/* * RetroShare Directory watching system. * * file_sharing/directory_updater.cc * * Copyright 2016 Mr.Alice * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA. * * Please report all bugs and problems to "retroshare.project@gmail.com". * */ #include "util/folderiterator.h" #include "rsserver/p3face.h" #include "directory_storage.h" #include "directory_updater.h" #include "file_sharing_defaults.h" //#define DEBUG_LOCAL_DIR_UPDATER 1 //=============================================================================================================// // Local Directory Updater // //=============================================================================================================// LocalDirectoryUpdater::LocalDirectoryUpdater(HashStorage *hc,LocalDirectoryStorage *lds) : mHashCache(hc), mSharedDirectories(lds) , mLastSweepTime(0), mLastTSUpdateTime(0) , mDelayBetweenDirectoryUpdates(DELAY_BETWEEN_DIRECTORY_UPDATES) , mIsEnabled(false), mFollowSymLinks(FOLLOW_SYMLINKS_DEFAULT) , mIgnoreDuplicates(true) /* Can be left to false, but setting it to true will force to re-hash any file that has been left unhashed in the last session.*/ , mNeedsFullRecheck(true) , mIsChecking(false), mForceUpdate(false), mIgnoreFlags (0), mMaxShareDepth(0) { } bool LocalDirectoryUpdater::isEnabled() const { return mIsEnabled ; } void LocalDirectoryUpdater::setEnabled(bool b) { if(mIsEnabled == b) return ; if(!b) shutdown(); else if(!isRunning()) start("fs dir updater") ; mIsEnabled = b ; } void LocalDirectoryUpdater::data_tick() { time_t now = time(NULL) ; if (mIsEnabled || mForceUpdate) { if(now > mDelayBetweenDirectoryUpdates + mLastSweepTime) { if(sweepSharedDirectories()) { mNeedsFullRecheck = false; mLastSweepTime = now ; mSharedDirectories->notifyTSChanged(); mForceUpdate = false ; } else std::cerr << "(WW) sweepSharedDirectories() failed. Will do it again in a short time." << std::endl; } if(now > DELAY_BETWEEN_LOCAL_DIRECTORIES_TS_UPDATE + mLastTSUpdateTime) { mSharedDirectories->updateTimeStamps() ; mLastTSUpdateTime = now ; } } usleep(10*1000*1000); } void LocalDirectoryUpdater::forceUpdate() { mForceUpdate = true ; mLastSweepTime = 0 ; if(mHashCache != NULL && mHashCache->hashingProcessPaused()) mHashCache->togglePauseHashingProcess(); } bool LocalDirectoryUpdater::sweepSharedDirectories() { if(mHashSalt.isNull()) { std::cerr << "(EE) no salt value in LocalDirectoryUpdater. Is that a bug?" << std::endl; return false; } mIsChecking = true ; RsServer::notify()->notifyListPreChange(NOTIFY_LIST_DIRLIST_LOCAL, 0); #ifdef DEBUG_LOCAL_DIR_UPDATER std::cerr << "[directory storage] LocalDirectoryUpdater::sweep()" << std::endl; #endif // recursive update algorithm works that way: // - the external loop starts on the shared directory list and goes through sub-directories // - at the same time, it updates the local list of shared directories. A single sweep is performed over the whole directory structure. // - the information that is costly to compute (the hash) is store externally into a separate structure. // - doing so, changing directory names or moving files between directories does not cause a re-hash of the content. // std::list shared_directory_list ; mSharedDirectories->getSharedDirectoryList(shared_directory_list); std::set sub_dir_list ; // We re-check that each dir actually exists. It might have been removed from the disk. for(std::list::const_iterator real_dir_it(shared_directory_list.begin());real_dir_it!