#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef WINDOWS_SYS #include "util/rsstring.h" #endif extern "C" { #include #include #include #include #include #include #include } #include "pgphandler.h" #include "retroshare/rsiface.h" // For rsicontrol. #include "util/rsdir.h" #include "pgp/pgpkeyutil.h" //#define DEBUG_PGPHANDLER 1 //#define PGPHANDLER_DSA_SUPPORT PassphraseCallback PGPHandler::_passphrase_callback = NULL ; ops_keyring_t *PGPHandler::allocateOPSKeyring() { ops_keyring_t *kr = (ops_keyring_t*)malloc(sizeof(ops_keyring_t)) ; kr->nkeys = 0 ; kr->nkeys_allocated = 0 ; kr->keys = 0 ; return kr ; } ops_parse_cb_return_t cb_get_passphrase(const ops_parser_content_t *content_,ops_parse_cb_info_t *cbinfo)// __attribute__((unused))) { const ops_parser_content_union_t *content=&content_->content; bool prev_was_bad = false ; switch(content_->tag) { case OPS_PARSER_CMD_GET_SK_PASSPHRASE_PREV_WAS_BAD: prev_was_bad = true ; case OPS_PARSER_CMD_GET_SK_PASSPHRASE: { std::string passwd; std::string uid_hint ; if(cbinfo->cryptinfo.keydata->nuids > 0) uid_hint = std::string((const char *)cbinfo->cryptinfo.keydata->uids[0].user_id) ; uid_hint += "(" + PGPIdType(cbinfo->cryptinfo.keydata->key_id).toStdString()+")" ; passwd = PGPHandler::passphraseCallback()(NULL,uid_hint.c_str(),NULL,prev_was_bad) ; *(content->secret_key_passphrase.passphrase)= (char *)ops_mallocz(passwd.length()+1) ; memcpy(*(content->secret_key_passphrase.passphrase),passwd.c_str(),passwd.length()) ; return OPS_KEEP_MEMORY; } break; default: break; } return OPS_RELEASE_MEMORY; } void PGPHandler::setPassphraseCallback(PassphraseCallback cb) { _passphrase_callback = cb ; } PGPHandler::PGPHandler(const std::string& pubring, const std::string& secring,const std::string& trustdb,const std::string& pgp_lock_filename) : pgphandlerMtx(std::string("PGPHandler")), _pubring_path(pubring),_secring_path(secring),_trustdb_path(trustdb),_pgp_lock_filename(pgp_lock_filename) { RsStackMutex mtx(pgphandlerMtx) ; // lock access to PGP memory structures. _pubring_changed = false ; _trustdb_changed = false ; RsStackFileLock flck(_pgp_lock_filename) ; // lock access to PGP directory. if(_passphrase_callback == NULL) std::cerr << "WARNING: before created a PGPHandler, you need to init the passphrase callback using PGPHandler::setPassphraseCallback()" << std::endl; // Allocate public and secret keyrings. // _pubring = allocateOPSKeyring() ; _secring = allocateOPSKeyring() ; // Check that the file exists. If not, create a void keyring. FILE *ftest ; ftest = fopen(pubring.c_str(),"rb") ; bool pubring_exist = (ftest != NULL) ; if(ftest != NULL) fclose(ftest) ; ftest = fopen(secring.c_str(),"rb") ; bool secring_exist = (ftest != NULL) ; if(ftest != NULL) fclose(ftest) ; // Read public and secret keyrings from supplied files. // if(pubring_exist) { if(ops_false == ops_keyring_read_from_file(_pubring, false, pubring.c_str())) throw std::runtime_error("PGPHandler::readKeyRing(): cannot read pubring. File corrupted.") ; } else std::cerr << "pubring file \"" << pubring << "\" not found. Creating a void keyring." << std::endl; const ops_keydata_t *keydata ; int i=0 ; while( (keydata = ops_keyring_get_key_by_index(_pubring,i)) != NULL ) { PGPCertificateInfo& cert(_public_keyring_map[ PGPIdType(keydata->key_id).toStdString() ]) ; // Init all certificates. initCertificateInfo(cert,keydata,i) ; // Validate signatures. validateAndUpdateSignatures(cert,keydata) ; ++i ; } _pubring_last_update_time = time(NULL) ; std::cerr << "Pubring read successfully." << std::endl; if(secring_exist) { if(ops_false == ops_keyring_read_from_file(_secring, false, secring.c_str())) throw std::runtime_error("PGPHandler::readKeyRing(): cannot read secring. File corrupted.") ; } else std::cerr << "secring file \"" << secring << "\" not found. Creating a void keyring." << std::endl; i=0 ; while( (keydata = ops_keyring_get_key_by_index(_secring,i)) != NULL ) { initCertificateInfo(_secret_keyring_map[ PGPIdType(keydata->key_id).toStdString() ],keydata,i) ; ++i ; } _secring_last_update_time = time(NULL) ; std::cerr << "Secring read successfully." << std::endl; locked_readPrivateTrustDatabase() ; _trustdb_last_update_time = time(NULL) ; } void PGPHandler::initCertificateInfo(PGPCertificateInfo& cert,const ops_keydata_t *keydata,uint32_t index) { // Parse certificate name // if(keydata->uids != NULL) { std::string namestring( (char *)keydata->uids[0].user_id ) ; cert._name = "" ; uint32_t i=0; while(i < namestring.length() && namestring[i] != '(' && namestring[i] != '<') { cert._name += namestring[i] ; ++i ;} // trim right spaces std::string::size_type found = cert._name.find_last_not_of(' '); if (found != std::string::npos) cert._name.erase(found + 1); else cert._name.clear(); // all whitespace std::string& next = (namestring[i] == '(')?cert._comment:cert._email ; ++i ; next = "" ; while(i < namestring.length() && namestring[i] != ')' && namestring[i] != '>') { next += namestring[i] ; ++i ;} while(i < namestring.length() && namestring[i] != '(' && namestring[i] != '<') { next += namestring[i] ; ++i ;} if(i< namestring.length()) { std::string& next2 = (namestring[i] == '(')?cert._comment:cert._email ; ++i ; next2 = "" ; while(i < namestring.length() && namestring[i] != ')' && namestring[i] != '>') { next2 += namestring[i] ; ++i ;} } } cert._trustLvl = 1 ; // to be setup accordingly cert._validLvl = 1 ; // to be setup