/* * libretroshare/src/services: p3discovery2.cc * * Services for RetroShare. * * Copyright 2004-2013 by Robert Fernie. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License Version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA. * * Please report all bugs and problems to "retroshare@lunamutt.com". * */ #include "services/p3discovery2.h" #include "util/rsversion.h" #include "retroshare/rsiface.h" #include "rsserver/p3face.h" // Interface pointer. RsDisc *rsDisc = NULL; /**** * #define P3DISC_DEBUG 1 ****/ bool populateContactInfo(const peerState &detail, RsDiscContactItem *pkt) { pkt->clear(); pkt->pgpId = detail.gpg_id; pkt->sslId = detail.id; pkt->location = detail.location; pkt->version = ""; pkt->netMode = detail.netMode; pkt->vs_disc = detail.vs_disc; pkt->vs_dht = detail.vs_dht; pkt->lastContact = time(NULL); if (detail.hiddenNode) { pkt->isHidden = true; pkt->hiddenAddr = detail.hiddenDomain; pkt->hiddenPort = detail.hiddenPort; } else { pkt->isHidden = false; pkt->localAddrV4.addr = detail.localaddr; pkt->extAddrV4.addr = detail.serveraddr; sockaddr_storage_clear(pkt->localAddrV6.addr); sockaddr_storage_clear(pkt->extAddrV6.addr); pkt->dyndns = detail.dyndns; detail.ipAddrs.mLocal.loadTlv(pkt->localAddrList); detail.ipAddrs.mExt.loadTlv(pkt->extAddrList); } return true; } void DiscPgpInfo::mergeFriendList(const std::list &friends) { std::list::const_iterator it; for(it = friends.begin(); it != friends.end(); it++) { mFriendSet.insert(*it); } } p3discovery2::p3discovery2(p3PeerMgr *peerMgr, p3LinkMgr *linkMgr, p3NetMgr *netMgr) :p3Service(), mPeerMgr(peerMgr), mLinkMgr(linkMgr), mNetMgr(netMgr), mDiscMtx("p3discovery2") { RsStackMutex stack(mDiscMtx); /********** STACK LOCKED MTX ******/ addSerialType(new RsDiscSerialiser()); #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::p3discovery2()"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif mLastPgpUpdate = 0; // Add self into PGP FriendList. mFriendList[AuthGPG::getAuthGPG()->getGPGOwnId()] = DiscPgpInfo(); return; } const std::string DISCOVERY_APP_NAME = "disc"; const uint16_t DISCOVERY_APP_MAJOR_VERSION = 1; const uint16_t DISCOVERY_APP_MINOR_VERSION = 0; const uint16_t DISCOVERY_MIN_MAJOR_VERSION = 1; const uint16_t DISCOVERY_MIN_MINOR_VERSION = 0; RsServiceInfo p3discovery2::getServiceInfo() { return RsServiceInfo(RS_SERVICE_TYPE_DISC, DISCOVERY_APP_NAME, DISCOVERY_APP_MAJOR_VERSION, DISCOVERY_APP_MINOR_VERSION, DISCOVERY_MIN_MAJOR_VERSION, DISCOVERY_MIN_MINOR_VERSION); } p3discovery2::~p3discovery2() { return; } void p3discovery2::addFriend(const SSLID &sslId) { PGPID pgpId = getPGPId(sslId); RsStackMutex stack(mDiscMtx); /********** STACK LOCKED MTX ******/ std::map::iterator it; it = mFriendList.find(pgpId); if (it == mFriendList.end()) { #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::addFriend() adding pgp entry: " << pgpId; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif mFriendList[pgpId] = DiscPgpInfo(); it = mFriendList.find(pgpId); } /* now add SSLID */ std::map::iterator sit; sit = it->second.mSslIds.find(sslId); if (sit == it->second.mSslIds.end()) { #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::addFriend() adding ssl entry: " << sslId; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif it->second.mSslIds[sslId] = DiscSslInfo(); sit = it->second.mSslIds.find(sslId); } /* update Settings from peerMgr */ peerState detail; if (mPeerMgr->getFriendNetStatus(sit->first, detail)) { sit->second.mDiscStatus = detail.vs_disc; } else { sit->second.mDiscStatus = RS_VS_DISC_OFF; } } void p3discovery2::removeFriend(const SSLID &sslId) { PGPID pgpId = getPGPId(sslId); RsStackMutex stack(mDiscMtx); /********** STACK LOCKED MTX ******/ std::map::iterator it; it = mFriendList.find(pgpId); if (it == mFriendList.end()) { #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::removeFriend() missing pgp entry: " << pgpId; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif return; } std::map::iterator sit; sit = it->second.mSslIds.find(sslId); if (sit == it->second.mSslIds.end()) { #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::addFriend() missing ssl entry: " << sslId; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif return; } #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::addFriend() removing ssl entry: " << sslId; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif it->second.mSslIds.erase(sit); if (it->second.mSslIds.empty()) { #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::addFriend() pgpId now has no sslIds"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* pgp peer without any ssl entries -> check if they are still a real friend */ if (!