setupUi(this); connect( ui.connecttreeWidget, SIGNAL( customContextMenuRequested( QPoint ) ), this, SLOT( connecttreeWidgetCostumPopupMenu( QPoint ) ) ); /* create a single connect dialog */ connectdialog = new ConnectDialog(); connect(ui.infoLog, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint&)), this, SLOT(displayInfoLogMenu(const QPoint&))); /* hide the Tree +/- */ ui.connecttreeWidget -> setRootIsDecorated( false ); /* Set header resize modes and initial section sizes */ QHeaderView * _header = ui.connecttreeWidget->header () ; _header->setResizeMode (0, QHeaderView::Custom); _header->setResizeMode (1, QHeaderView::Interactive); _header->setResizeMode (2, QHeaderView::Interactive); _header->setResizeMode (3, QHeaderView::Interactive); _header->setResizeMode (4, QHeaderView::Interactive); _header->setResizeMode (5, QHeaderView::Interactive); _header->setResizeMode (6, QHeaderView::Interactive); _header->setResizeMode (7, QHeaderView::Interactive); _header->setResizeMode (8, QHeaderView::Interactive); _header->setResizeMode (9, QHeaderView::Interactive); _header->resizeSection ( 0, 25 ); _header->resizeSection ( 1, 100 ); _header->resizeSection ( 2, 100 ); _header->resizeSection ( 3, 100 ); _header->resizeSection ( 4, 100 ); _header->resizeSection ( 5, 200); _header->resizeSection ( 6, 100 ); _header->resizeSection ( 7, 100 ); _header->resizeSection ( 8, 100 ); _header->resizeSection ( 9, 100 ); // set header text aligment QTreeWidgetItem * headerItem = ui.connecttreeWidget->headerItem(); headerItem->setTextAlignment(0, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); headerItem->setTextAlignment(1, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); headerItem->setTextAlignment(2, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); headerItem->setTextAlignment(3, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); headerItem->setTextAlignment(4, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); headerItem->setTextAlignment(5, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); headerItem->setTextAlignment(6, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); headerItem->setTextAlignment(7, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); headerItem->setTextAlignment(8, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); headerItem->setTextAlignment(9, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); /*networkview = new NetworkView(ui.networkviewTab); QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout; layout->addWidget(networkview); ui.networkviewTab->setLayout(layout); layout->setSpacing( 0 ); layout->setMargin( 0 );*/ ui.networkTab->addTab(new NetworkView(),QString(tr("Network View"))); ui.networkTab->addTab(new TrustView(),QString(tr("Trust matrix"))); // Set Log infos setLogInfo(tr("RetroShare %1 started.", "e.g: RetroShare v0.x started.").arg(retroshareVersion())); setLogInfo(tr("Welcome to RetroShare."), QString::fromUtf8("blue")); QMenu *menu = new QMenu(tr("View")); menu->addAction(ui.actionTabsright); menu->addAction(ui.actionTabswest); menu->addAction(ui.actionTabssouth); menu->addAction(ui.actionTabsnorth); menu->addSeparator(); menu->addAction(ui.actionTabsTriangular); menu->addAction(ui.actionTabsRounded); ui.viewButton->setMenu(menu); QTimer *timer = new QTimer(this); timer->connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(getNetworkStatus())); timer->start(100000); QTimer *timer2 = new QTimer(this); timer2->connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateNetworkStatus())); timer2->start(1000); getNetworkStatus(); updateNetworkStatus(); load(); /* Hide platform specific features */ #ifdef Q_WS_WIN #endif } void NetworkDialog::connecttreeWidgetCostumPopupMenu( QPoint point ) { QTreeWidgetItem *wi = getCurrentNeighbour(); if (!wi) return; // return ; QMenu contextMnu( this ); QMouseEvent *mevent = new QMouseEvent( QEvent::MouseButtonPress, point, Qt::RightButton, Qt::RightButton, Qt::NoModifier ); contextMnu.clear(); std::string peer_id = wi->text(9).toStdString() ; // That's what context menus are made for RsPeerDetails detail; if(!rsPeers->getPeerDetails(peer_id, detail)) // that is not suppose to fail. return ; if(peer_id != rsPeers->getOwnId()) if(detail.state & RS_PEER_STATE_FRIEND) { denyFriendAct = new QAction(QIcon(IMAGE_DENIED), tr( "Deny friend" ), this ); connect( denyFriendAct , SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( denyFriend() ) ); contextMnu.addAction( denyFriendAct); } else // not a friend { if(detail.trustLvl > RS_TRUST_LVL_MARGINAL) // it's a denied old friend. makefriendAct = new QAction(QIcon(IMAGE_MAKEFRIEND), tr( "Accept friend" ), this ); else makefriendAct = new QAction(QIcon(IMAGE_MAKEFRIEND), tr( "Make friend" ), this ); connect( makefriendAct , SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( makeFriend() ) ); contextMnu.addAction( makefriendAct); #ifdef TODO if(detail.trustLvl > RS_TRUST_LVL_MARGINAL) // it's a denied old friend. { deleteCertAct = new QAction(QIcon(IMAGE_PEERDETAILS), tr( "Delete certificate" ), this ); connect( deleteCertAct, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( deleteCert() ) ); contextMnu.addAction( deleteCertAct ); } #endif } peerdetailsAct = new QAction(QIcon(IMAGE_PEERDETAILS), tr( "Peer details..." ), this ); connect( peerdetailsAct , SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( peerdetails() ) ); contextMnu.addAction( peerdetailsAct); contextMnu.exec( mevent->globalPos() ); } void NetworkDialog::denyFriend() { QTreeWidgetItem *wi = getCurrentNeighbour(); std::string peer_id = wi->text(9).toStdString() ; rsPeers->removeFriend(peer_id) ; insertConnect() ; } void NetworkDialog::deleteCert() { #ifdef TODO // do whatever is needed to remove the certificate completely, hopping this // will eventually remove the signature we've stamped on it. std::cout << "Deleting friend !" << std::endl ; QTreeWidgetItem *wi = getCurrentNeighbour(); std::string peer_id = wi->text(9).toStdString() ; rsPeers->deleteCertificate(peer_id) ; insertConnect() ; #endif } void NetworkDialog::makeFriend() { QTreeWidgetItem *wi = getCurrentNeighbour(); std::string authId = wi->text(9).toStdString() ; rsPeers->AuthCertificate(authId, ""); rsPeers->addFriend(authId); insertConnect() ; } /** Shows Peer Information/Auth Dialog */ void NetworkDialog::peerdetails() { #if 0 #ifdef NET_DEBUG std::cerr << "ConnectionsDialog::peerdetails()" << std::endl; #endif QTreeWidgetItem *wi = if (!wi) return; RsCertId id = getNeighRsCertId(wi); std::ostringstream out; out << id; showpeerdetails(out.str()); #endif ConfCertDialog::show(getCurrentNeighbour()->text(9).toStdString()); } /** Shows Peer Information/Auth Dialog */ void NetworkDialog::showpeerdetails(std::string id) { #ifdef NET_DEBUG std::cerr << "ConnectionsDialog::showpeerdetails()" << std::endl; #endif if ((connectdialog) && (connectdialog -> loadPeer(id))) { connectdialog->show(); } } /** Open a QFileDialog to browse for a pem/pqi file. */ void NetworkDialog::loadcert() { /* Create a new input dialog, which allows users to create files, too */ QFileDialog *dialog = new QFileDialog(this, tr("Select a pem/pqi File")); //dialog->setDirectory(QFileInfo(ui.lineTorConfig->text()).absoluteDir()); //dialog->selectFile(QFileInfo(ui.lineTorConfig->text()).fileName()); dialog->setFileMode(QFileDialog::AnyFile); dialog->setReadOnly(false); /* Prompt the user to select a file or create a new one */ if (!dialog->exec() || dialog->selectedFiles().isEmpty()) { return; } QString