accordingly cert._key_index = index ; cert._flags = 0 ; switch(keydata->key.pkey.algorithm) { case OPS_PKA_RSA: cert._type = PGPCertificateInfo::PGP_CERTIFICATE_TYPE_RSA ; break ; case OPS_PKA_DSA: cert._type = PGPCertificateInfo::PGP_CERTIFICATE_TYPE_DSA ; cert._flags |= PGPCertificateInfo::PGP_CERTIFICATE_FLAG_UNSUPPORTED_ALGORITHM ; break ; default: cert._type = PGPCertificateInfo::PGP_CERTIFICATE_TYPE_UNKNOWN ; cert._flags |= PGPCertificateInfo::PGP_CERTIFICATE_FLAG_UNSUPPORTED_ALGORITHM ; break ; } ops_fingerprint_t f ; ops_fingerprint(&f,&keydata->key.pkey) ; cert._fpr = PGPFingerprintType(f.fingerprint) ; } bool PGPHandler::validateAndUpdateSignatures(PGPCertificateInfo& cert,const ops_keydata_t *keydata) { ops_validate_result_t* result=(ops_validate_result_t*)ops_mallocz(sizeof *result); ops_boolean_t res = ops_validate_key_signatures(result,keydata,_pubring,cb_get_passphrase) ; if(res == ops_false) std::cerr << "(WW) Error in PGPHandler::validateAndUpdateSignatures(). Validation failed for at least some signatures." << std::endl; bool ret = false ; // Parse signers. // if(result != NULL) for(size_t i=0;ivalid_count;++i) { std::string signer_str = PGPIdType(result->valid_sigs[i].signer_id).toStdString() ; if(cert.signers.find(signer_str) == cert.signers.end()) { cert.signers.insert(signer_str) ; ret = true ; } } ops_validate_result_free(result) ; return ret ; } PGPHandler::~PGPHandler() { RsStackMutex mtx(pgphandlerMtx) ; // lock access to PGP memory structures. #ifdef DEBUG_PGPHANDLER std::cerr << "Freeing PGPHandler. Deleting keyrings." << std::endl; #endif // no need to free the the _map_ elements. They will be freed by the following calls: // ops_keyring_free(_pubring) ; ops_keyring_free(_secring) ; free(_pubring) ; free(_secring) ; } bool PGPHandler::printKeys() const { #ifdef DEBUG_PGPHANDLER std::cerr << "Printing details of all " << std::dec << _public_keyring_map.size() << " keys: " << std::endl; #endif for(std::map::const_iterator it(_public_keyring_map.begin()); it != _public_keyring_map.end(); it++) { std::cerr << "PGP Key: " << it->first << std::endl; std::cerr << "\tName : " << it->second._name << std::endl; std::cerr << "\tEmail : " << it->second._email << std::endl; std::cerr << "\tOwnSign : " << (it->second._flags & PGPCertificateInfo::PGP_CERTIFICATE_FLAG_HAS_OWN_SIGNATURE) << std::endl; std::cerr << "\tAccept Connect: " << (it->second._flags & PGPCertificateInfo::PGP_CERTIFICATE_FLAG_ACCEPT_CONNEXION) << std::endl; std::cerr << "\ttrustLvl : " << it->second._trustLvl << std::endl; std::cerr << "\tvalidLvl : " << it->second._validLvl << std::endl; std::cerr << "\tfingerprint : " << it->second._fpr.toStdString() << std::endl; std::cerr << "\tSigners : " << it->second.signers.size() << std::endl; std::set::const_iterator sit; for(sit = it->second.signers.begin(); sit != it->second.signers.end(); sit++) { std::cerr << "\t\tSigner ID:" << *sit << ", Name: " ; const PGPCertificateInfo *info = PGPHandler::getCertificateInfo(PGPIdType(*sit)) ; if(info != NULL) std::cerr << info->_name ; std::cerr << std::endl ; } } std::cerr << "Public keyring list from OPS:" << std::endl; ops_keyring_list(_pubring) ; return true ; } bool PGPHandler::haveSecretKey(const PGPIdType& id) const { RsStackMutex mtx(pgphandlerMtx) ; // lock access to PGP memory structures. return getSecretKey(id) != NULL ; } const PGPCertificateInfo *PGPHandler::getCertificateInfo(const PGPIdType& id) const { RsStackMutex mtx(pgphandlerMtx) ; // lock access to PGP memory structures. std::map::const_iterator it( _public_keyring_map.find(id.toStdString()) ) ; if(it != _public_keyring_map.end()) return &it->second; else return NULL ; } bool PGPHandler::availableGPGCertificatesWithPrivateKeys(std::list& ids) { RsStackMutex mtx(pgphandlerMtx) ; // lock access to PGP memory structures. // go through secret keyring, and check that we have the pubkey as well. // const ops_keydata_t *keydata = NULL ; int i=0 ; while( (keydata = ops_keyring_get_key_by_index(_secring,i++)) != NULL ) if(ops_keyring_find_key_by_id(_pubring,keydata->key_id) != NULL) // check that the key is in the pubring as well { #ifdef PGPHANDLER_DSA_SUPPORT if(keydata->key.pkey.algorithm == OPS_PKA_RSA || keydata->key.pkey.algorithm == OPS_PKA_DSA) #else if(keydata->key.pkey.algorithm == OPS_PKA_RSA) #endif ids.push_back(PGPIdType(keydata->key_id)) ; #ifdef DEBUG_PGPHANDLER else std::cerr << "Skipping keypair " << PGPIdType(keydata->key_id).toStdString() << ", unsupported algorithm: " << keydata->key.pkey.algorithm << std::endl; #endif } return true ; } bool PGPHandler::GeneratePGPCertificate(const std::string& name, const std::string& email, const std::string& passphrase, PGPIdType& pgpId, std::string& errString) { RsStackMutex mtx(pgphandlerMtx) ; // lock access to PGP memory structures. RsStackFileLock flck(_pgp_lock_filename) ; // lock access to PGP directory. static const int KEY_NUMBITS = 2048 ; // 1 - generate keypair - RSA-2048 // ops_user_id_t uid ; char *s = strdup((name + " (Generated by RetroShare) <" + email + ">" ).c_str()) ; uid.user_id = (unsigned char *)s ; unsigned long int e = 65537 ; // some prime number ops_keydata_t *key = ops_rsa_create_selfsigned_keypair(KEY_NUMBITS,e,&uid) ; free(s) ; if(!key) return false ; // 2 - save the private key encrypted to a temporary memory buffer, so as to read an encrypted key to memory ops_create_info_t *cinfo = NULL ; ops_memory_t *buf = NULL ; ops_setup_memory_write(&cinfo, &buf, 0); if(!ops_write_transferable_secret_key(key,(unsigned char *)passphrase.c_str(),passphrase.length(),ops_false,cinfo)) { errString = std::string("(EE) Cannot encode secret key to memory!!") ; return false ; } // 3 - read the memory chunk into an encrypted keyring ops_keyring_t *tmp_secring = allocateOPSKeyring() ; if(! ops_keyring_read_from_mem(tmp_secring, ops_false, buf)) { errString = std::string("(EE) Cannot re-read key from memory!!") ; return false ; } ops_teardown_memory_write(cinfo,buf); // cleanup memory // 4 - copy the encrypted private key to the private keyring pgpId = PGPIdType(tmp_secring->keys[0].key_id) ; addNewKeyToOPSKeyring(_secring,tmp_secring->keys[0]) ; initCertificateInfo(_secret_keyring_map[ pgpId.toStdString() ],&tmp_secring->keys[0],_secring->nkeys-1) ; #ifdef DEBUG_PGPHANDLER std::cerr << "Added new secret key with id " << pgpId.toStdString() << " to secret keyring." << std::endl; #endif ops_keyring_free(tmp_secring) ; free(tmp_secring) ; // 5 - add key to secret keyring on disk. cinfo = NULL ; int fd=ops_setup_file_append(&cinfo, _secring_path.c_str()); if(!ops_write_transferable_secret_key(key,(unsigned char *)passphrase.c_str(),passphrase.length(),ops_false,cinfo)) { errString= std::string("Cannot encode secret key to disk!! Disk full? Out of disk quota?") ; return false ; } ops_teardown_file_write(cinfo,fd) ; // 6 - copy the public key to the public keyring on disk cinfo = NULL ; fd=ops_setup_file_append(&cinfo, _pubring_path.c_str()); if(!ops_write_transferable_public_key(key, ops_false, cinfo)) { errString=std::string("Cannot encode secret key to memory!!") ; return false ; } ops_teardown_file_write(cinfo,fd) ; // 7 - clean ops_keydata_free(key) ; // 8 - re-read the key from the public keyring, and add it to memory. _pubring_last_update_time = 0 ; // force update pubring from disk. locked_syncPublicKeyring() ; #ifdef DEBUG_PGPHANDLER std::cerr << "Added new public key with id " << pgpId.toStdString() << " to public keyring." << std::endl; #endif // 9 - Update some flags. privateTrustCertificate(pgpId,PGPCertificateInfo::PGP_CERTIFICATE_TRUST_ULTIMATE) ; return true ; } std::string PGPHandler::makeRadixEncodedPGPKey(const ops_keydata_t *key,bool include_signatures) { ops_create_info_t* cinfo; ops_memory_t *buf = NULL ; ops_setup_memory_write(&cinfo, &buf, 0); ops_boolean_t armoured = ops_true ; if(key->type == OPS_PTAG_CT_PUBLIC_KEY) { if(ops_write_transferable_public_key_from_packet_data(key,armoured,cinfo) != ops_true) return "ERROR: This key cannot be processed by RetroShare because\nDSA certificates are not yet handled." ; } else if(key->type == OPS_PTAG_CT_ENCRYPTED_SECRET_KEY) { if(ops_write_transferable_secret_key_from_packet_data(key,armoured,cinfo) != ops_true) return "ERROR: This key cannot be processed by RetroShare because\nDSA certificates are not yet handled." ; } else { std::cerr << "Unhandled key type " << key->type << std::endl; return "ERROR: Cannot write key. Unhandled key type. " ; } ops_writer_close(cinfo) ; std::string res((char *)ops_memory_get_data(buf),ops_memory_get_length(buf)) ; ops_teardown_memory_write(cinfo,buf); if(!include_signatures) { std::string tmp ; if(PGPKeyManagement::createMinimalKey(res,tmp) ) res = tmp ; } return res ; } const ops_keydata_t *PGPHandler::getSecretKey(const PGPIdType& id) const { std::map::const_iterator res = _secret_keyring_map.find(id.toStdString()) ; if(res == _secret_keyring_map.end()) return NULL ; else return ops_keyring_get_key_by_index(_secring,res->second._key_index) ; } const ops_keydata_t *PGPHandler::getPublicKey(const PGPIdType& id) const { std::map::const_iterator res = _public_keyring_map.find(id.toStdString()) ; if(res == _public_keyring_map.end()) return NULL ; else return ops_keyring_get_key_by_index(_pubring,res->second._key_index) ; } std::string PGPHandler::SaveCertificateToString(const PGPIdType& id,bool include_signatures) const { RsStackMutex mtx(pgphandlerMtx) ; // lock access to PGP memory structures. const ops_keydata_t *key = getPublicKey(id) ; if(key == NULL) { std::cerr << "Cannot output key " << id.toStdString() << ": not found in keyring." << std::endl; return "" ; } return makeRadixEncodedPGPKey(key,include_signatures) ; } bool PGPHandler::exportPublicKey(const PGPIdType& id,unsigned char *& mem_block,size_t& mem_size,bool armoured,bool include_signatures) const { RsStackMutex mtx(pgphandlerMtx) ; // lock access to PGP memory structures. const ops_keydata_t *key = getPublicKey(id) ; mem_block = NULL ; if(key == NULL) { std::cerr << "Cannot output key " << id.toStdString() << ": not found in keyring." << std::endl; return false ; } ops_create_info_t* cinfo; ops_memory_t *buf = NULL ; ops_setup_memory_write(&cinfo, &buf, 0); if(ops_write_transferable_public_key_from_packet_data(key,armoured,cinfo) != ops_true) { std::cerr << "ERROR: This key cannot be processed by RetroShare because\nDSA certificates are not yet handled." << std::endl; return false ; } ops_writer_close(cinfo) ; mem_block = new unsigned char[ops_memory_get_length(buf)] ; mem_size = ops_memory_get_length(buf) ; memcpy(mem_block,ops_memory_get_data(buf),mem_size) ; ops_teardown_memory_write(cinfo,buf); if(!include_signatures) { size_t new_size ; PGPKeyManagement::findLengthOfMinimalKey(mem_block,mem_size,new_size) ; mem_size = new_size ; } return true ; } bool PGPHandler::exportGPGKeyPair(const