(AuthGPG::getAuthGPG()->isGPGAccepted(pgpId))) { #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::addFriend() pgpId is no longer a friend, removing"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif mFriendList.erase(it); } } } PGPID p3discovery2::getPGPId(const SSLID &id) { PGPID pgpId; mPeerMgr->getGpgId(id, pgpId); return pgpId; } int p3discovery2::tick() { return handleIncoming(); } int p3discovery2::handleIncoming() { RsItem *item = NULL; #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::handleIncoming()" << std::endl; #endif int nhandled = 0; // While messages read while(NULL != (item = recvItem())) { RsDiscPgpListItem *pgplist = NULL; RsDiscPgpCertItem *pgpcert = NULL; RsDiscContactItem *contact = NULL; nhandled++; #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::handleIncoming() Received Message!" << std::endl; item -> print(std::cerr); std::cerr << std::endl; #endif if (NULL != (contact = dynamic_cast (item))) { if (item->PeerId() == contact->sslId) /* self describing */ { recvOwnContactInfo(item->PeerId(), contact); } else if (rsPeers->servicePermissionFlags(item->PeerId()) & RS_SERVICE_PERM_DISCOVERY) { processContactInfo(item->PeerId(), contact); } else { /* not allowed */ delete item; } continue; } /* any other packets should be dropped if they don't have permission */ if(!(rsPeers->servicePermissionFlags(item->PeerId()) & RS_SERVICE_PERM_DISCOVERY)) { delete item; continue; } if (NULL != (pgpcert = dynamic_cast (item))) { recvPGPCertificate(item->PeerId(), pgpcert); } else if (NULL != (pgplist = dynamic_cast (item))) { /* two types */ if (pgplist->mode == DISC_PGP_LIST_MODE_FRIENDS) { processPGPList(pgplist->PeerId(), pgplist); } else if (pgplist->mode == DISC_PGP_LIST_MODE_GETCERT) { recvPGPCertificateRequest(pgplist->PeerId(), pgplist); } else { delete item ; } } else { #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::handleIncoming() Unknown Received Message!" << std::endl; item -> print(std::cerr); std::cerr << std::endl; #endif delete item; } } #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::handleIncoming() finished." << std::endl; #endif return nhandled; } void p3discovery2::sendOwnContactInfo(const SSLID &sslid) { #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::sendOwnContactInfo()"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif peerState detail; if (mPeerMgr->getOwnNetStatus(detail)) { RsDiscContactItem *pkt = new RsDiscContactItem(); populateContactInfo(detail, pkt); pkt->version = RsUtil::retroshareVersion(); pkt->PeerId(sslid); #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::sendOwnContactInfo() sending:" << std::endl; pkt -> print(std::cerr); std::cerr << std::endl; #endif sendItem(pkt); } } void p3discovery2::recvOwnContactInfo(const SSLID &fromId, const RsDiscContactItem *item) { #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::recvOwnContactInfo()"; std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << "Info sent by the peer itself -> updating self info:" << std::endl; std::cerr << " -> vs_disc : " << item->vs_disc << std::endl; std::cerr << " -> vs_dht : " << item->vs_dht << std::endl; std::cerr << " -> network mode : " << item->netMode << std::endl; std::cerr << " -> location : " << item->location << std::endl; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif // Peer Own Info replaces the existing info, because the // peer is the primary source of his own IPs. mPeerMgr->setNetworkMode(fromId, item->netMode); mPeerMgr->setLocation(fromId, item->location); mPeerMgr->setVisState(fromId, item->vs_disc, item->vs_dht); setPeerVersion(fromId, item->version); updatePeerAddresses(item); // This information will be sent out to online peers, at the receipt of their PGPList. // It is important that PGPList is received after the OwnContactItem. // This should happen, but is not enforced by the protocol. // start peer list exchange. sendPGPList(fromId); // Update mDiscStatus. RsStackMutex stack(mDiscMtx); /********** STACK LOCKED MTX ******/ PGPID pgpId = getPGPId(fromId); std::map::iterator it = mFriendList.find(pgpId); if (it != mFriendList.end()) { std::map::iterator sit = it->second.mSslIds.find(fromId); if (sit != it->second.mSslIds.end()) { sit->second.mDiscStatus = item->vs_disc; #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::recvOwnContactInfo()"; std::cerr << "updating mDiscStatus to: " << sit->second.mDiscStatus; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif } else { #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::recvOwnContactInfo()"; std::cerr << " ERROR missing SSL Entry: " << fromId; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif } } else { #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::recvOwnContactInfo()"; std::cerr << " ERROR missing PGP Entry: " << pgpId; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif } // cleanup. delete item; } void p3discovery2::updatePeerAddresses(const RsDiscContactItem *item) { if (item->isHidden) { mPeerMgr->setHiddenDomainPort(item->sslId, item->hiddenAddr, item->hiddenPort); } else { mPeerMgr->setLocalAddress(item->sslId, item->localAddrV4.addr); mPeerMgr->setExtAddress(item->sslId, item->extAddrV4.addr); mPeerMgr->setDynDNS(item->sslId, item->dyndns); updatePeerAddressList(item); } } void p3discovery2::updatePeerAddressList(const RsDiscContactItem *item) { if (item->isHidden) { } else { pqiIpAddrSet addrsFromPeer; addrsFromPeer.mLocal.extractFromTlv(item->localAddrList); addrsFromPeer.mExt.extractFromTlv(item->extAddrList); #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "Setting address list to peer " << item->sslId << ", to be:" << std::endl ; std::string addrstr; addrsFromPeer.printAddrs(addrstr); std::cerr << addrstr; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif mPeerMgr->updateAddressList(item->sslId, addrsFromPeer); } } // Starts the Discovery process. // should only be called it DISC2_STATUS_NOT_HIDDEN(OwnInfo.status). void p3discovery2::sendPGPList(const SSLID &toId) { updatePgpFriendList(); RsStackMutex stack(mDiscMtx); /********** STACK LOCKED MTX ******/ #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::sendPGPList() to " << toId; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif RsDiscPgpListItem *pkt = new RsDiscPgpListItem(); pkt->mode = DISC_PGP_LIST_MODE_FRIENDS; std::map::const_iterator it; for(it = mFriendList.begin(); it != mFriendList.end(); it++) { pkt->pgpIdSet.ids.push_back(it->first); } pkt->PeerId(toId); #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::sendPGPList() sending:" << std::endl; pkt->print(std::cerr); std::cerr << std::endl; #endif sendItem(pkt); } void p3discovery2::updatePgpFriendList() { #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::updatePgpFriendList()"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif RsStackMutex stack(mDiscMtx); /********** STACK LOCKED MTX ******/ #define PGP_MAX_UPDATE_PERIOD 300 if (time(NULL) < mLastPgpUpdate + PGP_MAX_UPDATE_PERIOD ) { #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::updatePgpFriendList() Already uptodate"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif return; } mLastPgpUpdate = time(NULL); std::list pgpList; std::set pgpSet; std::set::iterator sit; std::list::iterator lit; std::map::iterator it; PGPID ownPgpId = AuthGPG::getAuthGPG()->getGPGOwnId(); AuthGPG::getAuthGPG()->getGPGAcceptedList(pgpList); pgpList.push_back(ownPgpId); // convert to set for ordering. for(lit = pgpList.begin(); lit != pgpList.end(); lit++) { pgpSet.insert(*lit); } std::list pgpToAdd; std::list pgpToRemove; sit = pgpSet.begin(); it = mFriendList.begin(); while (sit != pgpSet.end() && it != mFriendList.end()) { if (*sit < it->first) { /* to add */ pgpToAdd.push_back(*sit); ++sit; } else if (it->first < *sit) { /* to remove */ pgpToRemove.push_back(it->first); ++it; } else { /* same - okay */ ++sit; ++it; } } /* more to add? */ for(; sit != pgpSet.end(); sit++) { pgpToAdd.push_back(*sit); } for(; it != mFriendList.end(); it++) { /* more to remove */ pgpToRemove.push_back(it->first); } for(lit = pgpToRemove.begin(); lit != pgpToRemove.end(); lit++) { #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::updatePgpFriendList() Removing pgpId: " << *lit; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif it = mFriendList.find(*lit); mFriendList.erase(it); } for(lit = pgpToAdd.begin(); lit != pgpToAdd.end(); lit++) { #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::updatePgpFriendList() Adding pgpId: " << *lit; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif mFriendList[*lit] = DiscPgpInfo(); } /* finally install