/* * libretroshare/src/tests/serialiser: msgitem_test.cc * * RetroShare Serialiser. * * Copyright 2010 by Christopher Evi-Parker. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA. * * Please report all bugs and problems to "retroshare@lunamutt.com". * */ #include <iostream> #include "util/rsrandom.h" #include "serialiser/rsmsgitems.h" #include "chat/rschatitems.h" #include "support.h" #include "rstlvutil.h" RsSerialType* init_item(RsChatMsgItem& cmi) { cmi.chatFlags = rand()%34; cmi.sendTime = rand()%422224; randString(LARGE_STR, cmi.message); return new RsChatSerialiser(); } RsSerialType* init_item(RsChatLobbyListRequestItem& ) { return new RsChatSerialiser(); } RsSerialType* init_item(RsChatLobbyListItem& cmi) { int n = rand()%20 ; cmi.lobby_ids.resize(n) ; cmi.lobby_names.resize(n) ; cmi.lobby_topics.resize(n) ; cmi.lobby_counts.resize(n) ; cmi.lobby_privacy_levels.resize(n) ; for(int i=0;i<n;++i) { cmi.lobby_ids[i] = RSRandom::random_u64() ; randString(5+(rand()%10), cmi.lobby_names[i]); randString(20+(rand()%15), cmi.lobby_topics[i]); cmi.lobby_counts[i] = RSRandom::random_u32() ; cmi.lobby_privacy_levels[i] = RSRandom::random_u32()%3 ; } return new RsChatSerialiser(); } RsSerialType* init_item(RsChatLobbyMsgItem& cmi) { RsSerialType *serial = init_item( *dynamic_cast<RsChatMsgItem*>(&cmi)) ; cmi.msg_id = RSRandom::random_u64() ; cmi.lobby_id = RSRandom::random_u64() ; cmi.nick = "My nickname" ; cmi.subpacket_id = rand()%256 ; cmi.parent_msg_id = RSRandom::random_u64() ; return serial ; } RsSerialType *init_item(RsChatLobbyEventItem& cmi) { cmi.lobby_id = RSRandom::random_u64() ; cmi.msg_id = RSRandom::random_u64() ; randString(20, cmi.nick); cmi.event_type = RSRandom::random_u32()%256 ; randString(20, cmi.string1); return new RsChatSerialiser(); } RsSerialType* init_item(RsChatLobbyInviteItem& cmi) { cmi.lobby_id = RSRandom::random_u64() ; cmi.lobby_name = "Name of the lobby" ; return new RsChatSerialiser(); } RsSerialType* init_item(RsPrivateChatMsgConfigItem& pcmi) { pcmi.configPeerId = RsPeerId::random(); pcmi.chatFlags = rand()%34; pcmi.configFlags = rand()%21; pcmi.sendTime = rand()%422224; randString(LARGE_STR, pcmi.message); pcmi.recvTime = rand()%344443; return new RsChatSerialiser(); } RsSerialType* init_item(RsChatStatusItem& csi) { randString(SHORT_STR, csi.status_string); csi.flags = rand()%232; return new RsChatSerialiser(); } RsSerialType* init_item(RsChatAvatarItem& cai) { std::string image_data; randString(LARGE_STR, image_data); cai.image_data = new unsigned char[image_data.size()]; memcpy(cai.image_data, image_data.c_str(), image_data.size()); cai.image_size = image_data.size(); return new RsChatSerialiser(); } RsSerialType* init_item(RsMsgItem& mi) { init_item(mi.attachment); init_item(mi.rspeerid_msgbcc); init_item(mi.rspeerid_msgcc); init_item(mi.rspeerid_msgto); randString(LARGE_STR, mi.message); randString(SHORT_STR, mi.subject); mi.msgId = rand()%324232; mi.recvTime = rand()%44252; mi.sendTime = mi.recvTime; mi.msgFlags = mi.recvTime; return new RsMsgSerialiser(true); } RsSerialType* init_item(RsMsgTagType& mtt) { mtt.rgb_color = rand()%5353; mtt.tagId = rand()%24242; randString(SHORT_STR, mtt.text); return new RsMsgSerialiser(); } RsSerialType* init_item(RsMsgTags& mt) { mt.msgId = rand()%3334; int i; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { mt.tagIds.push_back(rand()%21341); } return new RsMsgSerialiser(); } RsSerialType* init_item(RsMsgSrcId& ms) { ms.msgId = rand()%434; ms.srcId = RsPeerId::random(); return new RsMsgSerialiser(); } RsSerialType* init_item(RsMsgParentId& ms) { ms.msgId = rand()%354; ms.msgParentId = rand()%476; return new RsMsgSerialiser(); } bool operator ==(const RsChatLobbyListItem& cmiLeft,const RsChatLobbyListItem& cmiRight) { if(cmiLeft.lobby_ids.size() != cmiRight.lobby_ids.size()) return false; if(cmiLeft.lobby_names.size() != cmiRight.lobby_names.size()) return false; if(cmiLeft.lobby_counts.size() != cmiRight.lobby_counts.size()) return false; for(uint32_t i=0;i<cmiLeft.lobby_ids.size();++i) { if(cmiLeft.lobby_ids[i] != cmiRight.lobby_ids[i]) return false ; if(cmiLeft.lobby_names[i] != cmiRight.lobby_names[i]) return false ; if(cmiLeft.lobby_counts[i] != cmiRight.lobby_counts[i]) return false ; } return true ; } bool operator ==(const RsChatLobbyListRequestItem& ,const RsChatLobbyListRequestItem& ) { return true ; } bool operator ==(const RsChatMsgItem& cmiLeft,const