filename = QDir::convertSeparators(dialog->selectedFiles().at(0)); /* Check if the file exists */ QFile torrcFile(filename); if (!QFileInfo(filename).exists()) { /* The given file does not exist. Should we create it? */ int response = VMessageBox::question(this, tr("File Not Found"), tr("%1 does not exist. Would you like to create it?") .arg(filename), VMessageBox::Yes, VMessageBox::No); if (response == VMessageBox::No) { /* Don't create it. Just bail. */ return; } /* Attempt to create the specified file */ if (!torrcFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { VMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Failed to Create File"), tr("Unable to create %1 [%2]").arg(filename) .arg(torrcFile.errorString()), VMessageBox::Ok); return; } } //ui.lineTorConfig->setText(filename); } #include /* get the list of Neighbours from the RsIface. */ void NetworkDialog::insertConnect() { if (!rsPeers) { return; } std::list neighs; std::list::iterator it; rsPeers->getOthersList(neighs); /* get a link to the table */ QTreeWidget *connectWidget = ui.connecttreeWidget; QTreeWidgetItem *oldSelect = getCurrentNeighbour(); QTreeWidgetItem *newSelect = NULL; std::string oldId; if (oldSelect) { oldId = (oldSelect -> text(9)).toStdString(); } QList items; for(it = neighs.begin(); it != neighs.end(); it++) { RsPeerDetails detail; if (!rsPeers->getPeerDetails(*it, detail)) { continue; /* BAD */ } /* make a widget per friend */ QTreeWidgetItem *item = new QTreeWidgetItem((QTreeWidget*)0); /* add all the labels */ /* (0) Status Icon */ item -> setText(0, ""); /* (1) Accept/Deny */ if (detail.state & RS_PEER_STATE_FRIEND) item -> setText(1, tr("Trusted")); else item -> setText(1, tr("Denied")); if (rsPeers->isTrustingMe(detail.id) || detail.lastConnect>0) item -> setText(2, tr("Is trusting me")); else item -> setText(2, tr("Unknown")); /* (3) Last Connect */ { std::ostringstream out; // Show anouncement if a friend never was connected. if (detail.lastConnect==0 ) item -> setText(3, tr("Never seen")); else { // Dont Show a timestamp in RS calculate the day QDateTime datum = QDateTime::fromTime_t(detail.lastConnect); // out << datum.toString(Qt::LocalDate); QString stime = datum.toString(Qt::LocalDate); item -> setText(3, stime); } } /* (4) Person */ item -> setText(4, QString::fromStdString(detail.name)); /* (5) Peer Address */ { std::ostringstream out; if(detail.state & RS_PEER_STATE_FRIEND) { out << detail.localAddr << ":"; out << detail.localPort << "/"; out << detail.extAddr << ":"; out << detail.extPort; } else { // No Trust => no IP Information out << ""; } item -> setText(5, QString::fromStdString(out.str())); } /* Others */ item -> setText(6, QString::fromStdString(detail.org)); item -> setText(7, QString::fromStdString(detail.location)); item -> setText(8, QString::fromStdString(detail.email)); { item -> setText(9, QString::fromStdString(detail.id)); if ((oldSelect) && (oldId == detail.id)) { newSelect = item; } } //item -> setText(10, QString::fromStdString(detail.authcode)); /** * Determinated the Background Color */ QColor backgrndcolor; if (detail.state & RS_PEER_STATE_FRIEND) { item -> setIcon(0,(QIcon(IMAGE_AUTHED))); backgrndcolor=Qt::green; } else { if (rsPeers->isTrustingMe(detail.id)) { backgrndcolor=Qt::magenta; item -> setIcon(0,(QIcon(IMAGE_TRUSTED))); for(int k=0;k<8;++k) item -> setToolTip(k,QString::fromStdString(detail.name) + QString(tr(" is trusting you. \nRight-click and select 'make friend' to be able to connect."))) ; } else if (detail.trustLvl > RS_TRUST_LVL_MARGINAL) { backgrndcolor=Qt::cyan; item -> setIcon(0,(QIcon(IMAGE_DENIED))); } else if (detail.lastConnect < 10000) /* 3 hours? */ { backgrndcolor=Qt::yellow; item -> setIcon(0,(QIcon(IMAGE_DENIED))); } else { backgrndcolor=Qt::gray; item -> setIcon(0,(QIcon(IMAGE_DENIED))); } } // Color each Background column in the Network Tab except the first one => 1-9 // whith the determinated color for(int i = 1; i <10; i++) item -> setBackground(i,QBrush(backgrndcolor)); /* add to the list */ items.append(item); } // add self to network. RsPeerDetails pd ; if(rsPeers->getPeerDetails(rsPeers->getOwnId(),pd)) { QTreeWidgetItem *self_item = new QTreeWidgetItem((QTreeWidget*)0); self_item->setText(1,"N/A"); self_item->setText(2,"N/A"); self_item->setText(3,"N/A"); self_item->setText(4,QString::fromStdString(pd.name) + " (yourself)") ; std::ostringstream out; out << pd.localAddr << ":" << pd.localPort << "/" << pd.extAddr << ":" << pd.extPort; self_item->setText(5, QString::fromStdString(out.str())); self_item->setText(6, QString::fromStdString(pd.org)); self_item->setText(7, QString::fromStdString(pd.location)); self_item->setText(8, QString::fromStdString(pd.email)); self_item->setText(9, QString::fromStdString(pd.id)); // Color each Background column in the Network Tab except the first one => 1-9 for(int i=1;i<10;++i) { self_item->setBackground(i,QBrush(Qt::green)); } self_item->setIcon(0,(QIcon(IMAGE_AUTHED))); items.append(self_item); } /* remove old items ??? */ connectWidget->clear(); connectWidget->setColumnCount(10); /* add the items in! */ connectWidget->insertTopLevelItems(0, items); if (newSelect) { connectWidget->setCurrentItem(newSelect); } connectWidget->update(); /* update display */ } QTreeWidgetItem *NetworkDialog::getCurrentNeighbour() { /* get the current, and extract the Id */ /* get a link to the table */ QTreeWidget *connectWidget = ui.connecttreeWidget; QTreeWidgetItem *item = connectWidget -> currentItem(); if (!item) { #ifdef NET_DEBUG std::cerr << "Invalid Current Item" << std::endl; #endif return NULL; } /* Display the columns of this item. */ return item; } /* Utility Fns */ RsCertId getNeighRsCertId(QTreeWidgetItem *i) { RsCertId id = (i -> text(9)).toStdString(); return id; } /* So from the Neighbours Dialog we can call the following control Functions: * (1) Load Certificate NeighLoadCertificate(std::string file) * (2) Neigh Auth NeighAuthFriend(id, code) * (3) Neigh Add NeighAddFriend(id) * * All of these rely on the finding of the current Id. */ std::string NetworkDialog::loadneighbour() { #ifdef NET_DEBUG std::cerr << "ConnectionsDialog::loadneighbour()" << std::endl; #endif QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Select Certificate"), "", tr("Certificates (*.pqi *.pem)")); std::string file = fileName.toStdString(); std::string id; if (file != "") { rsPeers->LoadCertificateFromFile(file, id); } return id; } void NetworkDialog::addneighbour() { QTreeWidgetItem *c = getCurrentNeighbour(); #ifdef NET_DEBUG std::cerr << "ConnectionsDialog::addneighbour()" << std::endl; #endif /* rsServer->NeighAddFriend(getNeighRsCertId(c)); */ } void NetworkDialog::authneighbour() { QTreeWidgetItem *c = getCurrentNeighbour(); #ifdef NET_DEBUG std::cerr << "ConnectionsDialog::authneighbour()" << std::endl; #endif /* RsAuthId code; rsServer->NeighAuthFriend(getNeighRsCertId(c), code); */ } // Update Log Info information void NetworkDialog::setLogInfo(QString info, QColor color) { static unsigned int nbLines = 0; ++nbLines; // Check log size, clear it if too big if(nbLines > 200) { ui.infoLog->clear(); nbLines = 1; } ui.infoLog->append(QString::fromUtf8("")+ QTime::currentTime().toString(QString::fromUtf8("hh:mm:ss")) + QString::fromUtf8(" - ") + info + QString::fromUtf8("")); } void NetworkDialog::on_actionClearLog_triggered() { ui.infoLog->clear(); } void NetworkDialog::displayInfoLogMenu(const QPoint& pos) { // Log Menu