#include "ApiServer.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "json.h" #include #include "JsonStream.h" #include "StateTokenServer.h" // for the state token serialisers /* data types in json http://json.org/ string (utf-8 unicode) number (int and float) object (key value pairs, key must be a string) true false null data types in lua http://www.lua.org/pil/2.html nil boolean number (double) string (8-bit) table (key value pairs, keys can be anything except nil) data types in QML http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qtqml-typesystem-basictypes.html bool string real/double int list object types? QML has many more types with special meaning like date C++ delivers std::string bool int (double? i don't know) enum bitflags raw binary data objects std::vector std::list different types of ids/hashes -> convert to/from string with a generic operator -> the operator signals ok/fail to the stream */ /* data types to handle: - bool - string - bitflags - enums containers: - arrays: collection of objects or values without name, usually of the same type - objects: objects and values with names careful: the json lib has many asserts, so retroshare will stop if the smalles thing goes wrong -> check type of json before usage there are two possible implementations: - with a virtual base class for the serialisation targets - better documentation of the interface - with templates */ /* the general idea is: want output in many different formats, while the retrival of the source data is always the same get, put ressource adress like .org.retroshare.api.peers generic router from adress to the ressource handler object data formats for input and output: - json - lua - QObject - maybe just a typed c++ object rest inspired / resource based interface - have resources with adresses - requests: - put - get - request has parameters - response: - returncode: - ok - not modified - error - data = object or list of objects want to have a typesafe interface at the top? probably not, a system with generic return values is enough this interface is for scripting languages which don't have types the interface at the top should look like this: template processRequest(const RequestMeta& req, const RequestDataFormatT& reqData, ResponseMeta& respMeta, ResponseDataFormatT& respData); idea: pass all the interfaces to the retroshare core to this function, or have this function as part of an object the processor then applies all members of the request and response data to the data format like this: reqData << "member1" << member1 << "member2" << member2 ... ; these operators have to be implemented for common things like boolean, int, std::string, std::vector, std::list ... request data gets only deserialised response data gets only serialised response and request meta contains things like resource address, method and additional parameters want generic resource caching mechanism - on first request a request handler is created - request handler is stored with its input data - if a request handler for a given resource adress and parameters exists then the request handler is asked if the result is still valid if yes the result from the existing handler is used - request handler gets deleted after timeout - can have two types of resource handlers: static handlers and dynamic handlers - static handlers don't get deleted, because they don't contain result data - dynamic handlers contain result data, and thus get deleted after a while it is even possible to implement a resource-changed check at the highest level this allows to compute everything on the server side and only send chanes to the client the different resource providers don't have to implement a resource changed check then a top level change detector will poll them of course this does not wokr with a deep resource tree with millions of nodes for this we have the dynamic handlers, they are created on demand and know how to listen for changes which affect them */ namespace resource_api{ // old code, only to copy and paste from // to be removed /* class ChatlobbiesHandler { public: ChatlobbiesHandler(RsMsgs* msgs): mMsgs(msgs) {} template void handleRequest(Request& req, InputT& reqData, Response& resp, OutputT& respData) { if(req.mMethod == "GET") { typename OutputT::Array result; // subscribed lobbies std::list slobbies; mMsgs->getChatLobbyList(slobbies); for(std::list::iterator lit = slobbies.begin(); lit != slobbies.end(); lit++) { typename OutputT::Object lobby; ChatLobbyInfo& lobbyRecord = *lit; lobby["name"] = lobbyRecord.lobby_name; RsPeerId pid; mMsgs->getVirtualPeerId(lobbyRecord.lobby_id, pid); lobby["id"] = pid.toStdString(); lobby["subscribed"] = true; result.push_back(lobby); } // unsubscirbed lobbies std::vector ulobbies; mMsgs->getListOfNearbyChatLobbies(ulobbies); for(std::vector::iterator vit = ulobbies.begin(); vit != ulobbies.end(); vit++) { typename OutputT::Object lobby; VisibleChatLobbyRecord& lobbyRecord = *vit; lobby["name"] = lobbyRecord.lobby_name; RsPeerId pid; mMsgs->getVirtualPeerId(lobbyRecord.lobby_id, pid); lobby["id"] = pid.toStdString(); lobby["subscribed"] = false; result.push_back(lobby); } respData = result; } else if(req.mMethod == "PUT") { RsPeerId id = RsPeerId(req.mAdress.substr(1)); if(!id.isNull() && reqData.HasKey("msg")) { // for now can send only id as message mMsgs->sendPrivateChat(id, reqData["msg"]); } } } RsMsgs* mMsgs; }; */ class ApiServerMainModules { public: ApiServerMainModules(ResourceRouter& router, StateTokenServer* sts, const RsPlugInInterfaces &ifaces): mPeersHandler(sts, ifaces.mNotify, ifaces.mPeers, ifaces.mMsgs), mIdentityHandler(ifaces.mIdentity), mServiceControlHandler(rsServiceControl), // TODO: don't use global variable here mFileSearchHandler(sts, ifaces.mNotify, ifaces.mTurtle, ifaces.mFiles), mTransfersHandler(sts, ifaces.mFiles), mChatHandler(sts, ifaces.mNotify, ifaces.mMsgs, ifaces.mPeers, ifaces.mIdentity, &mPeersHandler) { // the dynamic cast is to not confuse the addResourceHandler template like this: // addResourceHandler(derived class, parent class) // the template would then be instantiated using derived class as parameter // and then parent class would not match the type router.addResourceHandler("peers",dynamic_cast(&mPeersHandler), &PeersHandler::handleRequest); router.addResourceHandler("identity", dynamic_cast(&mIdentityHandler), &IdentityHandler::handleRequest); router.addResourceHandler("servicecontrol", dynamic_cast(&mServiceControlHandler), &ServiceControlHandler::handleRequest); router.addResourceHandler("filesearch", dynamic_cast(&mFileSearchHandler), &FileSearchHandler::handleRequest); router.addResourceHandler("transfers", dynamic_cast(&mTransfersHandler), &TransfersHandler::handleRequest); router.addResourceHandler("chat", dynamic_cast(&mChatHandler), &ChatHandler::handleRequest); } PeersHandler mPeersHandler; IdentityHandler mIdentityHandler; ServiceControlHandler mServiceControlHandler; FileSearchHandler mFileSearchHandler; TransfersHandler mTransfersHandler; ChatHandler mChatHandler; }; ApiServer::ApiServer(): mMtx("ApiServer mMtx"), mStateTokenServer(), mLivereloadhandler(&mStateTokenServer), mTmpBlobStore(&mStateTokenServer), mMainModules(0) { mRouter.addResourceHandler("statetokenservice", dynamic_cast(&mStateTokenServer), &StateTokenServer::handleRequest); mRouter.addResourceHandler("livereload", dynamic_cast(&mLivereloadhandler), &LivereloadHandler::handleRequest); } ApiServer::~ApiServer() { RS_STACK_MUTEX(mMtx); // ********** LOCKED ********** for(std::vector::iterator vit = mRequests.begin(); vit != mRequests.end(); ++vit) delete vit->task; mRequests.clear(); if(mMainModules) delete mMainModules; } void ApiServer::loadMainModules(const RsPlugInInterfaces &ifaces) { RS_STACK_MUTEX(mMtx); // ********** LOCKED ********** if(mMainModules == 0) mMainModules = new ApiServerMainModules(mRouter, &mStateTokenServer, ifaces); } std::string ApiServer::handleRequest(Request &request) { resource_api::JsonStream outstream; std::stringstream debugString; StreamBase& data = outstream.getStreamToMember("data"); resource_api::Response resp(data, debugString); ResponseTask* task = 0; { RS_STACK_MUTEX(mMtx); // ********** LOCKED ********** task = mRouter.handleRequest(request, resp); } time_t start = time(NULL); bool morework = true; while(task && morework) { { RS_STACK_MUTEX(mMtx); // ********** LOCKED ********** morework = task->doWork(request, resp); } if(morework) usleep(10*1000); /*if(time(NULL) > (start+5)) { std::cerr << "ApiServer::handleRequest() Error: task timed out" << std::endl; resp.mDebug << "Error: task timed out." << std::endl; resp.mReturnCode = resource_api::Response::FAIL; break; }*/ } if(task) delete task; std::string returncode; switch(resp.mReturnCode){ case resource_api::Response::NOT_SET: returncode = "not_set"; break; case resource_api::Response::OK: returncode = "ok"; break; case resource_api::Response::WARNING: returncode = "warning"; break; case resource_api::Response::FAIL: returncode = "fail"; break; } // evil HACK, remove this if(data.isRawData()) return data.getRawData(); outstream << resource_api::makeKeyValue("debug_msg", debugString.str()); outstream << resource_api::makeKeyValueReference("returncode", returncode); if(!resp.mStateToken.isNull()) outstream << resource_api::makeKeyValueReference("statetoken", resp.mStateToken); return outstream.getJsonString(); } ApiServer::RequestId ApiServer::handleRequest(Request &request, Response &response) { RequestId id; ResponseTask* task = 0; { RS_STACK_MUTEX(mMtx); // ********** LOCKED ********** task = mRouter.handleRequest(request, response); } if(task == 0) { id.done = true; return id; } id.done = false, id.task = task; id.request = &request; id.response = &response; { RS_STACK_MUTEX(mMtx); // ********** LOCKED ********** mRequests.push_back(id); } return id; } bool ApiServer::isRequestDone(RequestId id) { if(id.done) return true; RS_STACK_MUTEX(mMtx); // ********** LOCKED ********** std::vector::iterator vit = std::find(mRequests.begin(), mRequests.end(), id); // Request id not found, maybe the id is old and was removed from the list if(vit == mRequests.end()) return true; if(id.task->doWork(*id.request, *id.response)) return false; // if we reach this point, the request is in the list and done // remove the id from the list of valid ids // delete the ResponseTask object *vit = mRequests.back(); mRequests.pop_back(); delete id.task; return true; } } // namespace resource_api