std::string& filename,const PGPIdType& exported_key_id) const { RsStackMutex mtx(pgphandlerMtx) ; // lock access to PGP memory structures. const ops_keydata_t *pubkey = getPublicKey(exported_key_id) ; if(pubkey == NULL) { std::cerr << "Cannot output key " << exported_key_id.toStdString() << ": not found in public keyring." << std::endl; return false ; } const ops_keydata_t *seckey = getSecretKey(exported_key_id) ; if(seckey == NULL) { std::cerr << "Cannot output key " << exported_key_id.toStdString() << ": not found in secret keyring." << std::endl; return false ; } FILE *f = fopen(filename.c_str(),"w") ; if(f == NULL) { std::cerr << "Cannot output key " << exported_key_id.toStdString() << ": file " << filename << " cannot be written. Please check for permissions, quotas, disk space." << std::endl; return false ; } fprintf(f,"%s\n", makeRadixEncodedPGPKey(pubkey,true).c_str()) ; fprintf(f,"%s\n", makeRadixEncodedPGPKey(seckey,true).c_str()) ; fclose(f) ; return true ; } bool PGPHandler::getGPGDetailsFromBinaryBlock(const unsigned char *mem_block,size_t mem_size,std::string& key_id, std::string& name, std::list& signers) const { ops_keyring_t *tmp_keyring = allocateOPSKeyring(); ops_memory_t *mem = ops_memory_new() ; ops_memory_add(mem,mem_block,mem_size); if(!ops_keyring_read_from_mem(tmp_keyring,ops_false,mem)) { ops_keyring_free(tmp_keyring) ; free(tmp_keyring) ; ops_memory_release(mem) ; free(mem) ; std::cerr << "Could not read key. Format error?" << std::endl; //error_string = std::string("Could not read key. Format error?") ; return false ; } ops_memory_release(mem) ; free(mem) ; //error_string.clear() ; if(tmp_keyring->nkeys != 1) { std::cerr << "No or incomplete/invalid key in supplied pgp block." << std::endl; return false ; } key_id = PGPIdType(tmp_keyring->keys[0].key_id).toStdString() ; name = std::string((char *)tmp_keyring->keys[0].uids[0].user_id) ; // now parse signatures. // ops_validate_result_t* result=(ops_validate_result_t*)ops_mallocz(sizeof *result); ops_boolean_t res ; { RsStackMutex mtx(pgphandlerMtx) ; // lock access to PGP memory structures. res = ops_validate_key_signatures(result,&tmp_keyring->keys[0],_pubring,cb_get_passphrase) ; } if(res == ops_false) std::cerr << "(WW) Error in PGPHandler::validateAndUpdateSignatures(). Validation failed for at least some signatures." << std::endl; // also add self-signature if any (there should be!). // res = ops_validate_key_signatures(result,&tmp_keyring->keys[0],tmp_keyring,cb_get_passphrase) ; if(res == ops_false) std::cerr << "(WW) Error in PGPHandler::validateAndUpdateSignatures(). Validation failed for at least some signatures." << std::endl; // Parse signers. // std::set signers_set ; // Use a set to remove duplicates. if(result != NULL) for(size_t i=0;ivalid_count;++i) { std::string signer_str = PGPIdType(result->valid_sigs[i].signer_id).toStdString() ; signers_set.insert(signer_str) ; } ops_validate_result_free(result) ; ops_keyring_free(tmp_keyring) ; free(tmp_keyring) ; // write to the output variable signers.clear() ; for(std::set::const_iterator it(signers_set.begin());it!=signers_set.end();++it) signers.push_back(*it) ; return true ; } bool PGPHandler::importGPGKeyPair(const std::string& filename,PGPIdType& imported_key_id,std::string& import_error) { import_error = "" ; // 1 - Test for file existance // FILE *ftest = fopen(filename.c_str(),"r") ; if(ftest == NULL) { import_error = "Cannot open file " + filename + " for read. Please check access permissions." ; return false ; } fclose(ftest) ; // 2 - Read keyring from supplied file. // ops_keyring_t *tmp_keyring = allocateOPSKeyring(); if(ops_false == ops_keyring_read_from_file(tmp_keyring, ops_true, filename.c_str())) { import_error = "PGPHandler::readKeyRing(): cannot read key file. File corrupted?" ; return false ; } if(tmp_keyring->nkeys != 2) { import_error = "PGPHandler::importKeyPair(): file does not contain a valid keypair." ; if(tmp_keyring->nkeys > 2) import_error += "\nMake sure that your key is a RSA key (DSA is not yet supported) and does not contain subkeys (not supported yet)."; return false ; } // 3 - Test that keyring contains a valid keypair. // const ops_keydata_t *pubkey = NULL ; const ops_keydata_t *seckey = NULL ; if(tmp_keyring->keys[0].type == OPS_PTAG_CT_PUBLIC_KEY) pubkey = &tmp_keyring->keys[0] ; else if(tmp_keyring->keys[0].type == OPS_PTAG_CT_ENCRYPTED_SECRET_KEY) seckey = &tmp_keyring->keys[0] ; else { import_error = "Unrecognised key type in key file for key #0. Giving up." ; std::cerr << "Unrecognised key type " << tmp_keyring->keys[0].type << " in key file for key #0. Giving up." << std::endl; return false ; } if(tmp_keyring->keys[1].type == OPS_PTAG_CT_PUBLIC_KEY) pubkey = &tmp_keyring->keys[1] ; else if(tmp_keyring->keys[1].type == OPS_PTAG_CT_ENCRYPTED_SECRET_KEY) seckey = &tmp_keyring->keys[1] ; else { import_error = "Unrecognised key type in key file for key #1. Giving up." ; std::cerr << "Unrecognised key type " << tmp_keyring->keys[1].type << " in key file for key #1. Giving up." << std::endl; return false ; } if(pubkey == NULL || seckey == NULL || pubkey == seckey) { import_error = "File does not contain a public and a private key. Sorry." ; return false ; } if(memcmp(pubkey->fingerprint.fingerprint,seckey->fingerprint.fingerprint,KEY_FINGERPRINT_SIZE) != 0) { import_error = "Public and private keys do nt have the same fingerprint. Sorry!" ; return