QMenu myLogMenu(this); myLogMenu.addAction(ui.actionClearLog); // XXX: Why mapToGlobal() is not enough? myLogMenu.exec(mapToGlobal(pos)+QPoint(0,320)); } void NetworkDialog::getNetworkStatus() { rsiface->lockData(); /* Lock Interface */ /* now the extra bit .... switch on check boxes */ const RsConfig &config = rsiface->getConfig(); /****** Log Tab **************************/ if(config.netUpnpOk) { setLogInfo(tr("UPNP is active."), QString::fromUtf8("blue")); } else { setLogInfo(tr("UPNP NOT FOUND."), QString::fromUtf8("red")); } if(config.netDhtOk) { setLogInfo(tr("DHT OK"), QString::fromUtf8("green")); } else { setLogInfo(tr("DHT is not working (down)."), QString::fromUtf8("red")); } if(config.netExtOk) { setLogInfo(tr("Stable External IP Address"), QString::fromUtf8("green")); } else { setLogInfo(tr("Not Found External Address"), QString::fromUtf8("red")); } if(config.netUdpOk) { setLogInfo(tr("UDP Port is reachable"), QString::fromUtf8("green")); } else { setLogInfo(tr("UDP Port is not reachable"), QString::fromUtf8("red")); } if(config.netTcpOk) { setLogInfo(tr("TCP Port is reachable"), QString::fromUtf8("green")); } else { setLogInfo(tr("TCP Port is not reachable"), QString::fromUtf8("red")); } if (config.netExtOk) { if (config.netUpnpOk || config.netTcpOk) { setLogInfo(tr("RetroShare Server"), QString::fromUtf8("green")); } else { setLogInfo(tr("UDP Server"), QString::fromUtf8("green")); } } else if (config.netOk) { setLogInfo(tr("Net Limited"), QString::fromUtf8("magenta")); } else { setLogInfo(tr("No Conectivity"), QString::fromUtf8("red")); } rsiface->unlockData(); /* UnLock Interface */ } void NetworkDialog::updateNetworkStatus() { rsiface->lockData(); /* Lock Interface */ /* now the extra bit .... switch on check boxes */ const RsConfig &config = rsiface->getConfig(); /******* Network Status Tab *******/ //ui.check_net->setChecked(config.netOk); ui.check_upnp->setChecked(config.netUpnpOk); ui.check_dht->setChecked(config.netDhtOk); ui.check_ext->setChecked(config.netExtOk); ui.check_udp->setChecked(config.netUdpOk); ui.check_tcp->setChecked(config.netTcpOk); if (config.netExtOk) { if (config.netUpnpOk || config.netTcpOk) { ui.radio_netServer->setChecked(true); } else { ui.radio_netUdp->setChecked(true); } } else if (config.netOk) { ui.radio_netLimited->setChecked(true); } else { ui.radio_nonet->setChecked(true); } rsiface->unlockData(); /* UnLock Interface */ } void NetworkDialog::load() { //ui.check_net->setCheckable(true); ui.check_upnp->setCheckable(true); ui.check_dht->setCheckable(true); ui.check_ext->setCheckable(true); ui.check_udp->setCheckable(true); ui.check_tcp->setCheckable(true); //ui.check_net->setEnabled(false); ui.check_upnp->setEnabled(false); ui.check_dht->setEnabled(false); ui.check_ext->setEnabled(false); ui.check_udp->setEnabled(false); ui.check_tcp->setEnabled(false); ui.radio_nonet->setEnabled(false); ui.radio_netLimited->setEnabled(false); ui.radio_netUdp->setEnabled(false); ui.radio_netServer->setEnabled(false); } void NetworkDialog::on_actionTabsright_activated() { ui.networkTab->setTabPosition(QTabWidget::East); } void NetworkDialog::on_actionTabsnorth_activated() { ui.networkTab->setTabPosition(QTabWidget::North); } void NetworkDialog::on_actionTabssouth_activated() { ui.networkTab->setTabPosition(QTabWidget::South); } void NetworkDialog::on_actionTabswest_activated() { ui.networkTab->setTabPosition(QTabWidget::West); } void NetworkDialog::on_actionTabsTriangular_activated() { ui.networkTab->setTabShape(QTabWidget::Triangular); ui.tabBottom->setTabShape(QTabWidget::Triangular); } void NetworkDialog::on_actionTabsRounded_activated() { ui.networkTab->setTabShape(QTabWidget::Rounded); ui.tabBottom->setTabShape(QTabWidget::Rounded); }