the pgpList on our own entry */ DiscPgpInfo &ownInfo = mFriendList[ownPgpId]; ownInfo.mergeFriendList(pgpList); } void p3discovery2::processPGPList(const SSLID &fromId, const RsDiscPgpListItem *item) { RsStackMutex stack(mDiscMtx); /********** STACK LOCKED MTX ******/ #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::processPGPList() from " << fromId; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif std::map::iterator it; PGPID fromPgpId = getPGPId(fromId); it = mFriendList.find(fromPgpId); if (it == mFriendList.end()) { #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::processPGPList() is not friend: " << fromId; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif // cleanup. delete item; return; } bool requestUnknownPgpCerts = true; peerState pstate; mPeerMgr->getOwnNetStatus(pstate); if (pstate.vs_disc != RS_VS_DISC_FULL) { requestUnknownPgpCerts = false; } uint32_t linkType = mLinkMgr->getLinkType(fromId); if ((linkType & RS_NET_CONN_SPEED_TRICKLE) || (linkType & RS_NET_CONN_SPEED_LOW)) { std::cerr << "p3discovery2::processPGPList() Not requesting Certificates from: " << fromId; std::cerr << " (low bandwidth)" << std::endl; requestUnknownPgpCerts = false; } if (requestUnknownPgpCerts) { std::list::const_iterator fit; for(fit = item->pgpIdSet.ids.begin(); fit != item->pgpIdSet.ids.end(); fit++) { if (!AuthGPG::getAuthGPG()->isGPGId(*fit)) { #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::processPGPList() requesting PgpId: " << *fit; std::cerr << " from SslId: " << fromId; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif requestPGPCertificate(*fit, fromId); } } } it->second.mergeFriendList(item->pgpIdSet.ids); updatePeers_locked(fromId); // cleanup. delete item; } /* * -> Update Other Peers about B. * -> Update B about Other Peers. */ void p3discovery2::updatePeers_locked(const SSLID &aboutId) { #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::updatePeers_locked() about " << aboutId; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif PGPID aboutPgpId = getPGPId(aboutId); std::map::const_iterator ait; ait = mFriendList.find(aboutPgpId); if (ait == mFriendList.end()) { #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::updatePeers_locked() PgpId is not a friend: " << aboutPgpId; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif return; } std::set mutualFriends; std::set onlineFriends; std::set::const_iterator sit; const std::set &friendSet = ait->second.mFriendSet; std::set::const_iterator fit; for(fit = friendSet.begin(); fit != friendSet.end(); fit++) { #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::updatePeer_locked() checking their friend: " << *fit; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif std::map::const_iterator ffit; ffit = mFriendList.find(*fit); if (ffit == mFriendList.end()) { #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::updatePeer_locked() Ignoring not our friend"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif // Not our friend, or we have no Locations (SSL) for this PGPID (same difference) continue; } if (ffit->second.mFriendSet.find(aboutPgpId) != ffit->second.mFriendSet.end()) { #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::updatePeer_locked() Adding as Mutual Friend"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif mutualFriends.insert(*fit); std::map::const_iterator mit; for(mit = ffit->second.mSslIds.begin(); mit != ffit->second.mSslIds.end(); mit++) { SSLID sslid = mit->first; if (mLinkMgr->isOnline(sslid)) { // TODO IGNORE if sslid == aboutId, or sslid == ownId. #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::updatePeer_locked() Adding Online SSLID: " << sslid; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif onlineFriends.insert(sslid); } } } } #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::updatePeer_locked() Updating " << aboutId << " about Mutual Friends"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif // update aboutId about Other Peers. for(fit = mutualFriends.begin(); fit != mutualFriends.end(); fit++) { sendContactInfo_locked(*fit, aboutId); } #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::updatePeer_locked() Updating Online Peers about " << aboutId; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif // update Other Peers about aboutPgpId. for(sit = onlineFriends.begin(); sit != onlineFriends.end(); sit++) { // This could be more efficient, and only be specific about aboutId. // but we'll leave it like this for the moment. sendContactInfo_locked(aboutPgpId, *sit); } } void p3discovery2::sendContactInfo_locked(const PGPID &aboutId, const SSLID &toId) { #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::sendContactInfo_locked() aboutPGPId: " << aboutId << " toId: " << toId; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif if (!