/* * libretroshare/src/ft: ftcontroller.h * * File Transfer for RetroShare. * * Copyright 2008 by Robert Fernie. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA. * * Please report all bugs and problems to "retroshare@lunamutt.com". * */ #ifndef FT_CONTROLLER_HEADER #define FT_CONTROLLER_HEADER /* * ftController * * Top level download controller. * * inherits configuration (save downloading files) * inherits pqiMonitor (knows which peers are online). * inherits CacheTransfer (transfers cache files too) * inherits RsThread (to control transfers) * */ class ftFileCreator; class ftTransferModule; class ftFileProvider; class ftSearch; class ftServer; class ftExtraList; class ftDataMultiplex; class p3turtle ; class p3ServiceControl; #include "util/rsthreads.h" #include "pqi/pqiservicemonitor.h" #include "pqi/p3cfgmgr.h" #include "retroshare/rsfiles.h" #include "serialiser/rsconfigitems.h" #include const uint32_t FC_TRANSFER_COMPLETE = 0x0001; class ftFileControl { public: enum { DOWNLOADING = 0, COMPLETED = 1, ERROR_COMPLETION = 2, QUEUED = 3, PAUSED = 4, CHECKING_HASH = 5 }; ftFileControl(); ftFileControl(std::string fname, std::string tmppath, std::string dest, uint64_t size, const RsFileHash& hash, TransferRequestFlags flags, ftFileCreator *fc, ftTransferModule *tm); std::string mName; std::string mCurrentPath; /* current full path (including name) */ std::string mDestination; /* final full path (including name) */ ftTransferModule * mTransfer; ftFileCreator * mCreator; uint32_t mState; RsFileHash mHash; uint64_t mSize; TransferRequestFlags mFlags; time_t mCreateTime; uint32_t mQueuePriority ; uint32_t mQueuePosition ; }; class ftPendingRequest { public: ftPendingRequest(const std::string& fname, const RsFileHash& hash, uint64_t size, const std::string& dest, TransferRequestFlags flags, const std::list &srcIds, uint16_t state) : mName(fname), mHash(hash), mSize(size), mDest(dest), mFlags(flags), mSrcIds(srcIds), mState(state) { return; } ftPendingRequest() : mSize(0), mFlags(0), mState(0) { return; } std::string mName; RsFileHash mHash; uint64_t mSize; std::string mDest; TransferRequestFlags mFlags; std::list mSrcIds; uint16_t mState; }; class ftController: public RsTickingThread, public pqiServiceMonitor, public p3Config { public: /* Setup */ ftController(ftDataMultiplex *dm, p3ServiceControl *sc, uint32_t ftServiceId); void setFtSearchNExtra(ftSearch *, ftExtraList *); void setTurtleRouter(p3turtle *) ; void setFtServer(ftServer *) ; bool activate(); bool isActiveAndNoPending(); virtual void data_tick(); /***************************************************************/ /********************** Controller Access **********************/ /***************************************************************/ bool FileRequest(const std::string& fname, const RsFileHash& hash, uint64_t size, const std::string& dest, TransferRequestFlags flags, const std::list &sourceIds, uint16_t state = ftFileControl::DOWNLOADING); /// Do we already have this file, either in download or in file lists ? bool alreadyHaveFile(const RsFileHash& hash, FileInfo &info); bool setChunkStrategy(const RsFileHash& hash,FileChunksInfo::ChunkStrategy s); void setDefaultChunkStrategy(FileChunksInfo::ChunkStrategy s); void setDefaultEncryptionPolicy(uint32_t s); FileChunksInfo::ChunkStrategy defaultChunkStrategy(); uint32_t freeDiskSpaceLimit() const ; void setFreeDiskSpaceLimit(uint32_t size_in_mb) ; uint32_t defaultEncryptionPolicy(); bool FileCancel(const RsFileHash& hash); bool FileControl(const RsFileHash& hash, uint32_t flags); bool FileClearCompleted(); bool FlagFileComplete(const RsFileHash& hash); bool getFileDownloadChunksDetails(const RsFileHash& hash,FileChunksInfo& info); bool setDestinationName(const RsFileHash& hash,const std::string& dest_name) ; bool setDestinationDirectory(const RsFileHash& hash,const std::string& dest_name) ; // Download speed bool getPriority(const RsFileHash& hash,DwlSpeed& p); void setPriority(const RsFileHash& hash,DwlSpeed p); // Action on queue position // void moveInQueue(const RsFileHash& hash,QueueMove mv) ; void clearQueue() ; void setQueueSize(uint32_t size) ; uint32_t getQueueSize() ; /* get Details of File Transfers */ void FileDownloads(std::list &hashs); /* Directory Handling */ bool setDownloadDirectory(std::string path); bool setPartialsDirectory(std::string path); std::string getDownloadDirectory(); std::string getPartialsDirectory(); bool FileDetails(const RsFileHash &hash, FileInfo &info); /***************************************************************/ /********************** Cache Transfer *************************/ /***************************************************************/ /// Returns true is full source availability can be assumed for this peer. /// bool assumeAvailability(const RsPeerId& peer_id) const ; /* pqiMonitor callback (also provided mConnMgr pointer!) */ virtual void statusChange(const std::list &plist); void addFileSource(const RsFileHash& hash,const RsPeerId& peer_id) ; void removeFileSource(const RsFileHash& hash,const RsPeerId& peer_id) ; protected: void searchForDirectSources() ; void tickTransfers() ; /***************************************************************/ /********************** Controller Access **********************/ /***************************************************************/ /* p3Config Interface */ virtual RsSerialiser *setupSerialiser(); virtual bool saveList(bool &cleanup, std::list&); virtual bool loadList(std::list& load); bool loadConfigMap(std::map &configMap); private: /* RunTime Functions */ void checkDownloadQueue(); // check the whole queue for inactive files void locked_addToQueue(ftFileControl*,int strategy) ;// insert this one into the queue void locked_bottomQueue(uint32_t pos) ; // bottom queue file which is at this position void locked_topQueue(uint32_t pos) ; // top queue file which is at this position void locked_checkQueueElement(uint32_t pos) ; // check the state of this element in the queue void locked_queueRemove(uint32_t pos) ; // delete this element from the queue void locked_swapQueue(uint32_t pos1,uint32_t pos2) ; // swap position of the two elements bool completeFile(const RsFileHash& hash); bool handleAPendingRequest(); bool setPeerState(ftTransferModule *tm, const RsPeerId& id, uint32_t maxrate, bool online); time_t last_save_time ; time_t last_clean_time ; /* pointers to other components */ ftSearch *mSearch; ftDataMultiplex *mDataplex; ftExtraList *mExtraList; p3turtle *mTurtle ; ftServer *mFtServer ; p3ServiceControl *mServiceCtrl; uint32_t mFtServiceType; uint32_t mDefaultEncryptionPolicy ; uint32_t cnt ; RsMutex ctrlMutex; std::map mCompleted; std::map mDownloads; std::vector mDownloadQueue ; std::string mConfigPath; std::string mDownloadPath; std::string mPartialsPath; /**** SPEED QUEUES ****/ /* callback list (for File Completion) */ RsMutex doneMutex; std::list mDone; /* List to Pause File transfers until Caches are properly loaded */ bool mFtActive; bool mFtPendingDone; std::list mPendingRequests; std::map mPendingChunkMaps ; FileChunksInfo::ChunkStrategy mDefaultChunkStrategy ; uint32_t _max_active_downloads ; // maximum number of simultaneous downloads }; #endif