/**************************************************************** * RetroShare is distributed under the following license: * * Copyright (C) 2006 - 2011 RetroShare Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ****************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gui/notifyqt.h" #include "gui/RetroShareLink.h" #include "gui/common/TagDefs.h" #include "gui/common/PeerDefs.h" #include "gui/common/Emoticons.h" #include "gui/settings/rsharesettings.h" #include "MessageComposer.h" #include "MessageWidget.h" #include "MessageWindow.h" #include "util/misc.h" #include "util/printpreview.h" #include "util/HandleRichText.h" #include "util/DateTime.h" #include "util/QtVersion.h" #include #include #include /* Images for context menu icons */ #define IMAGE_DOWNLOAD ":/images/start.png" #define IMAGE_DOWNLOADALL ":/images/startall.png" #define COLUMN_FILE_NAME 0 #define COLUMN_FILE_SIZE 1 #define COLUMN_FILE_HASH 2 #define COLUMN_FILE_COUNT 3 #include "gui/msgs/MessageInterface.h" class RsHtmlMsg : public RsHtml { public: RsHtmlMsg(uint msgFlags) : RsHtml() { this->msgFlags = msgFlags; } protected: virtual void anchorTextForImg(QDomDocument &doc, QDomElement &element, const RetroShareLink &link, QString &text) { if (link.type() == RetroShareLink::TYPE_CERTIFICATE) { if (msgFlags & RS_MSG_USER_REQUEST) { text = QApplication::translate("MessageWidget", "Confirm %1 as friend").arg(link.name()); return; } if (msgFlags & RS_MSG_FRIEND_RECOMMENDATION) { text = QApplication::translate("MessageWidget", "Add %1 as friend").arg(link.name()); return; } } RsHtml::anchorTextForImg(doc, element, link, text); } protected: uint msgFlags; }; MessageWidget *MessageWidget::openMsg(const std::string &msgId, bool window) { if (msgId.empty()) { return NULL; } MessageInfo msgInfo; if (!rsMail->getMessage(msgId, msgInfo)) { std::cerr << "MessageWidget::openMsg() Couldn't find Msg" << std::endl; return NULL; } MessageWindow *parent = NULL; if (window) { parent = new MessageWindow; } MessageWidget *msgWidget = new MessageWidget(false, parent); msgWidget->isWindow = window; msgWidget->fill(msgId); if (parent) { parent->addWidget(msgWidget); } if (parent) { parent->show(); parent->activateWindow(); } return msgWidget; } /** Constructor */ MessageWidget::MessageWidget(bool controlled, QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags) : QWidget(parent, flags) { /* Invoke the Qt Designer generated object setup routine */ ui.setupUi(this); isControlled = controlled; isWindow = false; currMsgFlags = 0; connect(ui.msgList, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(msgfilelistWidgetCostumPopupMenu(QPoint))); connect(ui.expandFilesButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(togglefileview())); connect(ui.downloadButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(getallrecommended())); connect(ui.msgText, SIGNAL(anchorClicked(QUrl)), this, SLOT(anchorClicked(QUrl))); connect(NotifyQt::getInstance(), SIGNAL(messagesTagsChanged()), this, SLOT(messagesTagsChanged())); connect(NotifyQt::getInstance(), SIGNAL(messagesChanged()), this, SLOT(messagesChanged())); ui.imageBlockWidget->addButtonAction(tr("Load images always for this message"), this, SLOT(loadImagesAlways()), true); ui.msgText->setImageBlockWidget(ui.imageBlockWidget); /* hide the Tree +/- */ ui.msgList->setRootIsDecorated( false ); ui.msgList->setSelectionMode( QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection ); /* Set header resize modes and initial section sizes */ QHeaderView * msglheader = ui.msgList->header () ; QHeaderView_setSectionResizeMode(msglheader, COLUMN_FILE_NAME, QHeaderView::Interactive); QHeaderView_setSectionResizeMode(msglheader, COLUMN_FILE_SIZE, QHeaderView::Interactive); QHeaderView_setSectionResizeMode(msglheader, COLUMN_FILE_HASH, QHeaderView::Interactive); msglheader->resizeSection (COLUMN_FILE_NAME, 200); msglheader->resizeSection (COLUMN_FILE_SIZE, 100); msglheader->resizeSection (COLUMN_FILE_HASH, 200); QFont font = QFont("Arial", 10, QFont::Bold); ui.subjectText->setFont(font); ui.bcclabel->setVisible(false); ui.bccText->setVisible(false); ui.cclabel->setVisible(false); ui.ccText->setVisible(false); ui.tagsLabel->setVisible(false); ui.msgText->activateLinkClick(false); if (isControlled == false) { processSettings("MessageWidget", true); } ui.dateText-> setText(""); /* Hide platform specific features */ #ifdef Q_WS_WIN #endif } MessageWidget::~MessageWidget() { if (isControlled == false) { processSettings("MessageWidget", false); } } void MessageWidget::connectAction(enumActionType actionType, QToolButton* button) { switch (actionType) { case ACTION_REMOVE: connect(button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(remove())); break; case ACTION_REPLY: connect(button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(reply())); break; case ACTION_REPLY_ALL: connect(button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(replyAll())); break; case ACTION_FORWARD: connect(button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(forward())); break; case ACTION_PRINT: connect(button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(print())); break; case ACTION_PRINT_PREVIEW: connect(button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(printPreview())); break; case ACTION_SAVE_AS: connect(button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(saveAs())); break; } } void MessageWidget::connectAction(enumActionType actionType, QAction *action) { switch (actionType) { case ACTION_REMOVE: connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(remove())); break; case ACTION_REPLY: connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(reply())); break; case ACTION_REPLY_ALL: connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(replyAll())); break; case ACTION_FORWARD: connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(forward())); break; case ACTION_PRINT: connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(print())); break; case ACTION_PRINT_PREVIEW: connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(printPreview())); break; case ACTION_SAVE_AS: connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(saveAs())); break; } } void MessageWidget::processSettings(const QString &settingsGroup, bool load) { Settings->beginGroup(settingsGroup); if (load) { // load settings // expandFiles bool value = Settings->value("expandFiles", false).toBool(); ui.expandFilesButton->setChecked(value); ui.msgList->setVisible(value); togglefileview(); } else { // save settings // expandFiles Settings->setValue("expandFiles", ui.expandFilesButton->isChecked()); } Settings->endGroup(); } QString MessageWidget::subject(bool noEmpty) { QString subject = ui.subjectText->text(); if (subject.isEmpty() && noEmpty) { return "[" + tr("No subject") + "]"; } return subject; } void MessageWidget::msgfilelistWidgetCostumPopupMenu( QPoint /*point*/ ) { QMenu contextMnu(this); contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(IMAGE_DOWNLOAD), tr("Download"), this, SLOT(getcurrentrecommended())); contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(IMAGE_DOWNLOADALL), tr("Download all"), this, SLOT(getallrecommended())); contextMnu.exec(QCursor::pos()); } void MessageWidget::togglefileview() { /* if msg header visible -> change icon and tooltip * three widgets... */ if (ui.expandFilesButton->isChecked()) { ui.expandFilesButton->setIcon(QIcon(QString(":/images/edit_remove24.png"))); ui.expandFilesButton->setToolTip(tr("Hide