=shared_directory_list.end();++real_dir_it) if(RsDirUtil::checkDirectory( (*real_dir_it).filename ) ) sub_dir_list.insert( (*real_dir_it).filename ) ; // make sure that entries in stored_dir_it are the same than paths in real_dir_it, and in the same order. mSharedDirectories->updateSubDirectoryList(mSharedDirectories->root(),sub_dir_list,mHashSalt) ; // now for each of them, go recursively and match both files and dirs std::set existing_dirs ; for(DirectoryStorage::DirIterator stored_dir_it(mSharedDirectories,mSharedDirectories->root()) ; stored_dir_it;++stored_dir_it) { #ifdef DEBUG_LOCAL_DIR_UPDATER std::cerr << "[directory storage] recursing into " << stored_dir_it.name() << std::endl; #endif recursUpdateSharedDir(stored_dir_it.name(), *stored_dir_it,existing_dirs,1) ; // here we need to use the list that was stored, instead of the shared dir list, because the two // are not necessarily in the same order. } RsServer::notify()->notifyListChange(NOTIFY_LIST_DIRLIST_LOCAL, 0); mIsChecking = false ; return true ; } void LocalDirectoryUpdater::recursUpdateSharedDir(const std::string& cumulated_path, DirectoryStorage::EntryIndex indx,std::set& existing_directories,uint32_t current_depth) { #ifdef DEBUG_LOCAL_DIR_UPDATER std::cerr << "[directory storage] parsing directory " << cumulated_path << ", index=" << indx << std::endl; #endif if(mFollowSymLinks && mIgnoreDuplicates) { std::string real_path = RsDirUtil::removeSymLinks(cumulated_path) ; if(existing_directories.end() != existing_directories.find(real_path)) { std::cerr << "(WW) Directory " << cumulated_path << " has real path " << real_path << " which already belongs to another shared directory. Ignoring" << std::endl; return ; } existing_directories.insert(real_path) ; } // make sure list of subdirs is the same // make sure list of subfiles is the same // request all hashes to the hashcache librs::util::FolderIterator dirIt(cumulated_path,mFollowSymLinks,false); // disallow symbolic links and files from the future. time_t dir_local_mod_time ; if(!mSharedDirectories->getDirectoryLocalModTime(indx,dir_local_mod_time)) { std::cerr << "(EE) Cannot get local mod time for dir index " << indx << std::endl; return; } if(mNeedsFullRecheck || dirIt.dir_modtime() > dir_local_mod_time) // the > is because we may have changed the virtual name, and therefore the TS wont match. // we only want to detect when the directory has changed on the disk { // collect subdirs and subfiles std::map subfiles ; std::set subdirs ; for(;dirIt.isValid();dirIt.next()) if(filterFile(dirIt.file_name())) { switch(dirIt.file_type()) { case librs::util::FolderIterator::TYPE_FILE: subfiles[dirIt.file_name()].modtime = dirIt.file_modtime() ; subfiles[dirIt.file_name()].size = dirIt.file_size(); #ifdef DEBUG_LOCAL_DIR_UPDATER std::cerr << " adding sub-file \"" << dirIt.file_name() << "\"" << std::endl; #endif break; case librs::util::FolderIterator::TYPE_DIR: if(mMaxShareDepth > 0u && current_depth <= mMaxShareDepth) subdirs.insert(dirIt.file_name()); #ifdef DEBUG_LOCAL_DIR_UPDATER std::cerr << " adding sub-dir \"" << dirIt.file_name() << "\"" << std::endl; #endif break; default: std::cerr << "(EE) Dir entry of unknown type with path \"" << cumulated_path << "/" << dirIt.file_name() << "\"" << std::endl; } } // update folder modificatoin time, which is the only way to detect e.g. removed or renamed files. mSharedDirectories->setDirectoryLocalModTime(indx,dirIt.dir_modtime()) ; // update file and dir lists for current directory. mSharedDirectories->updateSubDirectoryList(indx,subdirs,mHashSalt) ; std::map new_files ; mSharedDirectories->updateSubFilesList(indx,subfiles,new_files) ; // now go through list of subfiles and request the hash to hashcache for(DirectoryStorage::FileIterator dit(mSharedDirectories,indx);dit;++dit) { // ask about the hash. If not present, ask HashCache. If not present, or different, the callback will update it. RsFileHash hash ; // mSharedDirectories does