(rsPeers->servicePermissionFlags(toId) & RS_SERVICE_PERM_DISCOVERY)) { #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::sendContactInfo_locked() discovery disabled for SSLID: " << toId; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif return; } std::map::const_iterator it; it = mFriendList.find(aboutId); if (it == mFriendList.end()) { #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::sendContactInfo_locked() ERROR aboutId is not a friend"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif return; } std::map::const_iterator sit; for(sit = it->second.mSslIds.begin(); sit != it->second.mSslIds.end(); sit++) { #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::sendContactInfo_locked() related sslId: " << sit->first; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif if ((sit->first == rsPeers->getOwnId()) || (sit->first == toId)) { #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::processContactInfo() not sending info on self or theirself"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif continue; } if (sit->second.mDiscStatus != RS_VS_DISC_OFF) { peerState detail; if (mPeerMgr->getFriendNetStatus(sit->first, detail)) { RsDiscContactItem *pkt = new RsDiscContactItem(); populateContactInfo(detail, pkt); pkt->PeerId(toId); #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::sendContactInfo_locked() Sending"; std::cerr << std::endl; pkt->print(std::cerr); std::cerr << std::endl; #endif sendItem(pkt); } else { #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::sendContactInfo_locked() No Net Status"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif } } else { #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::sendContactInfo_locked() SSLID Hidden"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif } } } void p3discovery2::processContactInfo(const SSLID &fromId, const RsDiscContactItem *item) { RsStackMutex stack(mDiscMtx); /********** STACK LOCKED MTX ******/ if (item->sslId == rsPeers->getOwnId()) { #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::processContactInfo(" << fromId << ") PGPID: "; std::cerr << item->pgpId << " Ignoring Info on self"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif return; } /* */ std::map::iterator it; it = mFriendList.find(item->pgpId); if (it == mFriendList.end()) { #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::processContactInfo(" << fromId << ") PGPID: "; std::cerr << item->pgpId << " Not Friend."; std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << "p3discovery2::processContactInfo(" << fromId << ") THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN!"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* THESE ARE OUR FRIEND OF FRIENDS ... pass this information along to NetMgr & DHT... * as we can track FOF and use them as potential Proxies / Relays */ if (!item->isHidden) { /* add into NetMgr and non-search, so we can detect connect attempts */ mNetMgr->netAssistFriend(item->sslId,false); /* inform NetMgr that we know this peer */ mNetMgr->netAssistKnownPeer(item->sslId, item->extAddrV4.addr, NETASSIST_KNOWN_PEER_FOF | NETASSIST_KNOWN_PEER_OFFLINE); } return; } bool should_notify_discovery = false; std::map::iterator sit; sit = it->second.mSslIds.find(item->sslId); if (sit == it->second.mSslIds.end()) { /* insert! */ DiscSslInfo sslInfo; it->second.mSslIds[item->sslId] = sslInfo; sit = it->second.mSslIds.find(item->sslId); should_notify_discovery = true; if (!mPeerMgr->isFriend(item->sslId)) { // Add with no disc by default. If friend already exists, it will do nothing // NO DISC is important - otherwise, we'll just enter a nasty loop, // where every addition triggers requests, then they are cleaned up, and readded... // This way we get their addresses, but don't advertise them until we get a // connection. #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "--> Adding to friends list " << item->sslId << " - " << item->pgpId << std::endl; #endif