false ; } if(pubkey->key.pkey.version != 4) { import_error = "Public key is not version 4. Rejected!" ; return false ; } // 4 - now check self-signature for this keypair. For this we build a dummy keyring containing only the key. // ops_validate_result_t *result=(ops_validate_result_t*)ops_mallocz(sizeof *result); ops_keyring_t dummy_keyring ; dummy_keyring.nkeys=1 ; dummy_keyring.nkeys_allocated=1 ; dummy_keyring.keys=const_cast(pubkey) ; ops_validate_key_signatures(result, const_cast(pubkey), &dummy_keyring, cb_get_passphrase) ; if(result->valid_count != 1 || memcmp((unsigned char*)result->valid_sigs[0].signer_id,pubkey->key_id,KEY_ID_SIZE)) { import_error = "Cannot validate self signature for the imported key. Sorry." ; return false ; } ops_validate_result_free(result); // 5 - All test passed. Adding key to keyring. // RsStackMutex mtx(pgphandlerMtx) ; // lock access to PGP memory structures. imported_key_id = PGPIdType(pubkey->key_id) ; if(getSecretKey(imported_key_id) == NULL) { RsStackFileLock flck(_pgp_lock_filename) ; // lock access to PGP directory. ops_create_info_t *cinfo = NULL ; int fd=ops_setup_file_append(&cinfo, _secring_path.c_str()); if(!ops_write_transferable_secret_key_from_packet_data(seckey,ops_false,cinfo)) { import_error = "(EE) Cannot encode secret key to disk!! Disk full? Out of disk quota?" ; return false ; } ops_teardown_file_write(cinfo,fd) ; addNewKeyToOPSKeyring(_secring,*seckey) ; initCertificateInfo(_secret_keyring_map[ imported_key_id.toStdString() ],seckey,_secring->nkeys-1) ; } else import_error = "Private key already exists! Not importing it again." ; if(addOrMergeKey(_pubring,_public_keyring_map,pubkey)) _pubring_changed = true ; // 6 - clean // ops_keyring_free(tmp_keyring) ; return true ; } void PGPHandler::addNewKeyToOPSKeyring(ops_keyring_t *kr,const ops_keydata_t& key) { kr->keys = (ops_keydata_t*)realloc(kr->keys,(kr->nkeys+1)*sizeof(ops_keydata_t)) ; memset(&kr->keys[kr->nkeys],0,sizeof(ops_keydata_t)) ; ops_keydata_copy(&kr->keys[kr->nkeys],&key) ; kr->nkeys++ ; } bool PGPHandler::LoadCertificateFromString(const std::string& pgp_cert,PGPIdType& id,std::string& error_string) { RsStackMutex mtx(pgphandlerMtx) ; // lock access to PGP memory structures. #ifdef DEBUG_PGPHANDLER std::cerr << "Reading new key from string: " << std::endl; #endif ops_keyring_t *tmp_keyring = allocateOPSKeyring(); ops_memory_t *mem = ops_memory_new() ; ops_memory_add(mem,(unsigned char *)pgp_cert.c_str(),pgp_cert.length()) ; if(!ops_keyring_read_from_mem(tmp_keyring,ops_true,mem)) { ops_keyring_free(tmp_keyring) ; free(tmp_keyring) ; ops_memory_release(mem) ; free(mem) ; std::cerr << "Could not read key. Format error?" << std::endl; error_string = std::string("Could not read key. Format error?") ; return false ; } ops_memory_release(mem) ; free(mem) ; error_string.clear() ; #ifdef DEBUG_PGPHANDLER std::cerr << " Key read correctly: " << std::endl; #endif ops_keyring_list(tmp_keyring) ; const ops_keydata_t *keydata = NULL ; int i=0 ; while( (keydata = ops_keyring_get_key_by_index(tmp_keyring,i++)) != NULL ) if(addOrMergeKey(_pubring,_public_keyring_map,keydata)) { _pubring_changed = true ; #ifdef DEBUG_PGPHANDLER std::cerr << " Added the key in the main public keyring." << std::endl; #endif } else std::cerr << "Key already in public keyring." << std::endl; if(tmp_keyring->nkeys > 0) id = PGPIdType(tmp_keyring->keys[0].key_id) ; else return false ; ops_keyring_free(tmp_keyring) ; free(tmp_keyring) ; _pubring_changed = true ; return true ; } bool PGPHandler::addOrMergeKey(ops_keyring_t *keyring,std::map& kmap,const ops_keydata_t *keydata) { bool ret = false ; PGPIdType id(keydata->key_id) ; #ifdef DEBUG_PGPHANDLER std::cerr << "AddOrMergeKey():" << std::endl; std::cerr << " id: " << id.toStdString() << std::endl; #endif // See if the key is already in the keyring const ops_keydata_t *existing_key = NULL; std::map::const_iterator res = kmap.find(id.toStdString()) ; // Checks that // - the key is referenced by keyid // - the map is initialized // - the fingerprint matches! // if(res == kmap.end() || (existing_key = ops_keyring_get_key_by_index(keyring,res->second._key_index)) == NULL) { #ifdef DEBUG_PGPHANDLER std::cerr << " Key is new. Adding it to keyring" << std::endl; #endif addNewKeyToOPSKeyring(keyring,*keydata) ; // the key is new. initCertificateInfo(kmap[id.toStdString()],keydata,keyring->nkeys-1) ; existing_key = &(keyring->keys[keyring->nkeys-1]) ; ret = true ; } else { if(memcmp(existing_key->fingerprint.fingerprint, keydata->fingerprint.fingerprint,KEY_FINGERPRINT_SIZE)) { std::cerr << "(EE) attempt to merge key with identical id, but different fingerprint!" << std::endl; return false ; } #ifdef DEBUG_PGPHANDLER std::cerr << " Key exists. Merging signatures." << std::endl; #endif ret = mergeKeySignatures(const_cast(existing_key),keydata) ; if(ret) initCertificateInfo(kmap[id.toStdString()],existing_key,res->second._key_index) ; } if(ret) validateAndUpdateSignatures(kmap[id.toStdString()],existing_key) ; return ret ; } bool PGPHandler::encryptTextToFile(const PGPIdType& key_id,const std::string& text,const std::string& outfile) { RsStackMutex mtx(pgphandlerMtx) ; // lock access to PGP memory structures. ops_create_info_t *info; int fd = ops_setup_file_write(&info, outfile.c_str(), ops_true); const ops_keydata_t *public_key = getPublicKey(key_id) ; if(public_key == NULL) { std::cerr << "Cannot