the attachment pane")); } else { ui.expandFilesButton->setIcon(QIcon(QString(":/images/edit_add24.png"))); ui.expandFilesButton->setToolTip(tr("Show the attachment pane")); } } /* download the recommendations... */ void MessageWidget::getcurrentrecommended() { MessageInfo msgInfo; if (rsMail->getMessage(currMsgId, msgInfo) == false) { return; } std::list srcIds; srcIds.push_back(msgInfo.rspeerid_srcId); QModelIndexList list = ui.msgList->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes(); std::map files ; for (QModelIndexList::const_iterator it(list.begin());it!=list.end();++it) { FileInfo& fi(files[it->row()]) ; switch (it->column()) { case COLUMN_FILE_NAME: fi.fname = it->data().toString().toUtf8().constData(); break ; case COLUMN_FILE_SIZE: fi.size = it->data().toULongLong() ; break ; case COLUMN_FILE_HASH: fi.hash = RsFileHash(it->data().toString().toStdString()) ; break ; } } for(std::map::const_iterator it(files.begin());it!=files.end();++it) { const FileInfo& fi(it->second) ; std::cout << "Requesting file " << fi.fname << ", size=" << fi.size << ", hash=" << fi.hash << std::endl ; if (rsFiles->FileRequest(fi.fname, fi.hash, fi.size, "", RS_FILE_REQ_ANONYMOUS_ROUTING, srcIds) == false) { QMessageBox mb(QObject::tr("File Request canceled"), QObject::tr("The following has not been added to your download list, because you already have it:\n ") + QString::fromUtf8(fi.fname.c_str()), QMessageBox::Critical, QMessageBox::Ok, 0, 0); mb.exec(); } } } void MessageWidget::getallrecommended() { /* get Message */ MessageInfo msgInfo; if (rsMail->getMessage(currMsgId, msgInfo) == false) { return; } const std::list &recList = msgInfo.files; std::list::const_iterator it; /* do the requests */ for(it = recList.begin(); it != recList.end(); ++it) { std::cerr << "MessageWidget::getallrecommended() Calling File Request" << std::endl; std::list srcIds; srcIds.push_back(msgInfo.rspeerid_srcId); rsFiles->FileRequest(it->fname, it->hash, it->size, "", RS_FILE_REQ_ANONYMOUS_ROUTING, srcIds); } } void MessageWidget::messagesTagsChanged() { showTagLabels(); } void MessageWidget::messagesChanged() { if (isControlled) { /* processed by MessagesDialog */ return; } /* test Message */ MessageInfo msgInfo; if (rsMail->getMessage(currMsgId, msgInfo) == false) { /* messages was removed */ if (isWindow) { window()->close(); } else { deleteLater(); } } } void MessageWidget::clearTagLabels() { /* clear all tags */ while (tagLabels.size()) { delete tagLabels.front(); tagLabels.pop_front(); } while (ui.tagLayout->count()) { delete ui.tagLayout->takeAt(0); } ui.tagsLabel->setVisible(false); } void MessageWidget::showTagLabels() { clearTagLabels(); if (currMsgId.empty()) { return; } MsgTagInfo tagInfo; rsMail->getMessageTag(currMsgId, tagInfo); if (tagInfo.tagIds.empty() == false) { ui.tagsLabel->setVisible(true); MsgTagType Tags; rsMail->getMessageTagTypes(Tags); std::map >::iterator Tag; for (std::list::iterator tagId = tagInfo.tagIds.begin(); tagId != tagInfo.tagIds.end(); ++tagId) { Tag = Tags.types.find(*tagId); if (Tag != Tags.types.end()) { QLabel *tagLabel = new QLabel(TagDefs::name(Tag->first, Tag->second.first), this); tagLabel->setMaximumHeight(16); tagLabel->setStyleSheet(TagDefs::labelStyleSheet(Tag->second.second)); tagLabels.push_back(tagLabel); ui.tagLayout->addWidget(tagLabel); ui.tagLayout->addSpacing(3); } } ui.tagLayout->addStretch(); } else { ui.tagsLabel->setVisible(false); } } void MessageWidget::refill() { //uint32_t msg_id = currMsgId ; //currMsgId = 0 ; //fill(msg_id) ; } void MessageWidget::fill(const std::string &msgId) { // if (currMsgId == msgId) { // // message doesn't changed // return; // } currMsgId = msgId; if (currMsgId.empty()) { /* blank it */ ui.dateText-> setText(""); ui.toText->setText(""); ui.fromText->setText(""); ui.filesText->setText(""); ui.cclabel->setVisible(false); ui.ccText->setVisible(false); ui.ccText->clear(); ui.bcclabel->setVisible(false); ui.bccText->setVisible(false); ui.bccText->clear(); ui.subjectText->setText(""); ui.msgList->clear(); ui.msgText->clear(); ui.msgText->resetImagesStatus(false); clearTagLabels(); currMsgFlags = 0; return; } clearTagLabels(); MessageInfo msgInfo; if (rsMail->getMessage(currMsgId, msgInfo) == false) { std::cerr << "MessageWidget::fill() Couldn't find Msg" << std::endl; return; } const std::list &recList = msgInfo.files; std::list::const_iterator it; ui.msgList->clear(); QList items; for (it = recList.begin(); it != recList.end(); ++it) { QTreeWidgetItem *item = new QTreeWidgetItem; item->setText(COLUMN_FILE_NAME, QString::fromUtf8(it->fname.c_str())); item->setText(COLUMN_FILE_SIZE, misc::friendlyUnit(it->size)); item->setText(COLUMN_FILE_HASH, QString::fromStdString(it->hash.toStdString())); item->setTextAlignment( COLUMN_FILE_SIZE, Qt::AlignRight ); /* add to the list */ items.append(item); } /* add the items in! */ ui.msgList->insertTopLevelItems(0, items); /* iterate through the sources */ RetroShareLink link; QString text; for(std::list::const_iterator pit = msgInfo.rspeerid_msgto.begin(); pit != msgInfo.rspeerid_msgto.end(); ++pit) if (link.createMessage(*pit, "")) text += link.toHtml() + " "; for(std::list::const_iterator pit = msgInfo.rsgxsid_msgto.begin(); pit != msgInfo.rsgxsid_msgto.end(); ++pit) if (link.createMessage(*pit, "")) text += link.toHtml() + " "; ui.toText->setText(text); if (!msgInfo.rspeerid_msgcc.empty() || !msgInfo.rsgxsid_msgcc.empty()) { ui.cclabel->setVisible(true); ui.ccText->setVisible(true); text.clear(); for(std::list::const_iterator pit = msgInfo.rspeerid_msgcc.begin(); pit != msgInfo.rspeerid_msgcc.end(); ++pit) if (link.createMessage(*pit, "")) text += link.toHtml() + " "; for(std::list::const_iterator pit = msgInfo.rsgxsid_msgcc.begin(); pit != msgInfo.rsgxsid_msgcc.end(); ++pit) if (link.createMessage(*pit, "")) text += link.toHtml() + " "; ui.ccText->setText(text); } else { ui.cclabel->setVisible(false); ui.ccText->setVisible(false); ui.ccText->clear(); } if (!msgInfo.rspeerid_msgbcc.empty() || !msgInfo.rsgxsid_msgbcc.empty()) { ui.bcclabel->setVisible(true); ui.bccText->setVisible(true); text.clear(); for(std::list::const_iterator pit = msgInfo.rspeerid_msgbcc.begin(); pit != msgInfo.rspeerid_msgbcc.end(); ++pit) if (link.createMessage(*pit, "")) text += link.toHtml() + " "; for(std::list::const_iterator pit = msgInfo.rsgxsid_msgbcc.begin(); pit != msgInfo.rsgxsid_msgbcc.end(); ++pit) if (link.createMessage(*pit, "")) text += link.toHtml() + " "; ui.bccText->setText(text); } else { ui.bcclabel->setVisible(false); ui.bccText->setVisible(false); ui.bccText->clear(); } ui.dateText->setText(DateTime::formatDateTime(msgInfo.ts)); RsPeerId ownId = rsPeers->getOwnId(); QString tooltip_string ; // if ((msgInfo.msgflags & RS_MSG_BOXMASK) == RS_MSG_OUTBOX) // outgoing message are from me // { // tooltip_string = PeerDefs::rsidFromId(ownId) ; // link.createMessage(ownId, ""); // } if(msgInfo.msgflags & RS_MSG_DISTANT) // distant message { tooltip_string = PeerDefs::rsidFromId(msgInfo.rsgxsid_srcId) ; link.createMessage(msgInfo.rsgxsid_srcId, ""); } else { tooltip_string = PeerDefs::rsidFromId(msgInfo.rspeerid_srcId) ; link.createMessage(msgInfo.rspeerid_srcId, ""); } if ((msgInfo.msgflags & RS_MSG_SYSTEM) && msgInfo.rspeerid_srcId == ownId) { ui.fromText->setText("RetroShare"); } else { ui.fromText->setText(link.toHtml()); ui.fromText->setToolTip(tooltip_string) ; } ui.subjectText->setText(QString::fromUtf8(msgInfo.title.c_str())); text = RsHtmlMsg(msgInfo.msgflags).formatText(ui.msgText->document(), QString::fromUtf8(msgInfo.msg.c_str()), RSHTML_FORMATTEXT_EMBED_SMILEYS | RSHTML_FORMATTEXT_EMBED_LINKS); ui.msgText->resetImagesStatus(Settings->getMsgLoadEmbeddedImages() || (msgInfo.msgflags & RS_MSG_LOAD_EMBEDDED_IMAGES)); ui.msgText->setHtml(text); ui.filesText->setText(QString("%1").arg(msgInfo.count)); ui.filesSize->setText(QString(misc::friendlyUnit(msgInfo.size))); showTagLabels(); currMsgFlags = msgInfo.msgflags; } void MessageWidget::remove() { MessageInfo msgInfo; if (rsMail->getMessage(currMsgId, msgInfo) == false) { std::cerr << "MessageWidget::fill() Couldn't find Msg" << std::endl; return; } bool deleteReal = false; if (msgInfo.msgflags & RS_MSG_TRASH) { deleteReal = true; } else { if (QApplication::keyboardModifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier) { deleteReal = true; } } if (deleteReal) { rsMail->MessageDelete(currMsgId); } else { rsMail->MessageToTrash(currMsgId, true); } if (isWindow) { window()->close(); } else { deleteLater(); } } void MessageWidget::print() { #ifndef QT_NO_PRINTER QPrinter printer(QPrinter::HighResolution); printer.setFullPage(true); QPrintDialog *dlg = new QPrintDialog(&printer, this); if (ui.msgText->textCursor().hasSelection()) dlg->addEnabledOption(QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintSelection); dlg->setWindowTitle(tr("Print Document")); if (dlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { ui.msgText->print(&printer); } delete dlg; #endif } void MessageWidget::printPreview() { PrintPreview *preview = new PrintPreview(ui.msgText->document(), this); preview->setWindowModality(Qt::WindowModal); preview->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); preview->show(); /* window will destroy itself! */ } void MessageWidget::saveAs() { QString filename; if (misc::getSaveFileName(window(), RshareSettings::LASTDIR_MESSAGES, tr("Save as..."), tr("HTML-Files (*.htm *.html);;All Files (*)"), filename)) { QFile file(filename); if (!file.open(QFile::WriteOnly)) return; QTextStream ts(&file); ts.setCodec(QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8")); ts << ui.msgText->document()->toHtml("UTF-8"); ui.msgText->document()->setModified(false); } } void MessageWidget::reply() { /* put msg on msgBoard, and switch to it. */ if (currMsgId.empty()) { return; } MessageComposer *msgComposer = MessageComposer::replyMsg(currMsgId, false); if (msgComposer == NULL) { return; } msgComposer->show(); msgComposer->activateWindow(); /* window will destroy itself! */ } void MessageWidget::replyAll() { /* put msg on msgBoard, and switch to it. */ if (currMsgId.empty()) { return; } MessageComposer *msgComposer = MessageComposer::replyMsg(currMsgId, true); if (msgComposer == NULL) { return; } msgComposer->show(); msgComposer->activateWindow(); /* window will destroy itself! */ } void MessageWidget::forward() { /* put msg on msgBoard, and switch to it. */ if (currMsgId.empty()) { return; } MessageComposer *msgComposer = MessageComposer::forwardMsg(currMsgId); if (msgComposer == NULL) { return; } msgComposer->show(); msgComposer->activateWindow(); /* window will destroy itself! */ } void MessageWidget::anchorClicked(const QUrl &url) { RetroShareLink link(url); if (link.valid() == false) { return; } if (link.type() == RetroShareLink::TYPE_CERTIFICATE && currMsgFlags & RS_MSG_USER_REQUEST) { link.setSubType(RSLINK_SUBTYPE_CERTIFICATE_USER_REQUEST); } QList links; links.append(link); RetroShareLink::process(links); } void MessageWidget::loadImagesAlways() { if (currMsgId.empty()) { return; } rsMail->MessageLoadEmbeddedImages(currMsgId, true); }