mPeerMgr->addFriend(item->sslId, item->pgpId, item->netMode, RS_VS_DISC_OFF, RS_VS_DHT_FULL,(time_t)0,RS_SERVICE_PERM_ALL); updatePeerAddresses(item); } } updatePeerAddressList(item); RsServer::notify()->notifyListChange(NOTIFY_LIST_NEIGHBOURS, NOTIFY_TYPE_MOD); if(should_notify_discovery) RsServer::notify()->notifyDiscInfoChanged(); } /* we explictly request certificates, instead of getting them all the time */ void p3discovery2::requestPGPCertificate(const PGPID &aboutId, const SSLID &toId) { #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::requestPGPCertificate() aboutId: " << aboutId << " to: " << toId; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif RsDiscPgpListItem *pkt = new RsDiscPgpListItem(); pkt->mode = DISC_PGP_LIST_MODE_GETCERT; pkt->pgpIdSet.ids.push_back(aboutId); pkt->PeerId(toId); #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::requestPGPCertificate() sending:" << std::endl; pkt->print(std::cerr); std::cerr << std::endl; #endif sendItem(pkt); } /* comment */ void p3discovery2::recvPGPCertificateRequest(const SSLID &fromId, const RsDiscPgpListItem *item) { #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::recvPPGPCertificateRequest() from " << fromId; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif std::list::const_iterator it; for(it = item->pgpIdSet.ids.begin(); it != item->pgpIdSet.ids.end(); it++) { // NB: This doesn't include own certificates? why not. // shouldn't be a real problem. Peer must have own PgpCert already. if (AuthGPG::getAuthGPG()->isGPGAccepted(*it)) { sendPGPCertificate(*it, fromId); } } delete item; } void p3discovery2::sendPGPCertificate(const PGPID &aboutId, const SSLID &toId) { /* for Relay Connections (and other slow ones) we don't want to * to waste bandwidth sending certificates. So don't add it. */ uint32_t linkType = mLinkMgr->getLinkType(toId); if ((linkType & RS_NET_CONN_SPEED_TRICKLE) || (linkType & RS_NET_CONN_SPEED_LOW)) { std::cerr << "p3discovery2::sendPGPCertificate() Not sending Certificates to: " << toId; std::cerr << " (low bandwidth)" << std::endl; return; } RsDiscPgpCertItem *item = new RsDiscPgpCertItem(); item->pgpId = aboutId; item->PeerId(toId); #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::sendPGPCertificate() queuing for Cert generation:" << std::endl; item->print(std::cerr); std::cerr << std::endl; #endif RsStackMutex stack(mDiscMtx); /********** STACK LOCKED MTX ******/ /* queue it! */ mPendingDiscPgpCertOutList.push_back(item); } void p3discovery2::recvPGPCertificate(const SSLID &fromId, RsDiscPgpCertItem *item) { #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::recvPGPCertificate() queuing for Cert loading" << std::endl; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* should only happen if in FULL Mode */ peerState pstate; mPeerMgr->getOwnNetStatus(pstate); if (pstate.vs_disc != RS_VS_DISC_FULL) { #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::recvPGPCertificate() Not Loading Certificates as in MINIMAL MODE"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif delete item; } RsStackMutex stack(mDiscMtx); /********** STACK LOCKED MTX ******/ /* push this back to be processed by pgp when possible */ mPendingDiscPgpCertInList.push_back(item); } /************* from pqiServiceMonitor *******************/ void p3discovery2::statusChange(const std::list &plist) { //#ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::statusChange()" << std::endl; //#endif std::list::const_iterator pit; for(pit = plist.begin(); pit != plist.end(); pit++) { if (pit->actions & RS_SERVICE_PEER_CONNECTED) { //#ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::statusChange() Starting Disc with: " << pit->id << std::endl; //#endif sendOwnContactInfo(pit->id); } else if (pit->actions & RS_SERVICE_PEER_DISCONNECTED) { std::cerr << "p3discovery2::statusChange() Disconnected: " << pit->id << std::endl; } if (pit->actions & RS_SERVICE_PEER_NEW) { //#ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::statusChange() Adding Friend: " << pit->id << std::endl; //#endif addFriend(pit->id); } else if (pit->actions & RS_SERVICE_PEER_REMOVED) { //#ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::statusChange() Removing Friend: " << pit->id << std::endl; //#endif removeFriend(pit->id); } } //#ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::statusChange() finished." << std::endl; //#endif return; } /*************************************************************************************/ /* Extracting Network Graph Details */ /*************************************************************************************/ bool p3discovery2::getDiscFriends(const RsPeerId& id, std::list &proxyIds) { // This is treated appart, because otherwise we don't receive any disc info about us if(id == rsPeers->getOwnId()) // SSL id return rsPeers->getFriendList(proxyIds) ; RsStackMutex stack(mDiscMtx); /********** STACK LOCKED MTX ******/ std::map::const_iterator it; PGPID pgp_id = getPGPId(id); it = mFriendList.find(pgp_id); if (it == mFriendList.end()) { // ERROR. return false; } // For each of their friends that we know, grab that set of SSLIDs. const std::set &friendSet = it->second.mFriendSet; std::set::const_iterator fit; for(fit = friendSet.begin(); fit != friendSet.end(); fit++) { it = mFriendList.find(*fit); if (it == mFriendList.end()) { continue; } std::map::const_iterator sit; for(sit = it->second.mSslIds.begin(); sit != it->second.mSslIds.end(); sit++) { proxyIds.push_back(sit->first); } } return true; } bool p3discovery2::getDiscPgpFriends(const PGPID &pgp_id, std::list &proxyPgpIds) { /* find id -> and extract the neighbour_of ids */ if(pgp_id == rsPeers->getGPGOwnId()) // SSL id // This is treated appart, because otherwise we don't receive any disc info about us return rsPeers->getGPGAcceptedList(proxyPgpIds) ; RsStackMutex stack(mDiscMtx); /********** STACK LOCKED MTX ******/ std::map::const_iterator it; it = mFriendList.find(pgp_id); if (it == mFriendList.end()) { // ERROR. return false; } std::set::const_iterator fit; for(fit = it->second.mFriendSet.begin(); fit != it->second.mFriendSet.end(); fit++) { proxyPgpIds.push_back(*fit); } return true; } bool p3discovery2::getPeerVersion(const SSLID &peerId, std::string &version) { RsStackMutex stack(mDiscMtx); /********** STACK LOCKED MTX ******/ std::map::const_iterator it; it = mLocationMap.find(peerId); if (it == mLocationMap.end()) { // MISSING. return false; } version = it->second.mVersion; return true; } bool p3discovery2::setPeerVersion(const SSLID &peerId, const std::string &version) { RsStackMutex stack(mDiscMtx); /********** STACK LOCKED MTX ******/ std::map::iterator it; it = mLocationMap.find(peerId); if (it == mLocationMap.end()) { mLocationMap[peerId] = DiscPeerInfo(); it = mLocationMap.find(peerId); } it->second.mVersion = version; return true; } bool p3discovery2::getWaitingDiscCount(unsigned int *sendCount, unsigned int *recvCount) { if (sendCount == NULL && recvCount == NULL) { /* Nothing to do */ return false; } RsStackMutex stack(mDiscMtx); /********** STACK LOCKED MTX ******/ if (sendCount) { *sendCount = mPendingDiscPgpCertOutList.size(); } if (recvCount) { *recvCount = mPendingDiscPgpCertInList.size(); } return true; } /*************************************************************************************/ /* AuthGPGService */ /*************************************************************************************/ AuthGPGOperation *p3discovery2::getGPGOperation() { { RsStackMutex stack(mDiscMtx); /********** STACK LOCKED MTX ******/ /* process disc reply in list */ if (!mPendingDiscPgpCertInList.empty()) { RsDiscPgpCertItem *item = mPendingDiscPgpCertInList.front(); mPendingDiscPgpCertInList.pop_front(); return new AuthGPGOperationLoadOrSave(true, item->pgpId, item->pgpCert, item); } } { RsStackMutex stack(mDiscMtx); /********** STACK LOCKED MTX ******/ /* process disc reply in list */ if (!mPendingDiscPgpCertOutList.empty()) { RsDiscPgpCertItem *item = mPendingDiscPgpCertOutList.front(); mPendingDiscPgpCertOutList.pop_front(); return new AuthGPGOperationLoadOrSave(false, item->pgpId, "", item); } } return NULL; } void p3discovery2::setGPGOperation(AuthGPGOperation *operation) { AuthGPGOperationLoadOrSave *loadOrSave = dynamic_cast(operation); if (loadOrSave) { RsDiscPgpCertItem *item = (RsDiscPgpCertItem *) loadOrSave->m_userdata; if (!item) { return; } if (loadOrSave->m_load) { #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::setGPGOperation() Loaded Cert" << std::endl; item->print(std::cerr, 5); std::cerr << std::endl; #endif // It has already been processed by PGP. delete item; } else { // Attaching Certificate. item->pgpCert = loadOrSave->m_certGpg; #ifdef P3DISC_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3discovery2::setGPGOperation() Sending Message:" << std::endl; item->print(std::cerr, 5); #endif // Send off message sendItem(item); } return; } /* ignore other operations */ }