get public key of id " << key_id.toStdString() << std::endl; return false ; } if(public_key->type != OPS_PTAG_CT_PUBLIC_KEY) { std::cerr << "PGPHandler::encryptTextToFile(): ERROR: supplied id did not return a public key!" << outfile << std::endl; return false ; } if (fd < 0) { std::cerr << "PGPHandler::encryptTextToFile(): ERROR: Cannot write to " << outfile << std::endl; return false ; } ops_encrypt_stream(info, public_key, NULL, ops_false, ops_true); ops_write(text.c_str(), text.length(), info); ops_writer_close(info); ops_create_info_delete(info); return true ; } bool PGPHandler::decryptTextFromFile(const PGPIdType&,std::string& text,const std::string& inputfile) { RsStackMutex mtx(pgphandlerMtx) ; // lock access to PGP memory structures. unsigned char *out_buf = NULL ; std::string buf ; FILE *f = fopen(inputfile.c_str(),"rb") ; if (f == NULL) { std::cerr << "Cannot open file " << inputfile << " for read." << std::endl; return false; } int c ; while( (c = fgetc(f))!= EOF) buf += (unsigned char)c; fclose(f) ; #ifdef DEBUG_PGPHANDLER std::cerr << "PGPHandler::decryptTextFromFile: read a file of length " << std::dec << buf.length() << std::endl; std::cerr << "buf=\"" << buf << "\"" << std::endl; #endif int out_length ; ops_boolean_t res = ops_decrypt_memory((const unsigned char *)buf.c_str(),buf.length(),&out_buf,&out_length,_secring,ops_true,cb_get_passphrase) ; text = std::string((char *)out_buf,out_length) ; free (out_buf); return (bool)res ; } bool PGPHandler::SignDataBin(const PGPIdType& id,const void *data, const uint32_t len, unsigned char *sign, unsigned int *signlen) { RsStackMutex mtx(pgphandlerMtx) ; // lock access to PGP memory structures. // need to find the key and to decrypt it. const ops_keydata_t *key = getSecretKey(id) ; if(!key) { std::cerr << "Cannot sign: no secret key with id " << id.toStdString() << std::endl; return false ; } std::string passphrase = _passphrase_callback(NULL,PGPIdType(key->key_id).toStdString().c_str(),"Please enter passwd for encrypting your key : ",false) ; ops_secret_key_t *secret_key = ops_decrypt_secret_key_from_data(key,passphrase.c_str()) ; if(!secret_key) { std::cerr << "Key decryption went wrong. Wrong passwd?" << std::endl; return false ; } // then do the signature. ops_memory_t *memres = ops_sign_buf(data,len,(ops_sig_type_t)0x00,secret_key,ops_false,ops_false) ; if(!memres) return false ; uint32_t tlen = std::min(*signlen,(uint32_t)ops_memory_get_length(memres)) ; memcpy(sign,ops_memory_get_data(memres),tlen) ; *signlen = tlen ; ops_memory_release(memres) ; free(memres) ; ops_secret_key_free(secret_key) ; free(secret_key) ; return true ; } bool PGPHandler::privateSignCertificate(const PGPIdType& ownId,const PGPIdType& id_of_key_to_sign) { RsStackMutex mtx(pgphandlerMtx) ; // lock access to PGP memory structures. ops_keydata_t *key_to_sign = const_cast(getPublicKey(id_of_key_to_sign)) ; if(key_to_sign == NULL) { std::cerr << "Cannot sign: no public key with id " << id_of_key_to_sign.toStdString() << std::endl; return false ; } // 1 - get decrypted secret key // const ops_keydata_t *skey = getSecretKey(ownId) ; if(!skey) { std::cerr << "Cannot sign: no secret key with id " << ownId.toStdString() << std::endl; return false ; } const ops_keydata_t *pkey = getPublicKey(ownId) ; if(!pkey) { std::cerr << "Cannot sign: no public key with id " << ownId.toStdString() << std::endl; return false ; } std::string passphrase = _passphrase_callback(NULL,PGPIdType(skey->key_id).toStdString().c_str(),"Please enter passwd for encrypting your key : ",false) ; ops_secret_key_t *secret_key = ops_decrypt_secret_key_from_data(skey,passphrase.c_str()) ; if(!secret_key) { std::cerr << "Key decryption went wrong. Wrong passwd?" << std::endl; return false ; } // 2 - then do the signature. if(!ops_sign_key(key_to_sign,pkey->key_id,secret_key)) { std::cerr << "Key signature went wrong. Wrong passwd?" << std::endl; return false ; } // 3 - free memory // ops_secret_key_free(secret_key) ; free(secret_key) ; _pubring_changed = true ; // 4 - update signatures. // PGPCertificateInfo& cert(_public_keyring_map[ id_of_key_to_sign.toStdString() ]) ; validateAndUpdateSignatures(cert,key_to_sign) ; cert._flags |= PGPCertificateInfo::PGP_CERTIFICATE_FLAG_HAS_OWN_SIGNATURE ; return true ; } void PGPHandler::updateOwnSignatureFlag(const PGPIdType& own_id) { std::string own_id_str = own_id.toStdString(); for(std::map::iterator it=_public_keyring_map.begin();it!=_public_keyring_map.end();++it) if(it->second.signers.find(own_id_str) != it->second.signers.end()) it->second._flags |= PGPCertificateInfo::PGP_CERTIFICATE_FLAG_HAS_OWN_SIGNATURE ; else it->second._flags &= ~PGPCertificateInfo::PGP_CERTIFICATE_FLAG_HAS_OWN_SIGNATURE ; } bool PGPHandler::getKeyFingerprint(const PGPIdType& id,PGPFingerprintType& fp) const { RsStackMutex mtx(pgphandlerMtx) ; // lock access to PGP memory structures. const ops_keydata_t *key = getPublicKey(id) ; if(key == NULL) return false ; ops_fingerprint_t f ; ops_fingerprint(&f,&key->key.pkey) ; fp = PGPFingerprintType(f.fingerprint) ; return true ; } bool PGPHandler::VerifySignBin(const void *literal_data, uint32_t literal_data_length, unsigned char *sign, unsigned int sign_len, const PGPFingerprintType& key_fingerprint) { RsStackMutex mtx(pgphandlerMtx) ; // lock access to PGP memory structures. PGPIdType id = PGPIdType(key_fingerprint.toByteArray() + PGPFingerprintType::SIZE_IN_BYTES - PGPIdType::SIZE_IN_BYTES) ; const ops_keydata_t *key = getPublicKey(id) ; if(key == NULL) { std::cerr << "No key returned by fingerprint " << key_fingerprint.toStdString() << ", and ID " << id.toStdString() << ", signature verification failed!" << std::endl; return false ; } // Check that fingerprint is the same. const ops_public_key_t *pkey = &key->key.pkey ; ops_fingerprint_t fp ; ops_fingerprint(&fp,pkey) ; if(key_fingerprint != PGPFingerprintType(fp.fingerprint)) { std::cerr << "Key fingerprint does not match " << key_fingerprint.toStdString() << ", for ID " << id.toStdString() << ", signature verification failed!" << std::endl; return false ; } #ifdef DEBUG_PGPHANDLER std::cerr << "Verifying signature from fingerprint " << key_fingerprint.toStdString() << ", length " << std::dec << sign_len << ", literal data length = " << literal_data_length << std::endl; std::cerr << "Signature body: " << std::endl; hexdump( sign,sign_len) ; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif return ops_validate_detached_signature(literal_data,literal_data_length,sign,sign_len,key) ; } void PGPHandler::setAcceptConnexion(const PGPIdType& id,bool b) { RsStackMutex mtx(pgphandlerMtx) ; // lock access to PGP memory structures. std::map::iterator res = _public_keyring_map.find(id.toStdString()) ; if(res != _public_keyring_map.end()) { if(b) res->second._flags |= PGPCertificateInfo::PGP_CERTIFICATE_FLAG_ACCEPT_CONNEXION ; else res->second._flags &= ~PGPCertificateInfo::PGP_CERTIFICATE_FLAG_ACCEPT_CONNEXION ; } } bool PGPHandler::getGPGFilteredList(std::list& list,bool (*filter)(const PGPCertificateInfo&)) const { RsStackMutex mtx(pgphandlerMtx) ; // lock access to PGP directory. list.clear() ; for(std::map::const_iterator it(_public_keyring_map.begin());it!=_public_keyring_map.end();++it) if( filter == NULL || (*filter)(it->second) ) list.push_back(PGPIdType(it->first)) ; return true ; } bool PGPHandler::isGPGId(const std::string &id) { return _public_keyring_map.find(id) != _public_keyring_map.end() ; } bool PGPHandler::isGPGSigned(const std::string &id) { std::map::const_iterator res = _public_keyring_map.find(id) ; return res != _public_keyring_map.end() && (res->second._flags & PGPCertificateInfo::PGP_CERTIFICATE_FLAG_HAS_OWN_SIGNATURE) ; } bool PGPHandler::isGPGAccepted(const std::string &id) { std::map::const_iterator res = _public_keyring_map.find(id) ; return (res != _public_keyring_map.end()) && (res->second._flags & PGPCertificateInfo::PGP_CERTIFICATE_FLAG_ACCEPT_CONNEXION) ; } // Lexicographic order on signature packets // bool operator<(const ops_packet_t& p1,const ops_packet_t& p2) { if(p1.length < p2.length) return true ; if(p1.length > p2.length) return false ; for(uint32_t i=0;i p2.raw[i]) return false ; } return false ; } bool PGPHandler::mergeKeySignatures(ops_keydata_t *dst,const ops_keydata_t *src) { // First sort all signatures into lists to see which is new, which is not new #ifdef DEBUG_PGPHANDLER std::cerr << "Merging signatures for key " << PGPIdType(dst->key_id).toStdString() << std::endl; #endif std::set dst_packets ; for(uint32_t i=0;inpackets;++i) dst_packets.insert(dst->packets[i]) ; std::set to_add ; for(uint32_t i=0;inpackets;++i) if(dst_packets.find(src->packets[i]) == dst_packets.end()) { uint8_t tag ; uint32_t length ; unsigned char *tmp_data = src->packets[i].raw ; // put it in a tmp variable because read_packetHeader() will modify it!! PGPKeyParser::read_packetHeader(tmp_data,tag,length) ; if(tag == PGPKeyParser::PGP_PACKET_TAG_SIGNATURE) to_add.insert(src->packets[i]) ; #ifdef DEBUG_PGPHANDLER else std::cerr << " Packet with tag 0x" << std::hex << (int)(src->packets[i].raw[0]) << std::dec << " not merged, because it is not a signature." << std::endl; #endif } for(std::set::const_iterator it(to_add.begin());it!=to_add.end();++it) { #ifdef DEBUG_PGPHANDLER std::cerr << " Adding packet with tag 0x" << std::hex << (int)(*it).raw[0] << std::dec << std::endl; #endif ops_add_packet_to_keydata(dst,&*it) ; } return to_add.size() > 0 ; } bool PGPHandler::privateTrustCertificate(const PGPIdType& id,int trustlvl) { if(trustlvl < 0 || trustlvl >= 6 || trustlvl == 1) { std::cerr << "Invalid trust level " << trustlvl << " passed to privateTrustCertificate." << std::endl; return false ; } std::map::iterator it = _public_keyring_map.find(id.toStdString()); if(it == _public_keyring_map.end()) { std::cerr << "(EE) Key id " << id.toStdString() << " not in the keyring. Can't setup trust level." << std::endl; return false ; } if( (int)it->second._trustLvl != trustlvl ) _trustdb_changed = true ; it->second._trustLvl = trustlvl ; return true ; } struct PrivateTrustPacket { unsigned char user_id[KEY_ID_SIZE] ; // pgp id in unsigned char format. uint8_t trust_level ; // trust level. From 0 to 6. uint32_t flags ; // not used yet, but who knows? }; void PGPHandler::locked_readPrivateTrustDatabase() { FILE *fdb = fopen(_trustdb_path.c_str(),"rb") ; #ifdef DEBUG_PGPHANDLER std::cerr << "PGPHandler: Reading private trust database." << std::endl; #endif if(fdb == NULL) { std::cerr << " private trust database not found. No trust info loaded." << std::endl ; return ; } std::map::iterator it ; PrivateTrustPacket trustpacket; int n_packets = 0 ; while(fread((void*)&trustpacket,sizeof(PrivateTrustPacket),1,fdb) == 1) { it = _public_keyring_map.find(PGPIdType(trustpacket.user_id).toStdString()) ; if(it == _public_keyring_map.end()) { std::cerr << " (WW) Trust packet found for unknown key id " << PGPIdType(trustpacket.user_id).toStdString() << std::endl; continue ; } if(trustpacket.trust_level > 6) { std::cerr << " (WW) Trust packet found with unexpected trust level " << trustpacket.trust_level << std::endl; continue ; } ++n_packets ; it->second._trustLvl = trustpacket.trust_level ; } fclose(fdb) ; std::cerr << "PGPHandler: Successfully read " << n_packets << " trust packets." << std::endl; } bool PGPHandler::locked_writePrivateTrustDatabase() { FILE *fdb = fopen((_trustdb_path+".tmp").c_str(),"wb") ; #ifdef DEBUG_PGPHANDLER std::cerr << "PGPHandler: Reading private trust database." << std::endl; #endif if(fdb == NULL) { std::cerr << " (EE) Can't open private trust database file " << _trustdb_path << " for write. Giving up!" << std::endl ; return false; } PrivateTrustPacket trustpacket ; for(std::map::iterator it = _public_keyring_map.begin();it!=_public_keyring_map.end() ;++it) { memcpy(&trustpacket.user_id,PGPIdType(it->first).toByteArray(),KEY_ID_SIZE) ; trustpacket.trust_level = it->second._trustLvl ; if(fwrite((void*)&trustpacket,sizeof(PrivateTrustPacket),1,fdb) != 1) { std::cerr << " (EE) Cannot write to trust database " << _trustdb_path << ". Disc full, or quota exceeded ? Leaving database untouched." << std::endl; fclose(fdb) ; return false; } } fclose(fdb) ; if(!RsDirUtil::renameFile(_trustdb_path+".tmp",_trustdb_path)) { std::cerr << " (EE) Cannot move temp file " << _trustdb_path+".tmp" << ". Bad write permissions?" << std::endl; return false ; } else return true ; } bool PGPHandler::syncDatabase() { RsStackMutex mtx(pgphandlerMtx) ; // lock access to PGP memory structures. RsStackFileLock flck(_pgp_lock_filename) ; // lock access to PGP directory. #ifdef DEBUG_PGPHANDLER std::cerr << "Sync-ing keyrings." << std::endl; #endif locked_syncPublicKeyring() ; //locked_syncSecretKeyring() ; // Now sync the trust database as well. // locked_syncTrustDatabase() ; #ifdef DEBUG_PGPHANDLER std::cerr << "Done. " << std::endl; #endif return true ; } bool PGPHandler::locked_syncPublicKeyring() { struct stat64 buf ; #ifdef WINDOWS_SYS std::wstring wfullname; librs::util::ConvertUtf8ToUtf16(_pubring_path, wfullname); if(-1 == _wstati64(wfullname.c_str(), &buf)) #else if(-1 == stat64(_pubring_path.c_str(), &buf)) #endif std::cerr << "PGPHandler::syncDatabase(): can't stat file " << _pubring_path << ". Can't sync public keyring." << std::endl; if(_pubring_last_update_time < buf.st_mtime) { std::cerr << "Detected change on disk of public keyring. Merging!" << std::endl ; mergeKeyringFromDisk(_pubring,_public_keyring_map,_pubring_path) ; _pubring_last_update_time = buf.st_mtime ; } // Now check if the pubring was locally modified, which needs saving it again if(_pubring_changed) { std::string tmp_keyring_file = _pubring_path + ".tmp" ; std::cerr << "Local changes in public keyring. Writing to disk..." << std::endl; if(!ops_write_keyring_to_file(_pubring,ops_false,tmp_keyring_file.c_str(),ops_true)) { std::cerr << "Cannot write public keyring tmp file. Disk full? Disk quota exceeded?" << std::endl; return false ; } if(!RsDirUtil::renameFile(tmp_keyring_file,_pubring_path)) { std::cerr << "Cannot rename tmp pubring file " << tmp_keyring_file << " into actual pubring file " << _pubring_path << ". Check writing permissions?!?" << std::endl; return false ; } std::cerr << "Done." << std::endl; _pubring_last_update_time = time(NULL) ; // should we get this value from the disk instead?? _pubring_changed = false ; } return true ; } bool PGPHandler::locked_syncTrustDatabase() { struct stat64 buf ; std::wstring wfullname; #ifdef WINDOWS_SYS librs::util::ConvertUtf8ToUtf16(_trustdb_path, wfullname); if(-1 == _wstati64(wfullname.c_str(), &buf)) #else if(-1 == stat64(_trustdb_path.c_str(), &buf)) #endif { std::cerr << "PGPHandler::syncDatabase(): can't stat file " << _trustdb_path << ". Will force write it." << std::endl; _trustdb_changed = true ; // we force write of trust database if it does not exist. } if(_trustdb_last_update_time < buf.st_mtime) { std::cerr << "Detected change on disk of trust database. " << std::endl ; locked_readPrivateTrustDatabase(); _trustdb_last_update_time = time(NULL) ; } if(_trustdb_changed) { std::cerr << "Local changes in trust database. Writing to disk..." << std::endl; if(!locked_writePrivateTrustDatabase()) std::cerr << "Cannot write trust database. Disk full? Disk quota exceeded?" << std::endl; else { std::cerr << "Done." << std::endl; _trustdb_last_update_time = time(NULL) ; _trustdb_changed = false ; } } return true ; } void PGPHandler::mergeKeyringFromDisk( ops_keyring_t *keyring, std::map& kmap, const std::string& keyring_file) { #ifdef DEBUG_PGPHANDLER std::cerr << "Merging keyring " << keyring_file << " from disk to memory." << std::endl; #endif // 1 - load keyring into a temporary keyring list. ops_keyring_t *tmp_keyring = PGPHandler::allocateOPSKeyring() ; if(ops_false == ops_keyring_read_from_file(tmp_keyring, false, keyring_file.c_str())) { std::cerr << "PGPHandler::mergeKeyringFromDisk(): cannot read keyring. File corrupted?" ; ops_keyring_free(tmp_keyring) ; return ; } // 2 - load new keys and merge existing key signatures for(int i=0;inkeys;++i) addOrMergeKey(keyring,kmap,&tmp_keyring->keys[i]) ;// we dont' account for the return value. This is disk merging, not local changes. // 4 - clean ops_keyring_free(tmp_keyring) ; }