two things: store H(F), and compute H(H(F)), which is used in FT. The later is always needed. if(mHashCache->requestHash(cumulated_path + "/" + dit.name(),dit.size(),dit.modtime(),hash,this,*dit)) mSharedDirectories->updateHash(*dit,hash,hash != dit.hash()); } } #ifdef DEBUG_LOCAL_DIR_UPDATER else std::cerr << " directory is unchanged. Keeping existing files and subdirs list." << std::endl; #endif // go through the list of sub-dirs and recursively update for(DirectoryStorage::DirIterator stored_dir_it(mSharedDirectories,indx) ; stored_dir_it; ++stored_dir_it) { #ifdef DEBUG_LOCAL_DIR_UPDATER std::cerr << " recursing into " << stored_dir_it.name() << std::endl; #endif recursUpdateSharedDir(cumulated_path + "/" + stored_dir_it.name(), *stored_dir_it,existing_directories,current_depth+1) ; } } bool LocalDirectoryUpdater::filterFile(const std::string& fname) const { if(mIgnoreFlags & RS_FILE_SHARE_FLAGS_IGNORE_SUFFIXES) for(auto it(mIgnoredSuffixes.begin());it!=mIgnoredSuffixes.end();++it) if(fname.size() >= (*it).size() && fname.substr( fname.size() - (*it).size()) == *it) { std::cerr << "(II) ignoring file " << fname << ", because it matches suffix \"" << *it << "\"" << std::endl; return false ; } if(mIgnoreFlags & RS_FILE_SHARE_FLAGS_IGNORE_PREFIXES) for(auto it(mIgnoredPrefixes.begin());it!=mIgnoredPrefixes.end();++it) if(fname.size() >= (*it).size() && fname.substr( 0,(*it).size()) == *it) { std::cerr << "(II) ignoring file " << fname << ", because it matches prefix \"" << *it << "\"" << std::endl; return false ; } return true ; } void LocalDirectoryUpdater::togglePauseHashingProcess() { mHashCache->togglePauseHashingProcess() ; } bool LocalDirectoryUpdater::hashingProcessPaused() { return mHashCache->hashingProcessPaused(); } bool LocalDirectoryUpdater::inDirectoryCheck() const { return mHashCache->isRunning(); } void LocalDirectoryUpdater::hash_callback(uint32_t client_param, const std::string &/*name*/, const RsFileHash &hash, uint64_t /*size*/) { if(!mSharedDirectories->updateHash(DirectoryStorage::EntryIndex(client_param),hash,true)) std::cerr << "(EE) Cannot update file. Something's wrong." << std::endl; mSharedDirectories->notifyTSChanged() ; } bool LocalDirectoryUpdater::hash_confirm(uint32_t client_param) { return mSharedDirectories->getEntryType(DirectoryStorage::EntryIndex(client_param)) == DIR_TYPE_FILE ; } void LocalDirectoryUpdater::setFileWatchPeriod(int seconds) { mDelayBetweenDirectoryUpdates = seconds ; } uint32_t LocalDirectoryUpdater::fileWatchPeriod() const { return mDelayBetweenDirectoryUpdates ; } void LocalDirectoryUpdater::setFollowSymLinks(bool b) { if(b != mFollowSymLinks) mNeedsFullRecheck = true ; mFollowSymLinks = b ; forceUpdate(); } bool LocalDirectoryUpdater::followSymLinks() const { return mFollowSymLinks ; } void LocalDirectoryUpdater::setIgnoreLists(const std::list& ignored_prefixes,const std::list& ignored_suffixes,uint32_t ignore_flags) { mIgnoredPrefixes = ignored_prefixes ; mIgnoredSuffixes = ignored_suffixes ; mIgnoreFlags = ignore_flags; } bool LocalDirectoryUpdater::getIgnoreLists(std::list& ignored_prefixes,std::list& ignored_suffixes,uint32_t& ignore_flags) const { ignored_prefixes = mIgnoredPrefixes; ignored_suffixes = mIgnoredSuffixes; ignore_flags = mIgnoreFlags ; return true; } int LocalDirectoryUpdater::maxShareDepth() const { return mMaxShareDepth ; } void LocalDirectoryUpdater::setMaxShareDepth(uint32_t d) { if(d != mMaxShareDepth) mNeedsFullRecheck = true ; mMaxShareDepth = d ; } bool LocalDirectoryUpdater::ignoreDuplicates() const { return mIgnoreDuplicates; } void LocalDirectoryUpdater::setIgnoreDuplicates(bool b) { if(b != mIgnoreDuplicates) mNeedsFullRecheck = true ; mIgnoreDuplicates = b ; }