RsChatMsgItem& cmiRight) { if(cmiLeft.chatFlags != cmiRight.chatFlags) return false; if(cmiLeft.message != cmiRight.message) return false; if(cmiLeft.sendTime != cmiRight.sendTime) return false; return true; } bool operator ==(const RsPrivateChatMsgConfigItem& pcmiLeft,const RsPrivateChatMsgConfigItem& pcmiRight) { if(pcmiLeft.configPeerId != pcmiRight.configPeerId) return false; if(pcmiLeft.chatFlags != pcmiRight.chatFlags) return false; if(pcmiLeft.configFlags != pcmiRight.configFlags) return false; if(pcmiLeft.message != pcmiRight.message) return false; if(pcmiLeft.sendTime != pcmiRight.sendTime) return false; if(pcmiLeft.recvTime != pcmiRight.recvTime) return false; return true; } bool operator ==(const RsChatStatusItem& csiLeft, const RsChatStatusItem& csiRight) { if(csiLeft.flags != csiRight.flags) return false; if(csiLeft.status_string != csiRight.status_string) return false; return true; } bool operator ==(const RsChatLobbyMsgItem& csiLeft, const RsChatLobbyMsgItem& csiRight) { if(! ( (RsChatMsgItem&)csiLeft == (RsChatMsgItem&)csiRight)) return false ; if(csiLeft.lobby_id != csiRight.lobby_id) return false ; if(csiLeft.msg_id != csiRight.msg_id) return false ; if(csiLeft.nick != csiRight.nick) return false ; return true; } bool operator ==(const RsChatLobbyEventItem& csiLeft, const RsChatLobbyEventItem& csiRight) { if(csiLeft.lobby_id != csiRight.lobby_id) return false ; if(csiLeft.msg_id != csiRight.msg_id) return false ; if(csiLeft.nick != csiRight.nick) return false ; if(csiLeft.event_type != csiRight.event_type) return false ; if(csiLeft.string1 != csiRight.string1) return false ; return true; } bool operator ==(const RsChatLobbyInviteItem& csiLeft, const RsChatLobbyInviteItem& csiRight) { if(csiLeft.lobby_id != csiRight.lobby_id) return false ; if(csiLeft.lobby_name != csiRight.lobby_name) return false ; return true; } bool operator ==(const RsChatAvatarItem& caiLeft, const RsChatAvatarItem& caiRight) { unsigned char* image_dataLeft = (unsigned char*)caiLeft.image_data; unsigned char* image_dataRight = (unsigned char*)caiRight.image_data; // make image sizes are the same to prevent dereferencing garbage if(caiLeft.image_size == caiRight.image_size) { image_dataLeft = (unsigned char*)caiLeft.image_data; image_dataRight = (unsigned char*)caiRight.image_data; } else { return false; } for(uint32_t i = 0; i < caiLeft.image_size; i++) if(image_dataLeft[i] != image_dataRight[i]) return false; return true; } bool operator ==(const RsMsgItem& miLeft, const RsMsgItem& miRight) { if(miLeft.message != miRight.message) return false; if(miLeft.msgFlags != miRight.msgFlags) return false; if(miLeft.recvTime != miRight.recvTime) return false; if(miLeft.sendTime != miRight.sendTime) return false; if(miLeft.subject != miRight.subject) return false; if(miLeft.msgId != miRight.msgId) return false; if(!(miLeft.attachment == miRight.attachment)) return false; if(!(miLeft.rspeerid_msgbcc == miRight.rspeerid_msgbcc)) return false; if(!(miLeft.rspeerid_msgcc == miRight.rspeerid_msgcc)) return false; if(!(miLeft.rspeerid_msgto == miRight.rspeerid_msgto)) return false; return true; } bool operator ==(const RsMsgTagType& mttLeft, const RsMsgTagType& mttRight) { if(mttLeft.rgb_color != mttRight.rgb_color) return false; if(mttLeft.tagId != mttRight.tagId) return false; if(mttLeft.text != mttRight.text) return false; return true; } bool operator ==(const RsMsgTags& mtLeft, const RsMsgTags& mtRight) { if(mtLeft.msgId != mtRight.msgId) return false; if(mtLeft.tagIds != mtRight.tagIds) return false; return true; } bool operator ==(const RsMsgSrcId& msLeft, const RsMsgSrcId& msRight) { if(msLeft.msgId != msRight.msgId) return false; if(msLeft.srcId != msRight.srcId) return false; return true; } bool operator ==(const RsMsgParentId& msLeft, const RsMsgParentId& msRight) { if(msLeft.msgId != msRight.msgId) return false; if(msLeft.msgParentId != msRight.msgParentId) return false; return true; } TEST(libretroshare_serialiser, RsMsgItem) { test_RsItem<RsChatMsgItem >(); test_RsItem<RsChatLobbyMsgItem >(); test_RsItem<RsChatLobbyInviteItem >(); test_RsItem<RsChatLobbyEventItem >(); test_RsItem<RsChatLobbyListRequestItem >(); test_RsItem<RsChatLobbyListItem >(); test_RsItem<RsChatStatusItem >(); test_RsItem<RsChatAvatarItem >(); test_RsItem<RsMsgItem >(); test_RsItem<RsMsgTagType>(); test_RsItem<RsMsgTags>(); test_RsItem<RsMsgSrcId>(); test_RsItem<RsMsgParentId>(); }